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tongue\HALT \NOUN
舌下 below the tongue
舌下 sublingual
舌下络脉 sublingual network vessels
舌上出血 bleeding from the upper surface of the tongue
舌上有苔 fur on the tongue
舌上有瘀斑 stasis macules on the tongue
舌上起瓣 petalled tongue fur
舌上黄 yellow tongue fur
舌干 dry tongue
舌干红 dry red tongue
舌不知味 inability of the tongue to taste food
舌出口外 protrusion of the tongue
舌本 root of the tongue
舌本 CV-23
舌本 GV-16
舌本 Tongue Root
舌本 Tongue Root
舌本出血 bleeding from the root of the tongue
舌生芒刺 prickly tongue
舌生泡 tongue blister
舌生瘀斑 stasis macules on the tongue
舌白脉浮 white tongue [fur] and floating pulse
舌光 smooth bare tongue
舌光红 smooth bare red tongue
舌光滑 smooth bare tongue
舌尖红 red-tipped tongue
舌尖边红 tongue read at the tip and margins
舌色 tongue color
舌色主病 correspondences between tongue color and disease
舌血 bleeding tongue
舌形 form of the tongue
舌形主病 correspondence between the form of the tongue fur and disease
舌见黄色 yellow tongue fur
舌卷 curled tongue
舌卷卵缩 curled tongue and retracted testicles
舌岩 tongue rock
舌炎 glossitis
舌青 green-blue tongue
舌青紫 green-blue or purple tongue
舌垢 tongue grime
舌柱 Tongue Pillar
舌歪 deviated tongue
舌为心苗 tongue is the sprout of the heart
舌红 red tongue
舌红少津 red tongue with scant liquid
舌红生剌 red prickly tongue
舌红尿赤 red tongue and reddish urine
舌红脉数 red tongue and rapid pulse
舌红紫 red-purple tongue
舌红绛 red or crimson tongue
舌胖 enlarged tongue
舌胖大 enlarged tongue
舌胖嫩 tender-soft enlarged tongue
舌胎 tongue fur
舌苔 tongue fur
舌苔 tongue coating
舌苔白 white tongue fur
舌苔白如积粉 mealy white tongue fur
舌苔白厚 thick white tongue fur
舌苔白厚滑 thick glossy white tongue fur
舌苔白腻 slimy white tongue fur
舌苔白黏腻 sticky slimy white tongue fur
舌苔灰黑 gray-black tongue fur
舌苔花剥 patchy peeling tongue fur
舌苔厚 thick tongue fur
舌苔厚而腻 thick slimy tongue fur
舌苔剥脱 peeling tongue fur
舌苔干燥 dry tongue fur
舌苔焦黄 burnt-yellow tongue fur
舌苔焦黑 parched black tongue fur
舌苔黄 yellow tongue fur
舌苔黄腻 slimy yellow tongue fur
舌苔黄糙 rough yellow tongue fur
舌苔黄薄 thin yellow tongue fur
舌苔腐垢 putrid grimy tongue fur
舌苔腻 slimy tongue fur
舌苔薄黄 thin yellow tongue fur
舌面 lingual surface
舌面如镜 mirror tongue
舌剥 peeling tongue
舌根 GV-15
舌根 Tongue Root
舌疳 gan1 of the tongue
舌神 tongue spirit
舌脉 tongue and pulse
舌起芒刺 prickly tongue
舌偏 deviated tongue
舌偏斜 deviated tongue
舌强 stiff tongue
舌强不语 stiff tongue impeding speech
舌强不语 stiffness of the tongue impeding speech
舌强失语 stiff tongue impeding speech
舌强言謇 stiff tongue and sluggish speech
舌强语謇 stiff tongue and impeded speech
舌强语蹇 stiff tongue and sluggish speech
舌淡 pale tongue
舌淡白 pale tongue
舌淡胖嫩 pale tender-soft enlarged tongue
舌淡润 moist pale tongue
舌净 clean tongue
舌麻 numb tongue
舌麻 numbness of the tongue
舌麻痹 paralyzed tongue
舌痛 painful tongue
舌短 contracted tongue
舌短缩 contracted tongue
舌紫 purple tongue
舌绛 crimson tongue
舌胀大 distended enlarged tongue
舌舒 elongated tongue
舌菌 tongue mushroom
舌萎 limp tongue
舌裂 fissured tongue
舌裂 cleft tongue
舌诊 tongue examination
舌象 tongue (image)
舌痿 limp tongue
舌碎 cracked tongue
舌肿 swollen tongue
舌肿 GV-15
舌肿 Swollen Tongue
舌肿大木硬 swollen tongue hard as wood
舌厌 GV-15
舌厌 Tongue Repression
舌嫩 tender-soft tongue,
舌嫩红 tender-red tongue
舌态 tongue bearing
舌润 moist tongue
舌瘦瘪 shrunken tongue
舌疮 tongue sore
舌缓 slack tongue
舌质 tongue body
舌质红 red tongue
舌质红赤 red tongue body
舌质红瘦 thin red tongue
舌质淡红 pale red tongue
舌质淡嫩 pale tender-soft tongue
舌质紫绛少津 purple or crimson tongue with little liquid
舌质紫暗 dark purple tongue
舌质绛赤 crimson tongue
舌质嫩红 tender-red tongue
舌质嫩淡 pale tender-soft tongue
舌战 trembling tongue
舌横 GV-15
舌横 Tongue's Horizontal
舌头发硬 stiffening of the tongue
舌涩 inhibited tongue
舌燥口渴 dry tongue and thirst
舌缩 contracted tongue
舌纵 protracted tongue
舌纵涎下 protracted tongue and drooling
舌蓝 blue tongue
舌边 margins of the tongue
舌边齿印 tooth marks on the margins of the tongue
舌边齿印 dental impressions on the margins of the tongue
舌边齿痕 tooth marks on the margins of the tongue
舌边齿痕 dental impressions on the margins of the tongue
舌痒 itchy tongue
舌颤 trembling tongue
舌体 tongue body
舌体胖 enlarged tongue
舌体偏斜抖动 deviation and trembling of the tongue
舌体瘦薄 thin shrunken tongue
舌疔 clove sore of the tongue
舌衄 spontaneous bleeding of the tongue
舌痹 tongue impediment
舌蹇() sluggish tongue
舌蹇()不语 sluggish tongue impeding speech
舌痈 welling-abscess of the tongue
舟车丸 Boats and Carts Pill
舟楫 oar
舟楫 boat
舟楫之剂 boat medicinal
舟楫之药 boat medicinal
color\HALT \NOUN
complexion\HALT \NOUN
色克病 color [phase] restraining disease [phase]
色盲 color blindness
色素 pigment
色脉合参 correlation of complexion and pulse
色悴 haggard complexion
色欲 sexual desire
色诊 examination of the complexion
色暗 dark in color
色泽 color and sheen
色泽 complexion
色泽 color and sheen
色随气华 bloom of the complexion depends on qi4
色随气华 complexion blooms from qi4
mugwort [leaf]
艾片 blumea preparation
艾冬花 coltsfoot
艾灸 moxibustion
艾灸补泻 moxibustion supplementation and drainage
艾卷 moxa roll
艾卷 moxa cigar
艾附暖宫丸 Mugwort and Cyperus Palace-Warming Pill
艾炭 charred mugwort [leaf]
艾纳香 blumea [leaf or twig]
艾纳香根 blumea root
艾条 moxa pole
艾条 moxa stick
艾条灸 poling
艾条灸 stick moxibustion
艾条雀啄灸 pecking sparrow poling
艾条温和灸 gentle stick moxibustion
艾滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
艾绒 moxa floss
艾绒 mugwort [leaf] floss
艾叶 mugwort [leaf]
艾叶油 mugwort leaf oil
艾叶炭 charred mugwort [leaf]
艾实 mugwort fruit
艾蒿 mugwort [leaf]
艾姜丸 Mugwort and Ginger Pill
艾炷 moxa cone
艾炷灸 cone moxibustion
blood\HALT \NOUN, bloody \ADJ
bleeding\HALT \NOUN
_+ BL-40
_+ SP-10
_+ Blood Cleft
_+ Blood Cleft
血人参 Buerger's lespedeza root
血小板 platelet
血不足 insufficiency of the blood
血不循经 blood failing to stay in the channels
血不养筋 blood failing to nourish the sinews
血不归经 blood failing to stay in the channels
血中气滞 qi4 stagnation in the blood
血中气药 qi4-in-blood medicinal
血之府 house of the blood
血分 blood aspect
血分有热 heat in the blood aspect
血分毒热壅滞 congestion of toxic heat in the blood aspect
血分瘀热 blood-aspect stasis heat
血分热 blood aspect heat
血分热毒 blood-aspect heat toxin
血分燥热 blood-aspect dryness heat
血分证 blood-aspect pattern
血友病 hemophilia
血友病A hemophilia A
血主濡之 blood governs moistening
血出如注 pouring discharge of blood
血去过多 excessive blood loss
血失所藏 blood fails to be stored
血失所藏 blood storage failure
血母块 mother's blood lump
血多脓少 copious blood and scant pus
血妄行 frenetic blood movement
血肉有情之品 medicinal with affinity to flesh and blood
血行不利 inhibited flow of blood
血行风自灭 when blood moves, the wind naturally disappears
血余 hair
血余炭 charred hair
血冷 blood cold
血吸虫病 schistosomiasis
血尿 bloody urine
血尿 blood in the urine
血尿 hematuria
血尿 hematuria
血杞子 lycium [berry]
血见愁 hybrid goosefoot
血见愁 galium
血府 House of Blood
血府逐瘀汤 House of Blood Stasis-Expelling Decoction
血泄 bloody discharge
血疝 blood mounting
血的证候 blood patterns
血便 bloody stool
血室 blood chamber
血室 CV-04
血室 Blood Chamber
血枯 blood desiccation
血枯经闭 blood desiccation menstrual block
血枸子 lycium [berry]
血为心所行 blood is moved by the heart
血为肝所藏 blood is stored by the liver
血为气之母 blood is the mother of qi4
血郁 blood depression
血郁汤 Blood Depression Decoction
血风藤 ventilago [root and stem]
血师 hematite
血栓 thrombosis
血栓性静脉炎 thrombophlebitis
t hromboangitis obliterans
血海 sea of blood
血海 SP-10\w
血海 CV-04
血海 Sea of Blood
血海 Sea of Blood
血海空虚 emptiness of the sea of blood
血病 blood disease
血病及气 blood disease affecting qi4
血病证候 blood disease pattern
血病证候 blood disease patterns
血症论 On Blood Pathoconditions
血胸 hemothorax
血脉 blood vessel
血参 Wallich's wedelia
血参根 salvia [root]
血崩 flooding
血崩昏暗 flooding with clouding vision
血崩腹痛 flooding with abdominal pain
血液 blood
血液循环 blood circulation
血液凝固 congealing blood
血清 serum
血淋 blood strangury
血痔 blood hemorrhoid
血脱 blood desertion
血脱先益气 first priority in blood desertion is to boost qi4
血脱气脱 blood desertion with qi4 desertion
血脱证 blood desertion pattern
血闭 blood block
血闭无子 blood block infertility
血鹿茸 bloody velvet deer antler
血厥 blood reversal
血寒 blood cold
血寒月经过少 blood cold scant menstruation
