Contingent rents是什么意思,求解释?

Contingent rents是什么意思,求解释?


1 个回答

Contingent rents的中文意思为“或有租金”是指金额不固定、以时间长短以外的其他因素(如销售量、使用量、物价指数等)为依据计算的租金。或有租金在租赁开始时是不确定的,不能作为最低租赁付款额。比如,双方约定按基本利率6%来收取租金,另外支付或有租金。


为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Contingent rent is a rental payment that varies with the future amount of a specific factor that is not related to time. Contingent rent is usually based on the future rent or profits of the renter. It is not a fixed rental payment, as is most commonly the case with rental arrangements.




If the Company is a lessee, the rents paid by the Company are included in the costs of the relevant assets or in profit or loss for the current period over the whole lease term on a straight line basis. The initial direct cost incurred by the Company is directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Contingent rents are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

If the Company is a lessor, the rents received by the Company are recognized in profit or loss for the current period over the whole lease term as stipulated in the contract. The initial direct cost incurred by the Company is directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period. However, if such initial direct cost is of a large amount, the initial direct cost is capitalized and recognized in profit or loss by installments. Contingent rents are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
