Day 109 witness在法律英语中的含义及用法

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witness n. ①目击者  ②证人  ③见证人

       v. ①目击;目睹   ②见证;为...作证




The service of a witness statement under this rule shall not, unless expressly so stated by the party serving the same, be treated as a notice under that Ordinance; and where a statement or any part thereof would be admissible in evidence by virtue only of that Ordinance, the appropriate notice under Part III or IV of this Order shall be served with the statement notwithstanding any provision of those Parts as to the time for serving such a notice.

【参考译文】 除非送达证人陈述书的一方明文述明根据本条规则送达的证人陈述书顸视作为根据该条例 发出的通知书,否则该份证人陈述书不得视作为根据该条例发出的通知书,而凡一份陈述书 或其任何部分,只凭该条例而可被接纳为证据,则尽管本命令第I I II V部的条文对送达根据该两部发出的适当通知书的时间已有规定,该通知仍顸与该份陈述书一并送达。


..nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself...

【参考译文】(任何人)不得在任何刑事案件中被迫自证 其罪……(《美国宪法修正案》第5条)


witness against oneself的意思是"不利于自己的证人。刑事诉讼中,国家通过检察官代表受害人对犯罪 嫌疑人提起控告,并承担证明责任,被告人有权不被强迫协助政府证明自己有罪(自证其罪)(self-incrimination


在英美刑事法律中,我们经常会听到专家证人专家证词这样的术语。对于前者,其英文表达是“expert witness”,指具有专家资格,并被允许帮助陪审团理解某些普通人难以理解的复杂的专业性的证据或者事实问题的证人。专家证人所提供的意见就是专家证言,其英文表达是“ expert testimony""expert opinion "。与"专家证人"相对的就是"普通证人",其英文表达是“ordinary witness”,指解有关案件的事实,而且以被强制作证的人,而专家证人则不可以被强制作证




No one witnessed the murders, but prosecutors said that blood evidence found at the crime scene, in Simpson's car, and his home, proved that he was the killer. ( California v. Simpson)






发布于 2020-11-09 15:57:17