哈 | same as 蛤 {ha2}
哈士蟆 forest frog
哈蟆油 forest frog's uterine tube
咯 expectorate\HALT \VERB, expectoration \NOUN
咯血 expectoration of blood
咯血 hemoptysis
咯痰 expectoration of phlegm
咯痰不爽 ungratifying expectoration of phlegm
垂 hang down
垂 sag
垂 fall
垂下 Sagging
垂果南芥 pendulous arabis [fruit]
垂盆草 hanging stonecrop
垂丝柳 tamarisk [twig and leaf]
垂浆 CV-04
垂浆 Fallen Sauce
垂帘障 falling curtain obstruction
垂帘翳 falling curtain screen
垂体 pituitary gland
型 type
垢 grime\HALT \NOUN, grimy \ADJ
垢苔 grimy tongue fur
姜厚朴 ginger-processed officinal magnolia bark [NID]
姜盐汤 Ginger and Salt Decoction [NIS]
娃 little child
娃娃拳 bilobate grewia
威 impressive strength
威喜丸 Powerful Happiness Pill
威灵丸 Clematis Pill
威灵仙 clematis [root]
孩 child
孩儿草 rungia
孩儿茶 cutch
孩儿参 pseudostellaria [root]
宣 diffuse\HALT \VERB, diffusion \NOUN
宣 perfuse\HALT \VERB, perfusion \NOUN
宣木瓜 chaenomeles [fruit]
宣可去壅 diffusing [medicinals] can eliminate congestion
宣白 diffuse the white
宣白承气汤 White-Diffusing Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
宣明丸 Brightness Pill
宣明论方 An Elucidation of Formulas
宣肺 diffuse the lung
宣肺化痰 diffuse the lung and transform phlegm
宣肺平喘 diffuse the lung and calm panting
宣肺利水 diffuse the lung and disinhibit water
宣肺利水法 lung-diffusing water-disinhibiting method
宣肺利水药 lung-diffusing water-disinhibiting medicinal
宣肺降逆 diffuse the lung and downbear counterflow
宣肺通气 diffuse the lung and free qi4
宣肺祛痰 diffuse the lung and dispel phlegm
宣毒散 Toxin-Dispersing Powder
宣毒发表汤 Toxin-Diffusing Exterior-Effusing Decoction
宣降失司 disturbance of diffusion and downbearing
宣降肺气 diffuse and downbear lung qi4
宣气化湿 diffuse qi4 and transform dampness
宣通 perfuse
宣通 perfusion
宣通五脏 free the five viscera
宣通水道 free the waterways
宣通肺气 diffuse lung qi4
宣通气分 diffuse the qi4 aspect
宣通鼻窍 free the nasal orifices
宣透 outthrust
宣散 diffuse
宣散 diffusion
宣散肺中滞气 diffuse stagnant qi4 in the lung
宣散气郁 diffuse qi4 depression
宣发散邪 promote diffusion and effusion and dissipate evil
宣解表邪 diffuse and resolve exterior evil
宣剂 diffusing formula
宣壅 diffuse congestion
倡导血脉 free the blood vessels
宣窍 perfuse the orifices
宣痹汤 Impediment-Diffusing Decoction
宦 official
宦 eunuch
室 chamber
室女 maiden
客 intrude\HALT \VERB, intrusion \NOUN
客 visit\HALT \VERB, visiting \ADJ
客 settle\HALT \VERB
客 guest\HALT \NOUN
客王 GB-03
客王 Guest King
客主 GB-03
客主 Guest-Host
客主人 GB-03
客主人 Guest-Host-Person
客色 visiting complexion
客邪 visiting evil
客者除之 what intrudes is eliminated
客气 guest qi4
客运 visitor movement (or period)
客忤 visiting hostility
封 seal\HALT \VERB
封藏之本 root of storage
封藏失职 storage failure
封髓丹 Marrow-Sealing Elixir
封囟散 Fontanel-Sealing Powder
屎 stool
屎瓜根 trichosanthes root
屎咕咕 hoopoe
屏 screen
屏风 saposhnikovia
屏翳 screen
屏翳 CV-01
屏翳 Screen
屋 house
屋 room
屋 roof
屋漏脉 leaking roof pulse
屋翳 ST-15\w
屋翳 Roof
峒 tong2>
帝 emperor
帝丁 uvula
帝油流 storax
帝膏 storax
帝钟 uvula
幽 secluded
幽门 dark gate
幽门 pylorus
幽门 KI-21\w
幽门 CV-10
幽门 Dark Gate
幽门 Dark Gate
幽门狭窄 pyloric stenosis
度 measure\HALT \VERB; measure, measurement\NOUN
度 standard\HALT \NOUN
建 establish
建 abbreviation for 福建 <Fu2jian4> Province
建中 fortify the center
建曲 Fu2jian4 leaven
建里 CV-11\w
建里 Interior Strengthening
建神曲 Fu2jian4 leaven
建泽泻 Fu2jian4 alisma [root]
建兰 cymbidium flower
建兰花 cymbidium flower
建兰根 cymbidium root
建兰叶 cymbidium leaf
建瓴汤 Sweeping Down Decoction
弈 zestful
弈弈有神 zestful spiritedness
待 deal with
待霄草 scented evening primrose [root]
徊 pace up and down
怒 anger\HALT \NOUN
怒则气上 anger causes qi4 to rise
怒气 anger
怒气伤肝 damage to the liver by anger
怒气伤肝 anger damaging the liver
怒动肝气 anger stirring liver qi4
怒伤肝 anger damages the liver
思 thought\HALT \NOUN
思仙 eucommia [bark]
思本 GV-16
思本 Root of Thought
思仲 eucommia [bark]
思则气结 thought causes qi4 to bind
思欲不遂 inability to satisfy the libido
思维迟钝 slowness of thought
思虑过度 excessive thought and preoccupation
怠 fatigue\HALT \NOUN, fatigued \ADJ
怠惰嗜卧 fatigue and somnolence
急 tense\HALT \ADJ, tension \NOUN
急 urgent\HALT \ADJ, urgency \NOUN
急 emergency\HALT \NOUN
急 acute\HALT \ADJ
急 rapid\HALT \ADJ
急下存津 emergency precipitation to preserve liquid
急下存阴 emergency precipitation to preserve yin1
急方 urgent formula
急攻 emergency attack
急乳蛾 acute nipple most
急性 acute
a cute upper respiratory infection
急性子 garden balsam seed
a cute pyogenic otitis media
a cute pyogenic osteomyelitis
急性支气管炎 acute bronchitis
acu te hemorrhagic necrotizing enteritis
a cute catarrhal conjuntivitis
急性白血病 acute leukemia
急性乳腺炎 acute mastitis
急性的 acute
急性附骨疽 acute bone flat-abscess
急性前列腺炎 acute prostatitis
急性咽炎 acute pharyngitis
急性扁桃腺炎 acute tonsillitis
急性扁桃体炎 acute tonsillitis
急性盆腔炎 acute pelvic inflammation
急性胃炎 acute gastritis
急性胃肠炎 acute gastroenteritis
急性胃扩张 acute gastric dilatation
a cute tracheobronchitis
急性胰腺炎 acute pancreatitis
急性脊髓炎 acute myelitis
急性淋巴结炎 acute lymphadenitis
急性喉炎 acute laryngitis
急性结膜炎 acute conjunctivitis
急性肾小球肾炎 acute glomerulonephritis
急性肾功能衰竭 acute renal failure
急性肾盂肾炎 acute pyelonephritis
急性菌痢 acute bacterial dysentery
acu te icteric infectious hepatitis
急性睪丸炎 acute orchitis
急性腰扭伤 acute lumbar sprain
急性肠炎 acute enteritis
急性蜂窝组织炎 acute phlegmona cellulitis
a cute corrosive esophagitis
急性鼻炎 acute rhinitis
急性胆囊炎 acute cholecystitis
急性阑尾炎 acute appendicitis
急性囊肿 acute abscess
急者缓之 tension is treated by relaxation
急则治标 in acute conditions treat tip
急流水 torrent water
急迫 distress
急脉 urgent pulse
急脉 LV-12
急脉 Urgent Pulse
急救回阳 return yang2
急救稀涎散 Emergency Drool-Thinning Powder
急喉风 acute throat wind
急喉喑 acute loss of voice
急喉痹 acute throat impediment
急痛 acute pain
急诊室 emergency department
急黄 acute jaundice
急躁易怒 rashness, impatience, and irascibility
急惊风 acute fright wind
急惊厥 acute fright reversal
恍 abstraction
恍惚善忘 abstraction and forgetfulness
恢 recover
恢刺 waggle needling
恢复期 recovery stage
恒 persevere
恒山 dichroa [root]
恒齿 permanent teeth
恬 calm
恬憺虚无 calm and empty of cares and desires
扁 flat
扁平疣 verruca plana
扁平苔藓 lichen planus
扁竹 knotgrass
扁竹根 Japanese iris [root]
扁竹蓼 knotgrass
扁豆 lablab [bean]
扁豆衣 lablab seed-coat
扁豆花 lablab flower
扁豆根 lablab root
扁豆叶 lablab leaf
扁豆藤 lablab stem
扁肩 LI-15
扁肩 Flat Shoulder
扁青 azurite
扁柏叶 arborvitae leaf
扁桃 Tonsils
扁桃腺 tonsils
扁桃腺炎 tonsillitis
扁桃腺红肿 red swollen tonsils
扁桃体 Tonsils
扁桃体周围脓肿 peritonsillsr abscess
扁畜 knotgrass
扁骨 LI-15
扁骨 Flat Bone
扁菜 Chinese leek [leaf]
扁蓄 knotgrass
扁蒲 bottle gourd
扁蒲 sweet gourd
扁猪牙 knotgrass
扁蕾 gentianopsis
扁藤 flat-stemmed tetrastigma
扁藤叶 flat-stemmed tetrastigma leaf
扁鹊 Bian3 Que4>
扁瘊 flat wart
挖 dig
挖耳子草 Lipsky's carpesium
挖耳草 drooping carpesium
挖耳草根 drooping carpesium root
按 press
按之 when pressure is applied
按之凹陷 pits when pressed
pi tting that disappears as soon as pressure is released
按之凹陷不起 pits when pressure is applied
按之没指 engulfs the fingers when pressure is applied
按之益甚 exacerbated by pressure
按之复起 springs back after pressure is released
按之应手而起 springs back with the hand after pressure is released
按之窅而不起 fails to spring back after pressure is released
按法 pressing
按脉 press the pulse
按诊 body palpation
按截法 damming method
按摩 massage
按摩博士 scholar of massage
按摩博士 scholar of massage
按压法 pressure massage
sel ection of points belonging to special groups
按蹻 massage
持 hold
持物困难 difficulty in grasping objects
持脉 hold the pulse
持枢 CV-04
持枢 Junior Pivot
持续痛 continual pain
持续发热 persistent heat [effusion] (fever)
拽 pull forcefully
拽 | see 拽 {zhuai4}
指 finger
指三关 three bars of the finger
指寸法 finger standard
指井 BL-67
指井 Digit Well
指切进针法 finger-press needle insertion
指天椒 red cluster pepper
指甲色淡 pale-colored nails
指甲易折 brittle nails
指甲花 garden balsam flower
指甲花叶 henna [leaf]
指甲桃花 garden balsam flower
指甲发脆 brittle nails
指甲变形 deformed nails
指甲变脆 brittle nails
指甲变薄 thin nails
指目 eye of the finger
指目 digital eye
指法 finger technique
指迷七气汤 Pathfinder Seven Qi4 Decoction
指迷茯苓丸 Pathfinder Poria Pill
指针 acupressure
指骨 phalanges
指动脉 digital arteries
指掌 Metacarpophalangeal
指节黑烂 black putrefying knuckles
指头肿痛 painful swelling of the fingers
指压 shiatsu
指压 acupressure
指压推拿 finger-pressing tui1na2
指压推拿 shiatsu tui1na2
指缝湿烂 damp erosion between the fingers
指疔 clove sore of the finger
括 tie in a bundle
括约肌 sphincter
挑 select
挑刺放血 pick to bleed
挑治痔法 hemorrhoid point picking method
挑破 pick open
挑针 sty
挑针疗法 needle-picking therapy
挑痔 hemorrhoid point picking
挑痔疗法 hemorrhoid point picking method
挑拣 selection
挂 coat
挂衣 coating
故 former
故 therefore
故芷 psoralea [fruit]
故纸 psoralea [fruit]
故纸 oroxylum [seed]
施 carry out
施州龙牙草 agrimony
既 immediate
既济丸 Immediate Salvation Pill
既济汤 Complementarity Decoction
春 spring
春不老 leafy mustard
春不见 Virginia moonwort
春分 Spring Equinox
春尖油 toona sap
春季结膜炎 spring conjunctivitis (vernal conjunctivitis, Fruehjahr Katarrh)
