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筹资,英文为cash raising或raise cash,是通过一定渠道、采取适当方式筹措资金的财务活动,是财务管理的首要环节。筹资等同于资金筹集,是指企业通过各种方式和法定程序,从不同的资金渠道,筹措所需资金的全过程。


1,不动产抵押(Real estate mortgage):不动产抵押中小企业融资是市场上运用最多的中小企业融资方式。在进行不动产抵押中小企业融资上,企业一定要关注中国关于不动产抵押的法律规定,如《担保法》、《城市房地产管理法》等,避免上当受骗。

2,股权转让(Equity Transfer):股权转让中小企业融资是指中小企业通过转让公司部分股权而获得资金,从而满足企业的资金需求。中小企业进行股权出让中小企业融资,实际是想引入新的合作者。吸引直接投资的过程。因此,股权出让对对象的选择必须十分慎重而周密,否则搞不好,企业会失去控制权而处于被动局面,建议企业家在进行股权转让之前,先咨询公司法专业人士,并谨慎行事。

3,融资租赁(Financial Lease):融资租赁是指出租方根据承租方对供货商、租赁物的选择,向供货商购买租赁物,提供给承租方使用,承租方在契约或者合同规定的期限内分期支付租金的融资方式。




②发行股票;issue shares

③利用留存收益;leveraging retained earnings

④向银行借款;borrowings from central bank

⑤利用商业信用;commercial credit

⑥发行公司债券;corporate bond issue

⑦融资租赁;finance lease

⑧杠杆收购。leveraged buyout


The Security Council, in its resolution 1810 (2008), decided that the Committee should continue to intensify its efforts to promote the full implementation by all States of resolution 1540 (2004) through its programme of work, which includes the compilation of information on the status of States’ implementation of all aspects of resolution 1540 (2004), outreach, dialogue, assistance and cooperation, and which addresses in particular all aspects of paragraphs 1 and 2 of that resolution, as well as of paragraph 3, which encompasses (a) accountability, (b) physical protection, (c) border controls and law enforcement efforts and (d) national export and trans-shipment controls, including controls on providing funds and services such as financing to such export and trans-shipment.

安全理事会第1810(2008)号决议决定,委员会应继续加紧努力,通过其工作方案,推动所有国家全面执行第1540(2004)号决议,工作方案包括汇编有关各国执行第 1540(2004)号决议各个方面的情况、外联、对话、援助与合作的信息,尤其应列入该决议第1和第2段所涉及的所有方面,并列入第3段所涉各个方面,其中包含:(a)衡算,(b)实物保护,(c)边境管制和执法努力,(d)国家对出口和转口实行的管制,包括对此种出口和转口相关资金和服务的提供,例如融资,实施管制。

According to paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), the freeze and transfer apply to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of individuals and entities associated with the former Iraqi regime, i.e. funds, other financial assets and economic resources removed from Iraq or acquired by Saddam Hussein or other senior officials of the former Iraqi regime and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction; as well as to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, located outside Iraq.

根据第1483(2003)号决议第23段,冻结和转入适用于与伊拉克前政权有关联的个人和实体的资金或其他金融资产或经济资源,即萨达姆·侯赛因或伊拉克前政权其他高级官员及其直系亲属,包括由他们本人或代表他们或按他们指示行事的人直接间接拥有或控制的实体,转移出伊拉克或获取的资金或其他金融资产或 经济资源;以及伊拉克前政府或其国家机关、公司或代理人在伊拉克境外的资金或其他金融资产或经济资源。

发布于 2022-04-29 15:31:43