Crime 指违反法律的【犯罪活动;不法行为】,如在法律英语中,petty/serious crime
指的是轻微的/严重的犯罪,crime rate指的是犯罪率。
Sin主要指【违反道德或宗教戒律】的过失或罪过行为。如:to commit/confess a sin
犯罪/忏悔罪过,The Vatican's teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin. 梵蒂冈有关坠胎的教义是清楚的:这是个罪过。
Guilt主要指违反【道德或社会标准】的罪行。比如:an admission of guilt 承认有罪。
在法律英语中,a criminal offence 为刑事罪,a serious offence 指的是重罪,a minor offense 指的是轻罪,a sexual 指的是性犯罪,an offence against society/humanity/the state 指的是妨害社会/人类/国家的罪行,a first offence为初犯,a capital offence是死罪。
①For example, this may include experience in the following areas: the defence of those charged with serious and complex crimes at the domestic level, such as terrorism, homicide, manslaughter, trafficking and complex white-collar crimes; the defence of cases with international dimensions, such as those involving international judicial assistance, complex immigration issues or supranational crime; and the defence of those charged with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
②In the sense of having within our flesh the life and nature of Satan we say, according to God's Word, that Satan in the form of sin dwells in man's flesh.
③The Trial Chamber will receive a report from the Pre-Trial Judge detailing the procedure (although not describing the confidential material as such), and it will have to be satisfied that there is no prejudice to the accused and that non-disclosure itself does not create reasonable doubt as to his or her guilt.
④Regarding grounds for expulsion, the view was expressed that State had a sovereign right to expel aliens if they had committed a crime or an administrative offence, if their actions had violated its immigration laws or threatened its national security or public order, or if expulsion was necessary for the protection of the life, health, rights or legitimate interests of its nationals.
关于驱逐的理由,有些人认为,任何主权国家都有权驱逐犯下 重罪或轻罪,行为违反本国移民法或对国家安全或公共秩序构成威胁,或者为保护本国国民的生命、健康或合法权益需要进行驱逐的外国人。