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Ultimatum,即“最后通牒”,其英文释义为:a threat saying that if someone does not do what you want by a particular time, you will do something to punish them,为解决国家间悬而未决的争端,当事一方向对方提出最后的绝对要求,限期答复,若对方不如期答复接受要求,即采取战争手段。如:issue an ultimatum 发出最后通牒


最后通牒不等同于宣战(declaration of war):宣战一经宣布或通知,就意味着战争状态的开始;而最后通牒发出后至采取武力行动之前,还有一定的期限。在这个期限内,可通过外交方式争取和平解决争端。没有宣战或发出最后通牒而进行战争,是违反《海牙公约》中的“第三公约”的。


Post-Brexit trade deal talks will continue, despite the UK rejecting the EU's ultimatum to scrap plans to override the withdrawal agreement.


hey fended for themselves or were deported to the border between Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon in inhumane conditions. These expulsions occurred after the expiration of the ultimatum issued by the Equatorial Guinean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and la Francophonie on 12 May 2009, which urged all aliens in an unlawful situation to leave the country before 26 May.


In this view he mentioned the “climate ultimatum”, an initiative launched by 11 key French NGOs, which is a call for signatures to be sent to the French President, asking him for a strong commitment to the measures that will be discussed at Copenhagen next December.

在这方面,他提到了法国11个主要非政 府组织发起的“气候问题最后通碟”倡议,这些非政府组织呼吁人们都来参加签名活动,以此促使法国总统作出承诺,坚决支持将在2009年12月哥本哈根会议上讨论的有关措施。

发布于 2022-02-25 16:45:30