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尸注 cadaverous influx
尸气 cadaverous qi4
尸臭 cadaverous odor
尸厥 deathlike reversal
mountain\HALT \NOUN
山一笼鸡 gutzlaffia [root]
山九月菊 wild chrysanthemum
山三甲 trifoliate acanthopanax root
山大刀 red psychotria [twig and leaf]
山大刀根 red psychotria root
山大豆根 bushy sophora [root]
山大烟 wild poppy seed
山大颜根 red psychotria root
山小橘 glycosmis [root and leaf]
山丹 morningstar lily bulb
山丹花 morningstar lily [flower]
山木通 Finet's clematis
山牛毛毡 black fimbristylis
山牛蒡 Japanese thistle
山布子 cordia berry
山甘草 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
山甘草根 hairy mussaenda root
山甲 pangolin scales
山甲片 pangolin scales
山甲皮 pangolin skin
山白菊 ageratum aster
山皮条 Si4chuan1 indigo
山石榴 Cherokee rose fruit
山地栗 smooth greenbrier [root]
山竹子 flowery garcinia [root or fruit]
山羊肉 goral flesh
山羊血 goral's blood
山羊肝 goral's liver
山羊角 goral horn
山羊油 goral fat
山吴萸果 southern evodia fruit
山杞子根 lycium bark
山牡丹 Seguin's argyreia
山芋 (1) dioscorea [root]
山芋 (2) sweet potato
山豆根 bushy sophora [root]
山豆根汤 Bushy Sophora Root Decoction
山辛夷 Yun2nan2 michelia [flower]
山防风 Shandong ledebouriella [root]
山枝仁 pittosporum seed
山枝根 pittosporum root
山板朮 dioscorea [root]
山油柑果实 acronychia fruit
山油柑叶 acronychia leaf
山油麻 trema [leaf]
山芝麻 helicteres
山芭焦子 banana seed
山剌柏 Taiwan juniper [root or berry]
山剌梨 silky rose [root and fruit]
山扁豆 mimosa-leaved cassia
山扁豆子 mimosa-leaved cassia fruit
山扁柏 greater selaginella
山查 crataegus [fruit]
山柳菊 hieracium
山红果 crataegus [fruit]
山红萝卜 salvia [root]
山胡椒 mountain pepper
山胡椒根 mountain pepper root
山胡椒叶 mountain pepper leaf
山苦瓜 cucumber gourd root
山苦菜 tall lettuce [flower and leaf]
山苦_+ ixeris
山苞米 arisaema [root]
山韭 Japanese chive
山埔姜 Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaf]
山埔姜 five-leaved vitex
山核桃 hickory
山根 mountain root
山根 Mountain Root
山桐子 Nepal mallotus [root or bark]
山海棠 Yun2nan2 begonia
山海螺 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
山乌_+mountain tallow root
山乌_+mountain tallow leaf
山荔枝果 vanieria fruit
山茵陈 siphonostegia
山茴芹 Chinese carlesia
山茶花 camellia [flower]
山茱萸 cornus [fruit]
山茨菰 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
山茨菇 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
火山荔 litchee
火不生土 fire failing to engender earth
火中 fire strike (stroke)
火丹 fire cinnabar
火丹 erysipelas
火丹脚 fire-cinnabar leg
火心痛 fire heart pain
火曰炎上 fire is the flaming upward
火水共制 fire and water treatment
火水制 fire and water treatment
火生土 fire engenders earth
火克金 fire restrains metal
火冲气喘 panting due to surging of fire
火赤疮 fire red sore
火邪 fire evil
火制 fire processing
火性上炎 fire by nature flames upward
火性炎上 fire by nature flames upward
火旺 effulgent fire
火旺刑金 effulgent fire tormenting metal
火易生风动血 fire easily engenders wind and stirs the blood
火易扰心 fire easily harasses the heart
火泄 fire diarrhea
火炎肺胃喘 flaming fire lung-stomach panting
火咳 fire cough
火毒 fire toxin
火毒证 fire toxin pattern
火毒疖肿 fire toxin and swollen boils
火炭母 Chinese smartweed
火炭母草 Chinese smartweed
火炭母草根 Chinese smartweed root
火郁 fire depression
火郁喘 fire depression panting
火郁汤 Fire Depression Decoction
火郁发之 fire depression is treated by effusion
火郁嗽 fire depression cough
火风伤 fire wind damage
火候 control of time and temperature
火气大 great fire qi4
火气太大 excessive fire qi4
火消 niter
火烙疗法 cauterization therapy
火疳 fire gan1
火秧竻 fleshy spurge stem
火秧竻叶 fleshy spurge leaf
火秧竻蕊 fleshy spurge pistil and stamen
, 火耗气伤阴 fire wears qi4 and damages yin1
火逆 fire error
火逆 fire counterflow
火针 fire needling
火针 fire needle
火针疗法 fire needling
火参 rhubarb
火带疮 fire-girdle sore
火盛 exuberant fire
火盛刑金 exuberant fire tormenting metal
火眼 fire eye
火陷 fire fall
火麻子 cannabis fruit
火麻仁 cannabis fruit
火喘 fire panting
火斑石鲈 black-spotted rubberlip
火斑笛鲷 black-spotted sea perch
火焰子 Sungpan aconite [tuber]
火硝 niter
火伤风 fire wind damage
火痰 fire phlegm
火补火泻 fire supplementation and fire drainage
火嗽 fire cough
火嘈 fire clamor
火廓 fire belt
火腿 cured ham
火热 fire heat
火热上犯 fire-heat invading the upper body
火热上炎 fire-heat flaming upward
火热内生 fire heat arising internally
火热内结 fire-heat binding internally
火热迫肺 fire heat distressing the lung
火热头痛 fire heat headache
火疮 burn
火葱 scallion
火头痛 fire headache
火泻 fire diarrhea
火证 fire pattern
火罐 fire cup
_+ calcination
爪切进针法 nail-press needle insertion
爪甲 nail
爪甲 nails
爪甲干枯 dry nails
爪甲不荣 lusterless nails
爪甲色淡 pale nails
爪甲枯脆 dry brittle nails
爪甲癣 tinea unguium
爪枯 dry nails
爪为筋之余 nails are the surplus of the sinews
父子草 agrimony
tablet\HALT \NOUN
片花莲 Chinese lobelia
片脑 borneol
片剂 tablet (preparation)
片姜黄 sliced turmeric [NID]
片芩 Scutellariae Radix Veta
片芩 old scutellaria [root]
tooth\HALT \NOUN
牙石 tartar
牙床 tooth bed
牙床 mandible
牙皂 small gleditsia [fruit]
牙车 tooth carriage
牙周炎 periodontitis
牙周病 periodontosis
牙岩 tooth rock
牙垢 tartar
牙宣 gaping gums
牙宣出血 bleeding gaping gums
牙根宣露 exposure of the roots of the teeth
牙消 (1) horse-tooth mirabilite
牙消 (2) horse-tooth niter
牙疳 gan1 of the teeth and gums
牙疳 gingival gan1
牙痛 toothache
牙痛 Toothache
牙痛子 henbane seed
牙齿 tooth
牙齿干枯 desiccated teeth
牙齿干燥如枯骨 teeth dry as desiccated bones
牙齿光燥如石 teeth smooth and dry as pebbles
牙齿枯槁 desiccated teeth
牙齿浮动 loose teeth
牙齿动摇 loosening of the teeth
牙齿焦黑 blackening of the teeth
牙齿痛 toothache
牙齿酸弱 sore weak teeth
牙齿虫 tooth worms
牙齿松动 loosening of the teeth
牙虫 tooth worms
牙关紧闭 clenched jaw
牙关噤急 clenched jaw
牙龈 gum
牙龈出血 bleeding gums
牙龈宣露 gaping gums
牙龈萎缩 gingival atrophy
牙龈肿痛 painful swollen gums
牙龈腐烂 putrefying gums
牙龈溃烂 ulcerated gums
牙髓炎 pulpitis
牙疔 clove sore of the tooth and gum
牙衄 bleeding gums
牙衄 spontaneous bleeding of the gum
牙龂 gum
牙痈 welling-abscess of the gum
牙痈草 lanceolate cynoglossum
| surname
牛七 achyranthes [root]
牛口舌 Japanese thistle
牛口刺 Japanese thistle
牛口涎 ox's saliva
牛大力 specious millettia [root]
牛子 arctium [seed]
牛不嗅 Japanese thistle
牛毛七 oreas
牛奶子 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
牛甘子 emblic
牛皮癣 oxhide lichen
牛皮癣 psoriasis
牛皮癣药膏 Oxhide Lichen Medicinal Paste
牛羊草结 grass from stomach of ox or goat
牛耳大黄 curled dock root
牛耳大黄叶 curled dock leaf
牛耳草 hygrometric boea
牛耳枫子 daphniphyllum fruit
牛耳枫枝叶 daphniphyllum twig and leaf
牛耳枫根 daphniphyllum root
牛肉 beef
牛舌头 field sow thistle
牛血 ox blood
牛西西 patient dock [root]
牛含水 dodartia
牛尾泡 Yichang raspberry
牛抄藤 flexuose climbing fern
牛肝 beef liver
牛肚 ox's stomach
牛角腮 ox horn bone
牛车肾气丸 Achyranthes and Plantago Kidney Qi4 Pill
牛乳 cow's milk
牛肺 ox's lung
牛屎树 woolly-leaved alder
牛胞衣 cow's placenta
牛虻 tabanus
牛脂 beef fat
牛蚊子 tabanus
牛骨 ox bone
牛甜菜 plantago
牛喉咙 beef throat
牛程蹇 reluctant ox
牛筋 ox's cartilage
牛筋草 yardgrass
牛肾 beef kidney
牛脾 ox's spleen
牛酥 cow's milk butter
牛黄 bovine bezoar
牛黄上清丸 Bovine Bezoar Upper-Body-Clearing Pill
牛黄丸 Morning Glory and Rhubarb Pill
牛黄承气汤 Bovine Bezoar Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
牛黄抱龙丸 Bovine Bezoar Dragon-Embracing Pill
牛黄清心丸 Bovine Bezoar Heart-Clearing Pill
牛黄醒消丸 Bovine Bezoar Awake to Relief Pill
牛黄镇惊丸 Bovine Bezoar Fright-Settling Pill
牛嗓管树 Lancang saurauia bark
牛嗓管树根 Lancang saurauia root
牛肠 ox's intestines
牛脑 ox's brain
牛苍蝇 tabanus
牛鼻 ox's nose
牛鼻栓 fortunearia
牛膝 achyranthes [root]
牛膝茎叶 achyranthes stem and leaf
牛膝散 Achyranthes Powder
牛虱子 xanthium [fruit]
牛齿 ox's teeth
牛蹄 ox's trotter
牛蹄甲 ox's hoof
牛头草 agrimony
牛繁缕 malachium
牛胆 ox's gallbladder
牛触嘴 Japanese thistle
牛靥 ox's thyroid gland
牛髓 beef marrow
牛唎生菜 asparagus lettuce
牛舄 plantago
牛蒡 arctium [seed]
牛蒡子 arctium [seed]
牛蒡子散 Arctium Seed Powder
牛蒡子汤 Arctium Seed Decoction
牛蒡旁解肌汤 Arctium Flesh-Resolving Decoction
牛蒡根 arctium root
牛蒡茎叶 arctium stem and leaf
牛泷草 circaea
犬山椒 green zanthoxylum [husk]
犬肉 dog's flesh
犬齿 canine teeth (canines)
| surname
王士雄 Wang2 Shi4-Xiong2>
王不流行 vaccaria [seed]
王不留行 vaccaria [seed]
王氏清暑益气汤 Wang2>'s Summerheat-Clearing Qi4-Boosting Decoction
王氏连朴饮 Wang's Coptis and Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Beverage
王瓜 (1) cucumber gourd
王瓜 (2) cucumber
王瓜子 cucumber gourd seed
王瓜根 cucumber gourd root
王冰 Wang2 Bing1>
王好古 Wang2 Hao4-Gu3>
王旭高 Wang2 Xu4-Gao1>
王叔和 Wang2 Shu1-He2>
王肯堂 Wang2 Ken3-Tang2>
王洪绪 Wang2 Hong2-Xu4>
王茅 dioscorea [root]
王孙 four-leaved paris root
王宫 king's palace
王清任 Wang2 Qing1-Ren4>
王连 coptis [root]
王浆 royal jelly
王涛 Wang2 Tao1>
third heavenly stem
丙火 S3-fire
Wo rld Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies
世医 physician of long family tradition
世医得效方 Effective Formula From a Family Tradition
丘疹 papule
丘疹 papule
丘脑下部性闭经 hypothalamic amenorrhea
丘墟 GB-40\w
丘墟 Hill Ruins
govern\HALT \VERB, governing \NOUN, governor \NOUN
chief\HALT \NOUN
主心 PC-07
主心 Heart Governor
主色 governing complexion
主治 indication
主气 host qi4
主动脉 aorta
主动脉瓣 aortic valve
主诉 chief complaint
主运 host movement (or period)
主辅佐引 chief, support, assistant, and conductor
主辅佐引 medicinal roles
主证 chief sign
first (for the first time)
乍交即泄 ejaculation at the beginning of intercourse
乍见鬼神 sudden seeing of ghosts and spirits
乍疏乍数 now relaxed, now rapid
乍疏乍数 abruptly fluctuating pace
乏力 lack of strength
乏神 lack of spirit
in order to
以方测证 determining the signs/pattern from the formula
以右治左 treat the left through the right
以左治右 treat the right through the left
以毒攻毒 attacking toxin with toxin
以脉测证 determining the pulse from the signs/pattern
以痛为俞 pain indicates the point
以药测证 determing the signs/pattern from the medicinals
以证测方 determining the formula from the pattern
付阳 BL-59
付阳 Give Yang2
| equivalent of {zi3} in certain dialects
intermittent\HALT \ADJ
regularly interrupted\HALT \ADJ
changing\HALT \ADJ
代刀散 Spare-The-Knife Powder
代用穴 point substitutions
代抵当丸 Substitute Dead-On Pill
代脉 intermittent pulse
代脉 regularly interrupted pulse
代茶 take as tea
代茶喝 take as tea
代茶饮 take as tea
代赭 hematite
代赭石 hematite
| an ancient official title
make (cause to be)
仙人杖 young bamboo stalk
仙人冻 jellywort
仙人草 jellywort
仙人球 echinopsis [stem]
仙人掌 prickly pear cactus
仙人粥 Immortality Gruel
仙方活命饮 Immortal Formula Life-Giving Beverage
仙半夏 pinellia preparation
仙朮 atractylodes [root]
仙豆 broad bean
仙茅 curculigo [root]
仙茅参 white-stemmed scorzonera root
仙草 jellywort
仙掌子 prickly pear fruit
仙遗粮 smooth greenbrier [root]
仙鹤草 agrimony
仙鹤草根芽 agrimony root sprout
仙灵脾 epimedium
仙灵脾丸 Epimedium Pill
仙灵脾散 Epimedium Powder
fullness\HALT \NOUN
充血性心力衰竭 congestive heart failure
冬朮 frostbitten ovate atractylodes [root]
冬瓜 wax gourd
冬瓜子 wax gourd seed
冬瓜仁 wax gourd seed
冬瓜皮 wax gourd rind
冬瓜粥 Wax Gourd Gruel
冬瓜叶 wax gourd leaf
冬瓜藤 wax gourd stem
冬瓜瓤 wax gourd flesh
冬石 stonelike in winter
冬至 Winter Solstice
冬均子 quisqualis [fruit]
冬花 coltsfoot
冬青子 Chinese ilex [fruit]
冬青皮 Chinese ilex stem
冬青叶 Chinese ilex leaf
冬桑叶 frostbitten mulberry leaf
冬麻子 cannabis fruit
冬彭 gastrodia [root]
冬菜 winter pickle
冬温 winter warmth
冬葵子 mallow seed
冬葵根 mallow root
冬葵叶 mallow leaf
冬里麻 debregeasia
冬绿油 wintergreen oil
冬葱 shallot
冬应中权 [in] winter [the pulse] responds like a steelyard line
冬虫夏草 cordyceps
冬虫草 cordyceps
冬菇 lentinus
凹朴皮 liriodendron bark
outward movement
出汗 sweating
出汗不止 incessant sweating
出血 bleeding
出血 blood loss
出血 hemorrhage
出血 bloodletting
出气穴 Qi4 Issue Point
出疹 eruption of papules
