Black’s Law Dictionary Ninth Edition对“color”的定义:Appearance, guise, or semblance; esp., the appearance of a legal claim to a right, authority, or office。中文意思是“表面权力;表见权力;假装;伪装;托辞”(《实用英汉法律大词典》)。
Color of authority:The appearance or presumption of authority sanctioning a public officer’s actions权力表征
Color of law:The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of a legal right表面合法的权力;假托合法权力(指在法律的幌子下,干非法的勾当)
Color of office:The authority or power that is inherent in an office, esp. a public office假托职权;滥用职权
Color of title:A written instrument or other evidence that appears to establish title but does not in fact do so推定的所有权;表面上的所有权(指仅是原告对求偿土地所有权的意愿,却无确认该物权的证据);有名无实的所有权(有名无实的所有权的有关凭证)
Colorable alteration:表面窜改(指只是把事物的外表加以窜改,其主要用在著作物和专利品等方面以逃避侵权法规)
Colorable cause:假案;假告状
Colorable claim:假求偿(由作为破产代理人而又占有破产人财产的人提出的求偿)
Colorable imitation:伪造;假冒
Colorable invocation of jurisdiction:表面行使管辖权
Colorable transaction:虚假交易
1. Black’s Law Dictionary Ninth Edition
2. 《实用英汉法律大词典》