了解FOMO 和JOMO的含义和用法

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FOMO,全称为“fear of missing out”,翻译为“错失恐惧症”,特指那种总在担心失去或错过什么的焦虑心情,也称“局外人困境”。具体表现为无法拒绝任何邀约,担心错过任何与有助人际关系的活动。现在通常指表达害怕错过别人正在经历的某些事,尤其是指在社交媒体(social media)上。

与其相反的是另一类人,JOMO,即“joy of missing out”,这类人更享受自己的独处空间,不愿意受到外界的干扰。


Workers, and possibly all people, can be divided into two groups. Those who like to be involved in everything can be dubbed "FOMOs" because they suffer from a "fear of missing out". And then there are those who would ideally want to be left to get on with their own particular work, without distraction—the "JOMOs" (joy of missing out).


We're now all in the grip of "FOMO addiction" - the fear of missing out on something or someone more interesting, exciting or better than what we're currently doing.

我们现在都是“社交控”(FOMO: fear of missing out),在忙于眼前事的时候,总是害怕会错过更有趣或者更好的人和事。

发布于 2022-05-25 17:11:01