翻译一本法律学术著作时,遇到了私力救济一词。为准确理解这一词的意思,笔者进行了百度搜索,搜索结果如下:私力救济(private remedy)是指权利主体在法律允许的范围内,依靠自身的实力,通过实施自卫行为或者自助行为来救济自己被侵害的民事权利。百度百科及MBA智库百科中都将其对应的英文译为“private remedy”。咋一看是完全对应的,但经验证,Private remedy与私力救济的意思却是存在一定差异的。
Upcounsel网站对Private remedy的解释如下:
Private remedies are, 1, By the act of the party, or by legal proceedings to prevent the commission or repetition of an injury, or to remove it; or, 2. They are to recover compensation for the injury which has been committed.
其大概意思是,Private remedies指的是通过一方的行动或法律诉讼阻止伤害的发生或重复发生;或就已经存在的伤害索取赔偿。
而由上文可知,私力救济是指权利主体在法律允许的范围内,依靠自身的实力,通过实施自卫行为或者自助行为来救济自己被侵害的民事权利。其权利主体为私人,且并未依靠诉讼。因此可知,private remedy和私力救济这一词并不完全对应。
指不通过正常的法律程序而依靠自己的行为矫正被发现的不法行为。在英国,自力救济包括自卫〔self-defense〕、扣留牲畜要求赔偿损失〔distress damage feasant〕、排除侵扰〔abatement of nuisance〕和逮捕罪犯等措施。美国《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕和其他的制定法,也允许在不干扰和平的条件下实施自力救济,如实施占有。又称「self-redress」或「extrajudicial enforcement」。
Self-help, in the sense of a legal doctrine, refers to individuals' implementation of their rights without resorting to legal writ or consultation of higher authority, as where a financial institution repossesses a car on which they hold both the title and a defaulted note. Individuals resort to self-help when they retrieve property found under the unauthorized control of another person, or simply abate nuisances (as by using sandbags and ditches to protect land from being flooded). A self-help eviction refers to a commercial landlord's common law right to use self-help to reenter his or her property peaceably in order to evict a defaulting tenant or other person with no right of possession