Day 49 duration of patent right在法律英语中的含义及用法

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duration of patent right是专利法中的一个特有名词,通常译为“专利期限”或“专利权期限”。


How long is the duration of patent right for an invention according to the law?



A patent system providing such improvement patents in parallel with a relatively high level of inventive step could however possibly prevent the unjust extension of the duration of patent protection that sometimes results when separate patents for relatively minor improvements are allowed.

【参考译文】一个既涵盖改进专利又包括较高水平创造性的专利制度能够防止在允许为小幅 度改进单独授予专利的情况下可能发生的专利保护期的不公正延长。


The duration of patent right for inventions shall be twenty years, the duration of patent right for utility models and patent right for designs shall be ten years.



 If the duration of patents was extended for an additional five years, as had been proposed by certain pharmaceutical companies and developed countries, the situation would further deteriorate.




专利权具有时间性,这是作为知识产权(intellectual property right)的专利权(patent)与有形财产(property)的所有权(ownership)相区别的特征之一。对有形财产的所有权来讲,如果财产本身不消灭,财产所有人对财产的所有权是始终存在的。专利权则不是这样,法律规定的专利期限届满或提前 终止,尽管发明创造的技术本身还存在,但专利权却不存在了。 也就是说,对该项技术的独占使用权不存在了,该发明创造成 了社会财富,任何人都可以无偿使用。

法律对专利权期限的规定,既要考虑充分适当地保护专利 权人的利益,规定的保护期限不能太短,否则不利于调动发明 创造的积极性;同时又要考虑国家和社会公众的利益,对专利权的保护周期不能过长,否则不利于先进技术的推广和应用。





发布于 2020-07-17 17:37:38