LEC考试分试卷一和试卷二,各需三个小时完成。试卷(一), 客观题(单项选择题),共100题,每题1分。本部分试题有以下两部分内容组成:美国法基本知识(90-95%)和逻辑推理(5-10%)。难易程度比例设置:容易题目占50%,中等难度试题占30%,高难度试题占20%。其中法律术语与文化的试题比列是10%-15%。小编接下来会持续更新法律术语专题的真题解析,敬请关注哦~
1. Intestate (2014.05)
A. Aperson who has died without a valid will.
B. Aperson confined in a prison, hospital or other institution.
C. Betweentwo residents of different states.
D. Between twoor more states or residents of different states.
【解析】Intestate指“无遗嘱的;未立遗嘱的”,可用于描述死时未立有有效遗嘱的人、或该人所有的财产等相关情形。一人死亡时未立遗嘱或未留下任何表明其死后如何处理其财产的愿望的材料,成为无遗嘱死亡。此时由法律规定谁将接受死者财产,即由法定继承人继承其遗产。选项A:A person who hasdied without a valid will符合题意,为正确答案。
2. Bench Trial (2014.05)
A. Atrial without the plaintiff.
B. Atrial involving more than three parties.
C. Anappeal before a panel of three judges.
D. A trialbefore a judge without a jury.
【解析】Bench Trial指“无陪审团的审判”。Bench一词可指“(法庭上的)法官席;法庭,裁判庭;[总称]法官”。选项D:A trial before a judge without a jury符合题意,为正确答案。
3. Writ (2014.05)
A. Court’sreporter.
B. Thefirst draft of a proposed court judgment.
C. The written communications between the judgeand jury during deliberations.
D. A court’s written order commanding someone todo or refrain from doing some specified act.
【解析】Writ指“书面命令;令状”。令状制度是普通法中特有的一项司法制度,它对普通法的形成和发展起了巨大的作用;一般而言,令状有两种主要类型,即特权令状(prerogativewrits)和权利令状(writsof right),后者又包括诉讼开始令状(originalwrits)和司法令状(judicialwrits);早期的令状多是关于地产诉讼方面的。选项D:A court’s writtenorder commanding someone to do or refrain from doing some specified act符合题意,为正确答案。
4. Hung Jury (2014.05)
A. Ajury empanelled to impose a penalty of death by hanging.
B. A jury thatcannot reach a verdict by the required voting margin.
C. Ajury summoned by the coroner to investigate the cause of death.
D. A grand jury of inquiry which receivescomplaints and accusations only in criminal cases.
【解析】Hung Jury 指“悬而未决的陪审团”。美国的陪审团一般由12人组成,在刑事案件中,根据联邦和大部分州的法律规定,一起案件的12名陪审员一定要达成一致(unanimous decision)方能裁决。陪审员不能达成共识时,就出现了HungJury,即“悬而未决的陪审团”。选项B:A jury that cannotreach a verdict by the required voting margin符合题意,为正确答案。
5. Letters of administration (2014.05)
A. Customarily employed to reduce towriting a preliminary understanding of the parties. This letter is not acontract, and it does not constitute a binding agreement.
B. Legal document issued by a court that shows an administrator’s legal right totake control of assets in the deceased person’s name. Used when the deceased diedwithout a will.
C. A public document issued by a government ormonarch conferring a patent or other right.
D. Legal document issued by a court that showsan executor’s legal right to take control of assets in the deceased person’sname. Used when the deceased left a will.
【解析】Letters of administration指“遗产管理证书(一般用于死者无遗嘱的情况下)”。选项B:Legal documentissued by a court that shows an administrator’s legal right to take control ofassets in the deceased person’s name. Used when the deceased died without awill符合题意,为正确答案。另见例句:Theappointment of an administrator is evidenced by the court issuing the lettersof administration. 遗产管理人的职位由法院签发的遗产管理委托书来加以证明。
北鼎教育是中国外语专业人才培训品牌,其LEC法律英语证课程授课师资主要来自中国政法大学和北京外国语大学,网课和面授皆有,教材资料免费,指导考试报名。辅导课程详情请咨询微信:18911732935;QQ:2318056559, 欢迎广大考生加入LEC法律英语证书QQ群:391626382。