持有至到期投资 held-to-maturity investments
The held-to-maturity investment refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed maturity date, a fixed or determinable amount of recoverable amount, and that the Company holds for a definite purpose or is able to hold until its maturity.
The sum of fair value and (net of bond interests due but not yet received) and transaction costs relating to the held-to-maturity investment is recognized as the initially amount by the Company upon acquisition. The interest income when holding such held-to-maturity investments is recognized at amortized cost and effective interest rate, and is included in the investment income. The effective interest rate is determined upon acquisition and remains unchanged during the expected duration or shorter applicable period. The difference between the proceeds received from the disposal of such held-to-maturity investments and their carrying amount is included in the investment income. 以下为具体例句,供参考:
Where the amount arising from the disposal or reclassification of held-to-maturity investments into other types of financial assets is relatively larger than the total amount of all such investments of the Company before sale or reclassification, the remaining held-to-maturity investments after disposal or reclassification shall immediately be reclassified into available-for-sale financial assets; the difference between the carrying amount of such investments and their fair value on the reclassification date is included in other comprehensive income, and when available-for-sale financial assets are impaired or derecognized, is reclassified to the profit or loss for the current period.
The impairment loss of a held-to-maturity investment is recognized on the basis of the difference between its carrying amount and the present value of expected future cash flows if there is objective evidence indicating its impairment; with evidence indicating the recovery of its value after provision, the originally recognized impairment loss may be reclassified to the profit or loss for the current period, but the carrying amount reclassified does not exceed the amortized cost of such financial asset on the reversal date assuming that no provision for impairment is made.
According to not only legal form but also the contractual arrangements and economic substance of the financial instruments issued by the Company, the management classifies financial assets and financial liabilities into different categories based on the purpose of holding financial assets and assuming financial liabilities: financial assets (or financial liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss for the current period; held-to-maturity investments; entrusted loans; receivables; available-for-sale financial assets; other financial liabilities, etc.