出疹发斑 promote maculopapular eruption
出针 needle removal
出脓 exude pus
凸眼性甲状腺肿 exophthalmic goiter
加味二妙散 Supplemented Mysterious Two Powder
加味二陈汤 Supplemented Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
加味八仙汤 Supplemented Eight Immortals Decoction
加味三拗汤 Supplemented Rough and Ready Three Decoction
加味五淋散 Supplemented Five Strangury Powder
加味六君汤 Supplemented Six Gentlemen Decoction [NIS]
加味六味地黄丸 Supplemented Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill
加味太乙膏 Supplemented Tai Yi Plaster
加味四物汤 Supplemented Four Agents Decoction
加味平胃散 Supplemented Stomach-Calming Powder
加味白头翁汤 Supplemented Pulsatilla Decoction
加味定志丸 Supplemented Mind-Stabilizing Pill
加味金刚丸 Supplemented Metal Strength Pill
加味保和丸 Supplemented Harmony-Preserving Pill [NIS]
加味香苏散 Supplemented Cyperus and Perilla Powder
加味乌药汤 Supplemented Lindera Decoction
加味理中汤 Supplemented Center-Rectifying Decoction
加味逍遥散 Supplemented Free Wanderer Powder
pplemented Free Wanderer Powder Combined with Counterflow
Cold Decoction
加味麦门冬汤 Supplemented Ophiopogon Decoction
Supplemented Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice
加味犀角地黄汤 Supplemented Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction [NIS]
加味肾气丸 Supplemented Kidney Qi4 Pill
加味黄土汤 Supplemented Yellow Earth Decoction
Supplemented Birth-Hastening Chuan1xiong1*& and Chinese
Angelica*& Decoction
加味温胆汤 Supplemented Gallbladder-Warming Decoction
加味当归芍药散 Supplemented Chinese Angelica*& and Peony Powder
加味解毒汤 Supplemented Toxin-Resolving Decoction
加味归脾汤 Supplemented Spleen-Returning Decoction
加味泻白散 Supplemented White-Draining Powder
加味颠倒散 Supplemented Reversal Powder
加倍 double
加拿大飞蓬 Canadian erigeron
加参生化汤 Ginseng Engendering Transformation Decoction
加减 vary
加减 variant
加减 variation
加减八味丸 Eight-Ingredient Variant Pill [NIS]
加减木防己汤 Woody Fangji Variant Decoction
加减玉女煎 Jade Lady Variant Brew
加减生脉散 Pulse-Engendering Variant Powder
加减承气汤 Qi4-Coordinating+ Variant Decoction
加减法 variation
加减益阴煎\Q{wuyan??} Yin1-Boosting Variant Brew
加减清经汤 Channel-Clearing (Menses-Clearing) Variant Decoction
加减麦门冬汤 Ophiopogon Variant Decoction
加减复脉汤 Pulse-Restorative Variant Decoction
加减补中益气汤 Center-Supplementing Qi4-Boosting Variant Decoction
加减银翘散 Lonicera and Forsythia Variant Powder [NIS]
加减葳蕤汤 Solomon's Seal Variant Decoction
加剧 get worse
功用 action
功效 effect
功效 action
功能 function
功能亢进性腺瘤 hyperfunctioning cyst
dy sfunctional uterine bleeding
功能性子宫出血 dysfunctional uterine bleeding
功能性聋 functional deafness
功劳子 mahonia seed
功劳木 mahonia stem
功劳叶 mahonia [leaf]
| surname
包心菜 white cabbage
包心菜 white cabbage
包扎固定疗法 bandage-fixing therapy
包白 white cabbage
包皮 foreskin
包皮环切术 circumcision
包谷火焰包 infested corn flower
包珍珠 pearl lump
包煎 wrap-boiling
_+ Northern astragalus [root]
北山楂 northern crataegus [fruit]
北五加皮 periploca [NID]
北五味 northern schisandra [berry]
北五味子 northern schisandra [berry]
北瓜 winter pumpkin
北瓜 pumpkin
北宋 Northern Song4>
北杏 northern apricot kernel
北杏仁 northern apricot kernel
北沙参 glehnia [root]
北辛 northern asarum
北味 northern schisandra [berry]
北周 Northern Zhou1>
北风菌 abalone fungus
北柴胡 northern bupleurum [NID]
北寄生 red-berried mistletoe
北细辛 northern asarum
北朝 Northern Dynasties
北齐 Northern Qi4>
北鲜皮 dictamnus [bark]
北魏 Northern Wei4>
北鹤虱 carpesium seed
北秫米 sorghum [NID]
北葶苈 lepidium [seed]
匝风 GV-17
匝风 Circumference Wind
| short for 半夏 {ban4 xia4}, pinellia
半天笋 areca shoot
半天菜 areca flower
半支莲 large-flowered purslane
半月瓣 semilunar valve
半贝丸 Pinellia and Fritillaria Pill
半身不遂 hemiplegia
半身不遂 half-body paralysis
半身不随 hemiplegia
半身不随 half-body paralysis
半身出汗 hemilateral sweating
半身出汗 half-body sweating
半身汗出 hemilateral sweating
半身麻木 hemilateral numbness
半身麻木 half-body numbness
半身无汗 hemilateral absense of sweating
半刺 half needling
半枝莲 bearded scutellaria
半表半里 half-interior half-exterior
半表半里 midstage penetration
半表半里证 half-interior half-exterior pattern
半表半里证 midstage pattern
半夏 pinellia [rhizome]
半夏干姜散 Pinellia and Dried Ginger Powder
半夏白朮天麻汤 Pinellia, White Atractylodes*&, and Gastrodia Decoction
半夏曲 pinellia [tuber] leaven
半夏厚朴汤 Pinellia and Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Decoction
半夏汤 Pinellia Decoction
半夏精 arisaema [root]
半夏泻心汤 Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction
半夏秫米汤 Pinellia and Broomcorn Millet Decoction
半夏茯苓汤 Pinellia and Poria Decoction
半产 abortion
半产 late miscarriage
半硫丸 Pinellia and Sulfur Pill
半黄丸 Pinellia and Scutellaria Pill
半枫荷根 pterospermum [root]
半枫荷叶 pterospermum leaf
半腱肌 semitendinous muscle
半截叶 Wilson's passion flower
半膜肌 semimembranous muscle
半泻六君汤 Pinellia Heart-Draining Six Gentlemen Decoction
半边花 Chinese lobelia
半边菊 Chinese lobelia
半边莲 Chinese lobelia
半边苏 ciliate elzholtia
| used in transcriptions
卡他 catarrh
卡密 Siberian nitraria [fruit]
fourth earthly branch
卯时 B4 watch
remove\HALT \VERB
eliminate\HALT \VERB
minus\HALT \PREP
away from\HALT \PREP
去心烦 eliminate heart vexation
去火毒 eliminate fire toxin
去皮 remove the skin
去目翳 remove eye screens
去来心痛 coming and going heart pain
去来汤 Coming and Going Decoction
去宛陈莝 eliminate depressed stale water
去油 remove oil
去毒生肌 eliminate toxin and engender flesh
去渣 remove the dregs
去渣 strain
去瘀生新 eliminate stasis and engender the new
去腐生肌 eliminate putridity and engender flesh
去腐生新 eliminate putridity and engender the new
去腐消肿 eliminate putridity and disperse swelling
去腐散 Putridity-Eliminating Powder
去翳 eliminate eye screens
古山龙 mountain dragon
The Complete Compendium of Medical Works, Ancient and
Complete Collection of Orthodox Medical Works, Ancient and
古文钱 rusty copper coins
古方八证 Eight Arrays of Ancient Formulas
古月 pepper
古羊藤 streptocaulon [root or leaf]
古贲 oyster shell
古钮菜 few-flowered black nightshade
古钩藤 Buchanan's cryptolepis
右宜 Right's Need
右归丸 Right-Restoring [Life Gate] Pill
右归饮 Right-Restoring [Life Gate] Beverage
叩之有空声 produces an empty sound on tapping
叩头虫 click beetle
be in charge of
司天 ST-24
司天 Celestial Manager
司外揣内 judging the inside from observatin of the outside
另服 take separately
另煎 decoct separately
另炖服 take double-boiled separately
| surname
史国公浸酒方 Statesman Shi3's Wine-Steeped Formula
台乌 lindera [root]
台乌药 lindera [root]
台湾小檗 Taiwan barberry
台湾山泽兰 Formosan eupatorium
台湾马加鰆 Taiwan mackerel
台湾堇菜 Taiwan violet
台芎 chuanxiong [rhizome]
four, fourth, fourfold
四七汤 Four-Seven Decoction
四十腕 forty-year-old's wrist
四大 four greatnesses
四大家 four great physicians
四川大金钱草 lysimachia
四中 Four at the Center
四六风 four-six wind
四斤丸\Q{***} Four Jin Pill
四水 four waters
四加减正气散 Fourth Variant Qi4-Righting Powder
四末 extremities of the limbs
四末 four extremities
四生丸 Four Fresh Agents Pill
四白 ST-02\w
四白 Four Whites
四合脉 quadruple combined pulse
四合汤 Quadruple Combination Decoction [NIS]
四君子汤 Four Gentlemen Decoction
四妙丸 Mysterious Four Pill
四妙勇安汤 Mysterious Four Resting Hero Decoction
四妙散 Mysterious Four Powder
四妙汤 Mysterious Four Decoction
四角豆 Goa bean
四里 Four Li
四制香附丸 Quadruply Processed Cyperus Pill
四味回阳饮\Q{wuyan??} Four-Ingredient Yang2-Returning Beverage
四味香薷饮 Four-Ingredient Mosla*& Beverage
四季豆 snap bean
四季花 China tea rose
四季春 China tea rose
四季葱 scallion
四念_+ anagallis
四性 four natures
F our Agents Decoction Plus Scutellaria and Coptis
四物香薷饮 Four Agents Mosla*& Decoction
四物消风饮 Four Agents Wind-Dispersing Beverage
四物汤 Four Agents Decoction
四物汤加味方 Supplemented Four Agents Decoction Formula
四肢 four limbs
四肢 limbs
四肢 extremities
四肢不仁 insensitivity of the limbs
四肢不用 loss of use of the limbs
四肢不收 loss of use of the limbs
四肢不温 lack of warmth in the limbs
四肢不举 inability to lift the limbs
四肢欠温 lack of warmth in the limbs
四肢冰冷 icy cold limbs
四肢困倦 fatigued cumbersome limbs
四肢抽搐 convulsion of the limbs
四肢拘急 hypertonicity of the limbs
四肢拘挛 hypertonicity of the limbs
四肢为诸阳之本 four limbs are the root of all yang2
四肢为诸阳之本 four limbs of the root of all yang2
四肢倦怠 fatigued limbs
四肢消瘦 emaciated limbs
四肢症状 limb symptoms
四肢疼 pain in the limbs
四肢疼痛 pain in the limbs
四肢逆冷 counterflow cold of the limbs
四肢强直 rigidity of the limbs
四肢清冷 cold limbs
四肢麻木 numbness of the limbs
四肢厥冷 reversal cold of the limbs
四肢厥逆 reverse-flow of the limbs
四肢厥逆冰冷 icy-cold limbs due to reverse-flow
四肢烦悗 vexation in the limbs
四肢肿胀 swelling of the limbs
四肢瘦削 emaciated limbs
四肢战栗 shivering limbs
四肢挛急 hypertonicity of the limbs
四花 Four Flowers
四花青皮 four-petalled unripe tangerine peel
四指 fourth finger
四苓合芩芍汤 Poria Four Combined with Scutellaria and Peony Decoction
四苓散 Poria Four Powder
四时 four seasons
四时不正之气 untimely seasonal qi4
四时青 Mysore thorn leaf
四时春 Madagascar periwinkle
四时调摄 seasonal health care
四气 four qi4
四海 four seas
四海舒郁丸 Four Seas Depression-Soothing Pill
四乌贼一芦茹丸 Four of Cuttlefish To One of Madder Pill
F our of Cuttlefish To One of Madder Pill [NIS]
四神丸 Four Spirits Pill
四神散 Four Spirits Powder
四神聪 Alert Spirit Quartet
四逆 counterflow cold of the limbs
四逆加人参汤 Counterflow Cold Decoction Plus Ginseng
四逆厥 counterversion in the four limbs
四逆散 Counterflow Cold Powder
四逆汤 Counterflow Cold Decoction
四强 Four Strengths
四连 Four Successions
四阴汤 Four-Yin1 Decoction
四厥 reversal cold of the limbs
四诊 four examinations
四诊合参 correlate all four examination
四诊合参 correlation of all four examinations
四饮 four rheums
四块瓦 chloranthus/lysimachia
四极 four extremities
四棱豆 Goa bean
四叶参 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
四叶细辛 many-eared chloranthus
四叶胆 gentian [root]
四满 KI-14\w
四满 Fourfold Fullness
四维 limbs
四线鸡鱼 banded grunter
四磨汤 Four Milled Ingredients Decoction
四磨饮 Four Milled Ingredients Beverage
四缝 Four Seams
四总穴 four command points
四总穴歌 Song of the Four Command Points
四渎 TB-09
四渎 Four Rivers
四兽饮 Four Animals Decoction
四藤汤 Four Stems Decoction
四关 elbow and knee joints
四关 shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee joints
四宝丹 Four-Jewel Elixir
四弯风 four bends wind
四棱筋骨草 schnabelia
out\HALT \ADV, outward \ADV, outer \ADJ, outer body \NOUN
external\HALT \ADJ
外勾 ST-32
外勾 Outer Hook
外丘 GB-36\w
外丘 ST-32
外丘 Outer Hill
外丘 Outer Hill
外台秘要 Essential Secrets from Outside the Metropolis
外四满 Outer Fourfold Fullness
外玉液 Outer Jade Humor
外生殖器 external genitalia
外用 apply topically
外用洗目 used externally as an eye wash
外用药 topically applied medicinal
外因 external cause
ext ernal endometriosis
外耳炎 otitis externa
外耳道 external auditory meatus
外耳道 external ear canal
外耳道口 Outer Ear Opening
外耳道炎 otitis externa
外耳道真菌病 otitis externa mycotic
外耳道疖 furuncle of external acoustic meatus
外耳湿疹 eczema of external ear
外吹 external blowing
外吹乳痈 external blowing mammary welling-abscess
外邪 external evil
外命 KI-07
外命 Outer Life
外定喘 Outer Panting Stabilizer
外明 Outer Brightness
外泄 discharge outward
外治 external treatment
外治法 external method of treatment
外直立 Outer Erect Posture
外金津 Outer Golden Liquid
外科 external medicine
外科 surgery
外科大成 The Great Compendium of External Medicine
外科大成 The Great Compendium of External Medicine
外科正宗 Orthodox Manual of External Medicine
外科消法 internal dispersion
外科疾病 external medicine diseases
外科疾病 external medical diseases
外科补法 internal supplementation
外科精要 Essentials of External Medicine
外科枢要 Pivot of External Medicine
外科蟾酥丸 External Medicine Toad Venom Pill
