近日,李宁被曝正在申请注册“宁咖啡NING COFFEE”商标。从2018年永久牌自行车跨界开咖啡店开始,中石化(易捷咖啡)、中国邮政(邮局咖啡)、同仁堂(知嘛健康)、狗不理(喬咖啡)也纷纷入局国内的咖啡赛道。
据统计,一袋 1 磅的烘焙全咖啡价格为 14.99 美元或更高。然而,零售商能够以更接近规定批发价格的方式获得咖啡。一磅烘焙咖啡豆可以转化为大约 15 杯 16 盎司(475 毫升)冲泡咖啡,可供商店使用。以 2.80 美元/杯的价格计算,这意味着咖啡的产量为 42.00 美元/磅。考虑到利息和税收的额外成本时,SCA 的数据表示零售商的净利润为 2.90 美元/磅或 6.9%,略低于烘焙商的净利润。
Coffee is a popular beverage and an important commodity. Tens of millions of small producers in developing countries make their living growing coffee. Over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world daily that amounts to 2.5 cups of coffee consumed per person on average. Over 90 percent of coffee production takes place in developing countries—mainly South America—while consumption happens primarily in industrialized economies. There are 25 million small producers who rely on coffee for a living worldwide. In Brazil, where almost a third of the world's coffee is produced, over five million people are employed in the cultivation and harvesting of over three billion coffee plants.
咖啡是一种受欢迎的饮料和重要商品。发展中国家数以千万计的小生产者以种植咖啡为生。全世界每天消耗超过 22.5 亿杯咖啡,相当于每人平均消耗 2.5 杯咖啡。超过 90% 的咖啡产自发展中国家——主要是南美洲——而消费主要发生在工业化经国家。全世界有 2500 万小生产者以咖啡为生。世界上近三分之一的咖啡产自巴西,超过 500 万人受雇于种植和收获超过 30 亿株咖啡树。
Coffee is a major export commodity and was the top agricultural export for 12 countries in 2004; the world's seventh-largest legal agricultural export, by value, in 2005; and "the second most valuable commodity exported by developing countries," from 1970 to circa 2000, which is frequently misstated—see coffee commodity market. Unroasted, or green, coffee beans comprise one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world; the commodity is traded in futures contracts on many exchanges, including the New York Board of Trade, New York Mercantile Exchange, New York Intercontinental Exchange. Important trading and processing centers for coffee in Europe are Hamburg and Trieste.
咖啡是主要的出口商品,是 2004 年 12 个国家的最大出口农产品; 2005年,按价值计算,世界第七大合法出口农产品;和“发展中国家出口的第二大价值商品”,从 1970 年到大约 2000 年,经常被误报——参见咖啡商品市场。未烘烤的或绿色的咖啡豆是世界上交易量最大的农产品之一。该商品在许多交易所以期货合约进行交易,包括纽约贸易委员会、纽约商品交易所、纽约洲际交易所。欧洲重要的咖啡贸易和加工中心是汉堡和的里雅斯特。
英文来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_coffee