血寒经行后期 blood cold delayed menstruation
血寒证 blood cold pattern
血循环 blood circulation
血斑大眼鲷 glass-eye snapper
血渴 blood thirst
血琥珀 blood amber
血痢 blood dysentery
血痣 blood mole
血结胸 blood chest bind
血络 blood network vessel
血胀 blood distention
血虚 blood vacuity
血虚不孕 blood vacuity infertility
血虚心悸 blood vacuity palpitations
血虚生风 blood vacuity engendering wind
血虚耳聋 blood vacuity deafness
血虚自汗 blood vacuity spontaneous sweating
血虚受风 contraction of wind in blood vacuity
血虚受寒 contract cold in blood vacuity
血虚津亏 blood vacuity and liquid depletion
血虚津亏证 pattern blood vacuity and liquid depletion
血虚风动 blood vacuity stirring wind
血虚风燥 blood vacuity and wind-dryness
血虚风燥证 pattern of blood vacuity and wind-dryness
血虚气虚湿盛 blood and qi4 vacuity with exuberant phlegm
血虚眩晕 blood vacuity dizziness
血虚动风 blood vacuity stirring wind
血虚动风证 pattern of blood vacuity stirring wind
血虚寒凝 blood vacuity and congealing cold
血虚寒凝证 pattern of blood vacuity and congealing cold
血虚发热 blood vacuity heat [effusion] (fever)
血虚盗汗 blood vacuity night sweating
血虚滑胎 blood vacuity habitual miscarriage
血虚痿 blood vacuity wilting
血虚经行后期 blood vacuity delayed menstruation
血虚腰痛 blood vacuity lumbar pain
血虚肠燥 blood vacuity and intestinal dryness
血虚肠燥证 pattern of blood vacuity and intestinal dryness
血虚腹痛 blood vacuity abdominal pain
血虚过少 blood vacuity scant menstruation
血虚头痛 blood vacuity headache
血虚证 blood vacuity pattern
血虚痹 blood vacuity impediment
血虚痹痛 blood vacuity impediment pain
血蛤皮 ark shell
血块 blood clot
血愁 Blood Worry
血晕 blood dizziness
血会 meeting point of the blood
血极 extreme of the blood
血瘀 blood stasis
血瘀不孕 blood stasis infertility
血瘀月经过少 blood stasis scant menstruation
血瘀包块 stasis bump
血瘀耳窍 blood stasis in the ear orifice
血瘀耳窍证 pattern of blood stasis in the ear orifice
血瘀舌下 blood stasis under the tongue
血瘀舌下 blood stasis under the tongue
血瘀气滞 blood stasis and qi4 stagnation
血瘀气滞证 pattern of blood stasis and qi4 stagnation
血瘀崩漏 blood stasis flooding and spotting
血瘀痛 blood stasis pain
血瘀痛经 blood stasis menstrual pain
血瘀痿 blood stasis wilting
血瘀经行后期 blood stasis delayed menstruation
血瘀经闭 blood stasis menstrual block
血瘀腰痛 blood stasis lumbar pain
血瘀肿痛 pain and swelling from static blood
血瘀证 blood stasis pattern
血肿 blood swelling
血肿 hematoma
血运 blood dizziness
血鼓 blood drum
血滞经闭 blood stagnation menstrual block
血滞腹痛 blood stagnation abdominal pain
血碳酸过度 hypercapnia
血竭 dragon's blood
血竭粉 dragon's blood powder [NID]
血管 blood vessels
血管减压药 vasodepressor
血管舒张药 vasodilator
血精 bloody semen
血精 hemospermia
血浆 plasma
血热 blood heat
血热月经过多 blood heat profuse menstruation
血热妄行 frenetic movement of hot blood
血热妄行 frenetic blood heat
血热肉腐 heat in the blood and rotting flesh
血热尿赤淋痛 blood heat with red urine, strangury, and pain
血热肝旺 blood heat and liver effulgence
血热赤斑 red macules due to blood heat
血热动血 blood heat stirring the blood
血热动风 blood heat stirring wind
血热动风证 pattern of blood heat stirring wind
血热崩漏 blood heat flooding and spotting
血热发斑 macules due to blood heat
血热伤阴 blood heat damaging yin1
血热滑胎 blood heat habitual miscarriage
血热经行先期 blood heat advanced menstruation
血热肠燥 blood heat and intestinal dryness
血热肠燥 blood heat and intestinal dryness
血热肠燥证 pattern of blood heat and intestinal dryness
血热蓄血 blood heat blood amassment
血热证 blood heat pattern
血瘤 blood tumor
血箭 blood arrow
血轮 blood wheel
血轮 inner and outer canthi
血轮虚热 blood wheel vacuity heat
血轮实热 blood wheel repletion heat
血积 blood accumulation
血糖 blood sugar
血糖过少 hypoglycemia
血随气逆 blood flowing counterflow with blood
血随气脱 blood deserting with qi4
血随气陷 blood falling with qi4
血随气散 blood dissipating with qi4
血压 blood pressure
血压高 hypertension
血压点 Blood Pressure Point
血燥 blood dryness
血燥生风 blood dryness engendering wind
血翳包睛 blood screen enveloping the eye
血亏 blood depletion
血亏经闭 blood depletion menstrual block
血癖 blood aggregation
血藤 (1) schisandra stem and root
血藤 (2) large-fruited mucuna
血证 blood pattern
血证论 On Blood Patterns
血鲷 golden-skinned pargo
血症 blood concretion
血灌瞳神 blood pouring into the pupil spirit
血蛊 blood gu
血痹 blood impediment
血瘕 blood conglomeration
血臌 blood drum distention
血瘿 blood goiter
行大肠气 move large intestinal qi4
行水 move water
行水气 move water qi4
行血中湿气 move damp qi4 in the blood
行血脉 move the blood vessels
行血滞 moves blood stagnation
行走不利 inhibited walking
行夜 pheropsophus
行房 perform bedroom [activities]
行房 sexual intercourse
行军散 Troop-Marching Powder
行气 move qi4
行气法 qi4-moving technique
行气活血 move qi4 and quicken the blood
行气降逆 move qi4 and downbear counterflow
行气香苏散 Qi4-Moving Cyperus and Perilla Powder
行气通滞 move qi4 and free stagnation
行气散寒 move qi4 and dissipate cold
行气散滞 move qi4 and dissipate stagnation
行气开胃 move qi4 and open the stomach
行气温燥化湿 move qi4, warm dryness, and transform dampness
行气宽胀 move qi4 and loosen distention
行气调中 move qi4 and regulate the center
行气药 qi4-moving medicinal
行针指要歌 Song of the Essentials of Needle Practice
行散气滞 move qi4 and dissipate stagnation
行间 LV-02
行间 Moving Between
行痰下水 move phlegm and precipitate water
行经不畅 inhibited menstruation
行经期 menstrual period
行经腹痛 abdominal pain during menstruation
行肠胃滞气 move gastrointestinal qi4 stagnation
行迟 slowness to walk
行湿化饮 move dampness and transform rheum
Dampness-Moving Qi4-Supplementing Blood-Nourishing
行痹 moving impediment
衣被不敛 failure to keep clothing and bedclothes on
衣被重迭 patient keeps himself well wrapped up
衣鱼 silverfish
衣虱病 pediculosis corporis
西 west
西_+ Western astragalus [root]
西土蓝 white cabbage
西方医学 Western medicine
西月石 borax
西牛黄 western bovine bezoar
西瓜 watermelon
西瓜子 watermelon seed
西瓜子仁 husked watermelon seed
西瓜子壳 watermelon husk
西瓜皮 watermelon rind
西瓜根叶 watermelon root and leaf
西瓜翠皮 watermelon rind
西瓜霜 watermelon frost
西谷米 sago
西防风 western saposhnikovia [root]
西周 Western Zhou1>
西河柳 tamarisk [twig and leaf]
西芹 celery
西洋人参 American ginseng
西洋参 American ginseng
西洋菜 watercress
西洋菜干 dried watercress
西洋蒜 leek
西红花 saffron
西风 GV-17
西风 West Wind
西香 frankincense
西晋 Western Jin4>
西参 American ginseng
西国米 sago
西黄 western bovine bezoar
西当归 Western tangkuei
西榴皮 pomegranate rind
西汉 Western Han4>
西谢 cutch
西医 Western medicine
西医 Western medicine
西医 Western medical doctor
西魏 Western Wei4>
西党 western codonopsis [root]
西兰花 broccoli
西芎 chuanxiong [rhizome]
string together
串地蜈蚣 yellow-downed hedyotis
串雅内编 Internal Treatments of Folk Medicine
串雅外编 External Treatments of Folk Medicine
串腰龙 girdling dragon
位数形势 position, pace, form, and dynamic
| a name
伴有 accompanied by
佛手 Buddha's hand [fruit]
佛手片 sliced Buddha's hand [NID]
佛手瓜 chayote
佛手花 Buddha's hand flower
佛手柑 Buddha's hand [fruit]
佛手柑根 Buddha's hand root
佛手散 Hand-of-Buddha Powder
佛手露 Buddha's hand distillate
佛甲草 linear stonecrop
佛肚花 Ching's briggsia
佛豆 broad bean
佛指甲 ginkgo [nut]
佛柑 Buddha's hand [fruit]
佛柑花 Buddha's hand flower
佛柑香橼 Buddha's hand [fruit]
佛掌瓜 chayote
佛掌瓜苗 chayote shoot
佛掌薯 dioscorea [root]
佛兰参 American ginseng
what, which, why
| surname
何人饮 Flowery Knotweed and Ginseng Beverage
何首乌 flowery knotweed [root]
何首乌散 Flowery Knotweed Powder
何首乌汤 Flowery Knotweed Decoction
何首乌叶 flowery knotweed leaf
assist\HALT \VERB, assistant \NOUN
佐金平木 assist metal to calm wood
| used in transcription
| used in transcriptions
伽南香 resinous aquilaria [wood]
伽蓝菜 laciniate kalanchoe
伸肌 extensor
伸舌 extended tongue
伸肘 Elbow Stretcher
伸屈不利 inhibited beinding and stretching
伸屈法 stretching and flexing
伸筋草 ground pine
伸筋藤 Chinese tinospora [stem]
似明似昧 seeming both conscious and unconscious
似表似里 resembling exterior and interior [patterns]
似痛不痛 condition like pain but not pain
似胀不胀 condition like distention but not distention
似饿不饿 condition like hunger but not hunger
但代无胃 regularly interrupted only, without stomach
但弦无胃 stringlike only, without stomach
但欲寐 desire only to sleep
但寒不热 aversion to cold without heat effusion
但热不寒 heat without cold
但热不寒 heat [effusion] (fever) without aversion to cold
