对于moot point的含义,我查到了一个很详细的英文释义,,誊在此处供参考:
A moot point is a fact that does not apply to the current situation. The fact may not apply for any number of reasons. For instance, the information could be doubtful, no longer current, or of no practical value. Moot point might also refer to a question that doesn’t matter very much because it’s unlikely that anyone will ever be able to answer it.
So what is a moot point in law? A moot point can be either an issue open for debate, or a matter of no practical value or importance because it’s hypothetical. The latter is more common in modern American English. The term comes from British law where it describes a hypothetical point of discussion used as teaching exercise for law students.
根据上述释义,A moot point相当于中文中的 “争论未决的问题”。
根据该词的来源,a moot point最初指“有待商榷的问题”,源于盎格鲁-撒克逊时代的“国民议会”。当时,贵族、高级教士总要定期集会,处理一定时期内遗留的司法、行政问题,这种“解决问题”的集会常被称作“mot”或“mote”。当然,“解决”实质上是“讨论”的过程,久而久之,mot/mote和由此演变的moot在词义上延伸为“有待商榷的问题”。
现代意义上的a moot point(争论未决、争论不休、毫无意义的争论)源于法学院的学生。法学院的学生经常开moot court(模拟法庭)。法庭上的案件很多是凭空想象的,其间的争论也往往停留在纯理论层面,所以,人们常称这种辩论为“无休止、毫无意义的”。
It's a moot point whether the chicken or the egg came first.