Life-For-All Compendium of External Medicine, Patterns and
外科证候 external medicine patterns
外风 external wind
外风证 external wind pattern
外展肌 abductor
外真寒 true external cold
外真热 true external heat
外斜视 outward squint
外痔 external hemorrhoid
外脱 outward desertion
外陵 ST-26\w
外陵 Outer Mound
外阴白色病变 white lesions of the vulva
外阴尖锐湿疣 condyloma acuminatum of the vulva
外阴炎 vulvitis
vulvi tis
外阴廉 Outer Yin1 Corner
外阴瘙痒 pruritus vulvae
外阴痈肿 genital welling-abscess
外劳宫 Outer Palace of Toil
外寒 external cold
外寒犯胃 external cold invading the stomach
外肾 external kidney
外肾吊痛 painful pendulous external kidney
外肾缩入 retracted external kidney
外伤 external damage
外伤 external injury
外伤出血 bleeding due to external injury
外伤性白内障 traumatic cataract
外伤腰痛 external injury lumbar pain
外伤肿痛 pain and swelling due to external injury
外廉 outer face
外感 external contraction
外感不得卧 external contraction sleeplessness
外感六淫 external contraction of [one or more of] the six excesses
外感六淫 six-excess external contraction
外感表证 externally contracted exterior pattern
外感咳嗽 externally contracted cough
外感胃脘痛 external contraction stomach duct pain
外感风邪 externally contracted wind evil
外感风邪 external contraction of wind evil
外感风寒 externally contracted wind-cold
外感风热 externally contracted wind-heat
外感病 externally contracted disease
外感寒邪 externally contracted cold evil
外感寒邪 external contraction of cold evil
外感发热 external contraction heat [effusion] (fever)
外感腰痛 external contraction lumbar pain
外感热邪 externally contracted heat evil
外感热邪 external contraction of heat evil
外感热病 externally contracted heat disease
外感热病 externally contracted febrile disease
外感热病辨证 externally contracted febrile (heat) disease pattern identification
外睛明 Outer Bright Eyes
外经 external channels
外辅骨 outer assisting bone
外辅骨 fibula
外障 external obstruction
外敷 apply topically
外敷 applied topically
外敷接骨散 Topical Bone-Joining Powder
外敷麻醉药方 Topical Anesthetic Formula
外敷膏剂 topically applied paste
外枢 GB-28
外枢 Outer Pivot
外膝眼 Outer Eye of the Knee
外踝 outer ankle bone
外踝 lateral malleolus
外踝尖 Tip of the Outer Ankle Bone
外湿 external dampness
外燥 external dryness
外燥证 external dryness pattern
外翳攀睛 external screen creeping over the eye
外隐静脉 external (short) saphenous vein
外翻肌 evertor
外证 external sign
外关 TB-05
外关 Outer Pass
外眦 outer canthus
外痈 external welling-abscess
_+outer shank sore
lose\HALT\VERB; loss\NOUN
pass\HALT\VERB; passing\NOUN
impaired\HALT\ADJ; impairment\NOUN
deprived of
失心风 lost heart wind
失欠 yawn
失司 breakdown
失血 blood loss
失血眩晕 blood loss dizziness
失血过多 excessive blood loss
失宜 improper
失明 loss of sight
失枕 crick in the neck
失治 lack of proper treatment
失治 not properly treated
失音 loss of voice
失音不语 loss of voice
失气 passing of flatus
失气 qi4 loss
失气 fecal qi4
失眠 insomnia
失眠 Insomnia
失神 spiritlessness
失笑丸 Sudden Smile Pill
失笑散 Sudden Smile Powder
失常 abnormal
失常 irregular
失嗅 loss of smell
失禁 incontinence
失荣 loss-of-luxuriance
失精 seminal loss
失精家 person who suffers from seminal loss
失调 irregular\HALT\ADJ; irregularity\NOUN
失调 disharmony
失调 disorder
失养 loss of nourishment
失颈 crick in the neck
失营 loss-of-construction
失声不语 loss of voice
失职 failure to perform its office
失职 failure
失职 impairment
失权 failure to perform its office
失权 breakdown
失权 impairment
失溲 urinary incontinence
奴柘刺 vanieria thorn
breast\HALT \NOUN
mammary\HALT \NOUN
breast milk\HALT \NOUN
奶奶头 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
奶参 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
奶麻 roseola infantum
奶椎 pale-flowered licorice fruit
奶浆胡柴 phoenix hawksbeard
奶浆参 phoenix hawksbeard root
奶癣 suckling lichen
pregnant\HALT \ADJ, pregnancy \NOUN
孕妇 pregnant woman
孕妇禁用 contraindicated in pregnancy
孕痈 welling-abscess in pregnancy
尼罗口孵鱼 niloticus mouthbreeder
巨大畸形 gigantism
巨分 grand cleft
巨分 nasolabial groove
巨刺 great needling
巨刺 grande piqu!re
巨骨 huge bone
巨骨 LI-16\w
巨骨 Great Bone
巨骨下 Below the Great Bone
巨处 BL-05
巨处 Great Place
巨胜 black sesame [seed]
巨胜子 black sesame [seed]
巨虚 ST-37
巨虚 Great Hollow
巨虚下廉 ST-39
巨虚下廉 Lower Ridge of Great Hollow
巨虚上廉 ST-37
巨虚上廉 Upper Ridge of Great Hollow
巨阙 CV-14\w
巨阙 Great Tower Gate
巨阙俞 Great Tower Gate Point
_+ ST-03\w
_+ TB-23
_+ Great Bone-Hole
_+ Giant Bone-Hole
左力 evodia [fruit]
左右配穴法 combining left and right points
左扭 large gentian [root]
左牡蛎 oyster shell
左宜 Left's Need
左金丸 Left-Running Metal Pill
左突膏 Suppurative Swelling Paste
左秦艽 large gentian [root]
r disease of the left, moxa the right; for disease of the right, moxa
the left
co ntralateral moxibustion
左壳 oyster shell
左肾右命 kidney is on the left and the life [gate] on the right
左归丸 Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin1] Pill
左归饮 Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin1] Beverage
左转藤 lygodium
左转藤灰 lygodium spore
左顾牡蛎 oyster shell
左瘫右痪 left and right side paralysis
布包 wrap in cloth
布瓜 luffa gourd
布姜 five-leaved vitex
布指 finger positioning
布荆 five-leaved vitex
布骨消 rhomboid hyptis
布袋丸 Cloth Bag Pill
布渣叶 microcos leaf
balanced\HALT \ADJ
flat\HALT \ADJ
平人 healthy person
平旦 calm dawn watch
平旦服 take at calm dawn
平地木 coral ardisia [root]
平抑肝阳 repress the liver
平肝 calm the liver
平肝止痛 calm the liver and relieve pain
平肝降逆 calm the liver and downbear counterflow
平肝息风 calm the liver and extinguish wind
平肝清热 calm the liver and clear heat
平肝阳 calm liver yang2
平肝解郁 calm the liver and resolve depression
平肝熄风 calm the liver and extinguish wind
平肝熄风药 liver-calming wind-extinguishing medicinal
平肝潜阳 calm the liver and subdue yang2
平肝薯 curculigo [root]
平刺 transverse needling
平波 apple
平卧不能 inability to lie flat
平胃散 Stomach-Calming Powder
平息 calm breathing
平气 normal qi4
平素体弱 constitutionally weak
平脉 normal pulse
平陈汤 Calming Matured Ingredients Decoction
平喘 calm panting
平喘止咳 calm panting and suppress cough
平喘宁 Pingchuanning
平喘药 panting-calming medicinal
平塌 flat or sunken
平滑肌 smooth muscle
平补平泻 neutral supplementation and drainage
平补平泻 neutral supplementation and drainage
平补肝肾 neutrally supplements the liver and kidney
平补肺胃 neutrally supplements the lung and stomach
平补肾气 neutral supplementation of kidney qi4
平补镇心丹 Neutral Supplementing Heart-Settling Elixir
平熄内风 calm and extinguish internal wind
平调寒热 balanced regulation of cold and heat
平翳 CV-01
平翳 Flat Screen
平证 no abnormal pattern
平菇 oyster mushroom
平菇 abalone fungus
幼幼集成 A Compendium of Pediatrics
幼幼新书 A New Book of Pediatrics
幼油草 Japanese nanocnide
幼科 children's medicine
Go lden Mirror for the Treatment of Three Pediatric Poxes
幼科准绳 The Level-Line of Pediatrics
幼科证治准绳 The Level-Line of Pediatric Pattern Identification and Treatment
fifth heavenly stem
戊土 S5-earth
戊己丸 Fifth and Sixth Heavenly Stem Pill
打人毁物 beating people and smashing objects
打人骂人 beating and cursing people
打火草 Nepali anaphalis
打米花 porana flower
打老儿丸 Beaten Old Son Pill [NIS]
打老儿丸 Beaten Old Son Pill [NIS]
打呼 snoring
打破碗花花 Hubei anemone
打眼 Eye Strike
打伤 injury due to beating
打碎 crush
打扑堕跌 knocks and falls
打鼾 snoring
打嗝 belch
white atractylodes [root]
朮附汤 White Atractylodes*& and Aconite Decoction
朮苗 ovate atractylodes leaf
朮桂汤 Atractylodes and Cinnamon Twig Decoction
朮矾丸 Atractylodes and Melanterite Pill
本池 CV-23
本池 Root Pool
本神 GB-13\w
本神 Root Spirit
本草 herbal foundation
本草 bencao
本草 materia medica
本草 pents'ao
本草正义 True Meaning of the Herbal Foundation
本草求真 Truth-Seeking Herbal Foundation
本草品汇精要 Concise Herbal Foundation Compilation
本草拾遗 Supplement to the Herbal Foundation
本草衍义 Expanded Herbal Foundation
本草备要 The Essential Herbal Foundation
本草汇言 Collected Statements on the Herbal Foundation
本草纲目 Herbal Foundation Compendium
本草纲目拾遗 Supplement to the Herbal Foundation Compendium
本虚标实 root vacuity and tip repletion
本节 base joint
本节 knuckle
本经自发 originate in channel
本经选穴 selection of same-channel points
eighth earthly branch
not yet
未交即泄 ejaculation before intercourse
未老先衰 premature senility
未时 B8 watch
未发病前服 take before attacks
末药 myrrh
right\HALT \ADJ, \NOUN
regular\HALT \ADJ
straight\HALT \ADJ
正水 regular water
正色 right complexion
正佐药 direct assistant
正邪 regular evil
正邪相争 struggle between right and evil
正治 straight treatment
正治法 straight treatment
正面 GV-25
正面 Center of the Face
正容汤 Face-Righting Decoction
正气 right qi4
正气大虚 major vacuity of right qi4
正气不足 insufficiency of right qi4
正气天香散 Qi4-Righting Lindera and Cyperus Powder
正气虚 vacuity of right qi4
正骨 ulna
正骨 bone righting
正骨工具 bone-righting equipment
正骨手法 bone-righting manipulation
正骨科 bone righting department
正骨推拿 bone-righting tui1na2
正骨紫金丹 Bone-Righting Purple Gold Elixir
正骨烫药 Bone-Righting Hot Pack
正偏头痛 unbiased and hemilateral headache
正偏头痛 ambilateral and hemilateral headache
正常舌苔 normal tongue fur
正常舌象 normal tongue
正常脉 normal pulse
正虚邪实 right vacuity and evil repletion
正虚邪恋证 pattern of right vacuity and abiding evil
正虚饮结 right vacuity and rheum bind
正阳散 Yang2-Righting Powder
正睛 eyes looking straight ahead
正经 regular channel
正头痛 medial headache
正营 GB-17\w
正营 Upright Construction
正颜汤 Face-Righting Decoction [NIS]
正鲣 oceanic bonito
母丁香 clove fruit
母指 thumb
母气 maternal qi4
母病及子 disease of the mother affects the child
母能令子虚 mother can make the child vacuous
母草 crustacean lindernia
母趾里横纹 Transverse Crease of the Big Toe
母菊 chamomile
母猪藤 fleshy cayratia stem and leaf
母猪藤根 fleshy cayratia root
民间药 folk medicinal
invade\HALT \VERB, invasion \NOUN
mysterious\HALT \ADJ
玄及 schisandra [berry]
玄台 scrophularia [root]
玄石 loadstone
玄府 mysterious house
玄府 mysterious mansion
玄明粉 refined mirabilite
玄胡 corydalis [root]
玄胡索 corydalis [root]
玄英石 selenite
玄参 scrophularia [root]
玄参升麻汤 Scrophularia and Cimicifuga Decoction
玄参散 Scrophularia Powder
玄参解毒汤 Scrophularia Toxin-Resolving Decoction
玄精石 selenite
玉女煎 Jade Lady Brew
玉户 CV-22
玉户 Jade Door
玉户 jadedoor
玉朮 Solomon's seal [root]
玉田 Jade Field
玉竹 Solomon's seal [root]
玉竹粥 Solomon's Seal Gruel
玉竹饮 Solomon's Seal Beverage
玉米笋 baby corn
玉米轴 corn cob
玉米须 corn silk
玉乳 pear
玉延 dioscorea [root]
玉房俞 BL-30
玉房俞 Jade House Transport
玉枕 BL-09\w
玉枕 Jade Pillow
玉枕骨 jade pillow bone
玉枕骨 occipital bone
玉芙蓉 dried prickly pear sap
玉芙蓉 crossostephium leaf
玉门 jade gates
玉门 orificium vaginae
玉门不闭 non-closure of the jade gate
玉屏风散 Jade Wind-Barrier Powder
玉柏 tree clubmoss
玉泉 CV-03
玉泉 Jade Spring
玉泉丸 Jade Spring Pill
玉泉散 Jade Spring Powder
玉珊瑚根 Jerusalem cherry root
玉红膏 Jade and Red Paste
玉英 CV-18
玉英 Jade's Beauty
玉屑 nepherite
玉桂 cinnamon bark
玉海 sea of jade
玉真散 True Jade Powder
玉堂 CV-18\w
玉堂 Jade Hall
玉带根 pedilanthus
玉液 Jade Humor
玉液汤 Jade Humor Decoction
玉茎 jade stem
玉茎 penis
玉麦须 corn silk
玉椒 pepper
玉叶金花 Taihoku mussaenda
玉叶金花 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
玉蜀黍 corn
玉蜀黍根 corn root2
玉蜀黍叶 corn leaf
玉蜀黍蕊 corn silk
玉枢丹 Jade Pivot Elixir
玉枢丹 Jade Axis Elixir
玉葱 onion
玉蝴蝶 oroxylum [seed]
玉龙赋 Ode of the Jade Dragon
玉龙鞭 Jamaica vervain
玉烛散 Jade Candle Powder
玉环俞 BL-30
玉环俞 Jade Ring Transport
玉簪花 plantain lily
玉簪花根 plantain lily root
玉簪叶 plantain lily leaf
玉锁丹 Jade Lock Elixir
玉兰花 yulan flower
玉露散 Jade Dew Powder
玉钥匙 Jade Key
瓜丁 melon stalk
瓜丁散 Melon Pedicel Powder
瓜子 wax gourd seed
瓜子金 Japanese polygala
瓜子菜 purslane
瓜子鲳 Japanese butter fish
瓜仁 trichosanthes seed
