全球创新指数Global Innovation Index
全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index,GII)是世界知识产权组织、康奈尔大学、欧洲工商管理学院于2007年共同创立的年度排名,衡量全球120多个经济体在创新能力的表现,是全球政策制定者、企业管理执行者等人士的主要基准工具。
全球创新指数(GII)提供了有关全球127个国家和经济体的创新绩效详细指标。该指数是由康奈尔大学,欧洲工商管理学院和世界知识产权组织(WIPO)合作得出的结果。 GII获得了国际认可,既是衡量创新能力的主要参考,也是决策者的“操作工具”。它反映出了在全球经济越来越以知识为基础的背景下,创新驱动的经济发展与社会增长之间的联系。
The Global Innovation Index is an annual ranking of countries by their capacity for, and success in, innovation. It was started in 2007 by INSEAD and World Business, a British magazine. Until 2021 it was published by the World Intellectual Property Organization, in partnership with Cornell University, INSEAD, and other organisations and institutions, and based on both subjective and objective data derived from several sources, including the International Telecommunication Union, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.
China ranks 12th in the 2021 edition of the Global Innovation Index report released by the World Intellectual Property Right Organization, moving up 22 spots from 2012, said Wang Gang, the head of China’s Science and Technology Ministry, on Monday.
王志刚表示,这标志着我国已跨入创新型国家行列(China has entered the rankings of innovative countries in the world)。全社会研发经费(investment into research and development across society)从2012年的1.03万亿元增长到2021年的2.79万亿元。全国高新技术企业(high-tech enterprises)数量从十多年前的4.9万家,增加到2021年的33万家,研发投入占全国企业投入的70%。
关键核心技术攻坚 achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields
创新驱动发展 innovation-driven development
国家高新区 China's national high-tech zones
世界级创新产业集群 world-class innovative industrial clusters