Day 40  deed在法律英语中的含义及用法

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种由当事人签字、盖印[ seal]并交付的书面文据。


它记载一项契约或约定[ contract or covenant],表示当事人同意移转某项地产权利,或设定某项义务,或确认某项移转地产权利的行为。例如租约、抵押证书及财产和解协议[ settlement]均属契据。按照普通法,原则上任何地产交易都应采取契据形式,制定法在许多情况下也有此要求。但现代法律已不要求契据必须盖印,只要签字即可。


deed在英美法中是一类十分重要的法律文件。它属于书面合同的一种,但要求更为严格,曾经很长时间都需要盖印方能生效,现代法律已经不作此迂腐要求,只需签名即可。应当注意的是,deed通常用于地产交易,通译为契据而非合约契约契据可分为单方契据[ deed poll]与多方契据[deed indenture]


deed indenture(多方契据)与deed poll(单方契据)相对,前者指双方或多方当事人为转让财产而签订并履行或准备履行的契据,该契据由于一边被剪成锯齿状,当事人各执一份,以便今后合缝确认,故又称“缺边契据”;后者只有让与人单方的签名,对世表明或宣告其行为或意图只约束其本人的契据,因契据边缘修剪成一条整齐的直线,故又称“平边契据”。


此外,还有absolute deed(绝对契据)与mortgage deed(抵押契据)相对,前者指转让绝对权利的、 无限制条件的契据,后者可因抵押条件的变化而失效。


Notwithstanding anything contained in article 119(1), article 131A shall apply in respect of the consideration of the exercise of any option or right of first refusal under any current non-competition deed between China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation (“COFCO”), COFCO (Hong Kong) Limited (“COFCO (HK)”) and the Company, as amended or supplemented from time to time, or to consider the entering into of any transaction between the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries, on the one part, and COFCO and/or any of its associates (as defined in the Listing Rules) on the other, [...] that would constitute a connected transaction under the Listing Rules (“Related Transaction”).

【参考译文】不119(1)条所述任何内容,第131A条应适用于有关考虑行使中国油食品(集团)有限公司(「中」)、中集团(香港)有限公司(「中(香港)」 与本公司之间已存在之任何现有不竞争契据(经不时修订或补充)项下之任何选择权或优先购买权,或考虑本公司及/或其任何附属公司(作为一方)与中及/或其任何系人士(定义上市规则)(作为另一方)订立任何可能构成上市规则项下之关交易之交易(「关交易」)。


Clause 28(g) amends paragraph 7 of the Schedule to make the paragraph applicable only in relation to the termination of the appointment of a manager who is specified in a deed of mutual covenant of a building to manage the building.

【参考译文】草案第 28(g)条修订该附表第7段,使该段只适用于终止在建筑物公契中指明管理该建筑物的经理人的委任。


Both real estate and perpetual usufruct transfers become valid through a sales agreement, which is obligatorily signed in front of public notary in the form of the notary deed.

【参考译文】通过买卖协议进行 的不动产和永久使用权的转让是有效的,但 买卖协议必须在政府公证部门以公证契约的形式签署。



行为 ;事实

“in deed” 一词经常用来指已实际和明确完成,与“in law"相对。后者指在法律上推定已完成。


Secondly, the implementation of the scheme must be totally on a voluntary basis, not merely in form but in deed as well.







He deeded all his estate to his daughter.






发布于 2020-07-10 14:20:38