瓜仔脯 green pickled melon
瓜吕根 trichosanthes root
瓜香草 agrimony
瓜犀 wax gourd seed
瓜络 loofah
瓜蒂 melon stalk
瓜蒂神妙散 Melon Stalk Wonder Powder
瓜蒂散 Melon Stalk Powder
瓜馥木 Oldham's fissistigma root
瓜瓣 wax gourd seed
瓜瓣 trichosanthes seed
瓜藤缠 twinding gourd stem
瓜蒌 trichosanthes [fruit]
瓜蒌子 trichosanthes seed
瓜蒌仁 trichosanthes seed
瓜蒌仁 trichosanthes seed [NID]
瓜蒌仁霜 trichosanthes seed frost
瓜蒌牛蒡汤 Trichosanthes and Arctium Decoction
瓜蒌皮 trichosanthes rind
瓜蒌根 trichosanthes root
瓜蒌桂枝汤 Trichosanthes and Cinnamon Twig Decoction
瓜蒌茎叶 trichosanthes stem and leaf
瓜蒌瞿麦丸 Trichosanthes and Dianthus Pill
瓜蒌枳实汤 Trichosanthes and Unripe Bitter Orange Decoction
瓜蒌薤白半夏汤 Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive, and Pinellia Decoction
瓜蒌薤白白酒汤 Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive, and White Liquor Decoction
瓦松 orostachys
瓦韦 Thunberg lepisorus
瓦草 Si4chuan1 melandrium [root]
瓦楞子 ark shell
瓦垄子 ark shell
瓦垄蛤皮 ark shell
sweet\HALT \ADJ, sweetness \NOUN
_} kansui [root]
甘入脾 sweetness enters the spleen
甘土 sweet earth
甘中黄 licorice in human feces
甘瓜 melon
甘石 calamine
甘石榴 sweet pomegranate [fruit]
甘守津还 safeguarding with sweetness to facilitate the restoration of liquid
甘李根白皮 plum root bark
甘李根皮 plum root bark
甘松 nardostachys [root]
甘松香 nardostachys [root]
甘松粥 Nardostachys Gruel
甘油 glycerine
甘枸杞 lycium [berry]
甘根 bletilla [root]
甘桔梗 apricot-leaved adenophora [root]
甘桔汤 Licorice and Platycodon Decoction
甘疽 sweet flat-abscess
甘草 licorice [root]
甘草小麦大枣汤 Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction
甘草干姜苓朮汤 Licorice, Dried Ginger, Poria, and White Atractylodes*& Decoction
甘草干姜汤 Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction
Li corice, Dried Ginger, Poria, and White Atractylodes*& Decoction
甘草皮 licorice root skin
甘草附子汤 Licorice and Aconite Decoction
甘草流浸膏 liquid extract of licorice [root]
甘草粉蜜汤 Licorice, Processed Galenite, and Honey Decoction
甘草梢 fine licorice root
甘草栀子汤 Licorice and Gardenia Decoction
甘草麻黄汤 Licorice and Ephedra Decoction
甘草汤 Licorice Decoction
甘草节 resinous licorice root
甘草头 licorice root top
甘草泻心汤 Licorice Heart-Draining Decoction
甘茶 sweet tea [leaf]
甘凉止汗 check sweating with cold and cool medicinals
甘瓠 sweet gourd
甘麦大枣汤 Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction
甘寒生津 engender liquid with cold and sweetness
甘寒滋润 enrich and moisten with cold and sweetness
甘棠 sweet crabapple
甘紫菜 laver
甘肃棘豆 Gansu oxytropis
甘菊 chrysanthemum [flower]
甘菊花 chrysanthemum [flower]
甘菊花露 chrysanthemum [flower] distillate
甘温除大热 eliminate great heat with warmth and sweetness
甘温除热 eliminate heat with warmth and sweetness
甘葛 pueraria [root]
甘遂 kansui [root]
甘遂末 powdered kansui [root]
甘遂通结汤 Kansui Bind-Freeing Decoction
甘遂散 Kansui Powder
甘蔗 sugar cane
甘蔗汁 sugar cane juice
甘蔗皮 sugar cane skin
甘蔗笋 sugar cane shoot
甘蔗粥 Sugar Cane Gruel
甘蔗滓 cane residue
甘泽 kansui [root]
甘蕉根 banana root
甘薯 sweet dioscorea [tuber]
甘蓝 white cabbage
甘蓝芽 white cabbage sprout
甘藷 sweet dioscorea [tuber]
甘澜水 worked water
甘澜水 worked water
甘澜水 worked water
甘露子 Chinese artichoke
甘露儿 Chinese artichoke
甘露消毒丹 Sweet Dew Toxin-Dispersing Elixir
甘露饮 Sweet Dew Beverage
甘榄 Chinese olive
fresh\HALT \ADJ
engender\HALT \VERB, engenderment \NOUN
crude\HALT \ADJ
生三七 raw notoginseng [root]
生大黄 raw rhubarb
生大黄末 powdered raw rhubarb
生山药 raw dioscorea [root]
生川乌 raw aconite main root
生干地黄 dried rehmannia [root]
生干蟾 crude dried toad
生之本 root of life
生化之源 source of engendering transformation
生化之源不足 insufficiency of the source of engendering transformation
生化汤 Engendering Transformation Decoction
生天冬 raw asparagus [root]
生天冬汁 fresh asparagus [root] juice
生天南星 raw arisaema [root]
生月石 raw borax
生木瓜 raw chaenomeles [fruit]
生牛膝 raw achyranthes [root]
生代赭石 crude hematite [NID]
生半夏 raw pinellia [rhizome]
生四物汤 Raw Four Agents Decoction [NIS]
生瓜 snake melon
生甘草 raw licorice [root]
生用 use(d) raw
生田七 raw notoginseng [root]
生白朮 raw ovate atractylodes [root]
生白芍 raw white peony [root]
生白附子 raw aconite/typhonium [rhizome]
生白矾 raw alum
生石灰 quicklime
生石决明 raw abalone shell
生石膏 raw gypsum
生吃 eat(en) raw
生地 dried/fresh rehmannia [root]
生地汁 fresh rehmannia [root] juice
生地黄 dried/fresh rehmannia [root]
生地黄汁 fresh rehmannia [root] juice
生地黄炭 charred dried rehmannia [root]
生地黄粥 Raw Rehmannia Gruel
生地黄煎 Raw Rehmannia Brew [NIS]
生地榆 raw sanguisorba [root]
生百部 raw stemona [root]
生肌 engender flesh
生肌八宝丹 Flesh-Engendering Eight-Jewel Elixir
生肌玉红膏 Flesh-Engendering Jade and Red Paste
生肌白玉膏 Flesh-Engendering White Jade Plaster
生肌收口 engender flesh and close wounds
生肌定痛 engender flesh and stabilitze pain
生肌长肉 engender flesh
生肌散 Flesh-Engendering Powder
生艾叶 raw mugwort [NID]
生血 engender blood
生血不足 insufficient blood production
生克乘侮 engendering, restraining, overwhelming, and rebellion
生没药 raw myrrh
生牡蛎 raw oyster shell
生育 childbearing
生育过多 excessive childbearing
生芍药 raw peony [root]
生乳香 raw frankincense
生明矾 raw alum
生明矾 crude alum [NID]
生附子 raw aconite [accessory root]
生附散 Raw Aconite Powder
生南星 raw arisaema [root]
生扁豆 raw lablab [bean]
生津 engender liquid
生津止汗 engender liquid and check sweating
生津止渴 engender liquid and allay thirst
生津益胃 engenders liquid and boosts the stomach
生津液 engender the fluids
生津药 liquid-engendering medicinal
生茅根 raw imperata [NID]
生军 raw rhubarb
生食 eat raw
生香附 raw cyperus [root]
生气 vital qi4
生气 engender qi4
生气之源 source of qi4
生脉散 Pulse-Engendering Powder
生脉汤 Pulse-Engendering Decoction
生脉饮 Pulse-Engendering Beverage
生草乌 raw wild aconite [root]
生草节 raw resinous licorice root [NID]
生马兰菜 fresh kalimeris
生栀子 raw gardenia [fruit]
生硫黄末 raw powdered sulfur
生麦冬 raw ophiopogon [root]
生麦冬汁 fresh ophiopogon [tuber] juice
生麦芽 raw barley sprout
生麻黄 raw ephedra [NID]
生枣仁 raw spiny jujube [pit]
生殖 reproduction
生殖之精 reproductive essence
生殖性疱+herpes genitalis
生殖腺 gonads
生殖与泌尿系统 genitourinary system
生殖器 genitalia
生殖器 genitals
生殖器_+herpes genitalis
生殖器结核 genital tuberculosis
生殖机能 sexual function
生殖机能低下 lowered sexual function
生犀角散 Raw Rhinoceros Horn Powder
生脾胃之津 engender spleen-stomach liquid
生黄_+ raw astragalus [root]
生新 engender the new
生新血 engender new blood
生当归 raw tangkuei [root]
生硼砂 raw borax
生葛汁 pueraria [root] juice
生槐花 raw sophora flower
生漆 fresh lacquer
生精血 engender essence and blood
生精益髓 engender essence and boost marrow
生精强肾 engenders essence and strengthens the kidney
生蒲黄 raw typha pollen
生蒲黄汤 Raw Typha Decoction
生蜜 raw honey [NID]
生熟水 boiled and unboiled water
生熟水 yin-yang water
生赭石 crude hematite [NID]
生赭石粉 powdered crude hematite
生墨汁草 fresh eclipta
生墨旱莲 fresh eclipta
生机好 have a good chance of survival
生龙骨 crude dragon bone
生龙齿 crude dragon tooth [NID]
生龟版 raw tortoise plastron
生姜 fresh ginger
生姜半夏汤 Fresh Ginger and Pinellia Decoction
生姜汁 ginger juice
生姜甘草汤 Fresh Ginger and Licorice Decoction
生姜皮 ginger skin
生姜衣 ginger skin
生姜红糖汤 Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Decoction
生姜泻心汤 Fresh Ginger Heart-Draining Decoction
生薯蓣 raw dioscorea [root]
生鸡内金 raw gizzard lining
生藕汁 lotus root juice
生藕节 raw lotus root node [NID]
生藤 stelmatocrypton
生药 crude medicinal
生蟾蜍 crude dried toad
生矾 alum
生芦根粥 Fresh Phragmites Gruel
生铁落 iron flakes
生铁落 iron flakes [NID]
生铁落饮 Iron Flakes Beverage
生鳖甲 raw [fresh-water] turtle shell
生晒白人参 sun-dried fresh white ginseng [NID]
生晒白术 sun-dried white atractylodes [NID]
生晒参 sun-dried ginseng [NID]
生髓育麟丹 Marrow-Engendering Unicorn-Rearing Elixir
生芡实 raw euryale [seed]
生苡仁 raw coix seed
生苡米 raw coix seed [NID]
生蒡子 raw arctium [seed]
生薏仁 raw coix seed
生薏苡仁 raw coix seed
用心过多 excessive mental work
用法 directions
用纱布包煎 decoct wrapped in gauze
用眼过多 eye strain
用量 dosage
用药 medication
用药不当 inappropriate use of medicines
田七 notoginseng [root]
田三七 notoginseng [root]
田波菜 plantago
田唇乌蝇翼 smithia
田基黄 lesser hypericum
田旋花 convolvulus
田萍 duckweed
田菊 kalimeris
田葛菜 rorippa
田漆 notoginseng [root]
田葱 philydrum
田螺 freshwater snail
田螺泡 water snail vesicles
田螺壳 freshwater snail shell
田螺厣 freshwater snail's operculum
田鸡 (2) forest frog
田鸡 (3) button quail
田边菊 kalimeris
田嘓仔 tille king fish
由里出表 pass from the interior to the exterior
由表入里 pass from the exterior to interior
由虚转实 vacuity converting into repletion
由实转虚 repletion converting into vacuity
first heavenly stem
甲乙经 The Systematized Canon
甲乙归脏汤 1st & 2nd Heavenly Stems Viscera-Returning Decoction
甲子 sixty-year cycle
甲亢 hyperthyroidism
甲木 S1-wood
甲字汤 First Heavenly Branch Decoction
甲状旁腺 parathyroid glands
甲状腺 thyroid gland
甲状腺炎 thyroiditis
甲状腺肿 thyromegaly (goiter)
甲状腺肿大 thyroid enlargement
甲状腺腺瘤 thyroma
甲状腺瘤 thyroma
h yperthyroidism
h ypothyroidism
甲状腺囊肿 thyroid cyst
甲型链球菌 alpha-hemolytic streptococcus
甲香 cat's-eye
甲骨 turbinate bones
甲沟炎 paronychia
甲错 encrustation
ninth earthly branch
申丹 macaque stone
申时 B9 watch
申脉 BL-62\w
申脉 Extending Vessel
white\HALT \ADJ, \NOUN
| surname
白丁香 sparrow's droppings
白人参 white ginseng [NID]
白三七 rhodiola
白三山根 rhodiola root
白千层 cajeput [bark]
白千层叶 cajeput
白口疮 white mouth sore
白山苔 marsh tea
白干 white liquor
白干酒 white liquor
白干葛 pueraria [root]
白丑 white morning glory [seed]
白云花根 heracleum [root]
白仁 white of the eye
白内障 cataract
白内障 cataract
白升麻 bearded-flower delphinium
白及 bletilla [root]
白及合剂 Bletilla Mixture
白及枇杷丸 Bletilla and Loquat Pill
白及粉 powdered bletilla [root]
白日咳 whooping cough
白木 micromelum root (bark)
白木耳 tremella
白毛姑 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
白毛夏枯草 bending bugle
白毛藤 climbing nightshade
白毛藤根 climbing nightshade root
白氏眼药 Bai's Eye Medication
白水石 glauberite
白牛膝 cucubalus root
白牛胆 goat-ear elecampane
白冬瓜 wax gourd
白朮 white atractylodes [root]
白朮芍药散 White Atractylodes*& and Peony Powder
白朮附子汤 White Atractylodes*& and Aconite Decoction
白朮散 White Atractylodes*& Powder
白朮膏 White Atractylodes*& Paste
白朮猪肚粥 Pig's Stomach Gruel
白玉纸 oroxylum [seed]
白玉膏 White Jade Plaster
白瓜 wax gourd
白瓜子 wax gourd seed
白皮_+ white-skinned astragalus [root]
白石 actinolite
白石英 white quartz
白石英丸 White Quartz Pill
白石英汤 White Quartz Decoction
白石脂 kaolin
白石枣 honey tree fruit
白石榴花 white pomegranate flower
白石榴根 white pomegranate root
白地栗 arrowhead corm
白地栗 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
白地紫菀 Delavay's gerbera [root]
白地紫菀 Delavay's gerbera [root]
白地榆 sanguisorba [root]
白如枯骨 white as dry bones
白百合 lily bulb
白耳子 tremella
白肉 white flesh
白色葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus albus
白艾 crossostephium leaf
白血病 leukemia
白血球 white blood cells
白血球 leukocyte (white blood cell)
白君 alum
白沙蜜 honey
白沙糖 white sugar
白沙虫药 yellow flowered rabdosia
白秃 bald white scalp sore
白秃堆灰 ash heap bald white scalp sore
白秃疮 bald white scalp sore
白芍 white peony [root]
白芍药 white peony [root]
白豆 kidney bean
白豆蔻 cardamom
白豆蔻壳 cardamom husk
白屈菜 celandine
白屈菜根 celandine root
白昌 silver pomfret
白果 ginkgo [nut]
白果中毒 ginkgo poisoning
白果肉 ginkgo [nut]
白果根 ginkgo root
白果叶 ginkgo leaf
白果树皮 ginkgo bark
白松塔 lacebark pine cone
白河车 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
白花丹 plumbago
白花百合 lily bulb
白花姑鱼 white flower croaker
白花果 ternstroemia
白花茅根 imperata [root]
白花夏枯草 heterophyllous dragon's-head
白花射干 dichotomous iris
白花草 Chinese leucas
