1. 员工
individual who is in an employment relationship with the organization according to national law
or practice
2. 临时员工
temporary employee
employee with a contract for a limited period (i.e., fixed term contract) that ends when the specific time period expires, or when the specific task or event that has an attached time estimate is completed (e.g., the end of a project or return of replaced employees)
3. 长期员工
permanent employee
employee with a contract for an indeterminate period (i.e., indefinite contract) for full-time or part-time work
4. 兼职员工
part-time employee
employee whose working hours per week, month, or year are less than the number of working
hours for full-time employees
5. 全职员工
full-time employee
employee whose working hours per week, month, or year are defined according to national law
or practice regarding working time
6. 非保证工时员工
non-guaranteed hours employee
employee who is not guaranteed a minimum or fixed number of working hours per day, week, or
month, but who may need to make themselves available for work as required
Examples: casual employees, employees with zero-hour contracts, on-call employees