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First, despite the almost complete prohibition of “readjustments” in the 2002 Rural Land Contracting Law (confirmed in the 2007 Property [Real Rights] Law), which only allows readjustments in exceptional cases and under strict procedural conditions, this possibility appears to be often abused in practice.
第一,尽管2002 年的《农村土地承包法》中几乎全面禁止“调整”承包地 (2007 年的《物权法》对 此又再次确认) ,只允许在特殊情况下经过严格的程序才 可进行调整,但是在实际操作中,这种调整的可能性经常遭到滥用。
The major provisions of State investment policy are laid down in the following domestic laws: the Civil Code, the Investment Activity Act, the Foreign Investment in Turkmenistan Act, the Tax Act, the Property Act, the Business Act, the Stock Company Act, the Foreign Concessions Act and other laws and regulations.