2018年刚刚过去,很多APP 都出了过去一年的使用数据总结,如美团今年推出的外卖报告,网易云音乐每年都有的听歌数据总结报告,还有腾讯视频、支付宝、微博等等各平台。而商业社会中,个人或企业常常会将一年度的财务状况做成财务报表来进行总结,用英语来表达“财务报表”是用financial statement吗?那么financing statement 又是什么意思呢?挺胸抬头请坐好,小眼睛看老师,本周法律英语词义辨析开课啦~
financial statement
➪ annual report; credit statement
❶ A balance sheet, income statement, or annual report that summarizes an individual's or organization's financial condition on a specified date or for a specified period by reporting assets and liabilities. Also termed financial report. Cf. FINANCING STATEMENT.
certified financial statement. (1930) A financial statement examined and reported by an independent public or certified public accountant. SEC Rule 12b-2(17 CFR §240. 12b-2).
consolidated financial statement. (1903) The financial report of a company and all its subsidiaries combined as if they were a single entity.
normalized financial statement. (2000) A statement in which some components have been adjusted to exclude anomalies, such as unusual and nonrecurring elements, and nonoperating assets or liabilities, so the statement may be compared with others.
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Financial reports 财务报告。由公司定期向股东提交的用以说明公司财务状况的报告。
➩ annual report; financial statement; profit and loss statement
financial responsibility laws 〈美〉财务责任法 州制定法。该法要求机动车辆所有人提供其支付能力的证明,作为授予驾驶执照和登记证的条件。如在发生交通事故或违反机动车辆法规后,机动车所有人不能执行终局判决或提供关于其责任的证明,管理当局则可中止或吊销其驾驶执照或登记证。该立法还规定驾驶机动车辆须以预先投保责任保险为前提。
financial responsibility clause 〈美〉财务责任条款 机动车辆保险单中的条款,根据该条款,被保险人应至少有能力支付州财务责任法financial responsibility laws 所要求的最低限度的保险金额。
financial worth 财务价值。某人财产减去其欠款后的价值,或其资产减去其负债后的价值。
financial year 〈英〉财政年度;会计年度
➩ fiscal year
financing statement
融资声明。载明担保权利人对被担保物享有担保权益的文件。该文件旨在公示担保权益的存在,以便使潜在的担保物买受人或贷款人周知债务人财产上随附有可供执行的担保权益。本文件仅为设定担保权益之证据,而非担保协议本身。根据美国《统一商法典》[U.C.C.]第9篇之规定,融资声明经担保权利人向州务卿或类似的公共机构提交后,即成为公共档案public record,所有潜在的贷款人或第三人均被推定为知晓该项担保权益的存在。
(1954) A document filed in the public records to notify third parties, usu. prospective buyers and lenders, of a secured party's security interest in goods or real property. See Ucc §9-102(a) (39). Cf.FINANCIAL STATEMENT
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financing agency 融资机构。任何经营融资业务的银行、财务公司或其他人。该机构的主要经营业务为在正常商业业务中以货物或权利凭证documents of title 为凭提供贷款;或依据与卖方或买方达成的协议以正常方式参与支付或收取买卖中已到期或约定之款项,例如购买或支付卖方的汇票,或为之提供贷款,或单纯为收款而取得汇票,而不论汇票是否随附权利凭证。通过上述经营手段,该机构介入货物买卖双方之间,提供融资和减少双方商业风险的服务。