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根据剑桥词典之含义:a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement



The term caveat refers to a notice, warning, or word of caution provided to an individual or entity before they take action. The term, which means "let him beware" in Latin, has a range of usages that are common in finance and law. When someone adds a caveat to a contract or a legal situation, they effectively add a warning that the other party should be alerted to the possibility of a dangerous or undesirable circumstance if they proceed any further.


这个单词的基本含义是warning的意思,但发展出了很多和合同、法律相关的专有用法。它特指的场景是“警告或者限制一些事情,直到给出明确的通知”。当你在阅读到这个单词时,把它换成restrictive warning是最容易理解的。在拉丁语中,它的本意是let him beware,今天英语中的使用依然符合这个语境。


很多商店挂出Caveat Emptor的标识,就是“概不退换,购者自慎”(let the buyer beware)的意思。而Caveat Venditor则是反过来,一切由卖家负责的意思。这两个单词经常出现在合同中,是合同契约的原则性约定。




(1) 请注意;告诫(某人)当心

(2) 异议通知 利害关系人向法院、法官或行政官员发出的正式通知或警告,反对某种属于他们管辖范围的行为。

(3) 暂停程序指由适当的法院适用的暂停遗嘱检验或发放管理许可的程序;或者因当事人要上诉以阻止专利证书等的发放而暂不将判决记入档案的程序。

(4) (为防止误解而作的)解释

(5) 注意登记 指在登记簿上作一定的记载,规定不得到登记人的事先通知不得采取某些步骤。

(6) 申请通知 指由申请人作为发明人向专利管理部门提出的法定通知。其目的在于防止未经通知申请即将专利授予他人。

(7) (海商法)免除扣押申请通知 指船主为防止船舶被扣押而提交法院的免除扣押的申请通知。申请中他必须申明保证出庭应诉并提交保证金。

(8) (教会法)即将被授权的人禁止授权 指可在宗教法院申请在不知晓即将被授权的人时禁止授予其豁免、特权、神职等。

(9) (土地)登记申请

(10) 阻止登录衡平法院判决申请。



warning of a caveat预先通知,要求已在首席遗嘱检验登记官处〔Principal Probate Registry〕作注意登记〔enter a caveat〕的人出席并为自己的利益而陈述的通知。



Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 3 December 2020 in relation to a sale and purchase agreement (the “Sale and Purchase Agreement”) entered into by the Defendant 1 as purchaser to acquire the Properties from the Plaintiffs as vendors. Upon signing of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Defendant 1 has (a) paid all requisite deposits of RM910,000 (equivalent to approximately HKD1,716,981) to the Plaintiffs’ legal representative as stakeholders; and (b) lodged a private caveat on the Properties to secure its rights pending completion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement (the “Private Caveats”).


发布于 2023-02-28 15:21:49