春弦 stringlike in spring
春花 magnolia flower (1)
春花木 India hawthorn
春花胡枝子 Dunn's lespedeza
春砂花 Yangchun amomum flower
春秋 Spring and Autumn
春草 black swallowwort
春温 spring warmth
春泽汤 Spring Pond Decoction
春应中规 [in] spring [the pulse] responds like compasses
是 this
disease arising ``when this is stirred'' and disease ``produced by
是动病 disease arising ``when this is stirred''
星 star
星附散 Arisaema and Aconite Powder
星香散 Arisaema and Costusroot Decoction [NIS]
星香汤 Arisaema and Costusroot*& Decoction
星宿菜 Fortune's lysimachia<b, r="">星笛鲷 blue-banded sea perch
星鸡鱼 star grunter
星鲙 yellow-margined grouper
柿 persimmon
柿丁 persimmon calyx
柿子 persimmon
柿子把 persimmon calyx
柿干 dried persimmon
柿木皮 persimmon bark
柿皮 persimmon skin
柿花 persimmon flower
柿根 persimmon root
柿寄生 hairy mistletoe
柿蒂 persimmon calyx
柿蒂汤 Persimmon Decoction
柿叶 persimmon leaf
柿萼 persimmon calyx
柿漆 persimmon lacquer
柿饼 dried persimmon
柿钱 persimmon calyx
柿钱散 Gingerless Clove and Persimmon Powder
柿霜 persimmon frost
柿霜饼 persimmon frost cake
柿樝子 crataegus [fruit]
染 stain
染 dye
染牙果 flowery garcinia [root or fruit]
染苔 stained fur
柱 pillar
柱骨 pillar bone
柱侧 Pillar Side
柔 soft\HALT \ADJ
柔 emolliate\HALT \VERB
柔毛水杨梅 Chinese avens
柔肝 emolliate the liver
柔肝熄风 emolliate the liver and extinguish wind
柔软石韦 soft pyrrosia
柔痉 soft tetany
枯 desiccate\HALT \VERB, desiccated \PP, \ADJ, desiccation \NOUN
枯 dry
枯草热 hay fever
枯草穗 prunella [spike]
枯梅肉 mume [fruit]
枯痔法 hemorrhoid desiccation
枯痔钉疗法 hemorrhoid desiccation therapy
枯痔散 Alum Hemorrhoid-Desiccating Powder
枯痔疗法 hemorrhoid desiccation therapy
枯筋箭 wart
枯竭 desiccated
枯竭 desiccation
枯蝉 cicada molting
枯矾 calcined alum
枯芩 Scutellariae Radix Veta
枯芩 old scutellaria [root]
枯_+ dry miliaria
柯 chebule
柯子 chebule
柯蒲木 kopsia [fruit]
柯树皮 smooth lithocarpus [bark]
柑 mandarin
柑 mandarin
柑皮 mandarin peel
柑核 mandarin pip
柑叶 mandarin leaf
柚 pomelo
柚 pomelo
柚子 pomelo
柚皮 pomelo skin
柚花 pomelo flower
柚核 pomelo pip
柚根 pomelo root
柚叶 pomelo leaf
柚树寄生 Oriental mistletoe
枸 | plant name
枸杞子 lycium [berry]
枸杞羊肾粥 Lycium and Goat's Kidney Gruel
枸杞豆 lycium [berry]
枸杞果 lycium [berry]
枸杞枝叶 lycium twig and leaf
枸杞叶 lycium leaf
枸杞头 lycium leaf
枸茄茄 lycium [berry]
枸根 lycium bark
枸骨子 Chinese holly fruit
枸骨刺 Chinese holly leaf
枸骨根 Chinese holly root
枸骨叶 Chinese holly leaf
枸骨树皮 Chinese holly bark
枸橘 poncirus [fruit]
枸橘刺 poncirus thorn
枸橘核 poncirus pip
枸橘叶 poncirus leaf
柏 arborvitae
柏 arborvitae
柏子 arborvitae seed
柏子 arborvitae seed
柏子仁 arborvitae seed
柏子仁 arborvitae seed
柏子仁丸 Arborvitae Seed*& Pill
柏子仁汤 Arborvitae Seed*& Decoction
柏子仁粥 Arborvitae Seed*& Gruel
柏子仁霜 arborvitae seed frost
柏子养心丸 Arborvitae Seed*& Heart-Nourishing Pill
柏子霜 arborvitae seed frost
柏仁 arborvitae seed
柏仁 arborvitae seed
柏皮 arborvitae root bark
柏皮 arborvitae root bark
柏枝节 arborvitae twig
柏枝节 arborvitae twig
柏根白皮 arborvitae root bark
柏根白皮 arborvitae root bark
柏脂 arborviate resin
柏脂 arborviate resin
柏叶 arborvitae leaf
柏叶 arborvitae leaf
柏叶汤 Arborvitae Leaf*& Decoction
柏实 arborvitae seed
柏实 arborvitae seed
柏树果 cypress fruit
柏树果 cypress fruit
柏树油 cypress resin
柏树油 cypress resin
柏树叶 cypress twig and leaf
柏树叶 cypress twig and leaf
柞 Japanese xylosma
柞木皮 Japanese xylosma bark
柞木根 Japanese xylosma root
柞木叶 Japanese xylosma leaf
柞树皮 Mongolian oak bark
柞树叶 Mongolian oak leaf
柳 willow
柳白皮 willow (root) bark
柳杉 Japanese cedar [root bark]
柳枝 willow twig
柳花 willow flower
柳花散 Willow Flower Powder
柳穿鱼 linaria
柳屑 willow nibblings
柳根 willow root
柳桂 cinnamon twig
柳絮 downy willow seed
柳丝藻 dragon's-whisker seaweed
柳叶 willow leaf
歪 deviated\HALT \ADJ, deviation \NOUN
段 section
段 length
毒 toxin\HALT \NOUN, toxic \ADJ, toxicity \NOUN
毒 poison
毒 venom\HALT \NOUN
毒 toxin [sore]\HALT \NOUN
毒入营血 toxin entering construction-bllod
毒入营血证 pattern of toxin entering construction-bllod
毒火犯耳 toxic fire invading the ear
毒火犯耳证 pattern of toxic fire invading the ear
毒火燔炽 intense toxic fire
毒芹根 cow bane
毒气 toxic qi4
毒蛇咬伤 poisonous snake bite
毒蛇咬伤 snake bite
毒鱼 genkwa [flower]
毒鱼藤 woolly millettia
毒热结聚 toxic heat gathering and binding
毒热炽盛 intense toxic heat
毒疮痈肿 toxin sores and swollen welling-abscesses
毒壅上焦 toxin congesting the upper burner
毒壅气分 toxin congesting the qi4 aspect
毒虫咬伤 poisonous insect bite
毒虫螫伤 insect sting
毒药攻邪 attack evils with toxicity
毒聋 toxin deafness
毒疰 toxic infixation
氟 fluorine
氟骨症 fluorosis of the bone
泉 spring
泉生足 Spring at the Foot
泉州神曲 Fu2jian4 leaven
泉池 Spring Pool
泉液 GB-22
泉液 Spring Humor
泉腋 GB-22
泉腋 Spring Armpit
洋 ocean
洋 overseas
洋干漆 lac
洋白菜 white cabbage
洋芋 potato
洋芹菜 celery
洋金花 datura flower
洋故纸 oroxylum [seed]
洋柿子 tomato
洋香菜 parsely
洋眼豆 lablab [bean]
洋蒜 leek
洋葱 onion
洋葱头 onion
洋蘑菇 meadow mushroom
洋芫荾 parsely
洋菇 meadow mushroom
洋菇 meadow mushroom
洋蓍草 yarrow
洪 surging
洪 | surname
洪音 Surging Sound
洪脉 surging pulse
流 flow\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
流口水 dribbling
流火 fire flow
流皮漏 fistula running through the skin
流血 bleeding
流行性乙型脑炎 epidemic encephalitis B
ep idemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
流行性出血热 epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF)
流行性感冒 influenza
流行性腮腺炎 mumps (epidemic parotitis)
流行性脑脊膜炎 epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis
e pidemic encephalomyelitis
e pidemic febrile infectious diseases
流注 streaming sore
流气饮子 Qi4 Flow Drink
流涎 drooling
流泪 tearing
流泪 lacrimation
流泪汪汪 copious tearing
流产 miscarriage
流产 abortion
流产 abortion
流产后闭经 post-miscarriage menstrual block
流滋 exudation
流饮 flowing rheum
流痰 flowing phlegm
流痰结瓜 gourd-bearing flowing phlegm
流脑汤 Encephalitis Decoction
流精不止 persistent discharge of semen
流鼻涕 runny nose
流窜 scurry
津 liquid\HALT \NOUN
津不上承 liquid failing to bear upward
津不上润 liquid failing to moisten the upper body
津血不足 insufficiency of liquid and blood
津血同源 liquid and blood are of the same source
津血枯耗 desiccation of liquid and blood
津血亏损 liquid-blood depletion
津枯血燥 desiccation of liquid and blood dryness
津气 liquid qi4
津气亏虚 of liquid and qi4 depletion
津气亏虚证 pattern of liquid and qi4 depletion
津液 liquid and humor
津液 fluids
津液不足 insufficiency of the fluids
津液失调 fluid disorder
津液病 disease of the fluids
津液病证侯 disease pattern of the fluids
津液耗伤 damage to fluids
津液损伤 damage to fluids
津液亏虚 fluid depletion
津液亏虚证 fluid depletion pattern
津液亏损 fluid depletion
津脱 liquid desertion
津虚 vacuity of liquid
津亏热结 liquid depletion with heat bind
津亏热结证 pattern of liquid depletion with heat bind
洞 cave
洞泄 throughflux diarrhea
洗 wash
洗心散 Heart-Washing Powder
洗耳疗法 ear-washing therapy
洗肝明目汤 Liver-Washing Eye-Brightening Decoction
洗冤录 Records for Washing Away Injustice
洗润 wash-moistening
洗剂 wash formula
洗锅罗瓜 luffa gourd
活 quicken\HALT \VERB
活 live, alive, living, enliven
活人香薷散 Book of Life Renewal Mosla*& Powder
活人葱豉汤 Book of Life Scallion and Fermented Soybean Decoction
活田螺 live freshwater snail
活地鳖虫 live wingless cockroach
活血 quicken the blood
活血 blood quickening
活血化瘀 quicken the blood and transform stasis
活血化瘀剂 blood-quickening stasis-transforming formula
活血化瘀药 blood-quickening stasis-transforming medicinal
活血止痛散 Blood-Quickening Pain-Relieving Powder [NIS]
活血去腐 quicken the blood and eliminate putridity
活血生新 quicken the blood and engender the new
活血行气 quicken the blood and move qi4
活血根 salvia [root]
活血消肿 quicken the blood and disperse swelling
活血消痈 quicken the blood and disperse welling-abscess
活血脉 quicken the blood vessels
活血通络 quicken the blood and free the network vessels
活血连 sheathed aconite [root]
活血透疹 quicken the blood and outthrust papules
活血散 Blood-Quickening Powder
活血散瘀汤 Blood-Quickening Stasis-Dissipating Decoction
活血汤 Blood-Quickening Decoction
活血解毒 quicken the blood and resolve toxin
Blood-Quickening Intestine-Moistening Liquid-Engendering
Blood-Quickening Dryness-Moistening Liquid-Engendering
Blood-Quickening Dryness-Moistening Liquid-Engendering
Decoction [NIS]
活血调经 quicken the blood and regulate menstruation
活血药 blood-quickening medicinal
活血祛瘀 quicken the blood and dispel stasis
活血祛瘀止血药 blood-quickening, stasis-dispelling, and blood-stanching medicinal
blood-quickening, stasis-dispelling, and yin1-supplementing
活血祛瘀药 blood-quickening stasis-dispelling medicinal
活气血 quicken qi4 and the blood
活动受限 limited movement
活络 quicken the network vessels
活络丹 Network-Quickening Elixir
活络流气饮 Network-Quickening Qi4 Flow Beverage
活络效灵丹 Network-Quickening Miraculous Effect Elixir
活络效灵丹 Network-Quickening Efficacious Elixir
活瘀 quicken stasis
活瘀血 quicken static blood
活瘀复遂汤 Stasis-Quickening Successful Recovery Decoction [NIS]
活磁石 loadstone
派 school of thought
洛 name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan
洛神葵 hibiscus [flower]
洛阳花 dianthus
