Day 73 joint and several在法律英语中的含义及用法

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joint and several a. 共同的和个别的;连带的


joint and several是常见搭配,表示“共同连带的”,如:


joint and several liability 连带责任



joint and several bond 连带保函;连带债券

连带保函 由两个或两个以的保证人对债务的支付承担连带责任[ joint and several liability]的保函。

连带债券 两个或两个以 上的债务人保证偿本付息的债券。债务人可以共同或分别对债权人承担责任,债权人可以就全部债务起诉全体债务人,或者分别对任何一个债务人提起诉讼。但债权人不能就部分债务提起共同诉讼,而对其余部分提起分别之诉。


joint and several contract 连带合同



joint and several judgment 连带判决



其中,要重点掌握的是joint and several liability “连带责任”。


 From the policy perspective, the only principal difference between the DP provisions and the requirements on supervising partners is that the former imposes joint and several liability on the DP (after the client has established that there is default on the part of the LLP) while the latter requires the client to prove liability at common law and/or breach of the requirements of other relevant sections in the Bill on the part of the supervising partner for him to be liable to the client personally.

【参考译文】从政策角度来看,指定合伙人条文与监督合伙人规定的唯一主要分别,在于前者订明当事人证明有限 法律责任合伙有失责行为后,指定合伙人负有共同和个别的法律责任,而后者则规定当事人须证明,监督合伙人因普通法所定的法律责任及/或违反条例草案其他相关条文的规定,而须向当事人负上个人法律责任。


It should be noted that in all these countries, the nonfulfilment of the relevant legal requirements to transfer an “ongoing concern” has certain adverse effects on the parties, including, in some cases, the joint and several liability of the seller and purchaser for certain debts.


Where a partnership is declared bankrupt according to law, its general partners shall still bear unlimited joint and several liability for the debts of the partnership.










发布于 2020-08-13 17:20:18