白花蛇 krait/agkistrodon
白花蛇目睛 krait/agkistrodon eye
白花蛇舌草 oldenlandia
白花蛇头 agkistrodon's head
白花菜 cleome
白花菜子 cleome seed
白花菜根 cleome root
白花莲 rauwolfia root
白芥 white mustard stalk and leaf
白芥子 white mustard [seed]
白芷 Dahurian angelica
白芷散 Dahurian Angelica*& Powder
白芷叶 angelica [leaf]
白虎 gypsum
白虎加人参汤 White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng
白虎加地黄汤 White Tiger Decoction Plus Rehmannia
白虎加桂枝汤 White Tiger Decoction Plus Cinnamon Twig
白虎加苍朮汤 White Tiger Decoction Plus Atractylodes
白虎承气汤 White Tiger Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
白虎汤 White Tiger Decoction
白虎历节 white tiger joint running
白金丸 Alum and Curcuma Pill
白金古榄 Champion's aristolochia [tuber]
白附子 typhonium [rhizome]
白附片 white sliced aconite [accessory root]
白前 willowleaf swallowwort [rhizome]
白前汤 Willowleaf Swallowwort Decoction
白扁豆 lablab [bean]
白故子 oroxylum [seed]
白炭 white charcoal
白背三七 divaricate gynura root
白背三七茎叶 divaricate gynura stem and leaf
白背杨 white poplar leaf
白背叶 (1) mallotus leaf
白背叶 (2) Gamble's lindera [root and leaf]
白背叶根 mallotus root
白胡椒 white pepper
白茅 imperata [root]
白茅花 imperata flower
白茅根 imperata [root]
白茅针 imperata bud
白苣 lettuce
白茄子 white eggplant
白茄根 eggplant root
白英 climbing nightshade
白苔 white tongue fur
白郎花 Emei linden [root bark]
白降丹 White Downborne Elixir
白降丹 white downborne elixir
白面风 tapering-leaf basket vine
白面痧 white-face sand
白首乌 Bunge's Cynanchum
白屑风 white scaling wind
白根 bletilla [root]
白桑皮 mulberry bark
白浦姜 Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaf]
白疹 white papules
白纸扇 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
白脂麻 white sesame [seed]
白茶菊 white Hang2zhou1 chrysanthemum [flower]
白酒 white liquor
白马骨 serissa
白马骨根 serissa root
白马阴茎 horse's penis
白马溺 white horse's urine
白马薇 black swallowwort
白侧耳 leafy parnassia
白参 white ginseng
白垩 chalk
白崩 white flood
白常山 mussaenda [root]
白带 white vaginal discharge
白带 vaginal discharge
白带 leukorrhea
白带片 White Discharge Tablet
白带清稀 clear thin white vaginal discharge
白带鱼 hairtail [flesh]
白带过多 excessive vaginal discharge
白接骨 asystasiella
白梁米 white millet
白梅 candied mume [fruit]
白梅花 white mume flower
白淋 white strangury
白淫 white ooze
白牵牛 white morning glory [seed]
白牵牛子 white morning glory [seed]
白眼 white of the eye
白眼 white eye
白符 kaolin
白细辛 beesia
白细胞减少症 leukopenia
白荷花露 lotus flower distillate
白苋 amaranth
白通加猪胆汁汤 Scallion Yang2-Freeing Decoction Plus Pig's Bile
白通草 rice-paper plant pith
白通汤 Scallion Yang2-Freeing Decoction
白陶土 kaolin
白鱼 erythroculter
白鱼尾 Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaf]
白鱼尾果 Asian buddleia fruit
白麻子 cannabis fruit
白喉 diphtheria
白喉 diphtheria
白喉 white throat
白喉 diphtheria
白散 White Powder
白斑一号洗剂 Leukoplakia No.~1 Wash
白斑一号药膏 Leukoplakia No.~1 Medicinal Paste
白斑二号药膏 Leukoplakia No.~3 Medicinal Paste
白斑三号药膏 Leukoplakia No.~3 Medicinal Paste
白斑洗剂 Leukoplakia Wash
白斑病 vitiligo
白游风 white wandering wind
白痢 white dysentery
白菊 white chrysanthemum [flower]
白菊花 white chrysanthemum [flower]
白菊花根 chrysanthemum root
白菜 (1) celery cabbage
白菜 (2) pakchoi
白饭豆 kidney bean
白饭树根 fluggea root
白饭树叶 fluggea leaf
白微 black swallowwort
白敬宇眼药 Bai Jing-Yu's Eye Medication
白杨枝 David's poplar twig
白杨叶 David's poplar leaf
白杨树皮 David's poplar bark
白杨树根皮 David's poplar root bark
白睛 white of the eye
白睛生疳 gan1 of the white of the eye
白睛青蓝 blue whites of the eye
白睛红赤 reddening of the white of the eye
白睛病 disease of the white of the eye
白睛鱼胞 fish-belly eye white
白睛乱脉 chaotic vessels in the white of the eye
白睛溢血 blood spillage in the white of the eye
白脚草 phoenix-tail fern
白叶刺根 Fu2jian4 elaeagnus root
白雷丸 omphalia
白漏 white leak
白蒿 Sievers artemisia
白蒲姜 Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaf]
白蜜 honey
白驳片 W, hite Patch Tablet
白驳风 white patch wind
白凤仙 garden balsam
白僵蚕散 Silkworm Powder
白疮 white sores
白线蛇 coluber
白膜侵睛 white membrane invading the eye
白胶香 liquidambar
白蝴蝶 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
白质 white matter
白醋 white vinegar
白霉苔 white-mold tongue fur
白发 graying of the hair
白桦皮 white birch bark
白浊 white turbidity
白糖 white sugar
白糖 white sugar [NID]
白糖参 white-sugar–treated ginseng [NID]
白颈蚯蚓 earthworm
白头公 (1) pulsatilla [root]
白头公 (2) hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
白头翁 pulsatilla [root]
Pu lsatilla Decoction Plus Ass Hide Glue and Licorice
白头翁花 pulsatilla flower
白头翁茎叶 pulsatilla stem and leaf
白头翁汤 Pulsatilla Decoction
白鸭肉 duck's flesh
白龙占 purple-headed emperor
白龙粉 refined mirabilite
白龙骨 white dragon bone
白龙头 Indian lettuce root
白敛 ampelopsis [root]
白檀根 sapphire-berry sweetleaf [root]
白涩症 white dry eye
白环俞 BL-30\w
白环俞 White Ring Transport
白姜 dried ginger
白薯莨 bristly dioscorea [tuber]
白薇 black swallowwort
白薇丸 Black Sallowwort*& Pill
白薇汤 Black Sallowwort*& Decoction
白螺蛳壳 bellamya shell
白鲜皮 dictamnus [bark]
白鲜皮散 Dictamnus Powder
白黏涕 sticky white snivel (nasal mucus)
白槟榔 areca [nut]
白虫病 whiteworm disease
白鸡冠花 white cockscomb [NID]
白鸡屎藤 white-haired paederia
白鹅膏 goose fat
白痴 feeble-minded person
白痴 feeble-mindedness
白茧唇 white cocoon lip
白膻 dictamnus [bark]
白腊树子 ligustrum [fruit]
白药 platycodon [root]
白药子 cepharantha [tuber]
白药子 dioscorea [root]
白矾 alum
白矾散 Alum Powder
白苏子 white perilla seed
白苏皮 white perilla bark
白苏梗 white perilla stem
白苏叶 white perilla leaf
白面粉 wheat flour
白癞 white lai4
白兰花 white michelia flower
白藓皮 dictamnus [bark]
白蜡 white wax
白蜡花 Chinese ash flower
白蜡树皮 Chinese ash bark
白蜡树叶 Chinese ash leaf
白露 White Dew
白鹤藤 argyreia
白鹤藤根 argyreia root
白鹤灵芝 rhinacanthus [twig and leaf]
白榄根 Chinese olive root
白冇骨消 rhomboid hyptis
白疕 white crust
白竻薳 trifoliate acanthopanax twig and leaf
白芨 bletilla [root]
白芨散 Bletilla Powder
白砒 white arsenic
白砒 arsenic
白苕 dioscorea [root]
白茯苓 white poria
白菖 sweetflag [root]
白萆薢 Longling greenbrier [root]
白萆薢 Longling greenbrier [root]
白蒺 tribulus [fruit]
白蒺藜 tribulus [fruit]
白蒺藜 tribulus [NID]ribuli
白蒺藜散 Tribulus Powder
白槿子 rose-of-Sharon seed
白蔻 cardamom
白蔻仁 cardamom
白殭蚕 silkworm
白癜 white patch
白癜风 white patch wind
白癜风 vitiligo
白鬎疬 white perverse crop
白蔹 ampelopsis [root]
白蔹丸 Ampelopsis Pill
白蔹子 ampelopsis seed
白鹇 silver pheasant
_+ miliaria alba
_} smooth greenbrier [root]
_+sal ammoniac
cutaneous\HALT \ADJ
dermal\HALT \ADJ
皮刀 spotted moonfish
皮下埋针 intradermal needle
皮下组织 subcutaneous tissue
皮中如虫行 sensation of grubs creeping in the skin
皮内针 intradermal needle
皮毛 skin and [body] hair
皮毛束闭 fettering of the skin and [body] hair
皮毛痿 skin and [body] hair wilting
皮毛憔悴 haggard skin
皮水 skin water
皮肌炎 dermomyositis
皮色如常 normal skin color
皮色苍黄 somber yellow skin
皮表之热 heat in the cutaneous exterior
皮枯膏 Dry Skin Paste
皮病 dermatosis
皮脂腺 sebaceous gland
皮蛋 limed egg
皮部 cutaneous region
皮部 BL-36
皮部 Skin Region
皮硝 impure mirabilite
皮痿 skin wilting
皮绽术 skin-spreading technique
皮蒸 steaming skin
皮膜 cutaneous membrane
皮肤 skin
皮肤 skin
皮肤干燥 dry skin
皮肤白斑 white macules on the skin
皮肤血虚风燥 blood vacuity and wind-dryness of the skin
皮肤炎 dermatitis
皮肤肥厚 thickening of the skin
皮肤肥厚粗糙 thickened rough skin
皮肤疣 wart
皮肤红斑 red macules on the skin
皮肤风疹 wind papules
皮肤风热 wind-heat of the skin
皮肤病 skin disease(s)
皮肤症状 skin symptoms
皮肤真菌 cutaneous fungus
皮肤针 cutaneous needle
皮肤脱屑 scaling of the skin
皮肤粟疹 millet papules
皮肤结节 node of the skin
皮肤紫斑 purple macules on the skin
皮肤萎缩 atrophied skin
皮肤黑斑 black macules on the skin
皮肤瘢痕 scar
皮肤褐斑 brown macules on the skin
皮肤养疹 itchy papules of the skin
皮肤湿疹 eczema
皮肤湿热 damp-heat of the skin
皮肤湿疮 damp sores of the skin
皮肤燥裂 dry cracked skin
皮肤癌 skin carcinoma
皮肤糜烂 erosion of the skin
皮肤皲裂 cracking of the skin
皮肤瘙痒 itchy skin
皮痹 skin impediment
皮腠 cutaneous interstices
_+ BL-36
_+ Skin Cleft
vision\HALT \NOUN
目入暮不能视物 night blindness
目下有卧蚕 sleeping silkworms below the eyes
目下有卧蚕 bags under the eyes
目下弦 lower eyelid rim
目下胞 lower eyelid
目下陷 sunken eyes
目下纲 lower eyelid rim
目上反 upturned eyes
目上弦 upper eyelid rim
目上胞 upper eyelid
目上视 upward gazing eyes
目上纲 upper eyelid rim
目干涩 dry eyes
目不能眴 inability to roll the eyes
目不得闭 inability to close the eyes
目中翳障 eye screen
目内眦 BL-01
目内眦 Inner Canthus
目外眦 outer canthus of the eye
目生云翳 nebulous eye screen
目生内障 cataract
目生星翳 starry eye screen
目生椒粟 peppercorn or millet sore of the eye
目生障翳 eye screen
目目生珠草 oldenlandia
目仰视 upward-looking eye
目吊 hanging eyes
目合 closed eyes
目合口开 closed eyes and open mouth
目如脱 eyes fit to burst from their sockets
目有光彩 bright eyes
目系 eye tie
目赤 red eyes
目赤牙痛 red eyes and toothache
目赤目痛 red eyes and eye pain
目赤流泪 red eyes and tearing
目赤痛内眦始 painful redness of the eyes spreading from the inner canthus
目赤肿痛 sore red swollen eyes
目定神呆 fixed eyes and torpid spirit
目弦 eyelid rim
目弦 palpebral margin
目明 Eye Bright
目昏 clouded vision
目昏昧 clouded vision
目泣出 tearing
目泣出 lacrimation
目泣自出 spontaneous tearing
ey es are the essence of the five viscera and six bowels
目花 flowery vision
目枯涩 dry eyes
目眇失明 hazy, failing vision
目胞 eyelid
目飞血 blood flying to the eye
目珠 eyeball
目珠自胀 feeling of distention in the eyes
目珠夜痛 eyeball pain at night
目珠偏斜 squint
目眩 dizzy vision
目眨 blinking
目眨 blinking
目偏视 squint
目偏视风引 wind-induced squint
目眶 eye socket
目眶骨 eye socket bone
目连眨 continual blinking
目无光彩 dull eyes
目无所见 loss of vision
目痛 eye pain
目痛如脱 eyes painful as if fit to burst from their sockets
目窗 GB-16\w
目窗 Eye Window
目视不明 dim vision
目视无神 spiritless eyes
目视模糊 blurred vision
目视_+ blurred vision
目视_+_+ blurred vision
目视_+_+无所见 blurred vision
目黄 yellowing of the eyes
目暗 dim vision
目睛不合 inability to close the eyes
目睛正圆 gaping eyes
目睛直视 forward-staring eyes
目窠 eye nest
目窠上微肿 slight swelling of the eye nest
目窠内陷 sunken eyes
目窠微肿 slight swelling of the eye nest
目纲 eyelid rim
目纲 palpebral margin
目裹 eyelid
目瞑 heavy eye
目瞑 caligo
目糊 blurred vision
目横寸 intercanthal body inch
目涩 dry eyes
目涩少泪 dry eyes and scant tear fluid
目瞳痒痛 painful itching pupils
目翳 eye screen
目翻上视 upturned eyes
目痒 itchy eyes
目眦痛 pain in the canthus
目眵 eye discharge
目瞀 distorted vision
_+ TB-23
_+ Eye Bone-Hole
_+ twitching of the eyes
feces\HALT \NOUN, fecal \ADJ
矢竹 pachilan bamboo
矢气 fecal qi4
矢气 flatus
矢气多 frequent passing of flatus
stone\HALT \NOUN, stonelike \ADJ
石上柏 greater selaginella
石上柏 greater selaginella
石上藕 ludisia
石女 stone female
石斗 dendrobium
石水 stone water
石仙桃 rattlesnake orchid
石打破 yellow-downed hedyotis
石生 actinolite
石皮 pyrrosia [leaf]
石吊兰 few-flowered lysionotus
石帆 gorgonia coral
石灰 limestone
石羊菜 smooth elatostema
石耳 umbilicaria
石李 honey tree fruit
石决明 abalone shell
石决明散 Abalone Shell Powder
石见穿 Chinese sage
石防风 turpentine peucedanum [root]
石刷把 whisk fern
石松子 ground pine spore
石花 (1) madrepore
石花 (2) parmelia
石花菜 agar seaweed
石门 CV-05\w
石门 Stone Gate
石青菜 chlamydoboea
石南叶 photinia leaf
石南实 photinia fruit
石南藤 photinia stem
石思仙 eucommia [bark]
石指甲 hanging stonecrop
石柑子 pothos
石韦 pyrrosia [leaf]
石韦毛 pyrrosia hair
石韦根 pyrrosia root
石风丹 bottlebrush orchid
石首鱼 yellow croaker [flesh]
石首鱼头石 otolith
石首鱼鲞 dried yellow croaker
石香葇 Chinese mosla
石宫 HT-06
石宫 KI-19
石宫 Stone Palace
石宫 Stone Palace
石栗子 candlenut seed
石栗叶 candlenut leaf
石气 stone qi4
石涅 alum
石班 \Q{??}
石疽 stone flat-abscess
石脂 halloysite
石针 stone needle
石寄生 stereocolon
石斛 dendrobium
