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Criminal强调【犯罪的,刑事的】,因违反法律法规而应受到惩罚。比如在法律英语中,criminal offences指的是“刑事犯罪”,criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed)指的是“过失犯罪”。

Guilty 也可以指犯罪,同Criminal,比如法律英语中的the guilty party,指的是有罪的一方的当事人,但是该词也可指【违反道德或伦理】的犯罪。比如:We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives. 我们每个人一生中都有过自私自利的过失。


①For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.


②If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.


发布于 2022-02-25 14:49:51