但头汗出 sweating from the head only
但臂不遂 paralysis of the arms only
act\HALT \VERB; action\NOUN
作用 effect
作祟 exert a disturbing influence
作强之官 office\HALT\HALT
伯乐树 bretschneidera [bark]
低血压 hypotension
低位 Low Position
低位俞 Low Position Transport
低密 rhinoceros horn
低热 low-grade fever
低烧 low-grade fever
| surname
superabundant\HALT \ADJ, superabundance \NOUN
surplus\HALT \NOUN
余甘 emblic
余甘子 emblic
余毒未清 residual toxin
余毒未清证 residual toxin pattern
余热不清 surplus heat failing to clear
余热未清 residual heat
余热未清证 residual heat pattern
余热未尽 residual heat
余氏清心凉膈散 Yu2>'s Heart-Clearing Diaphragm-Cooling Powder
佝偻 rickets
佝偻病 rickets
佝偻病 rickets
兑中 HT-07
兑中 Protuberance
兑冲 HT-07
兑冲 Protuberant Hub
兑骨 protuberant bone
兑骨 styloid process of the ulna
兑骨 HT-07
兑骨 HT-08
兑骨 SI-18
兑骨 Protuberant Bone
兑骨 Protuberant Bone
兑骨 Mouth Bone
兑通兑 GV-27
兑通兑 Mouth Means Edge
兑端 GV-27\w
兑端 Extremity of the Mouth
兑发 ear lock
restrain\HALT \VERB
克雷白杆菌肺炎 klebsiella pneumonia
克罗恩氏病 Crohn's disease
| same as {mian3}
免于害胃 prevent damage to the stomach
免身 childbirth
免身 birth
免身 childbirth
免身 parturition
免身 delivery
免乳 childbirth
免疫 immune
免怀汤 Bosom-Relieving Powder
冷心痛 cold heart pain
冷水丹 saruma root
冷水丹叶 saruma leaf
冷汗 cold sweating
冷汗不止 incessant cold sweating
冷汗淋漓 dripping cold sweat
冷杉果 Delavay fir seed
冷灸 cold moxibustion
冷服 take cold
冷风湿痹 cold-wind-damp impediment
冷哮 cold wheezing
冷哮丸 Cold Wheezing Pill
冷疳 cold gan1
冷秘 cold constipation
冷秘 cold constipation
冷淋 cold strangury
冷泪 cold tearing
冷劳 cold taxation
冷痢 cold dysentery
冷痛 cold pain
冷痛 cold pain
冷饭果 foetid viburnum [leaf and fruit]
冷饭团 smooth greenbrier [root]
冷饭藤 tournefortia
冷暖适度 appropriate coolness and warmth
冷痰 cold phlegm
冷热疳 cold-heat gan1
冷凝集素综合症 syndrome of high-titer cold hemagglutination
冷庐医话 Medical Discussions of the Cold Shack
diverge\HALT \VERB; divergent \ADJ; divergence \NOUN
别清浊 separate the clear and the turbid
别络 diverging network vessel
别阳 GB-35
别阳 TB-04
别阳 Divergent Yang2
别阳 Divergent Yang2
disinhibit\HALT \VERB, uninhibited \ADJ
利小便 disinhibit urine
利小便 disinhibit urine
利小便,实大便 disinhibit urine and harden the stool
利小肠 disinhibit the small intestine
利什曼病 leishmaniasis
利水 disinhibit water
利水消食 disinhibit water and disperse food
利水消肿 disinhibit water and disperse swelling
利水破症 disinhibit water and break concretions
利水通淋 disihibit water and free strangury
利水渗湿 disinhibit water and percolate dampness
利水渗湿药 water-disinhibiting damp-percolating medicinal
利水药 water-disinhibiting medicinal
利尿 disinhibit urine
利尿 diuresis
利尿 Urine Disinhibitor
利尿通淋 disinhibit urine and free strangury
利尿渗湿 disinhibit urine and percolate dampness
利肺 disinhibit the lung
利肺涤饮 disinhibit the lung and flush rheum
利咽 disinhibit the throat
利咽喉 disinhibit the throat
利气 disinhibit qi4
利气豁痰 disinhibit qi4 and sweep phlegm
利腰足 disinhibit the lumbs and feet
利膈汤加味 Supplemented Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction
利膈开郁 disinhibit the diaphragm and open depression
利机 BL-35
利机 CV-04
利机 CV-05
利机 Crux Disinhibitor
利机 Crux Disinhibitor
利机 Crux Disinhibitor
利湿 disinhibit dampness
利湿健脾 disinhibit dampness and fortify the spleen
利湿清热 disinhibit dampness and clear heat
利湿药 dampness-disinhibiting medicinal
利胆退黄汤 Gallbladder-Disinhibiting Jaundice-Abating Decoction
利胆排石片 Gallbladder-Disinhibiting Stone-Expelling Tablet
利窍 disinhibit the orifices
利窍 disinhibits the orifices
利关节 disinhibit the joints
利惊丸 Fright-Disinhibiting Pill
make into shavings
assist\HALT \VERB
reinforce\HALT \VERB
助心阳 assist heart yang2
助水脏 assist the water viscus
助孕八珍丸 Conception-Assisting Eight-Gem Pill [NIS]
助孕丸 Conception-Assisting Pill [NIS]
助消化 aid digestion
助胸阳 assist chest yang2
助肾阳 assist kidney yang2
助阳 reinforce yang2
助阳活血 assist yang2 and quicken the blood
助阳通便 assist yang2 and free the stool
助阳解表 reinforce yang2 and resolve the exterior
助阳药 yang2-reinforcing medicinal
助阳驱虫药 yang2-reinforcing worm-expelling medicinal
strain\HALT \VERB
努肉攀睛 outcrop creeping over the eye
努挣 straining
卵巢 ovaries
卵巢切除术 oophorectomy
卵巢性闭经 ovarian amenorrhea
卵巢动脉 ovarian artery
卵巢囊肿 ovarian cyst
卵胀 distended testicles
卵菱 euryale [seed]
卵缩 retracted testicles
吞咽困难 difficulty in swallowing
吞食梗塞 blockage when swallowing
吞酸 acid swallowing
吞剂 swallowing pills
feeble-minded\HALT \ADJ, feeble-mindedness \NOUN
dull\HALT \ADJ
torpid\HALT \ADJ
呆小病 cretinism
呆病 feeble-mindedness
hiccup\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
呃逆 hiccup
呃逆 Hiccough
呃逆 hiccup
呃忒 hiccup
| surname
吴又可 Wu2 You4-Ke3>
吴芋 evodia [fruit]
吴尚先 Wu2 Shang4-Xian1>
吴昆 Wu2 Kun1>
吴茱 evodia [fruit]
吴茱萸 evodia [fruit]
吴茱萸加附子汤 Evodia Decoction with Aconite Decoction
吴茱萸根 evodia root
吴茱萸汤 Evodia Decoction
吴茱萸粥 Evodia Gruel
吴茱萸叶 evodia leaf
吴郭鱼 niloticus mouthbreeder
吴普本草 Wu2 Pu3's Herbal Foundation
吴菊通 Wu2 Ju2-Tong1>
吴萸 evodia [fruit]
吴瑭 Wu2 Tang2>
吴谦 Wu2 Qian1>
| any of the six yin1 notes in the ancient Chinese musical scale
| surname
吕宋东 St.-Ignatius's-bean
吕宋楸毛 kamala seed hair
吕宫 KI-03
吕宫 Lu3 Palace
吕细 KI-03
吕细 Small Lu
吕细 Small Lu
sovereign\HALT \NOUN
君子 noble
君子 quisqualis [fruit]
君火 sovereign fire
君主之官 office of monarch
君臣佐使 sovereign, minister, assistant, and envoy
君臣佐使 medicinal roles
君相火旺 effulgent sovereign and ministerial fire
君迁子 wild persimmon fruit
吹云草 salomonia
吹奶 breast blowing
吹耳疗法 ear insufflation therapy
吹乳 breast blowing
吹花癣 blown blossom lichen
吹气 blow
吹喉 laryngeal insufflation
吹喉疗法 laryngeal insufflation therapy
吹鼻 nasal insufflation
吹鼻方 Nasal Insufflation Formula
吹鼻疗法 nasal insufflation therapy
吹敷咽部 insufflate into the throat
吹药 insufflation
corners of the mouth
吻疮 sore at the corner of the mouth
吸入 inhale
吸收 absorption
吸门 breath gate
吸气 inhale
吸针石 loadstone
吸筒疗法 cupping
吸铁石 loadstone
吮乳 suckle
hold in the mouth
含口 LI-04
含口 Holding Mouth
含化丸 Sucking Pill
含桃 cherry
含羞草 sensitive plant
含羞草根 senstive plant root
含漱 mouthwash
含漱 mouth rinse

cumbersome\HALT \ADJ, encumber \VERB, encumbrance

encumber\HALT \VERB, encumbrance \NOUN, cumbersome
坎版 tortoise plastron
坎气 human umbilical cord
坎离丸 Fire and Water Hexagram Pill
坎离砂 Fire and Water Hexagram Granules
坐立不安 fidgetiness sitting or standing
坐立不安 fidgetiness
坐板骨 seat board bone
坐板疮 seat sores
坐卧不安 fidgetiness sitting or lying
坐卧不安 fidgetiness
坐卧不宁 fidgetiness sitting or lying
坐卧不宁 fidgetiness
坐骨 seat bone
坐骨 Ischium
坐骨 ischium
坐骨神经痛 sciatica
坐产 sitting labor
坐罐法 stationary cupping
vigorous\HALT \ADJ, invigorate \VERB
invigorate\HALT \ADJ
strengthen\HALT \VERB
i nvigorate the governor of water to restrain the brilliance of yang2
壮水制阳 invigorate water to restrain yang2
壮火 vigorous fire
壮火 invigorate fire
壮火食气 vigorous fire consuming qi4
壮根本 invigorate the root
壮骨 GV-27
壮骨 Bone Strengthener
壮筋 strengthen sinew
壮筋草 large-fruited clover shrub [root]
壮筋骨 strengthen sinew and bone
壮筋养血汤 Sinew-Strengthening Blood-Nourishing Decoction
壮阳 invigorate yang2
壮阳草 Chinese leek [leaf]
壮腰膝 strengthen the lumbus and knees
壮数 number of cones
壮热 vigorous heat [effusion] (fever)
壮胆 invigorate the gallbladder
complicate \HALT \VERB; complication \NOUN
夹白 LU-04
夹白 Pinching White
夹竹桃 oleander [leaf or bark]
夹承浆 Pinching Sauce Receptacle
夹板固定疗法 splint-fixing therapy
夹肢痈 armpit welling-abscess
夹肢痈 armpit welling-abscess
夹纸膏 Paper Plaster
夹脊 Paravertebrals
夹蛇龟 cyclemys
夹蛇龟肉 cyclemys flesh
夹脑风 brain-squeezing wind
夹错 complex
夹溪 GB-42
夹溪 Pinched Ravine
夹杂 complex
夹痈 armpit welling-abscess
妒乳 jealous milk
妨害消化 impair digestion
妨脾阳 harm spleen yang2
妨碍 hamper
妙香散 Mysterious Fragrance Powder
妊娠 pregnancy
妊娠 pregnancy
妊娠下血 precipitation of blood in pregnancy
妊娠下肢抽筋 lower limb cramp in pregnancy
妊娠子冲心 fetus surging into the heart [in pregnancy]
妊娠子瘖 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠小便不利 inhibited urination in pregnancy
妊娠小便不通 urinary stoppage in pregnancy
妊娠小便淋痛 strangury in pregnancy
妊娠小便淋痛 painful stranguric urination in pregnancy
