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Notice of the Shanghai Municipal Housing Support and Building Administration Bureau and Other Departments on Tax and Lending Policies Applicable to the Purchase of Affordable Housing



Promulgating Institution: Shanghai Municipal Housing Support and Building Administration Bureau , Shanghai Finance Bureau , Shanghai Local Taxation Administration, Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Shanghai Branch of the People’s Bank of China, Shanghai Bureau of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center

Promulgating Date: 07/05/2010

Effective Date: 07/05/2010

颁布机关: 上海市住房保障和房屋管理局; 上海市财政局; 上海市地方税务局; 上海市发展和改革委员会; 中国人民银行上海分行; 中国银行业监督管理委员会上海监管局; 上海市公积金管理中心

颁布时间: 07/05/2010

实施时间: 07/05/2010


Housing support and building administration bureaus, finance Bureaus, and development and reform commissions in all districts (counties), management departments of the Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center in all districts (counties), branch offices of the Shanghai Local Taxation Administration in all districts (counties), and relevant commercial banks, 

With a view to supporting the purchase of affordable housing by eligible applying families, relevant matters are hereby notified as follows in accordance with relevant State policies and Article 23 of the Interim Administrative Measures for Affordable Housing of Shanghai Municipality (Hu Fu Fa [2009] No. 29): 



1. The deed tax for purchase of affordable housing shall be levied at half of the prevailing 3% deed tax rate of the Shanghai municipality. Specifically, first-time purchasers of affordable housing of 90 square meters or below shall be subject to the deed tax at 1% for the time being, upon presenting the certificate of first-time purchase issued by the Shanghai Real Estate Trading Center.


2. Purchase of affordable housing shall be exempted from stamp duty.


3. Purchase of affordable housing shall be exempted from transaction handling fees.


4. Purchase of affordable housing shall be subject to the housing registration fee at half of the original amount.


5. Housing provident funds may be used as loans to finance the purchase of affordable housing. The maximum loan limit for provident fund loans and other matters shall be implemented in accordance with the Detailed Rules of Implementation for Housing Provident Fund Loans for Purchase of Affordable Housing by Individuals (for Trial Implementation).


6. In accordance with relevant provisions, commercial housing loans may be applied for with relevant banks for purchase of affordable housing. Where relevant conditions are satisfied, the loan interest rate, minimum down payment ratio, etc. may be determined in light of the preferential policies for first-time housing purchase. 

Where there are new State policies during the implementation of this Notice, the new policies shall prevail.

Shanghai Municipal Housing Support and Building Administration Bureau 

Shanghai Finance Bureau 

Shanghai Local Taxation Administration 

Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission 

Shanghai Branch of the People's Bank of China 

Shanghai Bureau of the China Banking Regulatory Commission 

Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center 

July 5, 2010















中英双语-上海市住房保障房屋管理局等关于购买经适房适用税费贷款政策通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-31 17:17:04