非独立董事(non-independent directors)是指与公司或执行董事存在某种利益关系,并可能影响其独立判断的董事。被认为是非独立董事的人士通常包括商业银行家、投资银行家、律师和其它为公司提供服务或货物的人士。
The general meeting of shareholders may authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the share repurchase proposal, provided that the relevant resolution of the general meeting of shareholders shall specify the specific powers delegated to the Board of Directors and the delegation period. The resolution of the Board of Directors on the share repurchase proposal requires the approval of more than two thirds of the directors present at the meeting of the Board of Directors. The non-independent directors of the Company undertake to vote for the share repurchase proposal (to the extent that they have the voting power).