妊娠不语 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠中风 wind strike (stroke) in pregnancy
妊娠心烦 vexation in pregnancy
妊娠心烦 vexation in pregnancy
distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen in
妊娠水肿 water swelling in pregnancy
妊娠以后 in pregnancy
妊娠失音 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠失音 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠舌瘖 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠尿血 bloody urine in pregnancy
妊娠尿难 difficult urination in pregnancy
妊娠阻病 obstruction sickness in pregnancy
妊娠咳嗽 cough in pregnancy
妊娠毒药伤胎 damage to the fetus by poisonous medicinals in pregnancy
妊娠音哑 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠消渴 dispersion-thirst in pregnancy
妊娠浮肿 puffy swelling in pregnancy
妊娠症状 pregnancy symptoms
妊娠眩晕 dizziness in pregnancy
妊娠眩晕 dizziness in pregnancy
妊娠脉 pregnancy pulse
p regnancy hypertension syndrome
妊娠偏头痛 hemilateral headache in pregnancy
妊娠恶阻 malign obstruction in pregnancy
妊娠斑 macules in pregnancy
妊娠紫癜 purple patches in pregnancy
妊娠痲疹 measles in pregnancy
妊娠肿胀 swelling and distention in pregnancy
妊娠肿胀 swelling in pregnancy
妊娠腹痛 abdominal pain in pregnancy
妊娠腹胀 abdominal distention in pregnancy
妊娠呕吐 vomiting in pregnancy
妊娠剧吐 hyperemesis gravidarum
妊娠药忌 contraindication of medicinals in pregnancy
妊娠喑哑 loss of voice in pregnancy
妊娠瘙痒症 itching in pregnancy
妊娠痫证 epilepsy in pregnancy
妊妇 pregnant woman
filial piety
孝扇草根 seashore calystegia root
完谷不化 non-transformation of food
完骨 completion bone
完骨 GB-12\w
完骨 Completion Bone
完带汤 Discharge-Ceasing Decoction
Song4> (Southern Dynasties)
宋九科 nine branches of medicine in the Song Dynasty
宋慈 Song4 Ci2>
局方至宝丹 Imperial Grace Supreme Jewel Elixir
局方犀角地黄丸 Imperial Grace Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Pill
局方发挥 Elaboration of Dispensary Formulas
局部 local
局部穴位 local point
局部取穴 selection of local points
局部取穴 selection of local points
局部性回肠炎 regional ileitis
屁板虫 stinkbug
尿 urine\HALT \NOUN
尿_+ urinary fistula
尿不通 urinary stoppage
尿中砂石 sandy urine
尿少 scant urine
尿少 oliguria
尿少症 oliguria
尿出无力 forceless discharge of urine
尿失禁 urinary incontinence
尿失禁 urinary in cotinence
尿白 white urine
尿石 urinary calculus
尿后余沥 dribble after voiding
尿后余沥 post-voiding dribble
尿多 copious urine
尿有余沥 dribble after voiding
尿有余沥 post-voiding dribble
尿次数 urinary frequency
尿色正常 normal urine color
尿色黄赤 urine yellow or reddish in color
尿血 bloody urine
尿床 bedwetting
尿赤 reddish urine
尿赤便秘 reddish urine and constiption
尿赤涩 inhibited voidings of reddish urine
尿泡草 swainsonia [fruit]
尿急 urinary urgency
尿毒症 uremia
尿胞 CV-02
尿胞 Urinary Bladder
尿时觉热 hot sensation during urination
尿浸石膏 urine-soaked gypsum
尿臭 fetid urine
尿崩 profuse urination
尿崩症 diabetes insipidus
尿桶弓 pithecellobium [twig and leaf]
尿液 urine
尿液增多 increased urine
尿清便溏 clear urine and thin stool
尿闭 urinary block
尿痛 painful urination
尿量 volume of urine
尿黄 yellow urine
尿黄脉数 yellow urine and rapid pulse
尿道 urethra
尿道口 urinary meatus
尿道炎 urethritis
尿道疼痛 pain in the urethra
尿道疼痛 urethral pain
尿道无疼痛 no pain in the urethra
尿道涩痛 roughness and pain in the urethra
尿精 semen in the urine
尿精 seminuria
尿精 spermaturia
尿酸 uric acid
尿数 frequent urination
尿数 urinary frequency
尿热 hot urine
尿浊 urinary turbidity
尿频 frequent urination
尿频 urinary frequency
尿频数 urinary frequency
尿脓 purulent urine
尿潴留 retention of urine
尾骨 coccyx
尾骨 tail bone
尾骨 coccyx
尾骨下空 GV-01
尾骨下空 Hollow Below the Tail Bone
尾骨旁 Beside the Coccyx
尾梨 water chestnut (1)
尾蛆骨 GV-01
尾蛆骨 Tail Maggot Bone
尾翠骨 GV-01
尾翠骨 Tail Kingfisher Bone
尾闾 coccyx
尾闾股 coccyx
尾闾痛 sacral pain
尾翳 CV-15
尾翳 Tail Screen
尾榈 GV-01
尾榈 Tail Palm
_+sacrum and coccyx
岐伯 Qi2 Bo2>
岐骨 bone juncture
岐骨 seventh costosternal articulation
岐黄 Qi4 Bo2> and the Yellow Emperor
small, high mountain
岑皮 ash [bark]
岑草 houttuynia
| surname
巫医 shaman healer
廷孔 court orifice
弄舌 hyperactive tongue
弄舌 worrying tongue
弄舌喉风 throat wind with hyperactive tongue
physical form/body\HALT \NOUN
i nsufficiency of the physical body is warmed with qi4
形倦神怠 physical fatigue and lassitude of spirit
形倦神疲 physical fatigue and lassitude of spirit
形气相失 incongruence between body and qi4
形气相得 congruence between body and qi4
形气俱实 replete physique and qi4
形盛气虚 exuberant physique and vacuous qi4
形胜气 body prevailing over qi4
形寒 physical cold
形寒怯冷 physical cold and fear of cold
形寒怕冷 physical cold and fear of cold
形寒肢冷 physical cold and cold limbs
形肿 swollen body
形肿 generalized swelling
形态 form and bearing
形态 bearing
形貌 ??PUNT
形瘦色苍 thin body and somber complexion
形脏 physical viscus
形体 formal body
形体肥胖 obesity
形体肥胖 obesity
形体消瘦 emaciation
形体瘦削 emaciation
忌口 dietary contraindication
忌用 contraindicated
忌服 contraindicated
忌食 do not eat
record\HALT \NOUN
志室 BL-52\w (BL-47)
志室 Will Chamber
志通 polygala [root]
忍冬花 lonicera [flower]
忍冬草 lonicera stem
忍冬藤 lonicera stem
忍尿 withhold urine
忍精不泄 withhold ejaculation
快利胸膈 disinhibit the chest and diaphragm
快果 pear
快速进针 rapid needle insertion
抗白喉合剂 Diphtheria Mixture
抗真菌 antimycotic
抗菌作用 antibacterial effect
抗痨药 medicinals that fight consumption
抖法 tremulation
support\HALT \VERB
扶元散 Origin-Supporting Powder
扶正 support right
扶正固本 support right and secure the root
扶正培本 support right and bank up the root
扶正解表 support right and resolve the exterior
扶正解毒 support right and resolve toxin
扶正祛邪 support right and dispel evil
扶助正气 support right qi4
扶芳藤 Fortune's euonymus [stem and leaf]
扶突 LI-18\w
扶突 Protuberance Assistant
扶桑丸 Mulberry Leaf and Sesame Pill
扶桑花 Chinese hibiscus flower
扶桑根 Chinese hibiscus root
扶桑骨 fusang bone
扶桑叶 Chinese hibiscus leaf
扶筋 cibotium [root]
扶阳退阴 support yang2 to abate yin1
扶阳培阴 support yang2 to bank up yin1
扶盖 cibotium [root]
扭子菜 heterocodon
扭肚藤 hairy jasmine [stem and leaf]
扭伤 sprain
扭伤 sprain
扭伤穴 Sprain Point
把脉 take the pulse
把脉 pulse-taking
扯丝皮 eucommia [bark]
折冲饮 Thoroughfare Beverage
折针 needle breakage
折伤 fracture
折髀 excruciating thigh pain
use (of medicines)
投药 use medicines
抓破 scratch open
抓破 rupture by scratching
repress\HALT \VERB
抑肝 repress the liver
抑肝扶脾 repress the liver and support the spleen
抑肝散 Liver-Repressing Powder
L iver-Repressing Powder Plus Tangerine Peel and Pinellia
抑制作用 inhibitory effect
抑气散 Qi4-Repressing Powder
抑阴肾气丸 Yin1-Repressing Kidney Qi4 Pill [NIS]
抑菌 suppresses bacteria
attack\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
offensive treatment\HALT \NOUN
攻下 offensive precipitation
攻下冷积 offensively precipitate cold accumulations
攻下法 offensive precipitation
攻下逐瘀 offensively precipitate to expel stasis
攻里不远寒 interior attack does not shun cold [medicinals]
攻消和解软坚汤 Offensive Dispersion Harmonizing and Softening Decoction
攻阵 offensive array
攻逐 attack and expel
攻痛 pain coming in attacks
攻痰 attack phlegm
攻补兼施 supplement and attack simultaneously
攻补兼施 simultaneous supplementation and attack
攻溃 offensive bursting
旱水仙根 large-leaved zephyranthes root
旱芹 wild celery
旱莲 camptotheca
旱莲皮 camptotheca bark
旱莲花 nasturtium
旱莲草 eclipta
旱莲草散 Eclipta Powder
旱莲叶 camptotheca leaf
旱莲膏 Eclipta Paste
旱螺散 Dried Freshwater Snail Shell Powder
watch\HALT \NOUN
更年期综合症 climacteric syndrome
更衣 change one's clothes
更衣 toilette
更衣丸 Toilette Pill
fetter\HALT \NOUN
leash\HALT \NOUN
束骨 bundle bone
束骨 BL-65\w
束骨 Bundle Bone
束筋骨 leash the sinews and bones
| surname
李子 plum
李仁肉 bush cherry kernel
李氏清暑益气汤 Li3}'s Summerheat-Clearing Qi4-Boosting Decoction
李迅 Li3 Xun4>
李杲 Li3 Gao3>
李时珍 Li3 Shi2-Zhen1>
李核仁 plum kernel
李根 plum root
李根皮 plum root bark
李实 plum
李树叶 plum leaf
李树胶 plum resin
杏子 apricot
杏仁 apricot kernel
杏仁泥 crushed apricot kernel [NID]
杏仁粉 powdered apricot kernel [NID]
杏仁粥 Peach Kernel Gruel
杏仁滑石汤 Apricot Kernel and Talcum Decoction
杏仁霜 apricot kernel frost
杏枝 apricot twig
杏林 apricot grove
杏花 apricot flower
杏核仁 apricot kernel
杏梅仁 apricot kernel
杏叶 apricot leaf
杏叶防风 Candolle's pimpinella
杏实 apricot
杏树皮 apricot bark
杏树根 apricot root
杏苏散 Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder
| plant name
杜仲 eucommia [bark]
