Abuse of Process和Malicious Prosecution在英美法中均属侵权范畴行为。
Abuse of Process,为“滥用诉讼程序”,指恶意地不正当地使用常规的诉讼程序,以期从对方当事人处获得某种利益。如原告通过欺诈诱使被告进入法院辖区,以便可以向其送达令状,则法院可以滥用诉讼程序为根据撤销送达。
Malicious Prosecution,也称为malicious use of process,为“恶意诉讼”,“恶意控告”,指没有合理根据而恶意对某人提起刑事或民事诉讼,将以失败告终。被诬告人对此可提起损害赔偿之诉,但需证明:1他曾被起诉;2起诉者为诬告人即现被告;3诬告以失败告终;4诬告之诉缺乏合理根据;5诬告人存在恶意;6现原告因此受损。
In January 1993 the defendant made an application before the trial judge for a stay of proceedings on the basis that a trial would constitute an abuse of process and that there had been a deprivation of his right to a trial without undue delay under the Bill of Rights.
It also submits that the author’s allegations invoking a violation of article 18 should be deemed inadmissible, as they are based on the exactly same facts as those presented to the Minister’s Delegate, and national proceedings did not disclose any manifest error or unreasonableness and were not tainted by abuse of process, bad faith, manifest bias or serious irregularities.
If he is innocent, he may obtain no redress from the state for his legal costs, loss of business, and the mental and physical trauma involved (assuming it is not a case of malicious prosecution).
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3, para. 20) whereby compliance with the provisions of article 12 of the Convention requires a derogation from the system of discretionary prosecution, so as to oblige the competent authorities to launch impartial inquiries systematically and on their own initiative wherever there are reasonable grounds for believing that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its jurisdiction, in order to effectively ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes do not remain unpunished.