“Legal representative”和“Authorized representative”

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在翻译英文合同时,经常出现“Legal representative”和“Authorized representative”下面我们具体分析一下这两个词的具体含义。

Legal representative的英文意思为“a person empowered to act for another person, including an agent, a manager, an officer, a partner, or an associate of an organization; a trustee of a trust; a personal representative; a trustee in bankruptcy; and a receiver, guardian, custodian, or conservator.”;中文意思为“法定代表人”。《民法总则》第六十一条规定“依照法律或者法人章程的规定,代表法人从事民事活动的负责人,为法人的法定代表人。法定代表人以法人名义从事的民事活动,其法律后果由法人承受。法人章程或者法人权力机构对法定代表人代表权的限制,不得对抗善意相对人”。《公司法》第十三条规定“公司法定代表人依照公司章程的规定,由董事长、执行董事或者经理担任,并依法登记。公司法定代表人变更,应当办理变更登记。”

Authorized representative的英文意思为“ Someone who you choose to act on your behalf with the Marketplace, like a family member or other trusted person. Some authorized representatives may have legal authority to act on your behalf.”;中文意思为“授权代表”,公司授权代表的权限则来自授权书或类似文件,关于授权代表需注意:第一,授权有特定性。授权事项总有一定范围,如特定事项的接洽,磋商,包括签订书面合同,也可能没有修改合同或签署合同的权力;第二,授权有时间性,授权只在授权书规定时间范围内有效;第三,授权是可以随时撤销的。从这个意义上授权代表签署合同的权力是有限和不稳定的。


1. Distributor shall maintain and keep true and correct accounting books and records with respect to the sale of Goods in accordance with the accounting and auditing principles generally accepted in China. Seller shall have the right to inspect Distributor’s books up to two (2) times per year using an authorized representative at Seller’s cost and expense, without disturbing the normal operations and activities of Distributor   


2.“Licensor” means    Company    Country, or the legal representative, or agency or the property successor of the Company.

“许可方”是指   国   公司,或公司的法定代表、代理或财产继承者。

发布于 2020-06-04 11:10:59