殷琪玛瑞条款 (Inchmaree Clause)又称“疏忽条款”或“潜在缺点条款”。该条款是国际海上保险市场上船舶保险单中常见的条款。1887年英国上议院在对“殷琪玛瑞”号船损失保险索赔案的判决中认为船员疏忽所致的机器损坏,不是海上保险,不在保险单的责任范围之内。为了扩大这些原不属于保险单责任的损失,保险人特以“殷琪玛瑞”轮命名该条保险条款,并在船舶保险条款中加上这一条款。 它是船舶保险单中确定承保风险的一个条款。该条款承保的风险主要是与船舶经营运输有关的人为的意外事故,包括(a)、(b)两款的风险:(a)款承保船舶由于下列原因产生的灭失或损坏:1.装卸、搬运货物或燃料过程中的事故;2.船上或其他地方的爆炸;3.核装置或反应堆所发生的故障或事故;4.锅炉爆炸,转轴断裂和其他机器或船体任何的潜在缺陷;5.船长、船员和引水员的疏忽;6.非被保险人的修理人员的疏忽;(b)款承保由于被保船舶与其他物体的碰撞和自然灾害所引起的船舶灭失和损坏。上述灭失或损坏如系由于船舶所有人或管理人本人因缺乏应有的勤勉谨慎所造成,被保险人不得依据本条款索赔。 Inchmaree Clause is a term associated with maritime law. It is a clause in a marine insurance policy that protects against damage or loss caused by the negligence of a vessel's captain or crew or by any defect in the ship's hull or machinery and not caused by nature. The name is derived from a steamer called the Inchmaree, in which a pump was damaged by its crew's negligence. After the decision of British Court, that such an accident was not a peril of the sea and so not covered by the standard insurance contracts of the time, maritime insurance contracts specifically included a comprehensive clause on such risks called an Inchmaree Clause. 以下为相关例句,以加深对该条款的理解,可供参考: 例句1 An Inchmaree clause is found in maritime insurance policies and provides coverage for the ship’s hull from loss or damage caused by machinery. The Inchmaree clause, also called the negligence clause, covers damage that is caused by the negligence of ship personnel, such as engineers and captains, when navigating. It is a type of additional perils clause. 海上保险单中有一项殷琪玛瑞条款,该条款为船舶的船体提供由机械造成的损失或损坏的保险。殷琪玛瑞条款,也称为过失条款,涵盖因船舶人员,如工程师和船长在航行中的过失而造成的损害。这是一种附加险条款。 例句2 The Inchmaree clause typically provides additional coverage for damage or loss caused by broken driveshafts, burst boilers, hull defects, and other problems associated with a ship and the ship’s equipment. Additionally, policies will cover negligence from a ship’s officers, engineers, and crew, including errors in navigation. The Inchmaree clause also extends to damage resulting from accidents in loading, discharging, and handling cargo; negligence of charterers or repairers; accidents while going on and off dry docks, scraping docks, etc.; and explosions on shipboard or elsewhere. 殷琪玛瑞条款通常为传动轴断裂、锅炉爆裂、船体缺陷以及与船舶和船舶设备相关的其他问题造成的损害或损失提供额外的保险。此外,保单将涵盖船舶官员、工程师和船员的疏忽,包括航行中的错误。殷琪玛瑞条款也适用于因装货、卸货和装卸货物的事故、租船人或修理工的疏忽、干船坞、刮船坞等上下车时的事故、以及船上或其他地方的爆炸等事故造成的损害。 相关知识拓展:殷琪玛瑞条款中有关用语的特定含义 1. 转轴断裂:其含义是由于转轴断落而造成推进器的损坏,保险人应予赔偿,;但是对于转轴本身的潜在缺陷造成的断裂,保险人不予赔偿。 2. 潜在缺陷:指的是船舶建造中的一种瑕疵,对于一个合格的检查员,在普通的检查过程中,用一般的技术是不能发现的。但机器设计上的不足不能视为潜在缺陷。 3. 疏忽:主要指的是船长、船员、引水员和修理人员的疏忽所造成的损失。所谓疏忽是指缺乏谨慎处理。 |