杜仲炭 charred eucommia [NID]
杜仲散 Eucommia Powder
杜松子 juniper berry
杜松实 juniper berry
杜虹花 Formosan beauty-berry [stem and leaf]
杜桂 cinnamon bark
杜茎山 Japanese maesa [root and leaf]
杜衡 Forbes' asarum
杜鹃 cuckoo [flesh]
杜鹃花 red azalea [flower]
杜鹃花根 red azalea root
杜鹃花叶 red azalea leaf
杜兰 dendrobium
杜芫 genkwa [flower]
杜蒺藜 tribulus [fruit]
杜蘅 Forbes' asarum
| plant name
杞子 lycium [berry]
杞根 lycium bark
杞菊地黄丸 Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill
杞菊地黄汤 Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Decoction
杉子 Chinese fir seed
杉木 Chinese fir wood
杉木油 Chinese fir wood oil
杉木根 Chinese fir root
杉木鱼 salamander
杉木节 Chinese fir knot
杉皮 Chinese fir bark
杉叶 Chinese fir leaf
杉叶藻 hippuris
杉篱 firwood matting
杠木 Liaodong oak fruit
杓菜 spinach beet
步郎 KI-22
步郎 Walking Gentleman
步廊 KI-22\w
步廊 Corridor Walk
步履艰难 difficulty in walking
求谋不遂 frustration
汞沙 cinnabar
汞粉 calomel
沙仁 amomum [fruit]
沙冬青 ammopiptanthus
沙拐枣 calligonum
沙炒 sand-fry
沙芥 pugionum
沙前胡 ferula root
沙前胡子 ferula seed
沙苑子 complanate astragalus seed
沙苑蒺藜 complanate astragalus seed
沙参 adenophora/glehnia [root]
沙参麦冬汤 Adenophora/Glehnia and Ophiopogon Decoction
沙参粥 Adenophora/Glehnia Gruel
沙眼 trachoma
沙枣 Russian olive fruit
沙枣 hippopha [fruit]
沙枣花 Russian olive flower
沙枣胶 Russian olive resin
沙枣树皮 Russian olive bark
沙壳 amomum husk
沙塘木 acronychia wood
沙塔干 leech
沙漠嘎 salt-loving artemisia
沙漏芦 Gmelin's echinops [root]
沙蜜 honey
沙糖 granulated sugar
沙钻 sandborer
| surname
沈氏猪苓汤 Shen's Polyporus Decoction
sink\HALT \VERB; sunken \ADJ
deep\HALT \ADJ
沉水香 aquilaria [wood]
沉取 feel the deep level
沉按 feel the deep level
沉重 heavy
沉降药 downsinking medicinal
沉降药 downsinker
沉香 aquilaria [wood]
沉香天麻汤 Aquilaria and Gastrodia Decoction
沉香木 aquilaria [wood]
沉香曲 aquilaria leaven
沉香阿魏丸 Aquilaria and Asafetida Pill
沉香降气汤 Aquilaria Qi4-Downbearing Decoction
沉香粉 aquilaria powder [NID]
沉香散 Aquilaria Powder
沉香温胃丸 Aquilaria Stomach-Warming Pill
沉唇 pursed lips
沉脉 sunken pulse
沉脉 deep pulse
沉默寡言 taciturn
| surname
汪昂 Wang1 Ang2>
汪机 Wang1 Ji1>
决明丸 Fetid Cassia Pill
决明子 fetid cassia [seed]
决明子散 Fetid Cassia Powder
决明子汤 Fetid Cassia Decoction
决明子粥 Fetid Cassia Gruel
决渎 keep the sluices clear
drench\HALT \VERB
* hub\HALT \NOUN
thoroughfare\HALT \NOUN
冲任 thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任不固 insecurity of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任不固证 pattern of insecurity of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任不调 disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任不调证 pattern of disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任失调 disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任失调 thoroughfare-controlling disharmony
冲任空虚 emptiness of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任胞脉受阻 obstruction of the thoroughfare, controlling, and uterine vessels
冲任胞脉损伤 damage to the thoroughfare, controlling, and uterine vessels
冲任寒湿瘀结 thoroughfare and controlling vessel cold-damp stasis bind
冲任寒证 thoroughfare and controlling vessel cold pattern
冲任虚衰 debilitation of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任虚寒 thoroughfare and controlling vessel vacuity cold
冲任损伤 damage to the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任瘀阻 thoroughfare and controlling vessel stasis obstruction
冲任热证 thoroughfare and controlling vessel heat pattern
冲任湿热瘀结 thoroughfare and controlling vessel damp-heat stasis bind
冲疝 surging mounting
冲门 SP-12\w
冲门 Surging Gate
冲为血海 thoroughfare vessel is the sea of blood
冲气 surging qi4
冲脉 thoroughfare vessel
冲逆 surging counterflow
冲间 Surge Space
冲阳 ST-42\w
冲阳 LI-20
冲阳 LI-20
冲阳 Surging Yang2
冲阳 Surging Yang2
冲阳 Thoroughfare Yang2
冲阳脉 surging yang2 pulse
冲化 dissolve
冲和 harmonious flow
冲和之象 sign of harmonious flow
冲和汤 Harmonious Flow Decoction
冲和膏 Harmonious Flow Paste
冲服 take drenched
冲服剂 soluble preparation
冲洗 wash
冲洗疗法 irrigation therapy
冲剂 soluble granules
没石子 Aleppo gall
没多僧 litharge
没食子 Aleppo gall
没食子丸 Aleppo Gall Pill
没药 myrrh
灶中黄土 oven earth
灶心土 oven earth
灶心黄土 oven earth
scorch\HALT \VERB
灼痛 scorching pain
灼热 scorching hot
灼热 palpably hot
moxibustion\HALT (also moxabustion) \NOUN, moxa \VERB
灸法 moxibustion
灸法 moxabustion
灸禁 moxibustion contraindications
firm\HALT \ADJ
牢脉 firm pulse
牡丹三七 Chinese laportea [root]
牡丹皮 moutan [bark]
牡丹皮散 Moutan Powder
牡丹花 moutan flower
牡丹根皮 moutan [bark]
牡狗阴茎 dog's penis
牡荆子 hemp-leaved vitex seed
牡荆根 hemp-leaved vitex root
牡荆茎 hemp-leaved vitex stem
牡荆叶 hemp-leaved vitex leaf
牡荆沥 hemp-leaved vitex sap
牡蛤 oyster shell
牡疟 male malaria
牡蒿 Japanese artemisia
牡蒿根 Japanese artemisia root
牡蛎 oyster shell
牡蛎肉 oyster
牡蛎粉 oyster shell powder
牡蛎散 Oyster Shell Powder
牡蛎壳 oyster shell
牡蛎泽泻散 Oyster Shell and Alisma Powder
牡脏 male viscus
mania\HALT \NOUN, manic \ADJ
狂犬 rabid dog
狂犬病 rabies
狂犬病 rabies hydrophobia
狂犬伤 rabid dog bite
狂言 manic raving
狂邪 mania evil
狂易 mania
狂病 manic disease
狂欲登高而歌 mania with desire to ascend to high places and sing
狂乱 manic derangement
狂乱谵妄 manic derangement and delirious raving
狂热烦乱 manic heat with vexation and derangement
狂热谵语 manic heat with delirous speech
狂躁 manic agitation
狂躁不安 manic agitation
courtesy name
男子 male
男性乳房肥大症 hyperplasia of the male breast
男科疾病 men's diseases
男科疾病 andriatric diseases
男科疾病 men's diseases
皂角 gleditsia [fruit]
皂角刺 gleditsia thorn
皂角针 gleditsia thorn
皂刺 gleditsia thorn
皂针 gleditsia thorn
皂荚 gleditsia [fruit]
皂荚丸 Gleditsia Fruit Pill
皂荚子 gleditsia seed
皂荚刺 gleditsia thorn
皂荚根皮 gleditsia root bark
皂荚叶 gleditsia leaf
皂矾 melanterite
秀丽野海棠 bredia
秃疮 bald scalp sore
秃疮 bald scalp sore
秃疮油 Bald Sores Oil
秃疮花 dicranostigma
系统 system
肓之原 CV-04
肓之原 CV-06
肓之原 Huang Origin
肓之原 Huang Origin
肓门 BL-51\w (BL-46)
肓门 Huang Gate
肓俞 KI-16\w
肓俞 Huang Transport
肓膜 huang membrane
liver\HALT \NOUN
肝,其华在爪 liver, its bloom is in the nails
肝,体阴而用阳 liver is yin1 in substance and yang2 in function
肝不藏血 liver failing to store blood
肝之液为泪 humor of the liver is tears
肝及胆辨证 liver and gallbladder pattern identification
肝木 liver-wood
肝木克土 liver-wood restraining (overcoming) earth
肝木乘脾 liver-wood exploiting the spleen
肝水 liver water
肝火 liver fire
肝火上冲 liver qi4 surging upward
肝火上冲 upsurge of liver qi4
肝火上炎 liver fire flaming upward
肝火上炎 upflaming liver fire
肝火上炎证 pattern of liver fire flaming upward
肝火不得卧 liver fire sleeplessness
肝火犯耳 liver fire invading the ear
肝火犯肺 liver fire invading the lung
肝火犯肺证 pattern of liver fire invading the lung
肝火犯胃 liver fire invading the stomach
肝火妄动 liver fire stirring frenetically
肝火旺盛 effulgent gallbladder fire
肝火郁血 liver fire and depressed blood
肝火炽盛 intense liver fire
肝火炽盛证 pattern of intense liver fire
肝火燔耳证 pattern of liver fire blazing the ear
肝主升发 liver governs upbearing and effusion
肝主目 liver governs the eyes
肝主血海 liver governs the sea of blood
肝主疏泄 liver governs free coursing
肝主筋 liver governs the sinews
肝主运动 liver governs physical movement
肝主谋虑 liver governs the making of strategies
肝主惊 liver governs fright
肝功能 liver function
肝司运动 liver is charge of physical movement
肝失疏泄 liver failing to course freely
肝失疏泄 failure of the liver's free coursing
肝生于左 liver lives on the left
肝合筋 liver is connected with the sinews
肝合胆 liver is connected with the gallbladder
肝有所藏 liver has something to store
肝色芦荟 liver-colored aloe
肝血 liver blood
肝血不足 insufficiency of liver blood
肝血不足胁痛 insufficiency of liver blood rib-side pain
肝血虚 liver blood vacuity
肝血虚证 liver blood vacuity pattern
肝血亏虚 liver blood depletion
肝吸虫一方 Liver Fluke Formula~1
肝吸虫二方 Liver Fluke Formula~2
肝豆状核变性 hepatolenticular degeneration
肝受血而能视 liver receives blood and there is vision
肝性脑病 hepatic encephalopathy
肝旺胃弱 effulgent liver and weak stomach
肝炎 hepatitis
肝炎点 Hepatitis Point
肝的证候 liver patterns
liver holds the office of general; it is responsible for making strategies
肝者,罢极之本 liver is the basis of resistance to fatigue
肝俞 BL-18\w
肝俞 Liver Transport
肝咳 liver cough
肝室 Liver Chamber
