on behalf of结构在法律文件中的使用和译法

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on behalf of sb.是法律文件中又一标志性短语,意思是“代表某人”,还有一个类似的短语on one's behalf也经常用在法律文件中。

这里强调一下,on behalf of与in the name of是有很大区别的,前者通常指“代表某人”,比如on behalf of sb., 而后者则是“以(某种理由)的名义”,比如:in the name of love, in the name of power等等。

The Chairman shall exercise his/her authority within the limits prescribed by the Board. Moreover, the Chairman may under no circumstances act on behalf of the Joint Venture or cause Joint Venture to be contractually bound unless otherwise specifically authorized by a valid Board resolution.


Each Party shall ensure that the representatives participating in any such friendly consultations on his/its behalf is not an Management Personnel or other employee of the JointVenture, and does not directly or indirectly report to any Management Personnelof the Joint Venture.


发布于 2020-04-26 09:09:53