
2 人赞同了该文章

1. 使用更为正式的词汇

使用正式词汇、以及词汇具有特殊含义是最能体现法律英语文体的特点之一。例如在合同中,使用prior取代before,使用subsequent取代after,不用but而使用provided that等。我们常用的口头及书面语言都会被正式词汇所取代。同样,一些词汇的含义,也会在法律文本中发生变化,有些词汇的含义往往只有法律工作者才会了解。例如action(诉讼),alienation(转让),consideration(对价),counterpart(有同等效力的副本),execute(签署)等。

2. 使用古英语中的一些常用词汇

主要以here、there、Where与介词相结合的形式出现,如hereafter, herein, thereof, therewith, whereas, whereby等。

3. 使用法律术语和行话、套话

法律术语对于非法律行业的从业人员而言的确是难以理解的,但是这些对于律师的文件起草与业务开展也是不可或缺的,一些词句例如:alibi(不在场证明),burden of proof(举证责任),cause of action(案由),due diligence(尽职调查),negotiable instrument(流通票据),and for no other purposes, shall not operate as a waiver, shall not be deemed a consent等,这些法律文件特有的套话在日常用语里很少使用,也能够体现法律用语的特色。


(1)Neither party hereto shall assign this Agreement or any of its rights and interests hereunder without the other Party’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.(2)Notwithstanding the above provision of this Clause, (a) Party A shall have the right to assign its rights to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity as long as Party A remains liable to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement as applicable, and (3)(b) Party B may, without the consent of Party A, assign in whole, but not in part, its rights hereunder to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity of Party B or its ultimate parent company (provided that any such assignment to any such subsidiary shall not be deemed as a release of Party B’s obligations hereunder unless Party A shall have given prior written consent to any such release and Party B shall remain liable to Party A in respect of any breach of this Clause). Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void.

在(1)句中,“hereto”和“hereunder”中的here是指this Agreement (or Contract, Deed, etc., 视情况而定),hereto和hereunder分别表示to this Agreement和under this Agreement。here的其他复合词用法都可以此类推。“shall”在通常的法律文件中表示为法律规定的义务,与表示道德义务的“should”有所不同,法律文本中应当使用shall。


在(3)句中,“such”是典型的法律用语,用以指代前面提及的人或事:“such assignment”指Party B may assign in whole, but not in part, its rights hereunder to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity of Party B;同理,“such subsidiary”则是指subsidiary (affiliate or successor entity) of Party B;“such release”指release of Party B’s obligations.在翻译过程中,“such”一般译为“该”,或根据上下文译为“上述、前述”等。

发布于 2022-04-19 10:45:36