LEC真题演练 | Statute of Frauds

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17世纪初,在证据法不发达的时代,当事人也很难提供适格的证人,为了减少合同欺诈,英国国会通过了《防止欺诈与伪证法》(Act for the Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries),一般被称为《防止欺诈法》(Statute of Frauds,SOF)。





自《防止欺诈法》颁布以来的几个世纪里,某些类型的合同因价值重大,所以落入《防止欺诈法》的管辖范畴内。这些合同主要有六类——Marriage, Year, Land, Executors, Goods, Suretyship (简称“MY LEGS”,法学院记忆方法)。

M = Marriage 涉及婚姻的合同


Y = Year 履行时间超过一年的合同


L = Land 土地买卖合同


E = Executors 遗嘱执行合同


G = Goods 货物买卖合同,但价值超过500美元


S = Suretyship 担保合同


(2) 书面形式

根据美国的《防止欺诈法》和法院的判例,以上六种合同必须以书面形式订立。除了正规的合同文本之外,当事人还可以用任何形式的“备忘录” (memorandum)作为合同的替代。“备忘录”是指经签署的书面文件。

(3)  签署



(a) reasonably identifies the subject matter of the contract, (对于合同标的作出合理的说明,)

(b) is sufficient to indicate that a contract with respect there to has been made between the parties or offered by the signer to the other party, and(充分表明当事方之间已签订了有关的合同、或签字方向另一方提出了合同的要约;)

(c) states with reasonable certainty the essential terms of the unperformed promises in the contract. (对于合同中未被履行的约定的基本条款作了合理的说明。)


A seller owns a 400-acre of land with 5,000 feet of frontage on a country highway.

The seller and a buyer entered onto a written agreement for the sale of a portion of the tract identified only as “a parcel of land, containing not less than 100 acres and having not less than 1,000 feet of frontage on the country highway, whose exact location and dimensions are to be determined by the partied hereto, at a price of $8,000 per acre. ”

Shortly after the execution of the agreement, the parties met to stake out the parcel of land to be sold, but they could not agree. The disagreement intensified, and the seller repudiated the contract.

The buyer has sued the seller for specific performance. The seller has asserted all available defenses. 

Is the buyer entitled to specific performance of the contract?

A. No, because a contract for the sale of real property that requires further agreement on an essential element cannot be specifically enforced.

B. No, because the purchase price was not fixed by, nor determinable under, the contract terms.

C. Yes, because the contract bound the parties to act in good faith and to agree upon the specific land to be conveyed.

D. Yes, because the equity powers of the court enable the court to appoint a master, or to take other appropriate action, to identify the and to be conveyed.



这里的合同涉及土地买卖,应适用《防止欺诈法》;虽然双方是以书面的形式签订,但是合同中的条款尚未明确双方买卖哪一块土地,即未对合同标的(subject matter)作出合理的说明[《合同法重述(第二次)》第131条(a)],所以该合同不可实施,其内容还需双方进一步约定。


发布于 2020-06-29 15:28:55