洎 add water to a pot
洎 meat juice
洎 steep
洎夫蓝 saffron
为 make\HALT \VERB
为之 GV-01
为之 That's It
为末 grind to a powder
为粗末 grind to a rough powder
为细末 grind to a fine powder
炭 charcoal
炭 char\HALT \VERB, charred \PP, \ADJ
炭 carbonisatus
炭疽 anthrax
炸 deep-fry
炮 cannon
炮 blast-fry\HALT \VERB
炮 tostus
炮干姜 blast-fried dried ginger [NID]
炮仔草 cut-leaved groundcherry
炮制 processing of medicinals
炮炙 processing of medicinals
炮附子 blast-fried aconite [accessory root]
炮掌果 small-fruited balloon vine fruit
炮黑姜 blast-fried ginger [NID]
炮弹果 beaumontia
炮润 soak-moistening
炮姜 blast-fried ginger
炮姜炭 blast-fried ginger
炮姜炭 blast-fried ginger [NID]
爰 say
爰 mean
牯 bull
牯牛卵囊 bull's testes and scrotum
珊 coral
珊瑚 coral
珊瑚草 spatholirion [leaf]
珊瑚鹅管石 coral goose quill stone
玻 glass
玻璃状液 vitreous humor
玻璃菜 white cabbage
玻璃体出血 vitreous hemorrhage
玻璃体混浊 vitreous opacities
玻璃体积血 vitreous hemorrhage
玻璃罐 glass cup
珍 gem
珍珠 pearl
珍珠母 mother-of-pearl
珍珠母丸 Mother-of-Pearl Pill
珍珠风 Bodinier beauty-berry
珍珠风子 Bodinier beauty-berry seed
珍珠粉 powdered pearl [NID]
珍珠草 phyllanthus
珍珠梅 sorbaria root bark
珍珠伞 mottled ardisia [stem bark]
珍珠菜 (1) summer-sweet lysimachia
珍珠莲根 sarmentose fig root
珀 amber
玳 hawksbill turtle
玳玳花 sour orange flower
玳瑁 hawksbill [turtle] shell
玳瑁丸 Hawksbill Shell Pill
玳瑁石斑 spotted grouper
玳瑁肉 hawksbill turtle flesh
甚 severe
甚或 possibly in severe cases
甚者从之 severe conditions are treated by coaction
甚则 in severe cases
畏 fear
畏人 fear of people
畏光 fear of light
畏光 photophobia
畏冷 fear of cold
畏风恶寒 aversion to wind and cold
畏寒 fear of cold
畏寒喜凉 fear of cold and liking for warmth
畏恶风寒 aversion to wind and cold
疫 epidemic\HALT \NOUN, \ADJ
疫咳 epidemic cough
疫毒 epidemic toxin
疫毒内闭 epidemic toxin internal block
疫毒内闭证 pattern of epidemic toxin internal block
疫毒侵袭 epidemic toxin invasion
疫毒侵袭证 pattern of epidemic toxin invasion
疫毒痢 epidemic toxin dysentery
疫疹一得 A View of Epidemics Characterized by Papules
疫喉 epidemic throat
疫喉痧 epidemic throat sand
疫痢 epidemic dysentery
疫疟 epidemic malaria
疫疠 epidemic pestilence
疫疠之气 epidemic pestilential qi4
疫疔 epidemic clove sore
疤 scar
疤瘌 scar
疥 scab\HALT \NOUN
疥疮 scab sore
疥疮 scabies
疥癞 scab and lai4
疥癣 scab and lichen
疥癣湿疮 scab, lichen, and damp sores
疥疔 scab and clove sores
疣 wart\HALT \NOUN
疣 wart (verruca)
疣赘 wart
癸 tenth heavenly stem
癸 S10
癸水 S10-water
皆 all
皇 emperor
皇 | part of the surname 皇甫, <Huang2-Fu3>
皇甫谧 Huang2-Fu3 Mi4>
皇帝豆 lima bean
皇宫菜 Malabar spinach
盆 basin
盆砂 borax
盆消 mirabilite
盆腔炎 pelvic inflammatory disease
省 save
省 Province
省沽油 bladdernut (fruit or root)
省雀花 symingtonia stem
相 minister\HALT \NOUN, ministerial \ADJ
相 each other
相 mutually
相互为用 mutually serving
相互络属 inter-netting and inter-homing
相互影响 mutually conducive
相反 clashing
相反相成 opposite and complementary
相火 ministerial fire
相火上亢 ascendant hyperactivity of the ministerial fire
相火妄动 frenetic stirring of the ministerial fire
相火妄动证 pattern of frenetic stirring of the ministerial fire
相生 engendering
相克 restraining
相使 empowering
相争 struggle
相侮 rebellion
相思子 rosary pea
相思子根 rosary pea root
相思藤 Chinese rosary pea stem and leaf
相畏 fearing
相乘 overwhelming
相兼 combination
相兼脉 concurrent pulse
相兼脉象 combined pulses
相杀 killing
相傅之官 office of assistant
相恶 aversion
相须 mutual need
相搏 contend
相搏 contention
相应 correspond
相应 correspondence
眉 eyebrow
眉中 BL-02
眉中 At the Eyebrow
眉中 At the Eyebrow
眉本 BL-02
眉本 Root of the Eyebrow
眉冲 BL-03\w
眉冲 Eyebrow Ascension
眉棱骨 eyebrow bone
眉棱骨痛 eyebrow bone pain
眉头 eyebrow
眉头 BL-02
眉头 Eyebrow
眉头肿胀 distention in the brow
眉疔 clove sore of the eyebrow
看 see
看灯花 coltsfoot
盾 shield
盾翅藤 aspidopteris [stem]
盾叶薯蓣 ginger dioscorea [root]
砂 sand\HALT \NOUN
砂 grit
砂仁 amomum [fruit]
砂仁花 amomum flower
砂仁壳 amomum husk
砂石淋病 sand and stone strangury
砂炙 sand-fry
砂炭 charred amomum [fruit]
砂淋 sand strangury
砂壳 amomum husk
砂壳 amomum husk [NID]
砂壳二陈汤 Amomum and Bitter Orange Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
砂烫 sand-scorch
砂锅 earthenware pot
研 grind finely
研末 grind to a powder
研末油调敷 grind and apply mixed with oil
研末敷 apply ground to a powder
研末调敷 grind and apply mixed
研细末 grind to a fine powder
研钵 porcelain mortar
研碎 grind
研磨 grind
祈 pray
祈菊 Qi2 chrysanthemum [flower]
禹 Yu3>
禹功散 Water Controller Yu Powder
禹白附 giant typhonium rhizome
禹州漏芦 echinops
禹余石 limonite
禹余粮 limonite
科 branch of medicine
科葱 shallot
秋 autumn
秋分 Autumn Equinox
秋木瓜 autumn quince
秋毛 downy in autumn
秋石 processed urine deposit
秋海棠 begonia flower
秋海棠根 begonia root
秋海棠茎叶 begonia stem and leaf
秋枫木 bischofia
秋应中衡 [in] autumn [the pulse] responds like a level line
秋橾 autumn dryness
秋燥伤卫 autumn dryness damaging defense
穿 pierce
穿 string
穿 bore
穿山甲 pangolin scales
穿山甲散 Pangolin Scales Powder
穿山龙 Japanese dioscorea [root]
穿心草 canscora
穿心莲 andrographis
穿牙疔 tooth-boring clove sore
穿甲散 Pangolin Powder
穿刺术 centesis
穿刺插针术 stabbing needle insertion
穿根藤 creeping psychotria [twig and leaf]
穿破石 vanieria [stem or root]
穿踝风 ankle-boring wind
穿踝疽 ankle-boring flat-abscess
穿踝痰 ankle-boring phlegm
突 suddenly
突出 hernia
突起睛高 sudden bulging of the eyes
突然发作 occurring in sudden bouts
红_+ hedysarum
红土 halloysite
红土子 Si4chuan1 desmodium
红土子皮 Si4chuan1 desmodium root bark
红大戟 knoxia [root]
红子根 firethorn root
红小豆 rice bean
红丹 minium
红升丹 Red Upborne Elixir
红升丹 red powder
红升麻 heterophyllous eupatorium
红升麻根 heterophyllous eupatorium root
红天葵 tea begonia
红木子 carrierea [seed]
红木耳 iresine
红木香 long-stalked kadsura root (bark)
红毛七 leontice [root]
红毛五加皮 Girald's acanthopanax bark
红毛走马胎 purple ardisia
红毛草 Malabar murdannia
红毛薯 greater yam
红玉菜 purple gynura
红田乌 star-sky alternanthera
红田乌草 copper alternanthera
红白痢 red and white dysentery
红白痢疾 red and white dysentery
红皮 cork-leaved snowbell
红皮 tangerine peel
红目大眼鲷 bull-eye
红石耳 red umbilicaria
红石膏 red gypsum
红石头 hematite
红如涂丹 red as if smeared with cinnabar
红汗 red sweat
红米 red infested rice
红米 red infested rice
红羊 balsam pear
红舌 red tongue
红色如涂丹 red in color as though smeared with cinnabar
红血球 red blood cells
红血球 erythrocyte (red blood cell)
红旱莲 giant hypericum
红杉皮 Chinese larch bark
红芋 remusatia [tuber]
红芍药 red peony [root]
红豆 (1) red-bean necklace tree
红豆 (2) rice bean
红豆 (3) rosary pea
红豆蔻 galangal fruit
红赤血丝 red blood threads
红车轴草 red clover [flower]
红姑娘 balsam pear
红果楠 red-fruited actinodaphe root and leaf
红油膏 Red Oil Paste
红芽大戟 knoxia [NID]
红花 carthamus [flower]
红花子 carthamus fruit
红花苗 carthamus shoot
红花益母草 leonurus
红花散 Carthamus Powder
红花菜 Chinese astragalus
红花菜豆 scarlet runner bean
红花绿绒蒿 crimson meconopsis
红花锦鸡儿 red-flowered pea tree root
红花酢浆草 lavender sorrel
红门兰 saline orchid
红信石 red arsenic
红背叶 red-backed Christmas bush
红背酸藤 sour creeper [root and leaf]
红香树 anneslea [bark or leaf]
红香藤 Hance's Dalbergia [stem or root]
红娘子 red cicada
红柴 sappan [wood]
红疹 red papules
红粉 red powder
红茴香 Hubei star anise
红茶 black tea
红钉粑藤 short-plumed clematis
红马蹄草 Nepalese marsh pennywort
红马蹄鸟 Chinese oxyria [root]
红骨蛇 Japanese kadsura [root]
红高岭 halloysite
红参 red ginseng
红崩白带 red flooding and white discharge
红梅花 red mume flower
红梅消 Japanese raspberry
红帽顶 bearded mallotus leaf
红斑性肢痛症 erythromelalgia
红斑狼疮 lupus erythematosus
红枣 jujube
红椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
红番苋 purple gynura
红紫珠 red beauty-berry leaf
红丝走窜 scurrying red thread
红丝线 Roxburgh peristrophe
红丝疔 red-thread clove sore
红络 red network vessels
红菜 purple gynura
红菜豆 purple asparagus bean
红菜头 (1) beet
红菜头 (2) carrot [root]
红蛭 leech
Sargentadoxa, Rhubarb, Dandelion, and Officinal Magnolia
Bark*& Decoction
红黑二丸 Chinese begonia [root]
红慈菇 water chestnut (1)
红楠皮 red machilus root (bark)
红楔鲷 broad perch
红筷子 chamaenerion
红筷子冠毛 chamaenerion pappus
红肿痛烂 red, swollen, painful, and putrefied
红肿热痛 red, swollen, hot, and painful
红对节子 ovate-leaved viburnum [root]
红漏 red spotting
红琐梅 Japanese raspberry
红绵藤 red-downed rubus
红蒿枝 purple cathoclines
红蒲根 sparganium [root]
红辣树根 Yun2nan2 alstonia root
红辣蓼 flaccid smartweed
红凤菜 purple gynura
红鼻子 red nose
红葱头 shallot
红蝴蝶疮 red butterfly sore
红麸杨 Punjab sumac [root]
红泽兰 strobilanthes
红糖 brown sugar
红头小仙 pink blumea
红头草 Malay blumea
红糟 wine dregs
红糟鱼 surmullet
红缕赤痕 red thread mark
红薯 sweet potato
红薯粥 Sweet Potato Gruel
红蓝地花 elongated erigeron
红藤 sargentodoxa [stem]
2} Sargentadoxa Brewed Formula
红曲 red infested rice
红矾 red arsenic
红芦菔 carrot [root]
红须鲷 goat fish
红萝卜 carrot [root]
红灵丹 Red Spirit Elixir
红灵酒 Red Spirit Wine
红砒 red arsenic
红苕 sweet potato
红苕母子 sweet potato seed
红痧 red sand
红萆薢 smilax tuber
红椽木子 Hickel's castanopsis seed
红鲙 deep-sea bass
红_+木 prickly aralia [root bark]
约 retain\HALT \VERB
约 constrain\HALT \VERB
约 straiten\HALT \VERB
约束 retainer
约束 eyelid
约束 sphincter muscle
约制 restrain
