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黄衣骑士(Yellow Knight)

A yellow knight is a company that was making a hostile takeover attempt, but then backs out and proposes a merger with the target company instead. Often, this change of heart occurs after they realize that the target is going to cost more and/or has better takeover defenses than expected. Suddenly the yellow knight might find itself in a weak bargaining position, forcing it to walk away or propose a friendly merger as an alternative.


黑衣骑士(Black Knight)

Black knights make unwelcome, hostile takeover bids and, unlike yellow knights, stand their ground. These types of predators are the source of nightmares for target company management as they bully their way into power and usually have goals that deviate from what the current bosses are trying to achieve.


白衣骑士(White Knight)

The opposite of black knights, white knights are the friendly forces tasked with rescuing the target from the clutches of another prospective buyer with intentions to bleed it dry to make a quick profit.

Often, company officials will seek out a white knight to preserve its core business or to negotiate better takeover terms. The white knight might agree to play this role in exchange for some incentives, such as paying a smaller premium to take control than otherwise would be required under competitive bid conditions.



灰衣骑士(Grey Knight)

Grey knights, as their color suggests, sit somewhere between white and black knights. Though not as desirable as the former, they are at least viewed as a more appealing option than the latter.

Grey knights capitalize on the fact that they are perceived as a friendlier alternative to a hostile black knight and use that as a negotiating chip to get a more favorable deal when a persistent, unwanted predator comes calling.



1. Investopedia

2. 百度百科

发布于 2021-04-01 15:15:39