Slither, slide, glide, creep的用法和区别

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Slither, slide, glide, creep都有“滑行,爬行”的含义,但是这四个词的使用主体,适用语境有所不同,以下做具体介绍:


①多形容(蛇等动物)蜿蜒地滑行 to move somewhere in a smooth, controlled way, often close to the ground ;如:The snake slithered into the water. 那条蛇蜿蜒滑入了水中。

②(人)因地面陡峭或湿滑等)跌跌撞撞地溜行,踉踉跄跄地走。to move somewhere without much control, for example because the ground is steep or wet。如:They were slithering around on the ice. 他们在冰上踉踉跄跄地滑行。


①一般指(某物)滑动或者某人使某物滑动 to move easily over a smooth or wet surface; to make sth move in this way ;如:The automatic doors slid open. 自动门慢慢开了。

②指(人)平稳(或快速;悄悄地)走to move quickly and quietly, for example in order not to be noticed; to make sth move in this way 。如:He slid into bed. 他不声不响地钻进被子


一般指的是( of birds or aircraft鸟或飞机)to fly using air currents, without the birds moving their wings or the aircraft using the engine滑行;滑翔。如:Swans went gliding past. 天鹅滑行而过。


①指( of people or animals人或动物 )to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard 悄悄地缓慢行进;蹑手蹑脚地移动。

②指( of plants植物) to grow along the ground or up walls using long stems or roots 蔓生;蔓延


According to Aboriginal Dreamtime legends, the amazing beehive-like domes that form the Bungle Ranges were created by the Rainbow Serpent as she slithered across the landscape.

根据土著梦幻时期(Aboriginal Dreamtime)的传说讲述,班古鲁山脉中神奇的蜂窝状圆丘是因彩虹蛇(Rainbow Serpent)蜿蜒爬过这片土地而形成。

First, the ashes are orderly slid into the sea through a chute like a slide; or second, the ashes are thrown into the sea in a water-soluble bag which will dissolve in about half an hour without leaving any residue in the sea and the ashes will be dissipated by the water.


Adrenalin junkies will get a good hit in Ireland – the country’s dramatic landscape makes it perfect for abseiling, bungee, caving, mountain biking, hand gliding and skydiving.


The Advisory Committee was also concerned that the overall profile of the Secretary-General’s staffing proposals could contribute to an upward shift in the grade structure of the staffing table, or “grade creep”, since they would result in an increase in senior level posts; a reduction in junior level posts, including entrylevel Professional posts; and a significant number of upward reclassifications of Professional posts.


发布于 2022-08-29 11:28:36