国际物流中的Free Demurrage、Free Detention和Free Storage

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集装箱免箱期分为Free Demurrage和Free Detention:

Demurrage一词在法律英语中就是指(船舶)租借逾期费;滞留;滞留费(the delaying of a ship, railway wagon, etc, caused by the charterer's failure to load, unload, etc, before the time of scheduled departure)。Demurrage和Detention都是外贸航运的用语,D&D(Demurrage & Detention)都是滞箱费/滞柜费,指的都是因为货物在目的港滞留而收取的费用种类。

Free Demurrage:从货柜卸到码头开始计算,直到货柜被提出码头为止。

Free Detention:货柜从提出码头开始计算,到空柜返回码头止。

Ree Demurrage Days:货物抵港后集装箱在码头内的免租期。The demurrage period is calculated form thedate of discharge of full container up until the date the full container is clearedout of port, after deducting the standard free time.

Free Detention Days:货物抵港后集装箱拖离,在码头外的免租期。The detention period is calculated from thedate the full container is cleared out of port up until the date the container isreturned empty by the consignee to the carriers stack in port.

Demurrage可缩写为DM,意思是滞期费。超过期限,收货人如仍未提货, 应按船公司规定交Demurrage

Detention可缩写为DT,意思是滞箱费。超所期限,收货人如仍未还空箱, 应按船公司规定交Detention.

免堆期英文为Free Storage:


Free Demurrage、Free Detention和Free Storage的区别:

Free demurrage和Free detention是由船公司收取的滞柜费,正常是7天左右;

Free Storage则是码头收取的堆存费,一般是在5-7天。


In June 2009, the United States International Trade Commission published a report on sales of agricultural products to Cuba in which it was recognized that the constraints on trade between the two countries included: difficult payment terms for Cuban importers; additional costs incurred by Alimport for storage or demurrage owing to bureaucratic obstacles; the complex and drawn-out licensing process for exporters who need to travel to Cuba; travel restrictions affecting Cuban negotiators; and penalties under United States law for foreign ships that have docked in Cuban ports and for the Cuban Government’s purchases from certain countries for geopolitical considerations.


Examples of the matters with which we regularly deal are: cargo claims, bunker disputes, laytime and demurrage disputes, hire and off-hire claims, ship repair claims, performance warranties, commodity disputes, CIF and FOB contracts, trade finance and documentary credits, cargo policies, haulage and freight forwarding contracts; cross-border courier business as well as claims for loss of life / personal injury sustained on board vessels.


发布于 2022-08-02 15:14:54