约纹 crease
美 beautiful
美人蕉花 Indian shot flower
美人蕉根 Indian shot
美尼尔氏综合症 Meniere's syndome
美味抱脚菇 straw mushroom
美草 licorice [root]
美商陆 American phytolacca
美国防己 parsnip
美国南瓜 field pumpkin
美枣 jujube
美丽胡枝子 Taiwan lespedeza stem and leaf
美丽胡枝子花 Taiwan lespedeza flower
耐 withstand
耐冬果 small-leaved cotoneaster leaf
耐攻 withstand attack
耶 | final particle
耶 | used in the transcription of foreign terms
耶尔买他格 cynomorium
胖 fat
胖大舌 enlarged tongue
胖大海 sterculia
胚 embryo
胚胎 embryo
胃 stomach\HALT \NOUN
胃 gastric\HALT \ADJ
胃 gastr-
胃,神,根 stomach, spirit, and root
胃下垂 gastroptosia
胃上穴 Above the Stomach Point
胃口不好 poor appetite
胃不和 disharmony of the stomach
胃不和 stomach disharmony
胃不和卧不安 unquiet sleep due to stomach disharmony
胃不和则卧不安 when the stomach is in disharmony, there is unquiet sleep
胃中寒气疼痛 pain due to cold qi4 in the stomach
胃中热 heat in the stomach
胃中燥矢 dry stool in the stomach
胃之大络 great network vessel of the stomach
胃内结块 bezoars in stomach
胃切除术 gastrectomy
胃友 sarcococca root
胃反 stomach reflux
胃心痛 stomach heart pain
la te postgastrectomy sequelae
胃火 stomach fire
胃火上升 stomach fire bearing upward
胃火上升 upbearing of stomach fire
胃火上浮 stomach fire floating upward
胃火上壅 stomach fire congesting in the upper body
胃火牙痛 stomach fire toothache
胃火炽盛 intense stomach fire
胃火炽盛证 pattern of intense stomach fire
胃火燔齿 stomach fire blazing the teeth
胃火燔齿证 pattern of stomach fire blazing the teeth
胃主受纳 stomach governs intake
胃主降浊 stomach governs downbearing of the turbid
胃主腐熟 stomach governs decomposition
胃以通降为顺 stomach is normal when there is free downbearing
胃失和降 impaired harmonious downbearing of the stomach
胃汁 stomach juices
胃汁 gastric juices
胃石 gastrolith
胃呆 torpid stomach
胃受伤 damage to the stomach
胃炎 gastritis
胃俞 BL-21\w
胃俞 Stomach Transport
胃咳 stomach cough
胃津 stomach liquid
胃津不足 insufficiency of stomach liquid
胃为水谷之海 stomach is the sea of grain and water
胃苓汤 Stomach-Calming Poria Five Decoction
胃降 stomach downbearing
胃风 stomach wind
胃风汤 Stomach Wind Decoction
胃仓 BL-50\w (BL-45)
胃仓 Stomach Granary
胃家 stomach domain
胃家虚 stomach domain vacuity
胃家实 stomach domain repletion
胃弱恶阻 weak stomach malign obstruction
胃气 stomach qi4
胃气上逆 stomach qi4 ascending counterflow
胃气上逆证 pattern of stomach qi4 ascending counterflow
胃气不足 insufficiency of stomach qi4
胃气不和 disharmony of stomach qi4
胃气不降 non-downbearing of stomach qi4
胃气不降 impairment of gastric downbearing
胃气主降 stomach qi4 governs downbearing
胃气以和降为顺 stomach qi4 is normal when there is harmonious downbearing
胃气弱 weak stomach qi4
胃气逆 counterflow stomach qi4
胃气阴两虚 dual vacuity of stomach qi4 and yin1
胃气虚 stomach qi4 vacuity
胃气虚寒 stomach qi4 vacuity cold
胃气虚证 pattern of stomach qi4 vacuity
胃气滞 stomach qi4 stagnation
胃消 stomach dispersion
胃病 stomach disease
胃神根 stomach, spirit, and root
胃神经官能症 gastric neurosis
胃纳不佳 poor stomach intake
胃纳欠佳 poor stomach intake
胃纳呆滞 torpid stomach intake
胃纳减少 reduced food intake
胃动脉 gastric artery
胃强脾弱 strong stomach and weak spleen
胃部不适 stomach discomfort
胃部喜暖 liking for warmth in the region of the stomach
胃阴 stomach yin1
胃阴不足 insufficiency of stomach yin1
胃阴虚 stomach yin1 vacuity
胃阴虚证 pattern of stomach yin1 vacuity
胃阴阳两虚 dual vacuity of stomach yin1 and yang2
胃阴阳两虚 stomach yin1 and yang2 vacuity
胃阴伤 damage to stomach yin1
胃阴亏虚 stomach yin1 depletion
胃喜润恶燥 stomach likes moisture and is averse to dryness
胃寒 stomach cold
胃寒呃逆 stomach cold hiccup
胃寒食滞 stomach cold food stagnation
胃寒疼痛 stomach cold pain
胃寒恶阻 stomach cold malign obstruction
胃寒肠热 stomach cold and intestinal heat
胃寒呕吐 stomach cold vomiting
胃痛 stomach pain
胃痛 stomachache
胃痛[病] stomach pain [disease]
胃痛吐酸 stomach pain and acid vomiting
胃腑血瘀 stomach bowel blood stasis
胃腑气滞 stomach bowel qi4 stagnation
胃胀满 gastric distention and fullness
胃脾运化 spleen-stomach movement and transforamtion
胃舒 Stomach Soother
胃虚 stomach vacuity
胃虚不思食 stomach vacuity with no thought of food
胃虚呃逆 stomach vacuity hiccup
胃虚寒 stomach vacuity cold
胃阳 stomach yang2
胃阳虚 stomach yang2 vacuity
胃阳虚寒 stomach yang2 vacuity cold
胃募 CV-12
胃募 Stomach Alarm
g astric dysrhythmia syndrome
胃经 stomach channel
胃经 ST\w
胃经火热 stomach channel fire-heat
胃肠 stomach and intestines
胃肠 gastrointestinal
胃肠分泌 gastric and intestinal secretion
胃肠炎 gastroenteritis
胃肠绞痛 gripping gastrointestinal pain
胃肠胀气 gastrointestinal qi4 distention
胃肠蠕动亢进 gastrointestinal hyperperistalsis
胃实 stomach repletion
胃实呃逆 stomach repletion hiccup
胃实寒 stomach repletion cold
胃实热 stomach repletion heat
胃滞 stomach stagnation
胃管 CV-13
胃管 Stomach Duct
胃管下俞 Below the Stomach Duct
胃维 ST-04
胃维 Stomach Link
胃酸分泌 secretion of gastric acid
胃酸过多 hypercholorhydria (excessive stomach acid)
胃乐 Happy Tummy
胃溃疡 stomach ulcers
胃热 stomach heat
胃热亢盛 hyperactive stomach heat
胃热穴 Stomach Heat Point
胃热呃逆 stomach heat hiccup
胃热食呆 torpid food intake due to stomach heat
胃热乘心 stomach heat exploiting the heart
胃热气盛 exuberant stomach heat and qi4
胃热消谷 stomach heat with swift digestion
胃热杀谷 stomach heat with rapid digestion
胃热恶阻 stomach heat malign obstruction
胃热脾约 stomach heat and straitened spleen
胃热肠寒 stomach heat and intestinal cold
胃热壅盛 exuberant stomach heat
胃湿热积滞 stomach damp-heat accumulation and stagnation
胃燥津伤 stomach dryness and damage to liquid
胃燥津伤证 pattern of stomach dryness and damage to liquid
胃癌 stomach cancer
胃癌 carcinoma of the stomach
胃黏膜脱垂症 prolapse of gastric mucosa
胃扩张 gastrectasia
胃虫 stomach worm
胃关煎 Stomach Gate Brew
胃窦炎 antral gastritis
胃脘 stomach duct
胃脘 CV-12
胃脘 CV-13
胃脘 Stomach Duct
胃脘 Stomach Duct
胃脘冷痛 cold pain in stomach duct
胃脘疼痛 stomach duct pain
胃脘痛 stomach duct pain
胃脘痞闷 glomus and oppression in the stomach duct
胃脘硬胀 hard distention in the stomach duct
胃脘胀闷 distention and oppression in the stomach duct
胃脘虚痞 stomach duct vacuity glomus
胃脘满闷 fullness and oppression in stomach duct
胃脘痈 stomach-duct welling-abscess
胃痈 welling-abscess of the stomach
背 back\HALT \NOUN
背反张 arched-back rigidity
背冷 cold in the back
背俞 back transport point
背俞 BL-11
背俞 BL-15
背俞 Back Transport
背俞 Back Transport
背俞穴 back transport point
背寒 cold back
背恶寒 aversion to cold in the back
背痛 back pain
背痛腰疼 back and lumbar pain
背腰症状 back und lumbar symptoms
背解 GV-02
背解 Back's Resolution
背热 heat in the back
背阔肌 latissimus dorsi muscle
背鲜 GV-02
背鲜 Back Fresh
背痈 welling-abscess of the back
胡 foreign
胡 | surname
胡大海 sterculia
胡子鲶 catfish
胡巴 fenugreek [seed]
胡王使者 pulsatilla [root]
胡王使者 notopterygium [root]
胡瓜 cucumber
胡言乱语 nonsensical talk
胡豆 (1) broad bean
胡豆 (2) chick-pea
胡枝子 bicolor lespedeza stem and leaf
胡枝子根 bicolor lespedeza root (bark)
胡故子 psoralea [fruit]
胡桐泪 Tartar poplar resin
胡桃丸 Walnut Pill
胡桃仁 walnut [kernel]
胡桃肉 walnut [kernel]
胡桃枝 walnut twig
胡桃油 walnut oil
胡桃花 walnut flower
胡桃青皮 unripe walnut shell
胡桃根 walnut root
胡桃壳 walnut shell
胡桃粥 Walnut Gruel
胡桃叶 walnut leaf
胡桃树皮 walnut bark
胡粉 processed galenite
胡连 picrorhiza [root]
胡麻 black sesame [seed]
胡麻仁 black sesame [seed]
胡麻油 sesame oil
胡麻花 sesame flower
胡麻草 Cochin China centranthera
胡麻叶 sesame leaf
胡椒 pepper
胡黄连 picrorhiza [root]
胡寝子 xanthium [fruit]
胡蒜 garlic [bulb]
胡苍子 xanthium [fruit]
胡苍子 xanthium [fruit]
胡莲 picrorhiza [root]
胡葱 shallot
胡葱子 shallot seed
胡燕卵 swallow's egg
胡燕脂 Malabar spinach
胡颓子 pungent oleaster fruit
胡颓子根 pungent oleaster root
胡颓子叶 pungent oleaster leaf
胡芦巴 fenugreek [seed]
胡芦巴丸 Fenugreek Pill
胡芦巴散 Fenugreek Powder
胡萝卜 carrot [root]
胡萝卜子 carrot seed
胡荽 coriander
胡荽子 coriander seed
胡藭 chuanxiong [rhizome]
胛 shoulder blade
胛痈 shoulder blade welling-abscess
胎 fetus\HALT \NOUN, fetal \NOUN
胎 tongue fur\HALT \NOUN
胎不正 malposition of the fetus
胎中染毒 transmission of toxin in the uterus
胎元 fetal origin
胎元不固 insecurity of the fetal origin
胎元饮 Fetal Origin Beverage
胎水 fetal water
胎水肿满 water swelling and fullness in pregnancy
胎失所载 fetus deprived of its bearing
胎孕 pregnancy
胎甲 pregnancy
胎死不下 retention of dead fetus
胎死腹中 death {in utero}
胎衣 placenta
胎衣 afterbirth
胎衣 placenta
胎衣不下 retention of the placenta
胎位不正 malposition of the fetus
胎赤 fetal redness
胎儿 fetus
胎怯 fetal timidity
胎疝 fetal mounting
胎肥 fetal obesity
胎前 antepartum
胎垢 fetal grime
胎毒 fetal toxin
胎毒蕴热 fetal toxin brewing into heat
胎毒蕴热证 pattern of fetal toxin brewing into heat
胎风 fetal wind
胎弱 fetal feebleness
胎息 fetal breathing
胎气 fetal qi4
胎气上逆 fetal qi4 ascending counterflow
胎气上逼 fetal qi4 forcing upward
胎疸 fetal jaundice
胎动 stirring fetus
胎动不安 stirring fetus
胎患内障 congenital internal obstruction
胎产 childbirth
胎产 parturition
胎产心法 Heart-Approach to Obstetrics
胎寒 fetal cold
胎萎不长 atrophied fetus
胎黄 fetal jaundice
胎传 fetal infection
胎漏 fetal spotting
胎漏下血 fetal bleeding
胎堕 abortion
胎热 fetal heat
胎热不安 fetal heat
胎瘦 fetal emaciation
胎盘 placenta
