Commission merchant
Factor/Merchandise broker
Commission merchant
n. 因素,要素,保付代理人,第三债务人(等同 garnishee),承购应收账款人(指以折扣价对应收账款即account receivable进行购买的人,其负责代收账款以获取佣金及预付款的利息),财产管理人(尤指不动产)
Factor analysis(对股票(现象等的)要素分析
Factor burden制造间接费用
Factor capital要素资本
Factor comparison method工作评级法
Factor economy代理经济
Factors Lien Act《保付代理商留置权法》(规定保付代理商有权留置委托人的货物,直至后者付清其佣金和为代销而垫付的款项等有关费用
Factor's act保付代理人法(英、美两国规范代销业的立法,其规定保付代理人有权征得委托人同意代表委托人经销其货物,该立法也有义务保护从该代理人处购买商品的顾客的利益)
Factor's lien保付代理人留置权(指委托人如果差欠保付代理人款项,保付代理人有权扣押委托人商品直至债务得以清偿)
1. An agent or cause that contributes to a particular result.
2. Someone who acts for another, esp. as a mercantile or colonial agent.
3. An agent who is employed to sell property for the principal and who possesses or controls the property;a person who receives and sells goods for a commission.
4. Someone who buys accounts receivable at a discount.
5. A person in charge of managing property,esp. Real Property.
6. A garnishee.
——Black’s Law Dictionary
Merchandise broker
Someone who negotiates the sale of merchandise without possessing it.
——Black’s Law Dictionary