Day 82 offer在法律英语中的含义及用法

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① n. 要约(指当事人一方提出订约条件;希望与对方订立合同的意思表示)

② v. 提出要约;出价;发盘;提供;提议


offer 是法律英语中的常见词汇,既可以作名词“要约”,也可以作动词“提出要约”,此外作动词还有“出价;发盘;提供;提议”等含义。


In any country or jurisdiction that does not allow an offer or sale of the Company's shares, the announcement of this plan does not constitute an offer to sell the Company's shares, and the Company has not induced anyone to make an offer to purchase the Company's shares.

【参考译文】 在不允许就公司的股份提出要约或进行销售的任何国家或司法管辖区,本方案的公告不构成销售公司股份的要约,且公司也未诱使任何人提出购买公司股份的要约


If one Party hereto shall commit any material breach of this Agreement or its representations and warranties hereunder and fail to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of notice from the other Party requesting it to remedy such breach (if capable of remedy), or offer adequate compensation therefor, the other Party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice to the Party in breach.



If your equipment is of good quality, and we receive a favourable offer, we may be able to place large orders with you.



CNAC refused to disclose its own offer price or any other details of a potential bid.



offer除了以上提到的两层含义外,还有“发行”的含义,如offering price 发行价格。






If a Shareholder does not give written notice to the Board of Directors within the period specified in Clause 3of its acceptance or rejection of its Offer, that Shareholder is taken to have rejected its Offer and will have no further right to subscribe for the Shares unless the Board of Directors otherwise approves (with any Director(s) appointed by that Shareholder precluded from voting).

【参考译文】 如果某个股东未能在第3条规定的期限内向董事会发出接受或是拒绝要约,则除非董事会另行批准(该股东任命的董事不得参与投票),该股东将被视为拒绝要约,并且不享有认购股份的进一步权利。







发布于 2020-09-01 10:39:19