胎盘 placenta
胎盘 placenta
胎癣 fetal lichen
胎惊 fetal fright
胎痫 fetal epilepsy
胞 eyelid
胞 upper eyelid
胞 bladder
胞 uterus
胞 womb
胞 mole
胞内生肉 growth inside the eyelid
胞生痰核 phelgm node of the eyelid
胞肉黏轮 eyelid flesh sticking to the eye
胞衣 placenta
胞衣 placenta
胞衣不下 retention of the placenta
胞系了戾 twisted bladder tie
胞肓 BL-53\w
胞肓 Bladder Huang
胞门 uterine gate
胞门 CV-04
胞门 KI-13
胞门 Bladder Gate
胞门 Uterine Gate (left)
胞阻 uterine obstruction
胞垂 sagging eyelids
胞宫 uterus
胞宫 womb
胞宫寒凝 congealing uterine cold
胞宫虚寒 uterine vacuity cold
胞宫虚寒证 pattern of uterine vacuity cold
胞宫湿热 uterine damp-heat
胞宫湿热证 uterine damp-heat pattern
胞脉 uterine vessels
胞寒 uterine cold
胞寒不孕 uterine cold infertility
胞络 uterine network vessels
胞虚如球 eyelid vacuous as a ball
胞肿如桃 eyelid swollen like a peach
胞漏 fetal spotting
胞漏 fetal spotting
胞漏血 fetal spotting
胞轮振跳 twitching eyelid
胞睑 eyelid
胞睑外翻 everted eyelid
胞睑外翻 ectropion
胞睑病 disease of the eyelid
胞睑肿核 phlegm node of the eyelid
胞睑肿胀 swelling of the eyelid
胞转 shifted bladder
胞痹 bladder impediment
胝 callus
苎 | plant name
苎根 ramie [root]
苎根散 Ramie (Boehmeria) Powder
苎根汤 Ramie (Boehmeria) Decoction
苎麻皮 ramie stem bark
苎麻花 ramie flower
苎麻根 ramie [root]
苎麻叶 ramie leaf
范 | surname
范志曲 Fu2jian4 leaven
茅 cogongrass
茅朮 Maoshan atractylodes [root]
茅香花 hierochloe5
茅根 imperata [root]
茅根炭 charred imperata [root]
茅根汤 Imperata Decoction
茅根赭石汤 Imperata and Hematite Decoction
茅栗 Seguin chinquapin
茅栗仁 Seguin chinquapin seed
茅草根 imperata [root]
茅草叶 imperata leaf
茅草箭 roegneria
茅针花 imperata flower
茅盔花 imperata flower
茅葛汤 Imperata and Pueraria Decoction
茅膏菜 peltate sundew
茅膏菜根 peltate sundew tuber
茅樝 crataegus [fruit]
苣 | plant name
苣胜子 black sesame [seed]
苣_+菜 sow thistle
苣_+菜花 sow thistle flower
苛 severe
苦 bitter\HALT \ADJ, bitterness \NOUN
苦丁 Taiwan lettuce
苦丁茶 ilex
苦入心 bitterness enters the heart
苦口 bitter taste in the mouth
苦瓜 balsam pear
苦瓜子 balsam pear seed
苦瓜花 balsam pear flower
苦瓜根 balsam pear root
苦瓜叶 balsam pear leaf
苦瓜藤 balsam pear stem
苦石莲 snake bramble seed
苦地丁 Bunge's corydalis
苦地胆 elephantopus
苦地胆根 elephantopus root
苦竹根 bitter bamboo root
苦竹茹 bitter bamboo shavings
苦竹笋 bitter bamboo shoot
苦竹叶 bitter bamboo leaf
苦竹沥 bitter bamboo sap
苦杏仁 bitter apricot kernel
苦豆根 sweet-clover astragalus
苦苣 bitter lettuce
苦苣根 bitter lettuce root
苦茄 bittersweet fruit
苦降 bitter downbearing
苦桔梗 platycodon [root]
苦能燥能泻 bitterness can dry and drain
苦草 (1) synedrella
苦草 (2) vallisneria
苦茶油 tea oil
苦酒 vinegar
苦骨 flavescent sophora [root]
苦参 flavescent sophora [root]
苦参子 flavescent sophora seed
苦参根 flavescent sophora [root]
苦参汤 Flavescent Sophora Decoction
苦参实 flavescent sophora seed
苦梗 platycodon [root]
苦瓠叶 bitter calabash leaf
苦蚵仔 Japanese anchovy
苦壶卢 bitter calabash
苦寒泄热 discharge heat with cold and bitterness
苦寒清气 clear qi4 with cold and bitterness
苦寒清热 clear heat with cold and bitterness
苦寒燥湿 dry dampness with cold and bitterness
苦菜 bitter sow thistle
苦菜花子 bitter sow thistle flower and seed
苦菜根 bitter sow thistle root
苦楝丸 Chinaberry Root Pill
苦楝皮 chinaberry bark
苦楝根 chinaberry root
苦楝根皮 chinaberry root bark
苦楝根粥 Chinaberry Root Bark Gruel
苦楝寄生 Chinese loranthus
苦楝膏 Chinaberry Root Bark Paste
苦温平燥 calm dryness with warmth and bitterness
苦温燥湿 dry dampness with warmth and bitterness
苦葛花 Emei pueraria flower
苦葛根 Emei pueraria [root]
苦榴皮 ash [bark]
苦满 bitter fullness
苦蒿 centaurea
苦远志 polygala [root]
苦远志 polygala [root]
苦树皮 Indian quassia [root bark]
苦泽 kansui [root]
苦龙胆草 gentian [root]
苦檀子 thick-fruited millettia seed
苦檀叶 thick-fruited millettia leaf
苦芺 Chinese thistle
苦壸卢子 bitter calabash seed
苦壸卢花 bitter calabash flower
苦壸卢蔓 bitter calabash stem
苦椿菜 ephedra root
苦葶苈 lepidium [seed]
苦荞麦根 wild buckwheat root
苦荞头 Tartarian buckwheat
苦荞头 wild buckwheat root
苦薏 lotus plumule
苦_+菜 denticulate ixeris
茄 eggplant
茄 aubergine
茄子 eggplant
茄子疾 eggplant disease
茄花 eggplant flower
茄根 eggplant root
茄稞虫 eggplant grub
茄蒂 eggplant stalk
茄叶 eggplant leaf
若 if
若 like
茉 | plant name
茉莉花 jasmine [flower]
茉莉花露 jasmine [flower] distillate
茉莉根 jasmine root
茉莉叶 jasmine leaf
苒 luxuriant
苒苒草 yellow-bell clematis
苗 sprout
苗窍 sprout and orifices
苜 alfalfa
苜蓿 alfalfa
苜蓿芽 alfalfa sprout
苜蓿根 alfalfa root
苔 fur\HALT \NOUN
苔 moss
苔化 transforming tongue fur
苔化 transformation of the tongue fur
苔白 white tongue fur
苔有根 rooted tongue fur
苔灰 gray tongue fur
苔色 fur color
苔色主病 correspondence between fur color and disease
苔厚 thick tongue fur
苔垢 grimy tongue fur
苔剥 peeling tongue fur
苔剥落 peeling tongue fur
苔焦黄 burnt yellow tongue fur
苔无根 unrooted tongue fur
苔黄 yellow tongue fur
苔黄腻 slimy yellow fur
苔黑 black tongue fur
苔滑 glossy tongue fur
苔腐 bean curd tongue fur
苔腐 tofu tongue fur
苔润 moist tongue fur
苔质 nature of the fur
苔腻 slimy tongue fur
苔燥 dry tongue fur
苔薄 thin tongue fur
苞 bud
苞蔷薇根 seashore rose root
苓 | plant name
苓甘五味姜辛汤 Poria, Licorice, Schisandra, Ginger, and Asarum Decoction
oria, Licorice, Ginger, Schisandra, Pinellia, and Apricot Kernel
苓皮 poria skin
苓贝秋梨膏 Fritillaria and Autumn Pear Paste [NIS]
Poria, Cinnamon Twig, White Atractylodes*&, and Licorice
苓桂甘枣汤 Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Jujube, and Licorice Decoction
苓术二陈煎 Poria and White Atractylodes Two Matured Ingredients Brew [NIS]
苓姜朮甘汤 Poria, Ginger, White Atractylodes*&, and Licorice Decoction
苟 | plant name
苟脊 cibotium [root]
苟起子 lycium [berry]
苟起根 lycium bark
虹 iris
虹彩 iris
虹胜 scutellaria [root]
虹膜切除术 iridectomy
虹膜炎 iritis
虹霓剑草 pyrrosia [leaf]
虹鳟 rainbow trout
虻 tabanus
虻 Si4chuan1 fritillaria [bulb]
虻虫 tabanus
虺 | a poisonous snake or insect
虺床 cnidium seed
负 carry
负重闪腰 wrenched lumbus due to carrying heavy weights
军 military
军 troops
迦 | used in transcription
迦拘勒 nutmeg
迫 distress\HALT \VERB
迫 hurry\HALT \VERB
迫血妄行 cause frenetic movement of the blood
迫血妄行 forces the blood to move frenetically
郎 young man
郎 physician
郎中 lang2-zhong1
郁 depression\HALT \NOUN, (lie) depressed \ADJ
郁子 bush cherry kernel
郁火 depressed fire
郁李仁 bush cherry kernel
郁李仁粥 Bush Cherry Kernel Gruel
郁李根 bush cherry plum root
郁李根 bush cherry plum root
郁里仁 bush cherry kernel
郁金 curcuma [root]
郁金香 tulip
郁金香根 tulip root
郁金散 Curcuma Powder
郁金饮子 Curcuma Drink
郁冒 depression veiling
郁怒伤肝 depressed anger damaging the liver
郁病 depression disease
郁厥 depression reversal
郁滞 depression
郁热遗精 depressed heat seminal emission
郁证 depression pattern
酊 tincture
酊剂 tincture
重 heavy\HALT \ADJ, heaviness \NOUN
重 double
重方 heavy formula
重可去怯 heavy [medicinals] can eliminate timidity
重台 scrophularia [root]
重用 make heavy use of
重皮 officinal magnolia bark
重舌 double tongue
重衣不得温 inability to get warm despite extra clothing
重言 stuttering
重身 pregnancy
重按 press heavily
重按 apply heavy pressure
重订通俗伤寒论 Revised Popular On Cold Damage
草 Revis
ed Zheng4-He2> Classified Emergency Herbal Foundation Based
on Historical Classics
重唇鱼 steed barbel
重病 severe disease
重症肌无力 myasthenia gravis
重阴 double yin1
重阴 weighted yin1
重阴必阳 double yin1 becomes yang2
重痛 heavy pain
重阳 double yang2
重阳 weighted yang2
重阳必阴 double yang2 becomes yin1
重伤阳气 severely damage yang2 qi4
重感 double contraction
重叶莲 callianthemus
重楼 secluded chamber
重楼 petiolate paris [root]
重楼玉钥 Jade Key to the Secluded Chamber
重浆 CV-24
重浆 Heavy Sauce
重剂 heavy formula
重泽 kansui [root]
重镇之品 heavy settling products
重镇安心药 heavy settling heart-quieting formula
重镇安神 quiet the spirit by heavy settling
重镇安神 quiet the spirit with heavy settlers
重镇安神收敛药 heavy settling spirit-quieting astringent medicinal
重镇安神药 heavy settling spirit-quieting medicinal
重镇药 heavy settling medicinal
重镇药 heavy settler
重证 severe pattern
重听 hardness of hearing
降 downbear\HALT \VERB, downbearing \ADJ, \NOUN
降中有升 upbearing within downbearing
降心火 downbear heart fire
降火 downbear fire
降火消肿 downbear fire and disperse swelling
降可去升 downbearing [medicinals] can eliminate upbearing
降肌 depressor
降血糖 lower blood sugar
降血压 lower blood pressure (hypotensive)
降低血糖 lower blood sugar
降低血压 lower blood pressure
降肺火 downbear lung fire
降肺气 downbear lung qi4
降香 dalbergia [wood]
降香末 dalbergia [wood] powder
降气 downbear qi4
降气化痰 downbear qi4 and transform phlegm
降气止咳 downbear qi4 and suppress cough
降气平喘 downbear qi4 and calm panting
降气而行痰 downbear qi4 and move phlegm
降气降逆 downbear qi4 and counterflow
降气消痰 downbear qi4 and disperse phlegm
降气破滞 downbear qi4 and break stagnation
降气除胀 downbear qi4 and eliminate phlegm
降真香 dalbergia [wood]
降逆 downbear counterflow
降逆下气 downbear counterflow and precipitate qi4
降逆止呕 downbear counterflow and check vomiting
降逆气 downbear counterflow qi4
降结肠 descending colon
降肾中邪火 downbear evil fire in the kidney
降肾火 downbear kidney fire
降痰治喘 downbear phlegm and treat panting