石斛夜光丸 Dendrobium Night Vision Pill
石斛明目丸 Dendrobium Eye Brightener Pill
石斛散 Dendrobium Powder
石斛露 dendrobium distillate
石淋 stone strangury
石硫黄 sulfur
石彭子 sarmentose fig receptacle
石黄 realgar
石楠叶 photinia leaf
石桢楠根 Si4chuan1 lindera [root]
石脑油 petroleum
石苇 pyrrosia [leaf]
石苇散 Pyrrosia Powder
石蜈蚣 acorus [root]
石蛾 stone moth
石饴 honey
石榴 pomegranate [fruit]
石榴皮 pomegranate rind
石榴花 pomegranate flower
石榴根 pomegranate root
石榴根皮 pomegranate root bark
石榴壳 pomegranate rind
石榴叶 pomegranate leaf
石膏 gypsum
石膏知母人参汤 Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Ginseng Decoction
石膏知母桂枝汤 Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Cinnamon Twig Decoction
石膏知母汤 Gypsum and Anemarrhena Decoction
石膏知母汤 Gypsum and Anemarrhena Decoction
石膏知母苍朮汤 Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Atractylodes Decoction
石膏汤 Gypsum Decoction
石膏熟地煎 Gypsum and Cooked Rehmannia Brew
石蒜 lycoris bulb
石蜜 honey
石莲子 lotus fruit
石莲肉 lotus seed
石燕 spirifer fossil
石燕丸 Spirifer Fossil Pill
石燕丹 Spirifer Fossil Elixir
石燕散 Spirifer Fossil Powder
石蕊 reindeer moss
石头鱼 yellow croaker [flesh]
石龙子 lizard
石龙芮 noxious ranunculus
石龙芮子 noxious ranunculus fruit
石胆草 fan-shaped corallodiscus
石蓝 willowleaf swallowwort [rhizome]
石荠宁 rough mosla
石蝉草 Dindygul peperomia
石阙 KI-18
石阙 Stone Gate Tower
石腊红 fish geranium
石蟹 crab fossil
石蟹丸 Crab Fossil Pill
石关 KI-18\w
石关 Stone Pass
石钟乳 stalactite
石兰 pyrrosia [leaf]
石鳖 chiton fossil
石髓铅 pyrite
石碱 herb alkali
石豇豆 lepisorus
石菖蒲 acorus [root]
石菖蒲花 acorus flower
石瘕 stone conglomeration
石莼 sea lettuce
石蓫 dendrobium
石鮅鱼 pale chub
石疖 stone boil
石瘿 stone goiter
_ mitella [flesh]
禾叶墨斛 grass-leaved eria
禾虫 tylorrhynchus
_+ LI-19\w
_+ TB-22
_+ Grain Bone-Hole
_+ Grain Bone-Hole
acupuncture point\HALT \NOUN
point\HALT \NOUN
穴位 acupuncture point
穴位 point
穴位注射疗法 acupuncture point injection therapy
穴道 acupuncture point
穴道 point
穴道 hole
穴道代号 acupuncture point alphanumeric code
立中 Stand Center
立毛肌 arrector pili muscle
立冬 Beginning of Winter
立肌 arrector
立春 Beginning of Spring
立秋 Beginning of Autumn
立夏 Beginning of Summer
立效散 Immediate Effect Powder
立迟 slowness to stand
assist\HALT \VERB; assistant \NOUN
丢了棒 claoxylon [root or leaf]
交叉取穴 selection of contralateral points
交心肾 promote the interaction of the heart and kidney
交冲 GV-19
交冲 Intersection Surge
交冲 GV-19
交冲 Intersection Hub
交信 KI-08\w
交信 Intersection Reach
交泰丸 Peaceful Interaction Pill
交纹 crease
交骨 interlocking bones
交骨不开 failure of the interlocking bones to open
交接出血 coital bleeding
交通心肾 promote heart-kidney interaction
交通心肾 promote interaction of the heart and kidney
交结出血 coital bleeding
交媾 sexual intercourse
交感血出 bleeding after intercourse
交感神经系统 sympathetic nervous system
交会穴 intersection point
交肠 communicating bowels
交仪 Intersection Apparatus
交仪 LV-05
交仪 Intersection Apparatus
交藤 flowery knotweed [root]
twelfth earthly branch
亥时 B12 watch
five-man unit in the army
伍焦之间 BL-15
伍焦之间 Within the Fifth Burner
伐木丸 Wood-Quelling Pill
伐肝 quell the liver
休克 shock
休息痢 intermittent dysentery
休疟饮 Malaria-Checking Beverage
deep-lying\HALT \ADJ
latent\HALT \ADJ
hidden\HALT \ADJ
soaking and standing\HALT \NOUN
伏牛花 damnacanthus flower
伏瓜 pumpkin
伏白 KI-07
伏白 Deep-Lying White
伏臼 KI-07
伏臼 Deep-Lying Mortar
伏冲 hidden thoroughfare vessel
伏邪 deep-lying evil
伏邪温病 latent-evil warm disease
伏兔 crouching rabbit
伏兔 ST-32\w
伏兔 Crouching Rabbit
伏兔 poria
伏卧 lie prone
伏卧 prone
伏苓 poria
伏气 latent qi4
伏气温病 latent qi4 warm disease
伏神 root poria
伏脉 hidden pulse
伏梁 deep-lying beam
伏暑 latent summerheat
伏饮 deep-lying rheum
伏痰 deep-lying phlegm
伏热在里 deep-lying heat in the interior
伏虱 carpesium seed
伏龙肝 oven earth
伏龙肝煎 Oven Earth Brew
伏虫 latent worm
伏灵 poria
伏瘕 latent conglomeration
任脉 controlling vessel
任脉 CV\w
bend backward
仰卧 lie supine
仰卧 supine
仰视 upward looking [eyes]
light\HALT \ADJ
bare\HALT \ADJ
光三棱 sparganium [root]
光明 GB-37\w
光明 Bright Light
光明子 basil seed
光明丹 Bright and Glorious Elixir
光明盐 crystal salt
光板猫叶草 large-leaved stonecrop
光红柔嫩舌 tender-soft bare red tongue
光剥舌 completely peeled tongue fur
光剥舌 tongue peeled bare of fur
光旁 lotus root
光桃仁 peach kernel
光彩 Luster
光连 Si4chuan1 coptis [root]
光慈姑 Chinese tulip bulb
光滑舌 smooth bare tongue
光叶巴豆 smooth-leaved croton [root or leaf]
光叶水苏 hedge nettle
光莹舌 bare lustrous tongue
光藕节 lotus root node
先天 earlier heaven
先天 congenital
先天 congenital constitution
先天不足 insufficiency of earlier heaven
先天之水 water of earlier heaven
先天之火 earlier heaven fire
先天之本 root of earlier heaven
先天之根 root of earlier heaven
先天之气 qi4 of earlier heaven
先天之精 earlier heaven essence
先天性耳前_+congenital preariclar fistula
先天性的 congenital
先兆子痫 threatened pregnancy epilepsy
先兆流产 threatened miscarriage
先别阴阳 first identify yin1 and yang2
先攻后补 first attack, then supplement
先攻后补 attack followed by supplementation
先表后里 treat the exterior before the interior
先期汤 Premature Periods Decoction
先硬后软 hard first, then soft
先煎 predecoction
先补后攻 first supplement, then attack
先补后攻 supplementation followed by attack
先补后泻 supplementation followed by draining
全不产 complete infertility
全不进食 complete absence of food intake
全瓜蒂 melon stalk
全瓜蒌 trichosanthes [fruit]
全生白朮散 Whole Life White Atractylodes*& Powder
全身 whole body
全身 generalized
全身症状 general symptoms
全身疼痛 generalized pain
全身骨节疼痛 generalized joint pain
全身情况较差 poor general condition
全身凉汗 generalized cold sweating
全身证候 general pattern
全胡 peucedanum [root]
全书 complete compendium
全书 collected works
全鹿 whole deer
全鹿丸 Whole Deer Pill
全当归 whole tangkuei [root]
全叶青兰 whole-leaved dragon's-head
全虫 scorpion
全蝎 scorpion
全栝楼 whole trichosanthes [fruit]
全蝎 scorpion\D
全蝎 Buthus
全蝎 scorpion
共石 talcum
再生障碍性贫血 aplastic anemia
再生稻 regrown rice plant
再逆 second error
再逆 double error
再造散 Renewal Powder
再传 pass onward
再传 begin a second passage
再经 pass to another channel
再经 begin a new channel circuit
ice\HALT \NOUN; icy \ADJ
冰片 borneol
冰片脑 borneol
冰石 glauberite
冰草白穗 infested aneurolepidium spike
冰草根 aneurolepidium root
冰球子 bletilla [root]
冰瑕障 ice and jade obstruction
冰硼散 Borneol and Borax Powder
冰糖 rock candy
冰蛳散 Borneol and Freshwater Snail Powder
line up
列缺 LU-07\w
列缺 Broken Sequence
列当 broomrape
torment\HALT \VERB
印度牛尾鱼 Indian flathead
印度秋哥鱼 swarthy-headed goat fish
印度海鲱鲤 Indian goat fish
印度枣 Indian jujube
印度菩提树皮 bodhi tree bark
印堂 hall of impression
印堂 glabella
印堂 Hall of Impression
印头 scutellaria [root]
危亦林 Wei1 Yi4-Lin4>
危候 critical sign
危笃 critical
危证 critical sign
危证 critical pattern
吉故子 psoralea [fruit]
吉康菜 witloof
吉祥草 reineckea
吉新 Propitious Innovation
like\HALT \ADJ
同升药则升 upbear when combined with upbearing medicinals
同名经 same-name channel
同名经配穴法 combining same-name channel points
同名经选穴 selection of same-name channel points
同身寸 body inch
同房 sexual intercourse
同降药则降 dowbear when combined with downbearing medicinals
同病异治 unlike treatment of like disease
同经相应取穴法 selection of same-name channel points of corresponding location
同补药则补 supplement when combined with supplementing medicinals
同蒿菜 garland chrysanthemum leaf
同泻药则泻 drain when combined with draining medicinals
吊竹梅 wandering Jew
吊茄子 hanging eggplant
吊眼 hoisted (i.e., upturned) eyes
吊菜子 eggplant
吊脚痧 leg-hoisting sand
吊线风 hoisted-line wind
吊藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
吊钟茵陈 siphonostegia
吊兰 dendrobium
吊兰花 dendrobium
vomit\HALT \VERB, vomiting \NOUN
eject\HALT \VERB, ejection \NOUN
吐下 vomiting and diarrhea
吐水 vomiting of water
ej ect thin bubbly phlegm
吐白沫 eject white foam
吐白痰 eject white phlegm
吐矢 fecal vomiting
吐矢 copremesis
吐舌 protrusion of the tongue
吐血 blood ejection
吐血衄血 blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding
吐弄舌 protrusion and worrying of the tongue
吐乳 vomiting of milk
吐法 ejection
吐故纳新 exhale the old and inhale the new
吐食 vomiting of food
吐气 exhale
吐纳 exhale [the old] and inhale [the new]
吐纳功 exhaling-inhaling qi4gong1
吐涎沫 drool foaming at the mouth
吐丝子 cuscuta [seed]
吐蛔 vomiting of roundworm
吐痰不爽 ungratifying ejection of phlegm
吐痰涎 eject phlegm-drool
吐酸 acid vomiting
吐酸 vomiting of sour matter
吐酸泛水 vomit acid and water
吐酸病 acid vomiting disease
吐粪 fecal vomiting
吐泻 vomiting and diarrhea
吐泻不得 inability to vomit or defecate
吐泻物清稀 clear thin vomitus and diarrhea
吐铁 bullacta flesh
吐蚘 vomiting of roundworm
吐衄 blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding
吐哕 vomiting and retching
各一旺 bovine bezoar
向天盏 lesser hypericum
向天蜈蚣 sesbania [root and leaf]
向日葵子 sunflower seed
向日葵花 sunflower
向日葵花托 sunflower receptacle
向日葵根 sunflower root
向日葵茎髓 sunflower stem pith
向日葵壳 sunflower seed husk
向日葵叶 sunflower leaf
向里蜷卧 curled-up lying posture
向阳花 galinsoga flower
向农 For Peasants
名堂 GV-23
名堂 Hall of Fame
名医类案 Classified Case Histories of Famous Physicians
unite\HALT \VERB, uniting \ADJ, union \NOUN
connect\HALT \NOUN
combine\HALT \VERB, combination \NOUN
合子草 actinostemma [leaf or seed]
合穴 uniting point
合成竹黄 synthetic bamboo sugar
合谷 LI-04\w
合谷 Union Valley
合谷刺 valley union needling
合邪 combined evil
合昏皮 silk tree bark
合炒 mix-frying
合研 combined grinding
合病 combination disease
合脉 combined pulse
合骨 LI-04
合骨 Uniting Bones
合骨 medial malleolus
合掌消 amplexicaul cynanchum
合萌 sensitive joint vetch
合萌根 sensitive joint vetch root
合萌叶 sensitive joint vetch leaf
合阳 BL-55\w
合阳 Yang2 Union
合剂 mixture
合欢木皮 silk tree bark
合欢皮 silk tree bark
合欢花 silk tree flower
合颅 GV-17
合颅 Skull Union
吃油脂 halloysite
吃素 eat (or be) vegetarian
吃饭不香 no pleasure in eating
后入 add at end
后入 end addition
后下 add at end
后下 end addition
后天 later heaven
后天 acquired
后天 acquired constitution
后天之火 later heaven fire
后天之本 root of later heaven
后天之精 later heaven essence
后曲 GB-01
后曲 Hind Curve
后血海 Rear Sea of Blood
后周 Later Zhou1>
后重 rectal heaviness (tenesmus)
后唐 Later Tang2>
后晋 Later Jin4>
后梁 Later Liang2>
后阴 posterior yin1
后阴 anus
后章门 LV-13
后章门 Rear Camphorwood Gate
后顶 GV-19\w
后顶 Behind the Vertex
后期 final stage
后期 advanced stage
后阳关 Back Yang2 Joint
后汉 Later Han4>
后发际 posterior hairline
后头痛 posterior headache
后聪 Posterior Hearing
后溪 SI-03\w
后溪 Back Ravine
后关 GB-02
后关 Hind Gate
后听穴 Rear Hearing Point
后听宫 Rear Auditory Palace
后听会 Rear Auditory Convergence
cause\HALT \NOUN
因人制宜 act(ion) according to person
因地制宜 act(ion) according to place
因其重而减之 heaviness is treated by letting
因其衰而彰之 debilitation is treated by brightening
因其轻而扬之 lightness is treated by lifting
因怒胁痛 rib-side pain due to anger
a ct according to time, place, and person
因时制宜 act(ion) according to time
因阵 adaptation array
因虚招风 vacuity inviting wind
因势利导 help [it] along its course
因尘 virgate wormwood
return\HALT \VERB
回心草 red rhodobryum
回光反照 last radiance of the setting sun
回回豆 chick-pea
回回蒜 Chinese ranunculus
回回葱 shallot
回回药方 Hui2-Hui2> Formulas
回乳 terminate lactation
回春丹 Return-of-Spring Elixir
回骨 CV-02
回骨 Return Bone
回厥 return reversal
回阳 return yang2
回阳九针 nine needles for returning yang2
回阳九针歌 Song of Nine Needles for Returning Yang2
回阳玉龙膏 Yang2-Returning Jade Dragon Paste
回阳生肌 return yang2 and engender flesh
回阳返本汤 Yang2-Returning Root-Reviving Decoction
回阳救急汤 Yang2-Returning Emergency Decoction
回阳救逆 return yang2 and stem counterflow
回阳通脉 return yang2 and free the vessels
