
2 人赞同了该文章



1. 债权(多用于破产法领域)

2. 索赔、请求(多用于诉讼领域)

3. 权利要求书(多用于专利法领域)



1. 债权



In the insolvency proceedings over the assets of AAA at the Local Court of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, claims of XXX in the total amount of EUR 220,839,030.14 vis-a-vis AAA, respectively, have been filed to the insolvency table and not been challenged by other parties. Details of the filed claims of XXX are stipulated in the attached insolvency tables as Annex I.



2. 索赔、请求



joinder of claims诉讼请求的合并

在联邦及纽约等州的民事诉讼中,提出救济请求的一方当事人,不管其请求是主请求〔original claim〕,还是反请求〔counterclaim〕、交叉请求〔cross claim〕或第三方请求〔third party claim〕,均可将其向对方当事人提出的若干请求合并,而不论这些请求是普通法上的还是衡平法上的。


例如,大法官可接收针对国家 的投诉和损失索赔要求 ,并决定为这类损失提供何种经济赔偿。

For example, the JK can receive complaints and claims for damages directed to the state and decide on financial compensation for such damages.


3. 权利要求书


发明人在提交专利申请时,还须依照法定程序向专利机关(英国为专利局〔Patent Office〕、美国则于1975年更名为专利商标局〔Patent and Trademark Office〕)提出专利申请〔patent application〕,提交相关的法律文件,尤其必须包括说明书〔specification〕与权利要求书〔claims〕。


权利要求书是申请发明专利的和申请实用新型专利的必须提交的申请文件。它是发明或者实用新型专利要求保护的内容,具有直接的法律效力,是申请专利的核心,也是确定专利保护范围的重要法律文件。申请人可以自行填写或撰写,也可以委托专利代理机构代为办理。A patent claim defines the boundaries of an invention, and therefore lays down what the patent does and does not cover. A patent claim is the most important thing in a patent application, for it defines the subject matter that is sought to be protected.



发布于 2022-01-04 13:44:46