降痰消胀 downbear phlegm and disperse distention
降剂 downbearing formula
降浊 downbear turbidity
降龙草 subcapitate hemiboea
降压 lower blood pressures
面 face\HALT \NOUN, facial \ADJ
面 flour
面食积滞 wheat-type food accumulation
面筋 wheat gluten
面裹煨 flour paste roasting
面糊 flour and water paste
面\Q{CHARACTER HEI ??} dark face
面王 king of face
面王 GV-25
面王 King of Face
面正 GV-25
面正 Face Center
面白 white face
面白颧红 white face and red cheeks
面目赤肿 red swollen face and eyes
面目浮肿 puffy swollen face and eyes
面目浮肿 puffy swelling of the face and eyes
面目黧黑 soot-black face and eyes
面合赤色 uniform redness of the face
面色 facial complexion
面色不华 lusterless facial complexion
面色白 white facial complexion
面色如妆 facial complexion as if dabbed with rouge
面色灰暗 somber gray (or ashen) facial complexion
面色灰滞 stagnant gray (or ashen) complexion
面色青 green-blue facial complexion
面色青而灰 green-blue facial complexion with gray tinge
面色青而晦暗 somber green-blue facial complexion
面色青紫 green-blue or purple facial complexion
面色青紫晦暗 somber green-blue or purple complexion
面色恍白 bright white complexion
面色红 red facial complexion
面色浮红 floating-red facial complexion
面色晦暗 somber facial complexion
面色淡白 pale white facial complexion
面色淡黄 pale yellow facial complexion
面色发黑 black face
面色紫黑 purple-black facial complexion
面色胀红 red flushed facial complexion
面色萎黄 withered-yellow facial complexion
面色萎黄 sallow yellow facial complexion
面色黄 yellow facial complexion
面色黑 black facial complexion
面色暗滞 dull stagnant facial complexion
面色嫩红 tender-red complexion
面色苍白 somber white facial complexion
面色苍白而带青 somber white facial complexion with a green-blue tinge
面色苍白暗滞 dull somber white facial complexion
面色潮红 tidal reddening of the face
面色缘缘正赤 continuously full red facial complexion
面色黧黑 soot-black facial complexion
面色_+ bright white facial complexion
面色_+白 bright white facial complexion
面赤 red face
面垢 grimy facial complexion
面红 red facial complexion
面红升火 upbearing fire flush
面红目赤 red face and eyes
面红如脂 face red as if dabbed with rouge
面红耳赤 red face and ears
面红壮热 red face and vigorous heat [effusion] (fever)
面根藤 calystegia
面浮 puffy face
面浮肢肿 puffy face and swollen limbs
面浮虚肿 vacuity puffy swelling of the face
面神经炎 facial neuritis
面侧面 facial surface
面悴 haggard or drawn facial complexion
面部疼痛 facial pain
面游风 wandering wind of the face
面痛 facial pain
面痛一号方 Facial Pain No.~1 Formula
面痛二号方 Facial Pain No.~2 Formula
面痛三号方 Facial Pain No.~3 Formula
面痛四号方 Facial Pain No.~4 Formula
面萎黄 withered-yellow complexion
面黄 yellow face
面黄白 yellow-white face
面黄肌瘦 yellow face and emaciated flesh
面肿 swollen face
面尘 dusty facial complexion
面颊 cheek
面颊浮红 floating redness of the cheeks
面颊潮红 tidal reddening of the cheeks
面痒 itchy face
面瘫 facial paralysis
面瘫 facial paralysis
面瘫口歪 paralyzed face with deviated mouth
面疔 clove sore of the face
面窌 ST-01
面窌 Face Bone-Hole
面_+ ST-01
面_+ Face Bone-Hole
面_+ bright white face
革 leather
革 transform
革脉 drumskin pulse
韭 Chinese chive
韭 Chinese leek
韭子 Chinese leek seed
韭根 Chinese leek root
韭菜 Chinese leek [leaf]
韭菜子 Chinese leek seed
韭菜仁 Chinese leek seed
韭菜根 Chinese leek root
韭菜粥 Chinese Leek Gruel
韭菜黄 blanched Chinese leek [leaf]
韭黄 blanched Chinese leek [leaf]
韭叶芸香草 cymbopogon
韭葱 leek
音 note\HALT \NOUN
音 sound\HALT \NOUN
音哑 loss of voice
风 wind\HALT \NOUN
风_+ wind scrofula
风口噤 wind clenched jaw
风中经络 wind striking the channels and network vessels
风中经络证 pattern of wind striking the channels and network vessels
风丹 wind cinnabar
风化 effloresce
风化石灰 weathered lime
风化石灰 air-slaked lime
风化朴硝 impure mirabilite efflorescence
风化硝 mirabilite efflorescence
风化硝 refined mirabilite
风引汤 Wind-Drawing Decoction
风引喎偏 wind-induced deviation
风心痛 wind heart pain
风木之脏 viscus of wind and wood
风水 wind water
风水 geomancy
风水上渍于肺 wind-water soaking the lung
风水相搏 wind and water contending with each other
风水相搏证 wind and water contending with each other
风水浮肿 wind water puffy swelling
风火 wind-fire
风火_+ wind-fire scrofula
风火牙痛 wind-fire toothache
风火犯齿 wind-fire invading the teeth
风火犯齿证 pattern of wind-fire invading the teeth
风火攻目 wind-fire attacking the eyes
风火攻目证 pattern of wind-fire attacking the eyes
风火赤眼 wind-fire red eye
风火相煽 wind and fire fanning each other
风火相煽 mutual fanning of wind and fire
风火眼 wind-fire eye
风火眼痛 wind-fire eye pain
风火热毒 wind-fire heat toxin
风火热毒证 wind-fire heat toxin pattern
风火齿痛 wind-fire toothache
风市 GB-31\w
风市 Wind Market
风池 GB-20\w
风池 Wind Pool
风耳 wind ear
风肉 saposhnikovia
风赤疮疾 wind red sore disease
风赤疮痍 wind red sore
风车 winnower
风车儿 wild dioscorea fruit
风车藤 hiptage [stem]
风邪 wind evil
风邪入经 wind evil entering the channels
风邪外袭 wind evil assailing the outer body
风邪外袭证 pattern of wind evil assailing the outer body
风邪犯肺 wind evil invading the lung
风邪侵袭 invasion of the wind evil
风邪眩晕 wind evil dizziness
风邪伤于表 wind evil damaging the exterior
风邪热毒犯耳 wind evil and heat toxin invading the ear
风邪袭表 wind evil assailing the exterior
风岩 Wind Rock
风府 GV-16\w
风府 BL-12
风府 Wind House
风府 Wind House
风弦赤烂 wind ulceration of the eyelid rim
风性主动 wind by nature moves
风性开泄 wind by nature tends to cause opening and discharge
风性轻扬 wind by nature is light and buoyant
风易伤阳位 wind easily damages yang2 positions
风疙瘩 wind lumps
风的证候 wind patterns
风者善行而数变 wind is swift and changeable
风花菜 marsh cress
风门 BL-12\w
风门 Wind Gate
风毒 wind toxin
风毒入络 wind toxin entering the network vessels
风毒入络证 pattern of wind toxin entering the network vessels
风毒流注 wind toxin streaming sore
风毒疮痒 itchy wind-toxin [sore]
风毒证 wind toxin pattern
风为百病之长 wind is the chief of the hundred diseases
风科 wind diseases department
风苔草 curculigo [root]
风家 person who suffers from wind diseases
风气 wind qi4
风气内动 wind qi4 stirring internally
风气草 adenostemma
风消 wind dispersion-thirst
风病 wind disease
风疳 wind gan1
风疽 wind flat-abscess
风疹 wind papules
风疹 rubella (German measles)
风疹块 wind wheals
风疹瘙痒 itchy wind papules
风眩 wind dizziness
风秘 wind constipation
风能胜湿 wind can overcome dampness
风起喎偏 wind-induced deviation
风泪出 wind tearing
风牵出睑 wind-turned eyelid
风牵偏视 wind-induced squint
风牵喎斜 wind-induced deviation
风眼 Wind Eye
风眼流泪 wind eye tearing
风劳 wind taxation
风胜则动 prevalence of wind gives rise to stirring
风胜则动 when wind prevails, there is stirring
风寒 wind-cold
风寒化热 wind-cold transforming into heat
风寒化热证 pattern of wind-cold transforming into heat
风寒牙痛 wind-cold toothache
风寒外束 wind-cold fettering the exterior
风寒外束喘 wind-cold fettering the exterior panting
风寒犯肺 wind-cold invading the lung
风寒犯头 wind-cold invading the head
风寒犯头证 pattern of wind-cold invading the head
风寒耳聋 wind-cold deafness
风寒束肺 wind-cold fettering the lung
风寒束肺证 pattern of wind-cold fettering the lung
风寒束表 wind-cold fettering the exterior
风寒束表证 pattern of wind-cold fettering the exterior
风寒束表证 pattern of wind-cold fettering the exterior
风寒身肿 wind-cold generalized swelling
风寒表证 wind-cold exterior pattern
风寒咳嗽 wind-cold cough
风寒砂 Wind-Cold Granules
风寒眩晕 wind-cold dizziness
风寒胁痛 wind-cold rib-side pain
风寒喘 wind-cold panting
风寒喘急 wind-cold rapid panting
风寒感冒 wind-cold common cold
风寒头痛 wind-cold headache
风寒湿 wind-cold-damp
风寒湿病 wind-cold-damp disease
风寒湿痹 wind-cold-damp impediment
风寒袭喉 wind-cold assailing the throat
风寒袭鼻 wind-cold assailing the nose
风寒袭鼻证 pattern of wind-cold assailing the nose
风寒痹阻 wind-cold obstruction
风寒痹阻证 wind-cold obstruction pattern
风痢 wind dysentery
风痉 wind tetany
风阳 wind yang2
风阳上逆 wind yang2 ascending counterflow
风阳上扰 wind yang2 harassing the upper body
风黄 wind yellowing
风块 wheal
风温 wind warmth
风温邪 wind warmth evil
风温客表 wind warmth settling in the exterior
风温痉 wind warmth tetany
风温伤卫 wind warmth damaging defense
风温袭肺 wind warmth assailing the lung
风痰 wind phlegm
风痰入络 wind-phlegm entering the network vessels
风痰入络证 pattern wind-phlegm entering the network vessels
风痰上扰 wind-phlegm harassing the upper body
风痰上扰证 pattern of wind-phlegm harassing the upper body
风痰卒中 sudden wind-phlegm strike (stroke)
风痰眩晕 wind-phlegm dizziness
风痰头痛 wind-phlegm headache
风痰证 wind phlegm pattern
风痱 wind disablement
风嗽 wind cough
风团 wind wheals
风廓 wind belt
风疟 wind malaria
风热 wind-heat
风热上攻 wind-heat attacking upward
风热牙疳 wind-heat gan1 of the teeth and gums
风热外袭 wind-heat assailing the outer body
风热外袭证 pattern of wind-heat assailing the outer body
风热犯目 wind-heat invading the eyes
风热犯目证 pattern of wind-heat invading the eyes
风热犯耳 wind-heat invading the ear
风热犯耳证 pattern of wind-heat invading the ear
风热犯肺 wind-heat invading the lung
风热犯肺证 pattern of wind-heat invading the lung
风热犯喉 wind-heat invading the throat
风热犯鼻 wind-cold invading the nose
风热犯鼻证 pattern of wind-cold invading the nose
风热犯头 wind-heat invading the head
风热犯头证 pattern wind-heat invading the head
