In the case of the death of a member, the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint holder, and the legal personal representatives of the deceased where he was a sole or only surviving holder, shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his interest in the shares; but nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a deceased holder (whether sole or joint) from any liability in respect of any share solely or jointly held by him.
倘某股东身故,则唯一获本公司认可于身故者股份中拥有权益的人士须 为一名或多名幸存者(倘身故者为联名持有人)及身故者的遗嘱执行人(倘身故者为唯一或单一幸存持有人);但本条所载的任何规定并不解除已故持有人(无论为唯一 或联名持有人)的遗产就彼单独或联名持有的任何股份所涉的任何责任。
release by estoppel 不容否认的免除。当事人不得主张因自己的疏忽而作出的免除责任的决定为非法或无效。例如在签署免除他人债务的文件时,有足够的机会仔细阅读而未阅读,即不得主张该免除文书无效。
release of expectancy 预期遗产的让与。指当然继承人〔heir apparent〕将自己可望继承的财产让与被继承人〔ancestor〕、潜在继承人〔potential heir〕或无遗嘱时的遗产继承人〔distributee〕。
release to uses 为他人用益而转让。
statutory release 制定法上的转让;法定转让。它取代了旧的复合式不动产转让方式。旧的方式要求先行设定不动产租赁权,至少经过1年,而后通过放弃复归权以让与不动产。它取消了关于1年的限制。
The daily transcripts released by XX shortly after the Hearing and the Final Errata Sheets reflecting the Parties’ comments and EPIQ’s response provided by Respondent to Claimant and the Arbitral Tribunal on 22 January.
此外,基于这一意思,还引申出了release在采购中的另一层含义,即审批、批准。采购审批过程即为release procedure for purchase orders。
On 27 February 2017, Claimant’s Mr. L summarized the situation concerning the release of XX prototype parts and attached an overview about the releases, asking Respondent to “quickly release and try to catch up time or put priority on cost minimizing and spending more time for the program. As I have already written in an earlier email, it is unfortunately not possible to have the minimal prices in minimal time.” (see Exhibits C-60 and R-44; cf. also R-64). On the same date, Claimant also provided a status update for the XX Project.