借壳上市,英文表达为back door listing。是一个金融术语,指一家母公司(集团公司)通过把资产注入一家市值较低的已上市公司(壳:shell),得到该公司一定程度的控股权,利用其上市公司地位,使母公司的资产得以上市。
买壳上市,英文表达为go public through buying,欲买壳的企业先收购控股一家被选为“壳”公司的上市公司,然后将买壳企业的经营性资产、重要子公司等通过出售或置换、定向增发暨吸收合并或控股合并等形式注入该上市公司,从而实现上市。
Many abnormal fluctuation phenomena occurs together with the rumors of private offering, asset reconstruction, "on listed as a whole" and "back-door listing".
One of the major upsides of going through a back door listing is that it is considered a cost-effective measure for a private firm to go public. Because it can strike up a deal with an already public company, it doesn't have to go through the expenses of regulatory filings or funding to go public.Private firms may also inject life into a troubled company without the need to raise more money from the market.
A shareholder in a public company, who individually or jointly with its subsidiaries or parent entities has reached or exceeded 90% of the total vote in the company, shall be entitled, within three months from the day on which this threshold has been reached or exceeded, to demand that the other shareholders sell all the shares held in the company.