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Pro-life人士认为,政府有义务保护所有人的生命,无论其意图、生存能力或生活质量如何。全面的Pro-life理论禁止以下行为:①堕胎(Abortion),②安乐死和协助自杀(Euthanasia and assisted suicide),③死刑(The death penalty),④战争(War)。

Pro-choice人士认为,只要在不侵犯他人权利的前提下,个人在生殖系统方面就有无限的自主权。全面的Pro-choice认为,下列规定必须继续合法:①独身主义和禁欲(Celibacy and abstinence),②使用避孕套(Contraception use),③采取紧急避孕(Emergency contraception use)④堕胎(Abortion)⑤生育(Childbirth)。

Pro-life和Pro-choice的由来:罗诉韦德案Roe v. Wade

1972年,得克萨斯州两个年轻的女权主义者萨拉·威丁顿和林达·科菲试图挑战当时的堕胎政策。她们选中了一名化名为简·罗(JaneRoe)希望堕胎的21岁女子,简·罗十多岁意外怀孕,但她所在的德州不允许堕胎的,除非在关乎孕妇生命的情况下。在萨拉·威丁顿和林达·科菲的鼓励和帮助下她提出了诉讼。韦德(Wade)则是当时达拉斯县的检察官,1973年 1月22日,美国联邦高院最后以7比2的表决,确认妇女决定是否继续怀孕的权利受到宪法上个人自主权和隐私权规定的保护,这等于承认美国堕胎的合法化。这一历史性裁定标志着美国的堕胎合法化,也引发了美国历史上最为激烈的政治辩论。Pro-life和Pro-choice由此而来,以民主党自由派人士为主的支持堕胎者又被称为Pro-choice,以共和党保守派人士为主的反对堕胎者则将自己划分为Pro-life。


In 2003, the Federation adopted a new strategic framework (2005-2015) to focus its work on five priority areas: (a) adolescents/young people (to ensure that they are aware of and can make informed choices relating to their sexual and reproductive rights); (b) HIV and AIDS (to reduce the global incidence of and protect the rights of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS); (c) abortion (to reduce unsafe abortion and increase access to legal abortion); (d) access (to information on sexual and reproductive health, and to education and services for all, in particular the poor and marginalized); and (e) advocacy (to increase support for sexual and reproductive health and rights).


Safe abortion: ensure that women, especially those who are most vulnerable, have access in their communities to the full range of reproductive health care in accordance with their human rights, including effective and affordable methods of contraception, post-abortion care, and safe abortion services.


We are committed to working from an inclusive feminist, pro-choice, anti-racist, anti-oppression and multilingual participatory framework in addressing the issue of access to health care for our mandated priority populations.


发布于 2022-02-25 17:11:57