肝为刚脏 liver is the unyielding viscus
肝为泪 liver forms tears
肝胃不和 liver-stomach disharmony
肝胃不和证 pattern of liver-stomach disharmony
肝胃火炽 intense liver-stomach fire
肝胃气痛 liver-stomach qi4 pain
肝郁 liver depression
肝郁 depressed liver
肝郁不孕 liver depression infertility
肝郁化火 liver depression transforming into fire
肝郁火旺 depressed liver and effulgent fire
肝郁火旺证 pattern of depressed liver and effulgent fire
肝郁犯胃 liver depression invading the stomach
肝郁血虚 liver depression and blood vacuity
肝郁血虚证 pattern of liver depression and blood vacuity
肝郁血瘀 liver depression and blood stasis
肝郁血瘀证 pattern of liver depression and blood stasis
肝郁气滞 liver depression and qi4 stagnation
肝郁胁痛 liver depression rib-side pain
肝郁脾虚 liver depression and spleen vacuity
肝郁脾虚证 pattern of liver depression and spleen vacuity
肝郁经行先期 liver depression advanced menstruation
肝郁经行后期 liver depression delayed menstruation
肝风 liver wind
肝风内动 liver wind stirring internally
肝风内动证 pattern of liver wind stirring internally
肝风夹痰 liver wind with phlegm
肝风草 candid zephyranthes
肝风煽动 liver fire stirring
肝气 liver qi4
肝气上逆 liver qi4 ascending counterflow
肝气不足 insufficiency of liver qi4
肝气不和 disharmony of liver qi4
肝气不疏 liver qi4 failing to course freely
肝气不舒 constrained liver qi4
肝气犯胃 liver qi4 invading the stomach
肝气犯胃 invasion of the stomach by liver qi4
肝气犯脾 liver qi4 invading the spleen
肝气犯脾 invasion of the spleen by liver qi4
肝气郁 liver qi4 depression
肝气郁 depressed liver qi4
肝气郁 liver qi4 depression
肝气郁结 binding depression of liver qi4
肝气郁遏 liver qi4 depression
肝气郁滞 liver qi4 depression
肝气郁证 pattern of liver qi4 depression
肝气乘脾 liver qi4 exploiting the spleen
肝气胁痛 liver qi4 rib-side pain
肝气逆 counterflow liver qi4
肝气通于目 liver qi4 flows to the eyes
肝气痛 liver qi4 pain
肝气胀 liver qi4 distention
肝气虚 liver qi4 vacuity
肝气虚证 liver qi4 vacuity pattern
肝气横逆 liver qi4 running cross counterflow
肝病 liver disease
肝病及肾 liver disease affecting the kidney
肝疳 gan1 of the liver
肝脉弦 liver pulse is stringlike
肝逆头痛 liver counterflow headache
肝动脉 hepatic artery
肝常有余 liver is often in superabundance
肝阴 liver yin1
肝阴不足 insufficiency of liver yin1
肝阴虚 liver yin1 vacuity
肝阴虚阳亢 liver yin1 vacuity and hyperactive yang2
肝阴虚证 liver yin1 vacuity pattern
肝劳 liver taxation
肝厥 liver reversal
肝厥头痛 liver reversal headache
肝寒 liver cold
肝寒横溢犯胃 liver cold seeping into the stomach
肝恶风 liver is averse to wind
肝斑 chloasma hepaticum
肝无所藏 liver has nothing to store
肝无所藏 liver has nothing to store
肝硬化 cirrhosis of the liver
肝硬化 cirrhosis
肝肾不足 insufficiency of the liver and kidney
肝肾同源 liver and kidney are of the same source
肝肾两虚 dual vacuity of liver and kidney
肝肾相生 liver and kidney are mutually engendering
肝肾郁滞 liver-kidney depression
肝肾气逆 liver and kidney counterflow qi4
肝肾欲绝 liver and kidney verging on expiry
肝肾阴虚 liver-kidney yin1 vacuity
肝肾阴虚崩漏 liver-kidney yin1 vacuity flooding and spotting
肝肾阴虚证 pattern of liver-kidney yin1 vacuity
肝肾阴亏 liver-kidney yin1 depletion
肝肾寒气 liver-kidney cold qi4
肝肾虚弱 liver-kidney vacuity
肝肾虚寒 liver-kidney vacuity cold
肝肾虚阳上扰 vacuous yang2 of the liver and kidney harassing the upper body
肝肾虚亏 liver-kidney depletion
肝肾阳虚 liver-kidney yang2 vacuity
肝肾亏损 liver-kidney depletion
肝肾亏损痛经 liver-kidney depletion menstrual pain
肝胀 liver distention
肝脾不和 liver-spleen disharmony
肝脾不调 liver-spleen disharmony
肝脾血瘀 liver-spleen blood stasis
肝脾两虚 dual vacuity of the liver and spleen
肝脾两虚 liver-spleen vacuity
肝脾气滞 spleen vacuity and qi4 stagnation
肝脾气滞 liver-spleen qi4 stagnation
肝脾肿大 hepatosplenomegaly
肝着 liver fixity
肝虚 liver vacuity
肝虚寒热 liver vacuity heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
肝开窍于目 liver opens at the eyes
肝阳 liver yang2
肝阳上亢 ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang2
肝阳上亢 ascendant liver yang2
肝阳上亢证 pattern of ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang2
肝阳亢盛 exuberance of liver yang2
肝阳亢躁 agitation of liver yang2
肝阳化火 liver yang2 transforming into fire
肝阳化风 liver yang2 transforming into wind
肝阳化风证 pattern of liver yang2 transforming into wind
肝阳眩晕 liver yang2 dizziness
肝阳偏旺 effulgent liver yang2
肝阳虚 liver yang2 vacuity
肝阳虚证 liver yang2 vacuity pattern
肝阳头痛 liver yang2 headache
肝募 LV-14
肝募 Liver Alarm
肝经 liver channel
肝经 LV\w
肝经火盛 exuberant liver channel fire
肝经有热 fire in the liver channel
肝经毒热 liver channel toxic heat
肝经郁火 depressed liver channel fire
肝经郁热 liver channel depressed heat
肝经郁热证 pattern of liver channel depressed heat
肝经风热 liver channel wind-heat
肝经厥气上逆 liver channel reverse qi4 ascending counterflow
肝经无热 absence of heat in the liver channel
肝经实火 liver channel repletion fire
肝经湿热 liver channel damp-heat
肝经湿热犯耳 liver channel damp-heat invading the ear
肝经湿热带下 liver channel damp-heat vaginal discharge
肝经湿热证 pattern of liver channel damp-heat
肝肿大 hepatomegaly
肝实 liver repletion
肝与胆的证候 liver and gallbladder patterns
肝与胆相表里 liver and gallbladder stand in interior-exterior relationship
肝热 liver heat
肝热犯胃 liver heat invading the stomach
肝热目昏 liver heat with clouded vision
肝热穴 Liver Heat Point
肝热自汗 liver heat spontaneous sweating
肝热胁痛 liver heat rib-side pain
肝热恶阻 liver heat malign obstruction
肝积 liver accumulation
肝静脉 hepatic veins
肝癌 liver cancer
肝癌 primary carcinoma of the liver
肝胆火旺 effulgent liver-gallbladder fire
肝胆血虚 liver-gallbladder blood vacuity
肝胆郁热 depressed liver-gallbladder heat
肝胆郁热 liver-gallbladder depressed heat
肝胆虚热 liver-gallbladder vacuity heat
肝胆实火 liver-gallbladder repletion fire
肝胆管结石方 Hepatolith Formula
肝胆湿热 liver-gallbladder damp-heat
肝胆湿热证 pattern of liver-gallbladder damp-heat
肝藏血 liver stores blood
肝藏魂 liver stores the ethereal soul
肝体阴用阳 liver's is yin1 and function is yang2
肝痹 liver impediment
肝痈 welling-absess of the liver
肘后歌 Standby Songs
肘后备急方 Emergency Standby Remedies
肘尖 Tip of the Elbow
肘尖 LI-12
肘尖 LV-13
肘尖 Tip of the Elbow
肘尖 Tip of the Elbow
肘俞 Elbow Transport
肘劳 elbow taxation
肘腕 elbow
肘关节 elbow joint
_+ LI-12\w
_+ Elbow Bone-Hole
_+ anal fistula
肛周生痈 perianal welling-abscess
肛周疮毒 perianal toxin sore
肛门 anus
肛门 anal
肛门四穴 Four Points of the Anus
肛门失约 anal retention failure
肛门失禁 anal retention failure
肛门生痔 hemorrhoid
肛门有灼热感 burning sensation in the anus
肛门坠重 heavy sagging sensation in the anus
肛门湿疡 damp sore of the anus
肛门痒 anal itch
肛门瘙痒 anal itch
肛门痈 anal welling-abscess
肛裂 anal fissure
肛裂 anal fissure (fissura in ano)
肛漏 anal fistula
肛管直肠脱垂 proctoptoma (proctoptosis, proctoptosia, prolapse of rectum)
肛痈 welling-abscess of the anus
肚上青筋 (green-blue) veins on the belly
肚大青筋 enlarged abdomen with green-blue vessels
肚拉 triplostegia root
肚倍 single-horned sumac gallnut
肚疼 abdominal pain
肚痛 abdominal pain
肚痛腹泻 abdominal pain and diarrhea
肚腹胀大 distention and enlargement of the abdomen
foster\HALT \VERB
育阴 foster yin1
育阴涵阳 foster yin1 to nourish yang2
育阴潜阳 foster yin1 and subdue yang2
良工 proficient practitioner
良附丸 Lesser Galangal and Cyperus Pill
良附散 Lesser Galangal and Cyperus Powder
良枣 jujube
良姜 Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma
良姜 lesser galangal [root]
良姜 (1) galangal [root]
良姜 (2) lesser galangal [root]
芒小米草 Maximowicz's euphrasia
芒刺 prickles
芒刺舌 prickly tongue
芒果 mango
芒果核 mango stone
芒果叶 mango leaf
芒果树皮 mango bark
芒根 Chinese miscanthus root
芒草 black swallowwort
芒针 awn needle
芒茎 Chinese miscanthus stem
芒硝 mirabilite
芒种 Grain in Ear
芒种花 goldencup hypericum
芒萁骨 dicranopteris leaf
芒萁骨根 dicranopteris root
taro [root]
芋仔 taro [root]
芋奶 taro [root]
芋儿七 trillium [root]
芋根 taro [root]
芋梗 taro stalk
芋粥 Taro Gruel
芋叶 taro leaf
芋头 taro [root]
芋头花 taro flower
芋艿 taro [root]
芋艿丸 Taro Pill
peony (Chinese herbaceous peony)
芍甘黄辛附汤 Peony, Licorice, Rhubarb, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction<, BR>芍药 peony [root]
芍药甘草附子汤 Peony, Licorice, and Aconite Decoction
芍药甘草汤 Peony and Licorice Decoction
芍药汤 Peony Decoction
见色思情 provocative sights and passionate thoughts
见色流精 seminal emission at provocative sights
