国外的房地产权益一般有普通法上的权益和衡平法上的权益之分,按照传统的法律规定,如果法律权益受到侵害时,则可以提起普通法上的诉讼以要求索赔,而属 equitable 权益受到侵害时多只能提起衡平法上的诉讼以得到衡平法上的救济。今天小编就和大家一起学习关于合同里“房地产权益”的词义辨析。
Legal estate
Equitable estate
legal mortgage
Equitable mortgage
common-law mortgage
Legal estate
普通法上的不动产权益;普通法地产权与衡平法上的不动产权益相对,指可以根据普通法存在、创设或转让的不动产上的权利、权益或负担。1925年改革以前,英格兰地产权非常复杂,在这之后,依据普通法能够成立的地产权及相关权益和负担已大大得到简化。普通法上不动产权益与衡平法上的不动产权益的区别是,前者的行使只能在普通法院进行,当事人不必具有受益权;后者只能在衡平法院行使,须具有受益人的权益而无须拥有普通法上的权益。为他人利益拥有普通法上的不动产权益的人是受托人,无普通法上不动产权益而仅有受益权的人是受益人[ beneficiary],或者更专业一些称为信托受益人[cestui que trust]。受益人如要主张对信托财产的权利,只能在衡平法院进行,因他不能以他自己的名义按普通法向任何人起诉。
The amount, degree, nature, and quality of a person's interest in land or other property; esp, a real-estate interest that may become possessory, the ownership being measured in terms of duration. See periodic tenancy under TENANCY.
——Black’s Law Dictionary
Equitable estate
The amount, degree, nature, and quality of a person's interest in land or other property; esp, a real-estate interest that may become possessory, the ownership being measured in terms of duration. See periodic tenancy under TENANCY.
——Black’s Law Dictionary
legal mortgage
1、(罗马法)法定抵押。债权人针对债务人财产的抵押权是基于法律的规定而非约定产生。亦称“ tacit mortgage"。
2、(英)普通法上的抵押玉在英国的不动产法中,抵押实际上是将自己的完全保有地产以绝对定期保有地产[ term of years absolute]的形式出租给抵押权人,或通过契据在原地产上明确设定一种抵押的负担来实现。若标的为动产,则是一种将动产上的权益附条件地让与抵押权人的法律关系。
1. A conveyance of title to property that is given as security for the payment of a debt or the performance of a duty and that will become void upon payment or performance according to the stipulated terms. -Also termed (archaically)dead pledge.
2. A lien against property that is granted to secure an obligation(such as a debt)and that is extinguished upon payment or performance according to stipulated terms.
3. An instrument(such as a deed or contract specifying the terms of such a transaction.
4. Loosely, the loan on which such a transaction is based.
5. The mortgagee’s rights conferred by such a transaction.
6. Loosely, any real-property security transaction, including a deed of trust.
——Black’s Law Dictionary
Equitable mortgage
1. A conveyance of title to property that is given as security for the payment of a debt or the performance of a duty and that will become void upon payment or performance according to the stipulated terms. -Also termed (archaically)dead pledge.
2. A lien against property that is granted to secure an obligation(such as a debt)and that is extinguished upon payment or performance according to stipulated terms.
3. An instrument(such as a deed or contract specifying the terms of such a transaction.
4. Loosely, the loan on which such a transaction is based.
5. The mortgagee’s rights conferred by such a transaction.
6. Loosely, any real-property security transaction, including a deed of trust.
——Black’s Law Dictionary
common-law mortgage
普通法上的抵押。亦称“死典”[dead pledge],一种有条件的不动产封赠[feoffment],该条件是如果赠与人[feoffor]在一定期限内向受赠人[feoffee]支付一定数额的钱则可收回其不动产。赠与人不履行上述条件就会永久性失去其不动产。
1. Something that is done or carried out;an act or action.
2. A written instrument by which land is conveyed.
3. At common law, any written instrument that is signed, sealed, and delivered and that conveys some interest in property. See special contract contract under seal under CONTRACT.
——Black’s Law Dictionary