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第十七篇 国际许可交易和国际投资




The differences between international sales, international licensing, and international investment were discussed briefly in section A of this Chapter.“Licensing of production abroad" is the term used to describe an arrangement in which a company from one country agrees to let a“licensee" in another country use the company's design, production techniques, name, and maybe trademark in producing and selling goods in the license's country. Or, in Some cases, in third Countries. Such arrangements will always be subject to government regulation in the licensees country. 

For example, such a licensing arrangement might require government approval in order to be established; the licensing contract might need to comply with certain legal requirements of the licensee's country; and the payment of fees and royalties by the licensee to the licensing company might be subject to exchange controls. The list of possible restrictions is long, and advice from lawyers in the licensee's country will almost always be necessary.


Foreign direct investment is the third main form of international business transactions. The term "foreign direct investment', tor these purposes, refers to the establishment or operation of a business entity in a host Country with the involvement ( sometimes minor, sometimes exclusive) of persons who are not nationals or the host country but instead come from a foreign country (the home Country). 

Foreign direct investment should not be confused with a portfolio investment, where an individual or other entity may purchase shares in a company formed or functioning in another country, but where that purchase buys no connection to the management and control of the foreign company.

There are several common risks that need to be considered and for which businesses must be prepared when engaging in foreign direct investment transactions:



·Political hostility —— this often originates in the “host” country from some form of ideological opposition to foreign investment. It can also originate from a sense of nationalism, where the “host”country may fear foreign domination of its economy and therefore implement certain rules, regulations, and other restrictions concerning foreign investment foreign investors must be wary of the political risks of new or existing governments that may renegotiate contracts or expropriate tangible or intangible assets and other business property without fair compensation. Foreign investors must also be wary of deterioration n the general law and order of the “host”country or development of political corruption that may pose a risk to their foreign investments and transactions.

·Changes within an industry —— due to economic industry developments that occur internationally, nationally within the“host”country, or nationally within the“home” country, foreign investors may need to renegotiate and reorganize their transactions in the host country.

目前最重要的调整国际投资的多边规则是《解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端的公约》(Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 简称《华盛顿公约)》,根据该公约,世界银行发起建立了“解决投资争端国际中心”,该中心旨在为私人投资者提供个解决与东道国之间因投资产生的法律争端的场所,这增强了投资者投资的信心。该中心的作用不仅限于能够提供中立、权威和公平的裁决,也体现在通过争端解决的裁判建立起了一套多边投资标准。另一个由世界银行发起建立的组织是多边投资担保机构,其成立的基础是1985年《建立多边担保机构公约》(Convention Establishing the Mulilateral Investment Guarantee Agency,简称《汉城公约》)。多边投资担保机构通过提供各种针对投资风险的保险措施来促进投资。世界银行的大多数成员都参加了上述两个机构。








·regulating the entry of foreign investors by establishing a set of “negative lists”“restricted lists”and “promotion lists”;

·relying on existing laws, instead of the foreign investment law, as the principal means of regulating the operation of foreign investors;

·incorporating some basic multinational rules or guidelines on treatment of foreign investors;

·offering incentives to investors or investments that are of special interest to the host country. These include, in addition to ordinary financial incentives.


发布于 2020-06-01 16:06:28