见色遽泄 immediate ejaculation at provocative sights
见色遽泄 immediate ejaculation on beholding sexually stimulating sights
见血清 veined liparis
见明 See Bright
见风即痛 pain on exposure to wind
见风流泪 tearing on exposure to wind
见食即吐 vomiting at the sight of food
见症 characterized by
见症 presenting signs
见阳 See Yang2
见晛丸 Sunshine Pill
角弓反张 arched-back rigidity
角豆 cowpea
角刺 gleditsia thorn
角法 horning
角花 horn flower
角胡麻 unicorn plant
角倍 many-horned sumac gallnut
角孙 TB-20
角孙 Angle Vertex
角茴香 hypecoum
角菜 (2) spinach
角蒿 (1) Chinese incarvillea
角蒿 (2) Younghusband's incarvillea [seed and root]
角膜 cornea
角膜炎 keratitis
言语不能 loss of speech
言语低微 faint low voice
言语音声 fine language and sounds
言语清晰 clear coherent speech
言语错乱 deranged speech
言语蹇涩 sluggish speech
grain\HALT \NOUN
谷入不化 non-transformation of ingested food
谷不化 non-transformation of food
谷门 ST-02
谷门 Grain Gate
谷雨 Grain Rain
谷食不化 non-transformation of food
谷食不消 non-dispersion of food
谷气 grain qi4
谷气 grain qi4
谷疸 grain jaundice
谷疸 dietary irregularity jaundice
谷神 grain spirit
谷劳 grain taxation
谷胀 grain distention
谷菜部 grain and vegetable section
谷不得下 inability to get grain down
谷门 ST-25
谷门 Valley Gate
谷香 fennel [fruit]
谷茴香 fennel [fruit]
豆衣 mung bean seed-coat
豆角 cowpea
豆角柴 Delavay clover shrub [root]
豆卷 dried soybean sprout
豆油 soybean oil
豆芽 bean sprout
豆芽菜 bean sprout
豆苗 pea shoots
豆豉 fermented soybean (2)\B
豆豉 Glycines Semen Fermentatum
豆豉 fermented soybean (2)
豆豉 fermented soybean (2)
豆豉姜 litsea [root]
豆豉草 sanguine iris [root]
豆豉菠萝 pickled pineapple
豆豉姜 litsea [root]
豆黄 black soy
豆黄卷 dried soybean sprout
豆腐 bean curd
豆腐 beancurd [NID]
豆腐皮 (1) bean curd skin
豆腐皮 (2) sheet bean curd
豆腐乳 ripened bean curd
豆腐渣 bean curd dregs
豆腐渣果 helicia [root or leaf]
豆腐浆 soybean milk
豆腐锅巴 pot-burnt soy milk
豆腐泔水 bean curd water
豆蒲 fermented soybean (2)
豆浆 soybean milk
豆薯 yam bean
豆瓣菜 watercress
豆瓣菜 watercress
豆瓣酱 bean paste
豆曲 fermented soybean (2)
豆蘗 dried soybean sprout
豆须子 cuscuta [seed]
豆菇 fermented soybean (2)
豆蔻 cardamom
豆蔻 Katsumada's galangal seed
豆蔻丸 Tsaoko Pill
豆蔻花 cardamom flower
豆蔻粥 Nutmeg Gruel
豆糱 dried soybean sprout
豕零 polyporus
贝子 cowrie shell
贝父 Si4chuan1 fritillaria [bulb]
贝母 fritillaria [bulb]
贝母汤 Fritillaria Decoction
贝母兰 coelogyne
贝母栝蒌散 Fritillaria and Trichosanthes Powder
贝耳氏瘫痪 Bell's palsy
贝齿 cowrie shell
red\HALT \ADJ; reddish \ADC
赤土 hematite
赤小豆 rice bean
赤小豆芽 rice bean sprout
赤小豆花 rice bean flower
赤小豆当归散 Rice Bean and Chinese Angelica*& Powder
赤小豆叶 rice bean leaf
赤丹 cinnabar
赤木 sappan [wood]
赤水玄珠 Mysterious/Black Pearl of Red Water
赤朮 atractylodes [root]
赤瓜实 crataegus [fruit]
赤田带下 red and white vaginal discharge
赤白肉际 border of the red and whiteflesh
赤白芍 red or white peony [root]
赤白带 red and white vaginal discharge
赤白游风 red and white wandering wind
赤白痢 red and white dysentery
赤白浊 red and white turbidity
赤白浊 red and white turbidity
赤白杂痢 mixed red and white dysentery
赤石土 halloysite
赤石脂 halloysite
赤石脂禹余粮汤 Halloysite and Limonite Decoction
赤石斑 red-banded rock cod
赤穴 Red Point
赤地利 Chinese smartweed
赤如衃血 red as coagulated blood
赤曲 red infested rice
赤朴 officinal magnolia bark
赤肉 red flesh
赤肉际 [region of] red flesh
赤沙糖 brown sugar
赤芍 red peony [root]
赤芍药 red peony [root]
赤豆 rice bean
赤车使者 umbellate elatostema
赤车使者根 umbellate elatostema root
赤松球 blotcheye soldier
赤炎疮 red flaming sore
赤红血丝 red blood threads
赤苓 red poria
赤苓汤 Red Poria Decoction
赤面风 red face wind
赤根菜 spinach
赤脉侵睛 red vessels invading the eye
赤脉传睛 red vessels spreading across the eye
赤参 salvia [root]
赤带 red vaginal discharge
赤带抱轮 red areola surrounding the dark of the eye
赤枣子 crataegus [fruit]
赤游丹 red wandering cinnabar
赤游丹毒 red wandering cinnabar toxin
赤游风 red wandering wind
赤痢 red dysentery
赤硝 red niter
赤丝乱脉 chaotic red thread-like vessels
赤丝虬脉 tangled red-thread vessels
赤丝_+tangled red-thread vessels
赤阳子 firethorn fruit
赤杨 Japanese alder
赤铜屑 copper flakes
赤箭 gastrodia [root]
赤膜下垂 hanging red membrane
赤胶 lac
赤赭石 hematite
赤浊 red turbidity
赤霜散 Red Frost Powder
赤虫 redworm
赤虫病 redworm disease
赤链蛇 dinodon
赤芫 genkwa [flower]
赤瓟+ thladiantha fruit
赤茯 red poria
赤茯苓 red poria
赤柽柳 tamarisk [twig and leaf]
penetrate\HALT \VERB, penetration \NOUN
wandering\HALT \NOUN
走方医 itinerant healer
走而不守 mobile
走注 traveling influx
走哺 fecourinary block vomiting
走马牙疳 galloping gan1 of the teeth and gum
走马胎 large-leaved ardisia root
走马胎叶 large-leaved ardisia leaf
走马风 six-eared blumea
走马风 elder
走马箭 elder
走黄 running yellow
走窜 mobile and penetrating
走罐 slide-cupping
走罐法 slide-cupping
lower extremity\HALT \NOUN
sufficient\HALT \ADJ, sufficiency \NOUN
?消肿汤 Calf and Ankle Swelling-Dispersing Decoction [NIS]
足一寒一热 heat in one foot and cold in the other
足三里 ST-36\w
足三里 Leg Three Li
足三阴经 three yin1 channels of the foot
足三阳经 three yang2 channels of the foot
足下中央之脉 KI-01
足下中央之脉 Vessel in the Center of the Sole
足下垂点 Foot Prolapse Point
足下热 heat on the underside of the feet
足丫 foot
足丫疔 clove sore of the foot
足大趾 great toe
足大趾次趾 toe next to the great toe
足小趾 little toe
足小趾次趾 toe next to the little toe
足不收 loss of use of the legs
足中平 Foot Central Balance
足之上廉 ST-37
足之上廉 Upper Ridge of the Leg
足五里 LV-10
足五里 Foot Five Li
足太阴之俞 SP-03
足太阴所入 SP-09
足太阴所出 SP-01
足太阴所注 SP-03
足太阴所流 SP-02
足太阴脾经 foot greater yin1 spleen channel
足太阴脾经 SP\w
足太阳所入 BL-40
足太阳所入 Entry Point of the Foot Greater Yang2
足太阳所过 BL-64
足太阳膀胱经 foot greater yang2 bladder channel
足太阳膀胱经 BL\w
足少阴合 KI-01
足少阴合 Foot Lesser Yin1 Union
足少阴所入 KI-10
足少阴所出 KI-01
足少阴所流 KI-02
足少阴肾经 foot lesser yin1 kidney channel
足少阴肾经 KI\w
足少阳之俞 GB-41
足少阳之络 GB-37
足少阳之源 GB-40
足少阳所入 GB-34
足少阳所过 GB-40
足少阳胆经 foot lesser yang2 gallbladder channel
足少阳胆经 GB\w
足心 Sole Heart
足心痛 pain in the heart of the sole
足心痛 pain in the heart of the sole
足心热 heat in the heart of the soles
足外反热 heat on the outside of the feet
足次趾 second toe
足冷膝软 cold legs and limp knees
足底 sole
足底 plantar
足底疔 plantar clove sore
足明 Foot Brightness
足空 GB-35
足空 Leg Hollow
足后动脉 posterior pedis artery
足背 dorsum of the foot
足背静脉弓 dorsal venous arch of the foot
足益聪 Foot Hearing Booster
足趾发黑 blackening of the toes
足趾溃烂 ulceration of the feet
足趺 upper surface of the foot
足趺 instep
足趺 dorsum of the foot
足通谷 BL-66
足通谷 Foot Valley Passage
足厥阴之络 LV-05
足厥阴之源 LV-03
足厥阴之源 Source of Foot Reverting Yin1
足厥阴井 LV-01
足厥阴井 Foot Reverting Yin1 Well
足厥阴肝经 foot reverting yin1 liver channel
足厥阴肝经 LV\w
足厥阴所入 LV-08
足厥阴所出 LV-01
足厥阴所流 LV-02
足痛 foot pain
足发背 effusion of the dorsum of the foot
足腕 ankle
足阳明所入 ST-36
足阳明所过 ST-42
足阳明胃经 foot yang2 brightness stomach channel
足阳明胃经 ST\w
足痿 wilting of the legs
足肿 swelling of the feet
足跟作痛 pain in the heel
足跟痛 heel pain
足膝红肿 red swollen feet and knees
足膝寒冷 cold feet and knees
足踝疽 ankle flat-abscess
足临泣 GB-41\w
足临泣 Foot Overlooking Tears
足窍阴 GB-44\w
足窍阴 Foot Orifice Yin1
足罗 Foot Net
足癣 tinea pedis
足颤 tremor of the feet
足疔 clove sore of the foot
足窌 BL-35
足窌 GB-35
足窌 Leg Bone-Hole
足窌 Leg Bone-Hole
足跗 upper surface of the foot
足跗 instep
足跗 dorsum of the foot
_+ GB-35
_+ Leg Bone-Hole
_+swelling of the foot and lower leg
generalized\HALT \ADJ
身不仁 generalized insensitivity
身之本 the root of the body
身出红斑 red macules over the body
身目俱黄 yellowing of bothe body and eyes
身目发黄 yellowing of the body and eyes
身冷 cold body
身冷蜷卧 cold body and curled-up posture
身柱 GV-12\w
身柱 Body Pillar
身重 generalized heaviness
身重 heavy body
身重不易转 generalized heaviness with difficulty in turning over
身重不易转侧 heavy body with difficulty in turning sides
身面黄 yellowing of the body and face
身倦乏力 fatigue and lack of strength
身振摇 generalized shaking
身疲 fatigued body
身疼 generalized pain
身凉 cool body
身痛 generalized pain
身痛 body pains
身痛且重 generalized pain and heaviness
身痛逐瘀汤 Generalized Pain Stasis-Expelling Decoction
身肿 generalized swelling
身尽痛 generalized pain
身热 generalized heat [effusion] (fever)
身热不外扬 unsurfaced genealized heat [effusion] (fever)
身热不扬 unsurfaced generalized heat [effusion] (fever)
身热如火 fire-like body heat [effusion] (fever)