风热目赤 wind-heat red eye
风热耳聋 wind-heat deafness
风热赤眼 wind-heat red eye
风热表证 wind-heat exterior pattern
风热阻络 wind-heat obstructing the network vessels
风热阻络证 pattern of wind-heat obstructing the network vessels
风热侵咽喉 wind-heat invading the throat
风热侵咽喉证 pattern of wind-heat invading the throat
风热咳嗽 wind-heat cough
w ind-heat toxin fire invading the throat
风热毒邪 wind-heat toxin evil
风热眩晕 wind-heat dizziness
风热眼 wind-heat eye
风热喉痹 wind-heat throat impediment
风热感冒 wind-heat common cold
风热腰痛 wind-heat lumbar pain
风热瘟毒 wind-heat scourge toxin
风热疮 wind-heat sore
风热头痛 wind-heat headache
风热湿毒壅盛 wind-heat-damp toxin congestion
风热袭肺 wind-heat assailing the lung
风热惊悸 wind-heat fright palpitations
风疮 wind sore
风箱树花 buttonbush flower
风箱树根 buttonbush root
风箱树叶 buttonbush leaf
风轮 wind wheel
风轮赤豆 wind-wheel rice bean
风轮菜 Chinese savory
风轮热毒 wind wheel heat toxin
风轮湿热 wind wheel damp-heat
风齿肿 wind gum swelling
风头眩 wind dizzy head
风湿 wind-damp
风湿 rheumatism
风湿化热 wind-damp transforming into heat
风湿化热证 wind-damp transforming into heat pattern
风湿犯头 wind-damp invading the head
风湿犯头证 pattern of wind-damp invading the head
风湿性心瓣膜病 rheumatic valvular heart disease
风湿性心脏病 rheumatic heart disease
风湿性肌炎 rheumatic myelitis
风湿性关节炎 rheumatic arthritis
风湿相搏 wind and dampness contending with each other
风湿相搏 mutual contention of wind and dampness
风湿凌目 wind-damp intimidating the eyes
风湿凌目证 pattern of wind-damp intimidating the eyes
风湿挟毒 wind-damp with toxin
风湿挟毒证 pattern of wind-damp with toxin
风湿病 rheumatism
风湿疼痛 wind-damp pain
风湿腰痛 wind-damp lumbar pain
风湿热 rheumatic fever
风湿疮毒 wind-damp sore [toxin]
风湿头痛 wind-damp headache
风湿证 wind-damp pattern
风湿证 rheumatism pattern
风湿关节肿痛 wind-damp (rheumatism) with painful swollen joints
风湿痹 wind-damp impediment
风湿痹痛证 wind-damp impediment pain pattern
风湿豨桐片 Siegesbeckia and Clerodendron Wind-Damp Tablet
风燥 wind-dryness
风隐疹 wind dormant papules
风泻 wind diarrhea
风藤 Martin's fig root and stem
风藤草根 gold-wool clematis root
风药 wind medicinal
风证 wind pattern
风关 wind bar
风癞 wind lai4
风癞 leprosy
风懿 wind choke
风瘾 dormant wind papules
风癣 wind lichen
风聋 wind deafness
风痧 wind sand
风搐 wind convulsion
风痹 wind impediment
风瘙 wind itch
风瘙鞅 wind itch
风痫 wind epilepsy
飞 water grind
飞尸 flying corpse
飞天蜈蚣 creeping pothos [stem and leaf]
飞天_+蟧 spiny tree fern [stem]
飞来鹤 auriculate cynanchum stem and leaf
飞虎 TB-06
飞虎 Flying Tige, r
飞金 gold leaf
飞门 flying gates
飞扬 BL-58\w
飞扬 Taking Flight
飞扬喉 flying throat
飞痘 flying pox
飞阳 BL-58
飞阳 Flying Yang2
飞廉 carduus
飞燕草 consolida [root and seed]
飞龙掌血 Asian toddalia root (bark)
飞龙掌血叶 Asian toddalia leaf
飞龙夺命丹 Flying Dragon Life-Clutching Elixir [NIS]
飞腾八法 eightfold soaring method
食 eat\HALT \VERB
食 food\HALT \VERB
食 meal\HALT \VERB
食 diet\HALT \NOUN, dietary \NOUN
食--人亦 eating and sloth
食入不化 non-transformation of ingested food
食入不运 non-movement of ingested food
食入作胀 distention after eating
食入即吐 immediate vomiting of ingested food
食久呕吐 vomiting long after eating
食已则吐 vomiting immediately after eating
食不下 inability to get food down
食不化 non-transformation of food
食不知味 inability to taste food
食不知饱 eating without knowing satiety
食不消化 non-transformation of food
食中 food strike (stroke)
食少 low food intake
食少 reduced eating
食少便干 decreased food intake and dry stool
食亦 ?? eating and sloth
食后困顿 drowsiness after eating
食后腹胀 abdominal distention after eating
食后饱胀 bloating after eating
食肉则复 relapse due to eating meat
食肉则遗 relapse due to eating meat
食吕 KI-19
食吕 Food Tube
食忌 dietary contraindication
食性 eating habits
食泄 food diarrhea
食治 diet therapy
食物不下 inability to get food down
食物中毒 food poisoning
食物中毒 food poisoning
食咳 food cough
食指 forefinger
食指 index finger
食郁 food depression
食郁汤 Food Depression Decoction
食仓 Granary
食宫 KI-19
食宫 Food Palace
食时 breakfast watch
食疳 food gan1
食纳不佳 poor food intake
食纳不香 no pleasure in eating
食臭 malador of food [in qi4 from the stomach]
食茱萸 ailanthus zanthoxylum fruit
食茱萸苗 ailanthus zanthoxylum shoot
食欲 appetite
食欲不振 poor appetite
食欲不振 loss of appetite
食欲缺乏 anorexia
食欲减退 reduced appetite
食鱼蟹中毒 fish and crab food poisoning
食劳疳黄 food taxation gan1 yellowing
食厥 food reversal
食复 relapse due to dietary irregularity
食减 decreased food intake
食无味 inability to taste food
食胀 food distention
食量减少 reduced food intake
食伤脾胃 damage to the spleen and stomach by food
食痰 food-phlegm
食道 esophagus
食道炎 esophagitis
食道癌一号方 Esophageal Cancer No.~1 Formula
食道癌二号方 Esophageal Cancer No.~2 Formula
食呕 food vomiting
食滞 food stagnation
食滞中脘 food stagnating in the center stomach duct
食滞中脘 food stagnating in the center stomach duct
食滞胃脘 food stagnating in the stomach duct
食滞胃脘证 pattern of food stagnating in the stomach duct
食滞痰阻 food stagnation with phlegm obstruction
食滞痰阻证 pattern of food stagnation with phlegm obstruction
食滞腹胀 food stagnation with abdominal distention
食滞脘痛 food stagnation stomach duct pain
食疟 food malaria
食管 esophagus
食管炎 esophagitis
a chalasia
食管癌 carcinoma of the esophagus
食蜜 honey
食远服 take between meals
食欲不振 poor appetite
食积 food accumulation
食积的证候 food accumulation patterns
食积咳嗽 food accumulation cough
食积胁痛 food accumulation rib-side pain
食积痰嗽 food accumulation phlegm cough
食积腹痛 food accumulation abdominal pain
食积呕吐 food accumulation vomiting
食疗 dietary therapy
食疗本草 Herbal Foundation of Diet Therapy
食泻 food damage diarrhea
食癖 food aggregation
食医 dietary physician
食医心鉴 Heart Mirror of Diet Therapy
食关 Food Pass
食难用饱 difficulty in eating to satiety
食窦 SP-17\w
食窦 Food Hole
食盐 salt
食盐 salt [NID]
食痹 food impediment
食痫 suckling epilepsy
首 head
首如裹 head as if swathed
首风 wind of the head
首乌 flowery knotweed [root]
首乌延寿丹 Flowery Knotweed Life-Extending Elixir
首乌藤 flowery knotweed stem
香 fragrant\HALT \ADJ, fragrance \NOUN
香 aromatic\HALT \ADJ, aroma \NOUN
香子 fennel [fruit]
香水塔花 pyramydal billbergia leaf
香加皮 periploca [bark]
香瓜 melon
香白芷 Dahurian angelica
香白薇 black swallowwort
香戎 mosla
香朴丸 Costusroot*& and Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Pill
香芋 steudnera [ruber]
香贝养营汤 Cyperus and Fritillaria Construction-Nourishing Decoction
香果 chuanxiong [rhizome]
香枝 patchouli
香松 nardostachys [root]
香油 sesame oil
香芹 wild celery
香芹菜 parsely
香花菜 spearmint
香附 cyperus [root]
香附子 cyperus [root]
香附米 cyperus [root]
香附旋覆花汤 Cyperus and Inula Decoction
香砂二陈汤 Costusroot*& and Amomum Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
香砂六君子丸 Costusroot*& and Amomum Six Gentlemen Pill
香砂六君子汤 Costusroot*& and Amomum Six Gentlemen Decoction
香砂平胃丸 Costusroot*& and Amomum Stomach-Calming Pill
香砂平胃散 Costusroot*& and Amomum Stomach-Calming Powder
香砂养胃丸 Costusroot and Amomum Stomach-Nourishing Pill [NIS]
香砂养胃汤 Costusroot*& and Amomum Stomach-Nourishing Decoction
Costusroot*&, Amomum, Unripe Bitter Orange, and White
Atractylodes*& Pill
香茅 lemongrass
香茅根 lemongrass root
香根芹 osmorhiza [root]
香荔枝 custard apple
香茸 mosla
香茸丸 Musk and Velvet Deerhorn Pill
香茹 glossogyne
香茶菜 common rabdosia
香豉 fermented soybean (2)
香连丸 Costusroot*& and Coptis Pill
香连化滞丸 Costusroot*& and Coptis Stagnation-Transforming Pill
香连平胃丸 Costusroot and Coptis Stomach-Calming Powder [NIS]
香连猪肚丸 Costusroot*& and Coptis Pig's Stomach Pill
香港脚 Hongkong foot
香犀角 rhinoceros horn
香犀角 rhinoceros horn
香菊 crossostephium leaf
香菜 coriander
香菜头 toona shoots
香圆 citron
香棱丸 Cyperus and Sparganium Pill
香叶 strong-smelling pelargonium
香叶子 fragrant lindera
香叶树 common lindera [bark and leaf]
香构 small-flowered wikstroemia [bark and root]
香槐 cladrastis
香蒲 typha
香樟 yellow camphor tree [root and stem]
香樟果 yellow camphor tree fruit
香樟根 camphor root
香樟叶 yellow camphor tree leaf
香稻芽 stir-fried rice sprout [NID]
香稻芽 rice sprout [NID]
香胶木 pilose actinodaphe [bark and leaf]
香墨 ink
香蕈 lentinus
香蕉 banana
香荠 shepherd's purse
香苏 Chinese fieldnettle
香苏散 Cyperus and Perilla Powder
香苏饮 Cyperus and Perilla Beverage [NIS]
香麝子 musk
香芎汤 Cyperus and Chuan1xiong1*& Decoction
香荖 betel pepper
香荽 coriander
香椿 toona shoots
香椿子 toona fruit
香椿头 toona shoots
香葇 mosla
香榧草 delicate eragrostis
香薷 mosla
香薷草 mosla
香薷散 Mosla*& Powder
香薷汤 Mosla*& Decoction
香薷饮 Mosla*& Beverage
香橼 citron
香橼根 citron root
香橼叶 citron leaf
香橼露 citron distillate
香栾 citron
乘 overwhelm\HALT \VERB
乘 exploit\HALT \VERB
倍 times (as much)
倍子 sumac gallnut
俯 prone\HALT \ADJ
俯 bend forward\HALT \ADJ
俯仰 bend forward and backward
俯仰指法 pitch-varying finger technique
倦 fatigue\HALT \NOUN
倦 lassitude\HALT \NOUN
倦言 tiredness to speak
倦言 no energy to speak
倦怠 fatigue
倦怠乏力 fatigue and lack of strength
倚 prop (up against)
倚息 propped breathing
倒 invert, inverted
倒水莲 Emei meadow rue
倒生根 Korean raspberry root
倒生莲 walking spleenwort
倒甲 ingrown nail
倒吊笔叶 wrightia leaf
倒吊蜡烛 wrightia [root or stem]
