1 佛跳墙:谑寓其味鲜美使庙中佛像都 要跳出墙外来品尝)起源于19世纪末,为福州“聚春园”名厨郑春发创制,至今已有100多 年的历史,选料考究,精心煨制而成,讲究火 功与时效,可谓味中有味,浓香四溢,口味醇 厚,质地软嫩,入口即化,营养丰富,是福州 传统名菜之首。
Fotiaoqiang, meaning the Buddha jumping over the wall (Steamed Abalone with Shark Fin and Fish Maw in Broth): This was created at the end of the 19th century by Zheng Chunfa, the famous chef of a restaurant named "Juchunyuan" with a 100-year history. It stresses the selection of ingredients, duration of stewing and timing. It is delicious with a strong fragrance, and tender enough to dissolve immediately in the mouth. It also has abundant nutrition and is the most famous traditional dish of Fuzhou.
2 醉糟鸡:善用红糟做配料制作各式风味 菜肴是闽菜的重要特点,这道传统名菜将肥母 鸡用清水煮熟,放入红糟等调味料密封腌制, 色泽淡红,肉质鲜嫩,糟香味美。
Chicken in Rice Wine: Fujian Cuisine features using red vinasse to cook various local dishes. The traditional famous dish is to boil the fleshy hen's meat in water and then stuff it with red vinasse. It is light red and the meat has vinasse fragrance and good taste.
3 生炒海蚌:以鲜海蚌肉为主料,配熟冬 笋、水发香菇炒制而成。此菜刀功独特,蚌肉 香润可口,菜色清新明丽,可谓色香味俱全。
Stir-Fried Sea Clam: Fried with cooked winter bamboo shoots, and mushrooms. It requires unique cutting skill. The clam meat is delicious, savory, and has a pleasing bright color.
4 麻婆豆腐:为四川省的传统风味菜肴。相传在清朝同治末年,成都有位陈姓妇女脸上生有麻子,但烧得一手好菜,经营餐馆以豆腐的味道最为特别,麻辣味鲜、色泽红亮,深受群众喜爱,因而得名。
Mapo (meaning "pockmarked lady" in Chinese) Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce): It is a traditional flavorful dish. It is said that towards the end of the reign of Tongzhi (1862-1875) of the Qing Dynasty, there was a lady surnamed Chen, who was pockmarked but was a very good cook. The tofu in her restaurant was especially tasty with spicy, tongue-numbing flavor and bright red color, which was deeply loved by her customers.
5 鱼香肉丝:色红肉嫩,鱼香味突出。因模仿民间烹鱼的调料和方法制作,故名鱼香。
Fish-flavored Shredded Pork (Sautéed Shredded Pork with Spicy Garlic Sauce): Its meat is red and tender. It imitates the seasoning and method of cooking fish, hence its name.
6 回锅肉:红绿相衬,咸中带甜,微辣醇鲜、味浓而香,是四川的传统菜肴。
Twice Cooked Pork Slices (Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili): Its color is red and green; its taste is salty with a little sweet and spicy flavor and it is fragrant.