身热夜甚 generalized heat (effusion) worsening at night
身热肢寒 hot body and cold limbs
身热起伏 fluctuating generalized heat [effusion] (fever)
身热喜凉 generalized heat [effusion] (fever) with a liking for coolness
身热无汗 generalized heat [effusion] without sweating
身热头痛 generalized heat [effusion] and headache
身瘦如柴 thin as brushwood
身痒 generalized itching
身体沉重 heavy body
身体抵抗力 resistance of the body
身体疼痛 generalized pain
身体衰弱 debilitated health
身体痛 generalized pain
身体虚弱 weak health
身体虚弱者 those in weak health
身体烦疼 generalized vexing pain
身体尪羸 weak tabid body
_+generalized twitching
车前 plantago
车前子 plantago seed
车前草 plantago
车前菜 plantago
车前叶粥 Plantago Leaf Gruel
车前实 plantago seed
车桑仔根 dodonaea root
车桑仔叶 dodonaea leaf
车螯 che'ao clam
| surname
acrid\HALT \ADJ, acridity \NOUN
eighth heavenly stem
辛入肺 acridity enters the lung
辛甘化阳 form yang2 with sweetness and acridity
辛甘发散为阳 sweet and acrid effusing and dissipating [medicinals] are yang2
辛夷 magnolia flower (1)
辛夷花 magnolia flower (1)
辛夷桃 magnolia flower (1)
辛夷清肺散 Magnolia Flower*& Lung-Clearing Powder
辛夷清肺汤 Magnolia Flower*& Lung-Clearing Decoction
辛夷散 Magnolia Flower*& Powder
辛金 S8-metal
辛香化浊 transform turbidity with acridity and aroma
辛香暖胃 warming the stomach with acridity and aroma
辛凉清热 clear heat with coolness and acridity
辛凉解表 resolve the exterior with coolness and acridity
辛凉解表 cool acrid exterior resolution
辛凉解表法 cool acrid exterior-resolving method
辛凉解表剂 cool acrid exterior-resolving formula
辛凉解表药 cool acrid exterior-resolving medicinal
辛寒生津 engender liquid with cold and acridity
辛寒清气 clear qi4 with cold and acridity
辛散宣肺 diffuse the lung with dissipating acridity
辛散宣透 promote diffusion and outthrust with dissipating acridity
辛散透发 promote outthrust and effusion of dissipating acridity
辛散透发 promote outthrust and effusion with dissipating acridity
辛散滞气 dissipate stagnant qi4 with acridity
辛开 acrid opening
辛开苦泄 open with acridity and discharge with bitterness
辛开苦泄 acrid opening and bitter discharge
辛开苦降 open with acridity and downbear with bitterness
辛开苦降 acrid opening and bitter downbearing
辛开散痞 dissipate glomus with opening acridity
辛温走窜 warm acrid mobile and penetrating
辛温通阳 free yang2 with warmth and acridity
辛温开窍 open the orifices with warmth and acridity
辛温解表 resolve the exterior with warmth and acridity
辛温解表 warm acrid exterior resolution
辛温解表法 warm acrid exterior-resolving method
辛温解表剂 warm acrid exterior-resolving formula
辛温解表药 warm acrid exterior-resolving medicinal
fifth earthly branch
辰砂 cinnabar
辰时 B5 watch
fo r evil to encroach, qi4 must be vacuous
邪水 evil water
邪火 evil fire
邪去 evil abates
邪正盛衰 exuberance and debilitation of right and evil
邪犯卫分 evil invading the defense aspect
邪伏膜原 evil hidden in the membrane-source
邪伏膜原证 pattern of evil hidden in the membrane-source
邪在卫分 evil in the defense aspect
邪在卫表 evil in the defense exterior
邪侵犯脾胃 evil invading the spleen and stomach
邪郁少阳 evil lying depressed in the lesser yang2
邪害空窍 evils harm the empty orifices
邪气 evil qi4
邪气强盛 strong evil qi4
邪气盛 exuberant evil qi4
邪气盛则实 when evil qi4 is exuberant, there is repletion
邪气盛实 exuberant evil qi4
邪留三焦 evil lodged in the triple burner
邪留阴分 evil lodged in the yin1 aspect
邪盛正虚 exuberant evil and vacuous right
邪寒 evil cold
邪伤肺卫 evil damaging lung-defense
邪实 evil repletion
邪蒿 seseli
邪热 evil heat
邪热入营 evil heat entering construction
邪热内郁 evil heat depressed internally
邪热未尽 evil has has not been completely eliminated
邪热迫血 evil heat hurrying the blood
邪热炽盛 intense evil heat
邪恋心包 evil lodged in the pericardium
that, those
那合豆 chick-pea
tenth earthly branch
酉时 B10 watch
interior\HALT \ADJ, \NOUN
里急 abdominal urgency
里急后重 tenesmus
里急后重 abdominal urgency and rectal heaviness
里气通表气亦通 when interior qi4 is freed, exterior qi4 is also freed
里病出表 interior disease moving out to the exterior
里喉痈 retropharyngeal welling-abscess
里寒 interior cold
里寒格热 interior cold repelling heat
里寒证 interior cold pattern
里结 interior bind
里虚 interior vacuity
里虚证 interior vacuity pattern
里实 interior repletion
里实热 interior repletion heat
里实证 interior repletion pattern
里热 interior heat
里热实证 interior heat repletion pattern
里热证 interior heat pattern
里湿 internal dampness
里证 interior pattern
里上 Above Li
里内庭 Li3 Inner Court
里外 Outer Li
protect against
防己 fangji [root]
防己散 Fangji Powder
防己汤 Fangji Decoction
防己饮 Fangji Beverage
防己黄_+Fangji and Astragalus Decoction
防己茯苓汤 Fangji and Poria Decoction
防风 saposhnikovia
防风花 saposhnikovia flower
防风草 anisomeles
防风通圣丸 Saposhnikovia Sage-Inspired Pill [NIS]
防风通圣散 Saposhnikovia*& Sage-Inspired Powder
防风汤 Saposhnikovia*& Decoction
防风粥 Saposhnikovia*& Gruel
防风叶 saposhnikovia leaf
防党 codonopsis [root]
| surname
breast\HALT \NOUN
mammary\HALT \ADJ
breast milk\HALT \NOUN
suckle\HALT \VERB
lactation\HALT \NOUN
_+ mammary fistula
_+ mammary node
乳子中风热 suckling wind-heat strike (stroke)
乳子而病热 suckling heat disease
乳中 ST-17\w
乳中 Breast Center
乳中结核 node in the breast
乳少 scant breast milk
乳汁 breast milk
乳汁 milk
乳汁不下 breast milk stoppage
乳汁不行 breast milk stoppage
乳汁不通 breast milk stoppage
乳汁不畅 inhibited flow of milk
乳汁少 scant breast milk
乳汁自出 loss of breast milk
乳汁自漏 leakage of breast milk
乳汁滞少 scant breast milk
乳白香青 milky-white anaphalis
乳吹 suckling breast welling-abscess
乳没 frankincense and myrrh
乳岩 mammary rock
乳房 breast
乳房 breasts
乳房作胀 distention of the breasts
乳房红肿 red swollen breast
乳房疼痛 breast pain
乳房发胀 distention of the breasts
乳房胀痛 distending pain in the breast
乳房胀痛 distention and pain of the breast
乳房肿痛 painful swollen breast
乳房肿块 breast lump
乳房囊性增生病 cystic hyperplasia of the breast
乳泣 weeping breasts
乳泣 mild galactorrhea
乳毒 mammary toxin [sore]
乳食所伤 damage by milk-feeding
乳食积滞 feeding accumulation
乳香 frankincense
乳香定痛丸 Frankincense Pain-Relieving Pill
乳核 mammary node
乳核 breast node
乳根 ST-18\w
乳根 Breast Root
乳栗 mammary chestnut
乳疾 mammary disease
乳疳 mammary gan1
乳疽 mammary flat-abscess
乳妇奶少 scant breast milk
乳液缺乏 agalactia
乳细 fine-mortar grind
乳钵 fine mortar
乳钵 porcelain mortar
乳痛 mammary pain
乳发 effusion of the breast
乳粥 Milk Gruel
乳胀 distention of the breasts
乳胀不痛 distention of the breasts without pain
乳晕 areola
乳痰 mammary phlegm [node]
乳肿 swelling of the breasts
乳腺 mammary gland
乳腺炎 mastitis
乳腺痛 mastalgia
乳腺增生病 hypernlasia of the mammary gland
乳腺癌 carcinoma of the breast
乳蛾 nipple moth
乳嗽 suckling cough
乳漏 mammary fistula
乳滞 milk stagnation
乳腐 curd
乳浆 royal jelly
乳齿 deciduous teeth
乳积 milk accumulation
乳头 nipple
乳头 papilla
乳头风 nipple wind
乳头香 frankincense
乳头破裂 cracked nipple
乳头破碎 cracked nipple
乳痨 mammary consumption
乳癌 cancer of the breast
乳薯 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
乳癖 mammary aggregation
乳鹅 baby goose
乳难 difficult lactation
乳癣 suckling lichen
乳衄 spontaneous bleeding of the nipples
乳痈 mammary welling-abscess
matter\HALT \NOUN
serve\HALT \VERB
亚麻 flax
亚麻子 flax seed
亚麻仁 flax seed
亚罗椿 berry-bearing cipadessa [root or leaf]
京三棱 sparganium [root]
京三棱丸 Bur-Reed Pill
京大戟 euphorbia [root]
京牛黄 Peking bovine bezoar
京门 GB-25\w
京门 Capital Gate
京骨 capital bone
京骨 BL-64\w
京骨 Capital Bone
京芎 chuanxiong [rhizome]
使 courier\HALT \NOUN
使君子 quisqualis [fruit]
使君子丸 Quisqualis Pill
使君子大黄粉 Quisqualis and Rhubarb Powder
使君子仁 quisqualis [fruit]
使君子根 quisqualis root
使君子散 Quisqualis Powder
使君子叶 quisqualis leaf
使君肉 quisqualis [fruit]
来去 arrival and departure
来盛去衰 strong in rising and weak in falling
来盛去衰 strong onset and weak recession
来复丹 Return Again Elixir
并发性白内障 complicated cataract
佩兰 eupatorium
dwarf 侏儒
侏儒 dwarfism
侏儒病 dwarfism
兔子毛 Siberian tansy
兔子肠 morinda [root]
兔皮毛 rabbit's or hare's pelt
兔矢 hare's droppings
兔矢 hare's droppings
兔耳草 pecteilis [tuber]
兔肉 hare's or rabbit's flesh
兔血 hare's or rabbit's blood
兔肝 hare's or rabbit's liver
兔儿风 smooth ainsliaea
兔儿伞 syneilesis
兔屎 hare's droppings
兔唇 harelip
兔缺 hare cleft
兔骨 hare's or rabbit's bone
兔脑 hare's or rabbit's brain
兔头骨 rabbit's or hare's skull

发布于 2023-04-12 17:02:54