


1 个回答

1. surrender of tenancy

surrender and re-grant of land 交还及重批土地

surrender of tenancy 退租;放弃租用

surrender value 交还土地的价值

2. throw a lease退租

3. eviction

evict property 收回财产

eviction 收回财产; 退租



If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A , the deposit will not be returned to Party B.


出租方(以下简称甲方): Landlord:    (Hereinafter called “Party A”)

承租方(以下简称乙方): Tenant:   (Hereinafter called “Party B”)


Both Parties through amicable consultation on the basis of party autonomy, equality and good faith, agree on the following terms and conditions as to the tenancy herein

 一、 房屋地址和面积 Location and Size of the house

  甲方将其所有的位于   的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 出租房屋的面积为_________平方米(建筑面积)。(注意:对方是否房主还是合法转租)

Party A will lease to Party B the house which all owned by Party A itself, which is located at       and in good condition. The size of the leased house is    square   meters .

 二、 租赁期限 Lease term


The lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year).

 三、 租金 Rental

 1. 金额:双方商定租金为每月 币 元整。租金按月支付第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前缴纳,甲方收到租金后予书面签收。

Rental Amount will be ____________ per month. Party B will pay the rental to Party A by every month. First rental payment upon conclusion of this contract will be paid on______(month)______(day)__________(year).Each successive payment later will be paid on and before  the day of   each month. Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment by party B.

四、 双方的责任 Obligations of Party A and party B

1. 甲方须按时将状况良好的房屋及附属设施交付乙方使用。(注意:交付房屋时,里面附属物品要有个清单,最好注明价值)

1. Party A will provide the house and attached facilities with good conditions for living to Party B for using.

2. 房屋设施如因非乙方原因而受到损坏时,甲方须在收到乙方通知后及时负责修缮的责任并承担有关的费用。

Party A agrees at its own cost, to maintain and repair the house and facilities when damaged, which is not because of Party B.

3. 乙方应按合同的规定按时支付租金。

3. Party B will pay the rental timely according to this contract.

4. 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租或分租,并爱护使用该房屋,不得在出租房屋内进行违反法律及政府对出租房屋用途有关规定的行为。

4. Party B will not transfer the lease of the house or sublet it without Party A's approval and should take good care of the house. Otherwise, Party B shall not carry in the house any unlawful of illegal activities which are not allowed according to laws and the leasing regulations of the government.

5. 乙方应承担租赁期内的水、电、煤气、电讯、收视费、等一切因实际使用而产生的费用,并按单如期缴纳。(注意:物业费是否包括在租金中要约定清楚)

5. Party B will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. during the lease term.


6. The party should inform the other party one month in advance to terminate the agreement subject to agree of other party. Any party terminating the agreement in advance without the agree of other party shall bear relevant breach of contract liability and pay one month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the other party.


7. At the expiration of this contract, party B, with a must of 30 days prior written notice to party A, party B retains his priority to renew this contract and get agree of party A. If both parties reach agreement on renew this contract, a written agreement should be concluded by both party.


8.  If Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, government order etc.) cause to terminating the contract, both parties should be free of duty.
