财报术语之Cash Flow From Operating Activities

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Fact checked by SUZANNE KVILHAUG





What Is Cash Flow From Operating Activities (CFO)?



Cash flow from operating activities (CFO) indicates the amount of money a company brings in from its ongoing, regular business activities, such as manufacturing and selling goods or providing a service to customers. It is the first section depicted on a company's cash flow statement.



Cash flow from operating activities does not include long-term capital expenditures or investment revenue and expense. CFO focuses only on the core business, and is also known as operating cash flow (OCF) or net cash from operating activities.






·Cash flow from operating activities is an important benchmark to determine the financial success of a company's core business activities.


·Cash flow from operating activities is the first section depicted on a cash flow statement, which also includes cash from investing and financing activities.


·There are two methods for depicting cash from operating activities on a cash flow statement: the indirect method and the direct method.


·The indirect method begins with net income from the income statement then adds back noncash items to arrive at a cash basis figure.


·The direct method tracks all transactions in a period on a cash basis and uses actual cash inflows and outflows on the cash flow statement.



Understanding Cash Flow From Operating Activities (CFO)



Cash flow forms one of the most important parts of business operations and accounts for the total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business. Since it affects the company's liquidity, it has significance for multiple reasons. It allows business owners and operators check where the money is coming from and going to, it helps them take steps to generate and maintain sufficient cash necessary for operational efficiency and other necessary needs, and it helps in making key and efficient financing decisions.



The details about the cash flow of a company are available in its cash flow statement, which is part of a company's quarterly and annual reports. The cash flow from operating activities depicts the cash-generating abilities of a company's core business activities. It typically includes net income from the income statement and adjustments to modify net income from an accrual accounting basis to a cash accounting basis.



Cash availability allows a business the option to expand, build and launch new products, buy back shares to affirm their strong financial position, pay out dividends to reward and bolster shareholder confidence, or reduce debt to save on interest payments. Investors attempt to look for companies whose share prices are lower and cash flow from operations is showing an upward trend over recent quarters. The disparity indicates that the company has increasing levels of cash flow which, if better utilized, can lead to higher share prices in near future.



Positive (and increasing) cash flow from operating activities indicates that the core business activities of the company are thriving. It provides as additional measure/indicator of profitability potential of a company, in addition to the traditional ones like net income or EBITDA.



Types of Cash Flow from Operating Activities



The cash flow from operating activities section can be displayed on the cash flow statement in one of two ways.



Indirect Method



The first option is the indirect method, where the company begins with net income on an accrual accounting basis and works backwards to achieve a cash basis figure for the period. Under the accrual method of accounting, revenue is recognized when earned, not necessarily when cash is received.



For example, if a customer buys a $500 widget on credit, the sale has been made but the cash has not yet been received. The revenue is still recognized by the company in the month of the sale, and it shows up in net income on its income statement.



Therefore, net income was overstated by this amount on a cash basis. The offset to the $500 of revenue would appear in the accounts receivable line item on the balance sheet. On the cash flow statement, there would need to be a reduction from net income in the amount of the $500 increase to accounts receivable due to this sale. It would be displayed on the cash flow statement as "Increase in Accounts Receivable -$500."



Direct Method



The second option is the direct method, in which a company records all transactions on a cash basis and displays the information on the cash flow statement using actual cash inflows and outflows during the accounting period.



Examples of the direct method of cash flows from operating activities include:


·Salaries paid out to employees

·Cash paid to vendors and suppliers

·Cash collected from customers

·Interest income and dividends received

·Income tax paid and interest paid








Example of Cash Flow from Operating Activities



Let’s look at the cash flow details of the leading technology company Apple Inc. (AAPL) for the fiscal year ended September 2018. The iPhone maker had a net income of $59.53 billion, Depreciation, Depletion, & Amortization of $10.9 billion, Deferred Taxes & Investment Tax Credit of -$32.59 billion, and Other Funds of $4.9 billion.

下面看一下Apple Inc.截至2018年9月止财年的现金流情况,净利润为595.3亿美元,折旧、损耗和摊销为109亿美元,递延所得税和投资税收抵免为-325.9亿美元,其他资金为49亿美元。


Following the first formula, the summation of these numbers brings the value for Fund from Operations as $42.74 billion. The net Change in Working Capital for the same period was $34.69 billion. Adding it to Fund from Operations gives the Cash Flow from Operating Activities for Apple as $77.43 billion.



For the second method, summing up the available values from Yahoo! Finance portal that reports Apple's FY 2018 Net Income $59.531 billion, Depreciation $10.903 billion, Adjustments To Net Income -$27.694 billion, Changes In Accounts Receivables -$5.322 billion, Changes In Liabilities 9.131 billion, Changes In Inventories $.828 billion, and Changes In Other Operating Activities $30.057 billion gives the net CFO value as $77.434 billion.

雅虎财经显示,Apple 2018财年的净利润为595.31亿美元,折旧为109.03亿美元,净利润调整额为-276.94亿美元,应收账款变动额为-53.22亿美元,负债变动额为91.31亿美元,库存变动额为8.28亿美元,其他经营活动变动额为300.57亿美元,根据第二种方法计算,经营活动产生的现金流净额为774.34亿美元。


Both the methods yield the same value.



Special Considerations



One must note that working capital is an important component of cash flow from operations, and companies can manipulate working capital by delaying the bill payments to suppliers, accelerating the collection of bills from customers, and delaying the purchase of inventory. All these measures allow a company to retain cash. Companies also have the liberty to set their own capitalization thresholds, which allow them to set the dollar amount at which a purchase qualifies as a capital expenditure.



Investors should be aware of these considerations when comparing the cash flow of different companies. Due to such flexibility where managers are able to manipulate these figures to a certain extent, the cash flow from operations is more commonly used for reviewing a single company's performance over two reporting periods, rather than comparing one company to another, even if the two belong in the same industry.


发布于 2023-12-29 17:40:53