"金融语境中的long position和short position是什么意思,怎么翻译? "

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Long position和Short position是证券或外汇交易的特定用语。Position一词在这里指的是“寸头”,是金融界及商业界的流行用语。如果银行在当日的全部收付款中收入大于支出款项,就称为“多头寸”,如果付出款项大于收入款项,就称为“缺头寸”。

Long position指的是“多头,好仓,市价看涨(股票术语);采取多头市场;对市场价格持看涨观点”。参考双语例句:

The interest include: (i) 16,722,000 Shares of long position directly held by Tsinlien; and (ii) 568,017,143 Shares of long position held by Tianjin Investment Holdings Limited, 2,022,000 Shares of long position held by Tsinlien Venture Capital Company Limited, 64,592,000 Shares of long position held by Tsinlien Investment Limited and 220,298,109 Shares of short position held by Bright North Limited, all being wholly-owned subsidiaries of Tsinlien.

该等权益包括:(i)16,722,000股 股份之好仓由津联直接持有;及(ii)568,017,143股股份之好仓由天津投资控股有限公司持有2,022,000股股份之好仓由津联创业投资有限公司持有64,592,000股股份之好仓由津联投资有限公司持有,以及220,298,109股股份之淡仓由Bright North Limited持有(四间公司均为津联的全资附属公司)。

Short position指的是“空头,淡仓,市场看跌,证券或外汇交易中未补抛空差额,欠缺的头寸”。参考双语例句:

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2007, the Company has not been notified of any other person (other than the Directors and chief executives of the Company) who had an interest or short position in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which fell to be disclosed to the Company under Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO.


发布于 2022-03-30 15:43:00