回阳逐寒 return yang2 and expel cold
回阳剂 yang2-returning formula
回阳药 yang2-returning medicinal
回苏 restore consciousness
回鹘豆 chick-pea
earth\HALT \NOUN
地丁 violet
地八角 Himalayan astragalus
地不容 central China stephania
地五 GB-42
地五 Earth Five
地五会 GB-42\w
地五会 Earth Fivefold Convergence
地支 earthly branch
地支 B
地毛球 cynomorium
地仙桃 peach-fruited lithospermum
地仙草 agrimony
地瓜 (1) yam bean
地瓜 (2) sweet potato
地瓜子 yam bean seed
地瓜果 tikoua fig
地瓜根 tikoua fig root
地瓜藤 tikoua fig stem
地甲(一) Endemic Goiter \#1
地甲(二) Endemic Goiter \#2
地白草 spreading violet
地皮消 ruellia
地石榴花 tikoua fig flower
地合 Earth Union
地羊鹊 corniculate lotus
地耳草 lesser hypericum
地沙 burmannia [root]
地冲 KI-01
地冲 Earth Surge
地冲 KI-01
地冲 Earth Thoroughfare
地辛 ginger
地芝 wax gourd
地芝丸 Rehmannia Root Pill
地花生 Si4chuan1 polygala [root]
地柏枝 grooved spikemoss
地柏叶 incised spleenwort
地牯牛 ant lion larva
地红子根 ground cotoneaster [root]
地胡苓 smooth greenbrier [root]
地茄子 pratia fruit
地仓 ST-04\w
地仓 Earth Granary
地栗粉 water chestnut starch
地桐子 momordica [seed]
地桃花 urena
地涌金莲 musella [flower]
地乌 flaccid anemone [root]
地乌桃 polyporus
地马菜 purslane
地骨 lycium bark
地骨子 lycium [berry]
地骨皮 lycium bark
地骨皮饮 Lycium Root Bark Beverage
地健 Fortifying Earth
地梭罗 liverwort
地莓子 orange rasberry [root]
地部 earth level
地麻黄 mollugo
地棕根 curculigo [root]
地椒 wild thyme
地笋 lycopus root
地筋 heteropogon
地菜 shepherd's purse
地黄 rehmannia [root]
地黄丸 Rehmannia Pill
地黄瓜 swamp violet
地黄花 rehmannia flower
地黄炭 charred dried rehmannia [root]
地黄连 munronia
地黄散 Rehmannia Powder
地黄饮子 Rehmannia Drink
地黄叶 rehmannia leaf
地黄实 rehmannia fruit
地杨梅 luzula
地榆 sanguisorba [root]
地榆丸 Sanguisorba Pill
地榆炭 charred sanguisorba [root]
地榆散 Sanguisorba Powder
地榆汤 Sanguisorba Decoction
地榆槐角丸 Sanguisorba and Sophora Fruit Pill [NIS]
地蜈蚣 helminthostachys [root]
地图舌 geographic tongue
地廓 earth belt
地槐 flavescent sophora [root]
地槐 flavescent sophora [root]
地管 imperata [root]
地箕 SP-08
地箕 Earth Winnower
地精草 chickweed
地膏药 adnate cudweed
地楼 trichosanthes root
地浆 yellow earth water
地浆水 yellow earth water
地肤子 kochia [fruit]
地肤苗 kochia shoot
地肤草 kochia shoot
地猪 hog-nosed badger's flesh
地骷髅 old radish
地机 SP-08\w
地机 Earth's Crux
地锦 parthenocissus [root and stem]
地锦草 humifuse euphorbia
地龙 earthworm
地龙子 earthworm
地龙干 earthworm
地龙散 Earthworm Powder
地毡草 spatulate sundew
地涩涩 thyme-leaved speedwell
地胆 oil beetle
地胆草 elephantopus
地胆草 gentian [root]
地胆头 elephantopus
地蔷薇 erect chamaerhodos
地苏木 Penang abacopteris
地鳖 ground beetle
地鳖虫 ground beetle
地蚕 Chinese artichoke
地菘 carpesium
地萹蓄 knotgrass
_+ lesser melastome
located at
在泉 ST-26
在泉 At the Spring
copious\HALT \ADJ
profuse\HALT \NOUN
increased\HALT \ADJ
多汗 profuse sweating
多血少气 copious blood and scant qi4
多伽罗香 frankincense
多尿 profuse urination
多尿症 polyuria
多忘 forgetfulness
多所闻 SI-19
多所闻 More Heard
多花野牡丹 flowery melastome
多怒 irascibility
多食身瘦 thin body despite large food intake
多食易饥 large food intake with rapid hungering
多食易饥 increased eating with rapid hungering
多食善饥 large food intake with rapid hungering
多食善饥 increased eating with rapid hungering
多食羸瘦 marked emaciation despite large food intake
多气少血 copious qi4 and scant blood
多针刺法 multi-needle method
多骨 cardamom
多唾 copious spittle
多寒少热 [aversion to] cold more pronounced than heat [effusion] (fever)
多寐 somnolence
多发性大动脉炎 primary arteritis of the aorta and main branches
多发性肌炎 polymyositis
多发性神经炎 polyneuritis
多发性硬化症 multiple sclerosis
多饮多食 large intake of food and drink
多梦 profuse dreaming
多梦纷纭 profuse confused dreaming
多疑虑 tendency to doubt and preoccupation
多睡 profuse sleeping
多睡 tendency to sleep
多蕊蛇菰 polyandrous balanophora
多头风轮菜 many-headed savory
多嚏 sneezing
多穗蓼 smartweed
frenetic\HALT \ADJ
妄有所见 hallucination
妄行 frenetic movement
妄见 hallucination
妄言 raving
妄言妄见 raving and hallucination
妄动 frenetic stirring
妄梦 wild dreams
like to
好忘 forgetfulness
好食易饥 large appetite with rapid hungering
好眠 somnolence
好睡 somnolence
好嚏 sneezing
好转 improve\HALT \VERB; improvement\NOUN
如水牛之舌 tongue like a water buffalo's
如豆厥厥动摇 wabbling like a bean
如波涛拍岸 like tempestuous billowing waving crashing against the shore
如按葱管 like pressing a scallion stalk
如故 as normal
如常 normal
如丧神守 seeming loss of the spirit's composure
如意金黄散 Agreeable Golden Yellow Powder
如圣金刀散 Sagacious Incised Wound Powder
如圣散 Sagacious Powder
如轻刀刮 like the light scraping of a knife
如轻刀刮竹 like a knife slightly scraping bamboo
如银内障 silvery internal obstruction
如醉如狂 as if drunk or crazed
如积粉 chalky
preserve\HALT \VERB, preservation \NOUN
存阴 preserve yin1
keep composure
守而不走 static
守宫 house lizard
守宫膏 House Lizard Paste
宅蒜 Chinese chive [bulb]
quiet\HALT \VERB
安中 quiet the center
安中散 Center-Quieting Powder
安心 quiet the heart
安心神 quit the heart spirit
安石榴实壳 pomegranate rind
安冲汤 Thoroughfare-Quieting Decoction
安邪 BL-61
安邪 Quieting of Evil
安固 secure
安南子 sterculia
安胃饮 Stomach-Quieting Beverage
安胎 quiet the fetus
安胎和中 quiet the fetus and harmonize the center
安胎和气饮 Fetus-Quieting Qi4-Harmonizing Beverage
安胎饮 Fetus-Quieting Beverage
安胎鲤鱼粥 Fetus-Quieting Carp Gruel
安宫牛黄丸 Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar Pill
安息香 benzoin
安息香丸 Benzoin Pill
安息香脂 benzoin
安眠 Quiet Sleep
安眠(一) Quiet Sleep \#1
安眠(二) Quiet Sleep \#2
安眠(三) Quiet Sleep \#3
安眠(四) Quiet Sleep \#4
安眠剂 sleeping pills
安神 quiet the spirit
安神丸 Spirit-Quieting Pill
安神生化汤 Spirit-Quieting Engendering Transformation Decoction
安神和胃 quiet the spirit and harmonize the stomach
安神定志 quiet the spirit and stabilize the mind
安神定志丸 Spirit-Quieting Mind-Stabilizing Pill
安神法 spirit-quieting method
安神益志 quiet the spirit and boost the mind
安神剂 spirit-quieting formula
安神药 spirit-quieting medicinal
安肾丸 Kidney-Quieting Pill
安脾 quiet the spleen
安蛔汤 Roundworm-Quieting Decoction
安荣汤 Quiet Construction Decoction
安精神 quiet the spirit
安魂汤 Soul-Quieting Decoction
安虫丸 Worm-Quieting Pill
安虫散 Worm-Quieting Powder
尖光头 smooth greenbrier [root]
尖尾芋 hood-shaped alocasia [root]
尖尾风根 long-leaved beauty-berry root
尖尾凤 long-leaved beauty-berry leaf
尖齿 cuspids
尖头白姑鱼 Reeve's croaker
| an administrative division
州都之官 river island official
州都之官 Regional Rectifier
并病 dragover disease
并月 bimonthly menstruation
并行而不悖 act in tandem without clashing
年老经水复行 recommencement of menstruation in old age
年老体衰 debility in old age
年迈 advancing years
弛缓性瘫痪 flaccid paralysis
弛纵 slack
弛纵 slacken
戎咸 halite
戎盐 halite
戎盐汤 Halite Decoction
eleventh earthly branch
戌时 B11 watch
ad ult respiratory distress syndome
成分 constituent
成方切用 Effective Use of Set Formulas
成因 cause
成因 contributory factor
成骨 lower leg bone
成骨 tibia
成骨 Bone Growth
成骨不全 osteogenesis imperfecta
成无己 Cheng2 Wu2-Ji3>
成脓 form pus
成脓 suppurate
成药 ready-prepared medicine
成药 proprietary medicine
lift with both hands
扛板归 prickly knotweed
扛板归根 prickly knotweed root
托里 internal expression
托里定痛汤 Internal Expulsion and Pain-Relieving Decoction
托里消毒散 Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Powder
托里消毒饮 Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Beverage
托里透脓汤 Internal Expulsion Pus-Expelling Decoction
托里瘀排脓 expel pus by internal expression
托法 expressing method
托毒外出 express toxin outward
托毒排脓 draw toxin [and expel] pus
托毒透脓 draw toxin and outthrust pus
托毒护心 express toxin and safeguard the heart
托疽 knee-side flat-abscess
托腰散 officinal cynanchum root
托疮毒 expresses the toxin of sores
托盘疔 tray clove sore
托盘疔 tray clove sore
contract\HALT \VERB, contraction \NOUN, contracture \NOUN
withdraw\HALT \VERB, withdrawal \NOUN
disappear\HALT \VERB, disappearance \NOUN
收口敛疮 close sores
收引 contracture and tautness
收没 disappear
收肺益气 constrain the lung and boost qi4
收肺肾耗散之气 draw together the dissipated qi4 of the lung and kidney
收纳肾气 promote absorption of kidney qi4
收虚汗 check vacuity sweating
收疮口 close sores
收敛 astringe
收敛 promote contraction
收敛固肠 astringe and secure the intestines
收敛肺气 astringe lung qi4
收敛药 astringing medicinal
收涩 astriction
收涩大肠 astringe the large intestine
收涩止血 astringe and stanch bleeding
收涩固脱 promote astriction and stem desertion
收敛耗散之气 contract dissipated qi4
早上 morning
早年白发 premature graying
早谷藨 nameless raspberry root
早服 take in the morning
早泄 premature ejaculation
早泄 prospermia
早泄 premature ejaculation
早晨 moringing
早产 premature delivery
早饭 breakfast
早热暮凉 heat [effusion] (fever) in the morning that abates by the evening
早餐 breakfast
曲朮丸 Medicated Leaven and Atractylodes Pill
曲末粥 Crushed Leaven Gruel
Medicated Leaven, Barley Sprout, Unripe Bitter Orange, and
White Atractylodes*& Pill
Medicated Leaven, Barley Sprout, Unripe Bitter Orange, and
White Atractylodes*& Pill
曲牙 ST-06
曲牙 Tooth Bend
曲池 LI-11\w
曲池 Pool at the Bend
曲周 curved surround
曲周 temporal hairline
曲直 bending and straightening
曲垣 SI-13\w
曲垣 Crooked Wall
曲泉 LV-08
曲泉 Spring at the Bend
曲差 BL-04\w
曲差 Deviating Turn
曲骨 curved bone
曲骨 CV-02\w
曲骨 KI-11
曲骨 Curved Bone
曲骨 Curved Bone
曲骨端 KI-11
曲骨端 CV-02
曲骨端 KI-11
曲骨端 Crooked Bone's End
曲骨端 Curved Bone's End
曲骨端 Curved Bone's End
曲腋 axillary fold
曲隅 curved corner
曲节 HT-03
曲节 Bending Joint
曲莲 hemsleya [tuber]
曲发 GB-07
曲发 Hair Curve
曲泽 PC-03\w
曲泽 Marsh at the Bend
曲颔 angle of the mandible
曲鬓 GB-07\w
曲鬓 Temporal Hairline Curve
曲蟺 earthworm
有力 forceful
有汗 sweating
有汗而热不退 sweating but no abatement of heat [effusion]
有汗骨蒸 sweating and steaming bones
有余 superabundance
uperabundance in the outer body and insufficiency in the inner
有形 having form
有形 substantial
有形 tangible
有胃 presence of stomach
有胃气 presence of stomach qi4
有效成分 active constituents
有根 having root
有根 rootedness
有根 presence of root
有根苔 rooted fur
有神 spirited
有神 spiritedness
有神 presence of spirit
有头疽 headed flat-abscess
| plant name
朴子 cordia berry
朴松实 Si4chuan1 fir cone
朴消 impure mirabilite
朴硝 impure mirabilite
朴菜 winter pickle
朴树皮 Chinese hackberry bark
朴树叶 Chinese hackberry leaf
vermilion\HALT \NOUN, \ADJ
| surname
朱子参 greater ginseng [root]
朱小豆 rice bean
朱丹 minium
朱丹溪 Zhu1 Dan1-Xi1>
朱赤豆 rice bean
朱姑 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
朱果 cherry
朱砂 cinnabar
朱砂手 cinnabar hand
朱砂安神丸 Cinnabar Spirit-Quieting Pill
朱砂根 coral ardisia [root]
朱砂根叶 coral ardisia leaf
朱砂粉 cinnabar powder [NID]
朱砂草 Cavalerie's sage
朱砂掌 cinnabar hand
朱砂莲 Kaempfer's aristolochia
朱桃 cherry
朱粉 minium
朱雀丸 Red Birdie Pill
朱茯神 cinnabar[-coated] root poria
measure word for flowers
朵朵花根 salvia [root]
次门 CV-04
次门 Second Gate
次指 forefinger
次趾 second toe
_+ BL-32\w
_+ Second Bone-Hole
die\HALT \VERB, death \NOUN
死舌 death tongue
死血胁痛 dead blood rib-side pain
死胎不下 retention of dead fetus
死精子过多症 necrospermia
sweat\HALT \NOUN, \VERB, sweating \NOUN
perspire\HALT \NOUN perspiration \NOUN
promote sweating
effuse sweat
汗大泄 great discharge of sweat
汗不止 persistent sweating
汗不出 absence of sweating
汗少 scant sweat
汗出 sweating
汗出不可止 incessant sweating
汗出不畅 inhibited sweating
汗出如油 putting forth oily sweat
汗出如珠 putting forth pearly sweat
汗出偏沮 hemilateral sweating
汗出偏沮 half-body sweating
汗出当风 sweating when exposed to wind
汗出过多 excessive sweating
汗出热不退 heat [effusion] (fever) unabated by sweating
汗出濈濈然 streaming sweat
汗多 copious sweat
汗法 sweating
汗毒 inhibited sweating toxin [sore]
汗为心之液 sweat is the humor of the heart
