duress n. 胁迫;强迫
duress在英美法中的地位非常重要,是核心词汇之一。该词的拉丁文为 durities, 指以身体伤害、打击或非法拘禁方式迫使他人为某一行为,此为严格意义上的“胁迫”;或以杀害、遭受身体伤害或非法拘禁相威胁而迫使他人为某一行为,此为威胁[ menace ],或恫吓胁迫[duress per minas]。
广义上的duress可以归结为,某人以迫使他人违背其自由意志从而为或不为某行为的任何非法威胁(threat)或强制(coercion)。duress的法律效果主要在民法上,特别是在合同法领域,可以使合同无效:在现代婚 姻法上,duress是婚姻可撤销的重要理由。duress同时还可以在刑法中使用,可以作为犯罪嫌疑人为减轻其主观恶性的辩护。
在刑法上,行为人在他人胁迫下所实施的犯罪行为根据一定 条件可以进行合法辩护。而考察是否存在胁迫须按主观标准予以确定,即被胁迫者的自由意志是否已被遏抑,而不是凭一般具有通常的勇气与毅力的人的自由意志是否被遏抑来加以判断。
例 If consent for marriage was obtained against the will of a prospective spouse by fraud or duress, the court will annual a marriage at the request of an entitled person.
例 The Judges Rules (common law) set out the guidelines for police questioning and the acceptability of the resulting statements and confessions as evidence in the court of law and clearly states that confession statements received under duress are inadmissible.
【参考译文】 (普通法)为警察的询问工作规定了指导原则,规定了由于询问而产生的证词和交待作为法庭证据的问题,明确规定,由逼供造成的证据是不可接受的。
例 In returning their responses, a majority of staff agreed to the reduction in salary and not to the other terms; they attached a conditional reply stating that they signed under duress and that they did not agree to changes to their terms of employment including superannuable status.
【参考译文】他们都在覆函上注明,指他们是在被威逼的情况下签署同 意书,他们并不同意改变聘用条款,包括公积金条款。
duress与menace(威胁),threat (威胁)等词相近,实质上并没有太大区别。最重要的区别只是在于duress是非常正式的法律术语,已经约定俗成,法律含义具体确定。与之容易混淆的是undue influence (不当影响),读者应当注意的是,undue influence是衡平法上的一个概念,是constructive fraud(推定欺诈)原则的组成部分。而duress是普通法上的一个概念。
例 Where the disparity in bargaining powers is obvious and when it is doubtful that undue influence will exist, these are relevant factors that the Commissioner will consider as to whether voluntary and express consent has indeed been given.
【参考译文】如双方的谈判能力明显不均,及令人怀疑存在不当的影响,专员在 决定同意是否自愿及明确地给予时,会考虑这些相关因素。