Challenge For Cause,翻译为有因回避,一种回避制度,是指在提出回避申请时必须提出相应理由。拥有回避申请权的诉讼参与者只有在案件具备法定的回避理由的情况下,才能提出要求有关公安司法人员回避的申请。
Challenge Without Cause,也写作peremptory challenge,翻译为无因回避,即申请『到避的人毋需说明回避的原因及理由,英国对陪审官的回避即分为有因回避与无因回避两种。被告人及其辩护律师享有无因回避的申请权利,被告人可要求7名陪审官回避。法国也在《刑事诉讼法典》中规定,被告人或其律师、公设律师(公诉人)有权申请陪审官回避,并不必说明理由。中国不采取无因回避,当事人及其法定代理人申请回避应说明理由,并应符合诉讼法的有关规定。
The Constitution, Criminal Procedure Law and Organic Law of the People’s Courts safeguard fair trials by establishing a systematic mechanism of open trials, defenders, recusal, and people’s assessors.
《宪法》、《刑事诉讼法》、《人民法院组织法》等通过确立公开审判制 度、辩护制度、回避制度、人 民陪审员制度等一系列机制保障公正审判。
China consistently maintains that all persons are equal before the law, and is working to uphold judicial and social justice and guarantee citizens’ legitimate rights through the exercise of systems of open public trials, collegial judgment panels, people’s assessors, recusal of judges, limitation of second-instance trials, and court costs assistance.