汗为心液 sweat is the humor of the heart
汗家 person who suffers from sweating
汗疹 sweat papules
汗臭 fetid sweat
汗脱亡阳 sweating desertion with collapse of yang2
汗斑 sweat macule
汗椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
汗腺 sweat gland
汗证 sweating pattern
| surname
江西金钱草 hydrocotyle
江门白菜 pakchoi
江南柏叶 podocarp twig and leaf
江南侧柏叶 podocarp twig and leaf
江剪刀菜 rorippa
江珧柱 pen shell ligament
池下 Below the Pool
池前 Before the Pool
池头 LI-07
池头 Pool's Head
ash\HALT \NOUN, ashen \ADJ
灰沙入眼 dust or sand in the eye
灰指甲 ashen nail
灰苔 gray tongue fur
灰趾甲 ashen nail
灰叶 tephrosia leaf
灰叶根 tephrosia root
灰质 grey matter
灰栒子 Peking cotoneaster
灰藋 small goosefoot
牝疟 female malaria
牝脏 female viscus
百一蠲痹汤 Hundred and One Formulas Impediment-Alleviating Decoction
百日咳 whooping cough
百日咳 hundred-day cough
百日咳 whooping cough (pertussis)
百日咳杆菌 Bordatella pertussis
百合 lily bulb
百合子 lily seed
百合地黄汤 Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction
百合固肺汤 Lily Bulb Lung-Securing Decoction
百合固金汤 Lily Bulb Metal-Securing Decoction
百合知母汤 Lily Bulb and Anemarrhena Decoction
百合花 lily [flower]
百合病 lily disease
百合病 hundred-union disease
百合汤 Lily Bulb Decoction [NIS]
百合滑石散 Lily Bulb and Talcum Powder
百舌鸟 blackbird [flesh]
百尾笋 sessile disporum [root]
百步 stemona [root]
百步还阳丹 neottianthe
百里香 wild thyme
百里香 thyme
百两金 crispate-leaved ardisia root
百两金叶 crispate-leaved ardisia leaf
百味参 downy aletris
百沸汤 hundred times boiled water
百花膏 Lily Bulb and Coltsfoot*& Paste
百页 sheet bean curd
百倍 achyranthes [root]
百病皆生于气 hundred diseases arise out of qi4
百症赋 Ode on a Hundred Pathoconditions
百脉根 corniculate lotus root
百脉朝肺 hundred vessels face the lung
百草霜 weed soot
百眼藤 small-leaved morinda [root and stem]
百部 stemona [root]
百部丸 Stemona Pill
百部流浸膏 liquid extract of stemona [root]
百部根 stemona [root]
百部清金汤 Stemona Metal-Clearing Decoction
百部散 Stemona Powder
百部汤 Stemona Decoction
百部膏 Stemona Paste
百部还魂 Chinese gymnotheca
百部灌肠剂 Stemona Enema
百劳 Hundred Taxations
百劳 GV-14
百劳 Hundred Taxations
百会 GV-20\w
百会 Hundred Convergences
百节 hundred joints
百种风 Hundred Winds
百蕊草 Chinese thesium
百蕊草根 Chinese thesium root
百骸 hundred bones
百虫入耳 insects in the ear
百虫仓 sumac gallnut
百虫窠 SP-10
百虫窠 Hundred Worm Burrow
百虫窝 Hundred Worm Nest
百药煎 schisandra and tea fermentation
百晬嗽 hundred-day cough
竹二青 bamboo shavings
竹汁 bamboo sap
竹皮 bamboo shavings
竹杖 Bamboo Stick
竹杖 GV-04
竹杖 Bamboo Stick
竹林寺女科 Bamboo Grove Temple Gynecology
竹林消 streptopus [root]
竹林标 tecomaria
竹油 bamboo sap
竹根七 Chinese tupistra [root]
竹茹 bamboo shavings
竹茹汤 Bamboo Shavings Decoction
竹茹温胆汤 Bamboo Shavings Gallbladder-Warming Decoction
竹匾 bamboo tray
竹卷心 young bamboo leaf
竹笙 net-bearing dictyophora
竹笋 bamboo shoot
竹黄 (1) bamboo sugar
竹黄 (2) shiraia
竹节七 sword-leaved tupistra [root]
竹节羌 notopterygium [root]
竹节香附 Radde's anemone [root]
竹节草 diffuse dayflower
竹节蓼 homalocladium
竹叶 bamboo leaf
竹叶 (1) black bamboo leaf
竹叶 (2) lophatherum
竹叶心 tender lophatherum leaf
竹叶水草 dayflower
竹叶石膏汤 Lophatherum*& and Gypsum Decoction
竹叶卷心 tender lophatherum leaf
竹叶柳蒡汤 Lophatherum*&, Tamarisk, and Arctium Decoction
竹叶马豆 marsh pea
竹叶参 Cantonese disporum [root]
竹叶麦冬 lophatherum
竹叶麦冬青 lophatherum
竹叶汤 Lophatherum*& Decoction
竹叶粥 Lophatherum*& Gruel
竹叶菜 Bengal dayflower
竹叶菜 dayflower
竹叶莲 Japanese pollia
竹叶泻经汤 Lophatherum*& Channel-Draining Decoction
竹叶柽蒡汤 Lophatherum*&, Tamarisk, and Arctium Decoction
竹蜂 carpenter bee
竹实 bamboo fruit
竹精 bamboo essence
竹膏 shiraia
竹荪 net-bearing dictyophora
竹筛 bamboo sieve
竹糖 bamboo sugar
竹薯 arrowroot
竹鸡 bamboo partridge
竹沥 bamboo sap
竹沥半夏 bamboo sap pinellia [rhizome]
竹沥汁 bamboo sap [NID]
竹沥运痰丸 Bamboo Sap*& Phlegm-Moving Pill
竹沥达痰丸 Bamboo Sap Phlegm-Outthrusting Pill
竹罐 bamboo cup
竹蠹虫 bamboo borer
竹蠹虫柱末 bamboo borer's powder
竹筴鱼 savrel
_+子牙 bamboo rat's tooth
_+子油 bamboo rat's fat
_+bamboo rat's [flesh]
米口带地丁 gueldenstaedtia
米仁 coix [seed]
米仔兰 aglaia
米皮糠 rice husk
米沉 rice water
米豆 tapilon
米油 thick rice water
米炒 stir-fry with rice
米疽 flat-abscess of the armpit
米酒 rice wine
米麦_+ cooked grain flour
米汤 rice decoction
米碎花 Chinese eurya [root]
米谷芽 millet sprout
米醋 rice vinegar
米篮草 Indian abutilon
米露 rice distillate
米泔水 rice water
米泔水 rice water
米泔水炒 stir-fry with rice water
米啮 GB-05
米啮 Rice Bite
米囓 GB-05
米囓 Rice Bite
羊心 goat's [or sheep's] heart
羊毛草根 laggera root
羊毛疮 goat's hair sore
羊外肾 goat's [or sheep's] penis
羊奶 taro [root]
羊奶痔 goat's-udder hemorrhoid
羊皮 goat's [or sheep's] skin
羊矢 LV-12
羊矢 Goat Arrow
羊耳朵叶 buddleia leaf
羊耳蒜 goat-ear liparis
羊肉 goat [or sheep] meat
羊血 goat's [or sheep's] blood
羊肝 goat's [or sheep's] liver
羊肝丸 Goat's Liver Pill
羊肝石 calamine
羊肚 goat's [or sheep's] stomach
羊肚石 costazia bone/pumice
羊角 fetid cassia [seed]
羊角刺 Chinese holly leaf
羊角拗 strophanthus
羊角拗子 strophanthus seed
羊角纽花 strophanthus seed hair
羊角草 narrow-leaved lindernia
羊角藤 umbellate morinda [bark]
羊乳 goat's [or sheep's] milk
羊刺蜜 manna
羊肺 goat's [or sheep's] lung
羊屎 ST-30
羊屎 Sheep's Droppings
羊屎木 goat-dung tree [leaf and bark]
羊屎条根 arrow wood [root]
羊胎 goat's [or sheep's] fetus
羊桃 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
羊脂 goat's [or sheep's] fat
羊脂炙 mix-fry with sheep fat
羊胰 goat's [or sheep's] pancreas
羊起石 actinolite
羊骨 goat's [or sheep's] bones
羊骨粥 Goat's Bone Gruel
羊梂 crataegus [fruit]
羊肾 goat's [or sheep's] kidney
羊酥 goat's [or sheep's] butter
羊须疮 goat's whiskers sore
羊黄 goat's [or sheep's] bezoar
羊腰子 goat's [or sheep's] kidney
羊脑 goat's [or sheep's] brain
羊蹄 dock root
羊蹄肉 goat's [or sheep's] foot flesh
羊蹄根散 Curled Dock Root Powder
羊蹄草 emilia
羊蹄暗消 Yun2nan2 passion flower
羊蹄叶 dock leaf
羊蹄实 dock fruit
羊胆 goat's [or sheep's] gallbladder
羊胡髭草 lanceolate sedge
羊踯躅 yellow azalea [flower]
羊踯躅根 yellow azalea root
羊须 goat's [or sheep's] whiskers
羊靥 goat's [or sheep's] thyroid gland
羊髓 goat's [or sheep's] bone marrow
羊癫风 epilepsy
羊胲子 grass from goat's [or sheep's] stomach
羊脬 goat's [or sheep's] bladder
羊痫风 epilepsy
羊藿 epimedium
羽涅 alum
羽叶丁香 pinnate-leaved lilac
羽叶三七 cut-leaved ginseng
羽泽 alum
tough\HALT \NOUN
老人虚秘 vacuity constipation in the elderly
老木香 costusroot
老白花 mountain ebony flower
老白花树皮 mountain ebony bark
老年性白内障 senile cataract
老年性阴道炎 senile vaginitis
老年性黄斑病变 senile macular degeneration
老年性痴呆症 senile dementia
老年痴呆症 senile dementia
老米 Oryzae Semen Vetum
老米 old rice
老松香 Pini Resina Veta
老松香 old rosin
老花眼 presbyopia
老虎刺 Japanese thistle
老虎刺 Chinese holly leaf
老虎斑毛 mylabris
老桑枝 Mori Ramulus Vetus
老桑枝 old mulberry twig
老婆子针线 lopseed
老蛇头 warty thladiantha
老视 presbyopia
老视 presbyopia
老黄苔 old yellow tongue fur
老伤后发 recurrence of discomfort from an old injury
老烟油 Pipae Depositum Vetum
老烟油 old pipe tar
老痰 old phlegm
老鼠爪 caper
老鼠耳 lesser berchemia stem and leaf
老鼠吹萧 Yun2nan2 sabia
老鼠刺 Chinese holly leaf
老鼠脚迹 epaltis
老鼠疮 mouse sores
老鼠竻 acanthus [root and stem]
老蒙花 buddleia [flower]
老缅瓜 pumpkin
老鸦花藤 mucuna
老鸦糊 Girald beauty-berry
老鸦胆 brucea [fruit]
老鸦胆根 brucea root
老鸦胆叶 brucea leaf
老龙皮 lungwort
老姜 Zingiberis Rhizoma Vetum
老姜 old ginger
老鎗谷根 love-lies-bleeding root
老烂脚 old foot rot
老鹤嘴 agrimony
老鹳草 heron's-bill/cranesbill
hearing\HALT \NOUN
耳子 wood ear
耳中珠子 pearl in the ear
耳内长肉 growth in the ear
耳内流脓 purulent ear discharge
耳内鸣响 ringing in the ears
耳目不聪 poor hearing
耳穴 ear point
耳后疽 postauricular flat-abscess
耳如蝉鸣 ringing as of cicadas in the ears
耳尖 Tip of the Ear
耳作蝉鸣 sound of cicadas in the ear
耳赤 red ears
耳和_+ TB-22
耳和_+ Ear Harmony Bone-Hole
耳空仔藤 mountain snake grape
耳门 ear gate
耳门 TB-21
耳门 Ear Gate
耳前起肉 fleshy protuberance before the ear
耳垂 ear lobe
耳垂 earlobe
耳垂萎缩 shrinking of the ear lobes
耳垢 earwax
耳垢 earwax
耳屎 earwax
耳背静脉三条 Three Veins on Dorsum of the Ear
耳挺 helix
耳根 root of the ear
耳根 Ear Root
耳根毒 toxin [sore] of the root of the ear
耳珠 pearl of the ear
耳病 ear disease
耳疳 jujube stone ear piles
耳针 ear needle
耳针疗法 auricular acupuncture
耳针疗法 ear acupuncture
耳痔 ear pile
耳造形术 otoplasty
耳闭 ear block
耳壳痰包 phlegm pouch of the oracle
耳涌 Ear Gush
耳痛 ear pain
耳痛 earache
耳硬化 otosclerosis
耳硬化症 otosclerosis
耳胀 distention in the ear
耳菌 ear mushroom
耳塞 blocked ear
耳肿 swelling of the ear
耳叶金毛 auriculate gymnopteris
耳鼓 eardrum
耳廓 auricle
耳廓 auricle
su ppurative perichondritis auricle
耳廓枯槁 withered auricles
耳廓红肿 red swollen auricles
耳鸣 tinnitus
耳鸣 ringing in the ears
耳鸣如蝉声 ringing in the ears like the sound of cicadas
耳鼻咽喉科证候 ear, nose, and throat patterns
耳鼻喉科症状 ear, nose, and throat symptoms
耳疮 sear sore
耳蜗 cochlea
耳轮 helix
耳轮 helix
耳轮枯焦 withered helices
耳轮薄瘦 thin helices
耳蕈 mushroom ear pile
耳环石斛 earring dendrobium
耳翼 pinna
耳痒 itching in the ear
耳聋 deafness
耳聋 deafness
耳聋丸 Deafness Pill
耳聋左慈丸 Deafness Left-Benefiting Loadstone Pill
耳疔 clove sore of the ear
耳衄 spontaneous bleeding of the ear
耳聤 purulent ear
耳疖 ear boil
耳疖 ear boil
耳聩 deafness
耳痈 welling-abscess of the ear
flesh\HALT \NOUN
_+ BL-36
_+ Flesh Cleft
肉分 seam of the flesh
肉豆蔻 nutmeg
肉豆蔻衣 nutmeg aril
肉刺 corn
肉果 nutmeg
肉松蓉 cistanche
肉疙瘩 elevated scar
肉食积滞 meat-type food accumulation
肉桂 BL-57
肉桂 Fleshy Cinnamon
肉桂 cinnamon bark
肉桂油 cinnamon oil
肉桂粉 powdered cinnamon [bark]
肉脱 desertion of the flesh
肉枣 cornus [fruit]
肉极 extreme of the flesh
肉痿 flesh wilting
肉蒸 steaming flesh
肉瘤 fleshy tumor
肉轮 flesh wheel
肉轮 eyelid
肉轮风热 flesh wheel wind-heat
肉轮气虚 flesh wheel qi4 vacuity
肉轮热阻血瘀 flesh wheel heat obstruction and blood stasis
肉轮湿热 flesh wheel damp-heat
肉积 meat-type food accumulation
肉蕈 meadow mushroom
肉虫 flesh worm
肉钻子 leech
肉痹 flesh impediment
肉腠 interstices of the flesh
肉蔻霜 nutmeg frost
肉苁蓉 cistanche
肉苁蓉丸 Cistanche Pill
肉瘿 flesh goiter
_+ twitching of the flesh
肋骨 rib
肋间肌 intercostal muscles
肋间神经痛 intercostals neuralgia
肋间神经痛 intercostal neuralgia
_+ GB-13
_+ Rib Bone-Hole
flesh\HALT \NOUN
肌止 insertion
肌肉 flesh
肌肉 muscle
肌肉不仁 numbness of the flesh
肌肉削 whittling of the flesh
肌肉瘦削 emaciation
肌肉瘦削 emaciation
肌肉蠕动 wriggling of the flesh
肌炎 myositis
肌表 fleshy exterior
肌若鱼鳞 scaly skin
肌起 origin
肌组织 muscle tissue
肌痛 myalgia
肌腱 tendon
肌紧张 tense flesh
肌与骨骼系统 musculoskeletal system
肌热炙手 scorching heat in the flesh
肌瘦 emaciation
肌肤 skin (and flesh)
肌肤不仁 insensitivity of the skin
肌肤甲错 squamous dry skin
肌肤甲错 encrusted skin
肌肤起粟 millet papules
肌肤麻木 numbness of the skin
肌肤粟起 goose flesh
肌营养不良 muscular dystrophy
肌营养不良症 muscular dystrophy
肌衄 spontaneous bleeding of the flesh
肌痹 impediment of the flesh
肌腠 interstices of the flesh
minister\HALT \NOUN
自主神经系统 autonomic nervous system
自扣草 Cantonese ranunculus
自汗 spontaneous sweating
自利 spontaneous diarrhea
自利清水 spontaneous clear water diarrhea
自灸 natural moxibustion
aut oimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)
自表入里 pass from the exterior into the interior
自消容 Assam crotolaria [stem and leaf]
自消容根 Assam crotalaria root
自然铜 pyrite
自感 subjective feeling of
自里出表 pass from the interior to the exterior
自调 regulated
自觉 subjectively feel
自觉 subjective
至阴 consummate yin1
至阴 BL-67\w
至阴 Reaching Yin1
至掌 leech
至虚有盛候 consummate vacuity producing signs of exuberance
至阳 consummate yang2
至阳 GV-09\w
至阳 Extremity of Yang2
至荣 GB-16
至荣 Arriving at Splendor
至宝丹 Supreme Jewel Elixir
臼杵 pestle and mortar
臼齿 premolars

发布于 2023-04-12 16:58:15