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①Award,通常指仲裁庭的裁决,仲裁裁决是指仲裁庭对当事人之间所争议的事项作出的裁决。仲裁实行一裁终局制度,裁决自作出之日起发生法律效力。任何一方当事人不履行仲裁裁决的,另一方当事人可以向人民法院申请强制执行,受申请的人民法院应当执行。如The award of the arbitration tribunal shall be final and binding on the parties and such award shall apportion the costs of the arbitration.

仲裁庭做出的裁决应具有最终性,对各方有约束力。仲裁裁决应规定仲裁成本的承担。在法律英语中,award一词还可以表示(赔偿金等的) 裁定额,如:(赔偿金等的) 裁定额。

②Ruling,通常指法院根据程序法(procedural law)作出的裁定,程序法基本包括民事程序法、刑事程序法以及行政程序法。民事实体法所规范的实体权利必须经由审判的过程才能加以实现;刑事程序法是国家为确定对于人民刑罚权的刑事审判程序所适用的法律;行政程序法是规范行政机关在从事行政行为时遵守的正当法律程序。

③Judgment,通常指法院根据实体法(substantial law)作出的判决,实体法是规定和确认权利和义务以及职权和责任为主要内容的法律,如宪法、行政法、民法、商法、刑法等等。而程序法是规定以保证权利和职权得以实现或行使,义务和责任得以履行的有关程序为主要内容的法律,如行政诉讼法、行政程序法、民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法、立法程序法等等。审判活动则是实体法和程序法的综合运用。


Any judgment or award obtained by or against First Pacific Bank and not fully satisfied before the appointed day shall on that day, to the extent to which it is enforceable by or against First Pacific Bank, become enforceable by or against Bank of East Asia.


The State party supplements its previous observations by explaining the basis for the dismissal by the domestic court of the complainant’s appeal, namely that the circumstances that led to his departure from his country of origin and to the flight of his wife and children to Angola have already been the subject of a ruling by the Refugee Appeals Board and that the new evidence provided by the complainant has been found wanting and does not invalidate the Board’s analysis.


In addition, the Supreme Court of Justice issued ruling 23-2008 defining the powers of the lower courts to hear cases covered by the Act on Femicide and other forms of violence against women throughout the Republic: (a) justices of the peace; (b) courts of first instance in criminal matters, drug trafficking and crimes against the environment; (c) the judgment tribunals in criminal matters, drug trafficking and crimes against the environment; (d) the chambers of the Court of Appeals in criminal matters, drug trafficking and crimes against the environment; (e) the family courts; (f) the Courts of Appeals in civil and family matters; (g) the Criminal and Civil Chambers of the Supreme Court of Justice.

因此,最高法院公布第 23-2008 号协议,规定下列审判机关有权审理在全国发生的涉及《禁止杀害妇女及其他暴力侵害妇女形式法》的案件:(a)治安法院;(b)负责毒品案件和危害环境案件的一审刑事法院;(c)负责毒品案件和危害环境案件的终审刑事法院;(d) 负责毒品案件和危害环境案件的刑事上诉法院审判庭;(e) 家庭法院;(f) 民事上诉及家庭审判庭;(g) 最高法院刑事庭和民事庭。

发布于 2022-03-30 16:16:47