倒地蜈蚣 helminthostachys [root]
倒扣草 rough achyranthes
倒赤伞 broad-leaved ainsliaea
倒挂牛 hairy Mysore thorn
倒挂金藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
倒产 footling presentation
倒扎龙 piercing raspberry [root]
倒睫 ingrown eyelash
倒睫拳毛 ingrown eyelash
倒睫拳毛 ingrown eyelash
倒经 inverted menstruation
倒钩刺 Yun2nan2 raspberry
倒触伞 rose-leaved raspberry [root]
俱 all
俱 both
个 | general measure word
个青皮 whole unripe tangerine
候 symptom\HALT \NOUN
候 indicate\HALT \VERB; indicator \NOUN
候 reflect
候 examine
候脉 examine the pulse
候脉 take the pulse
候脉 pulse examination
候脉 pulse-taking
修 enhance
修合药所 medicinal processing establishment
修肝汤 Liver-Repairing Decoction
修事 processing of medicinals
修治 processing of medicinals
修脆 dioscorea [root]
修制 sizing
倭 Japanese
倭瓜 pumpkin
倪 | surname
倪维德 Ni2 Wei2-De2>
仓 granary
仓廪之本 root of the granaries
仓廪之官 office of the granaries
仓廪散 Old Rice Granary Powder
兼 concurrent
兼证 concurrent pattern
兼变证 concurrrent and transmuted patterns
冤 grievance
冻 frozen
冻青叶 Yun2nan2 machilus leaf
冻青树子 Chinese ilex [fruit]
冻结性冷伤 cold injury
冻疮 chilblain
冻疮 frostbite
冻疮 chilblain (frostbite,erythema pernio)
冻葱 shallot
凌 intimidate\HALT \VERB
凌霄花 campsis flower
剖 cut open
剖腹术 laparotomy
刚 hard
刚 unyielding
刚痉 hard tetany
刚脏 unyielding viscus
剥 deprive
剥苔 peeling fur
原 source\HALT \NOUN
原 principle\HALT \NOUN
原丹皮 unshaved moutan [root bark]
原生地 dried rehmannia [root]
原穴 source point
原乳香 coarse frankincense
原枝归 whole tangkuei [root]
原则 principle
原气 source qi4
原发性多汗症 primary hyperhidrosis
idio pathic thrombocytopenic purpura
th rombocythemia
原发性青光眼 primay glaucoma
pr imary biliary cirrhosis
原络配穴法 combining source and network points
原蚕子 silk seed
原蚕沙 silkworm droppings
原蚕蛾 silkworm moth
唐 Tang2>
唐 | surname
唐_+本 Chinese lovage [root]
唐代四科 four branches of medicine in the Tang Dynasty
唐古特青兰 Tangut dragon's-head
唐古特马尿泡 Tangut przewalskia [seed and root]
唐石松 Bengal dayflower
唐豆 kidney bean
唐防风 saposhnikovia
唐宗海 Tang2 Zong1-Hai3>
唐慎微 Tang2 Shen4-Wei1>
唐荣川 Tang2 Rong2-Chuan1>
唐郑相国方 Tang Premier Zheng's Formula
唐豇 kidney bean
哺 suckle
哺 suckle
哺露疳 suckling gan1
哭 wailing
哭笑无常 abnormal laughing and weeping
哭啼无类 weeping without tearing
员 person
员 round
员在 BL-02
员在 Man Present
员利针 sharp round needle
员利针 rounded sharp needle
员柱 BL-02
员柱 Pillar Border
员针 rounded needle
哮 wheezing\HALT \NOUN
哮病 wheezing disease
哮喘 wheezing and panting
哮喘痰嗽 wheezing and panting and phlegm cough
哮喘敷治方 Wheezing and Panting External Application Formula
哮鸣 wheezing
哮鸣 wheezing
哮证 wheezing pattern
唧 chirp
唧唧皮 cicada molting
唧唧猴皮 cicada molting
唇 lip\HALT \NOUN
唇上端 GV-27
唇上端 Upper Extremity of the Lip
唇口聚 pursed mouth and lips
唇干 dry lips
唇反 eversion of the lip
唇甲青紫 green-blue or purple lips and nails
唇舌色淡 pale lips
唇舌青紫 green-blue or purple lips and tongue
唇舌淡白 pale white lips and tongue
唇吻强 stiff lips
唇青紫 green-blue or purple lips
唇风 lip wind
唇焦 parched lips
唇紫 purple lips
唇菌 lip mushroom
唇裂 cracked lips
唇裂 cleft lip (palate)
唇肿 swollen lips
唇紧 tight lips
唇颊肿 swelling of the lips and cheek
唇燥 dry lips
唇燥裂 dry cracked lips
唇颤动 tremor of the lips
唇疔 clove sore of the lip
唇胗 lip papule
哽 get stuck in the throat
埋 bury
埋 implant
埋针 needle implantation
埋针 needle embedding
埋线疗法 catgut embedding
埃 dust
埃蕾 centaury
夏 summer
夏 Xia4>
夏天无 bending corydalis [rhizome]
夏瓜 watermelon
夏石 stalactite
夏至 Summer Solstice
夏至草 lagopsis
夏豆 broad bean
夏乳根 stalactite
夏季热 heat in summer
夏注 summer influx
夏枯草 prunella [spike]
夏枯草汤 Prunella Decoction
夏枯草汤 Prunella Decoction
夏枯草膏 Prunella Paste
夏枯草露 prunella distillate
夏洪 surging in summer
夏草冬虫 cordyceps
夏痿 summer wilting
夏钩 hook pulse of summer
夏应中矩 [in] summer [the pulse] responds like a square
夏蜡梅 sinocalycanthus [flower and root]
夏疰 summer infixation
夏菘 pakchoi
娑 dancing
娑罗子 horse chestnut
娠 pregnancy
孙 grandchild
孙一奎 Sun1 Yi1-Kui2>
孙太郎虫 protohermes
孙思邈 Sun1 Si1-Miao3>
孙脉 grandchild vessel
孙络 grandchild network vessel
害 harm
害肩 damage shouldering
家 person
家生菇 straw mushroom
家韭子 Chinese leek seed
家韭子丸 Chinese Leek Seed Pill
家秘泻白散 Family Secret White-Draining Powder
家秘泻黄散 Family Secret Yellow-Draining Powder
家菊 chrysanthemum [flower]
家禽 domestic fowl
家樱桃 cherry
宫 gong
宫 palace
bl eeding after insertion of intrauterine contraceptive devices
宫外孕二号方 Ectopic Pregnancy Formula No.~II
宫冷 uterine cold
宫冷不孕 uterine cold with infertility
宫寒不孕 uterine cold infertility
容 countenance
容主 GB-03
容主 Generous Host
容后 Behind the Countenance
射 shoot\HALT \VERB
射干 belamcanda [root]
射干麻黄汤 Belamcanda and Ephedra Decoction
射尿_+ polypedatid tree frog
射罔 aconite paste
射精 ejaculation
射精管 ejaculatory duct
屑 flake
屑 scale
峻 drastic\HALT \ADJ
峻 rhubarb
峻下 drastic precipitation
峻下逐水药 drastic [precipitant] water-expelling medicinal
峻补 drastic supplementation
峻补法 drastic supplementation
峨 lofty
峨三七 Emei greater ginseng [root]
峨眉石凤丹 ypsilandra
峨眉豆 lablab [bean]
峨参 anthriscus root
峨嵋半边莲 Chinese angiopteris [root]
峨嵋耳蕨 Emei polystichum
峨嵋连 Hongya coptis [root]
差 recover (from illness)
差 difference
差后劳复 taxation relapse
差经 deviated menstruation
席 mat
席弘赋 Ode of Xi2-Hong2
席汉氏病 Sheehan's disease
库 storeroom
库房 ST-14\w
库房 Storeroom
库页悬钩子 Sakhalin raspberry stem or leaf
库页悬钩子根 Sakhalin raspberry root
库伦_+ Ulanbator astragalus [root]
庭 courtyard
庭 court
弱 weak\HALT \ADJ
弱脉 weak pulse
徐 slow
徐 | surname
徐大椿 Xu2 Da4-Chun1>
徐之才 Xu2 Zhi1-Cai2>
徐忠可 Xu2 Zhong1-Ke3>
徐长卿 paniculate cynanchum [root]
徐春甫 Xu2 Chun1-Fu3>
徐疾补泻 quick and slow supplementation and drainage
徐发 gradual onset
徐灵胎医学全书 Xu2 Ling2-Tai1>'s Complete Medical Book
恣 indulge in
恣食甘肥 indulgence in sweet, fatty foods
恣食厚肥 indulgence in rich fatty foods
耻 shame
耻骨 pubic bone
耻骨肌 pectineal muscle
恐 fear\HALT \NOUN
恐水 fear of water
恐则气下 fear causes qi4 to precipitate
息 breathing\HALT \NOUN
息 respiration\HALT \NOUN
息肉病 polyposis
息吹艾 ibuki moxa
息胞 resting placenta
息高 high breathing
息粗 rough breathing
息贲 rushing respiration
息贲汤 Rushing Respiration Decoction
息微 faint breathing
息道 respiratory tract
息积 breath accumulation
悖 stupor
悖 clash\HALT \VERB
扇 fan\HALT \NOUN
扇 fan\HALT \VERB
扇子七 Japanese lady's slipper
扇子薯 dioscorea [root]
扇蕨 neocheiropteris
拳 fist
拳毛 ingrown eyelash
拳毛倒插 ingrown eyelash
拳毛倒睫 ingrown eyelash
拳尖 Fist Tip
拳参 bistort [root]
拿 grasp
拿法 grasping
挟 clasp (under the arm)
挟 confine
挟 pinch
挟 complicated by
挟 with
挟火 with fire
挟血虚 with blood vacuity
挟持进针法 two-finger press needle insertion
挟寒 with cold
挟剑豆 sword bean
挟热 with heat
挟湿 with dampness
挟燥 with dryness
挟脐急痛 acute pain either side of the umbilicus
振 shake
振 quiver
振 rouse
振法 thumping
振胞瘀痛 eyelid tremor with stasis pain
振振 quivery\HALT \ADJ
振栗 shivering
振寒 quivering with cold
振奋阳气 vitalize yang2 qi4
振奋阳气 vitalize yang2 qi4
捆 tie in a bundle
捆仙丝 biondia
捏 pinch
捏皮术 skin-pinching technique
捏脊 spine pinching
捏积 spine pinching
捉 grasp
捉不得 inability to grasp objects
挺 upright
挺长 persistent erection
挽 rescue
挽指法 hugging
挽救虚脱 stem vacuity desertion
挫 thump
挫伤 contusion
效 effectivessness
效果 effect
效果 effectiveness
料 material
料豆 wild soybean
料豆衣 black soybean seed-coat
旁 beside
旁谷 Neighboring Valley
旁流 circumfluence
旁强 Side Strong
旁劳宫 Side Palace of Toil
旁廉泉 Side Ridge Spring
时 time
时 season\HALT \NOUN, seasonal \ADJ
时 watch\HALT \NOUN
时 period\HALT \NOUN, periodic \ADJ
时 frequent\HALT \ADJ, frequently \ADV
时 intermittent\HALT \ADJ, intermittently
时方 post-antique formula
时方派 post-antique formula school
时令 season
时令 seasonal disposition
时令病 seasonal disease
时行 seasonal current
时行 seasonal
时行戾气 seasonal perverse qi4
时行疫痢 seasonal epidemic dysentery
时行寒疫 seasonal cold epidemic
时行感冒 seasonal influenza
时行顿呛 seasonal whooping cough
时行嗽 seasonal cough
时行暴嗽 fulminant seasonal cough
时行热毒 seasonal heat toxin
时行热疫 seasonal heat epidemic
时作时休 intermittent
时邪 seasonal evil
时明时昧 sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious
时毒 seasonal toxin
时疫 seasonal epidemic
时疫痢 seasonal epidemic dysentery
时时 frequent
时时 intermittent
时时津液微生 intermittent engendering of liquid and humor
时时发热 frequent heat [effusion] (fever)
时时鸭溏 frequent duck's slop
时时惊醒 frequent awakening from fright
时气 seasonal qi4
时疾 seasonal disease
时病 seasonal disease
时起时落 that comes and goes
时复目痒 constant itchy eye
时发时止 intermittent
时轻时重 of varying intensity
晋 Jin4>
晋 Jin4>
晋 Jin4>, an alternate name for <Shan1xi1>(山西)Province
晋_+ hedysarum
晒 expose to the sun
晒干 sun-dry
书 book
书 writings
书目 bibliographic work
书带蕨 ribbon fern
校 revise
校 school
校正医书局 Medical Literature Correction Office
校注妇人良方 Revised Good Remedies for Women
核 kernel
核 node\HALT \NOUN
核仁 nucleolus
核桃 walnut [kernel]
核桃仁 walnut [kernel]
核桃肉 walnut [kernel]
核桃楸皮 Manchurian wallnut [bark]
核桃楸果 Manchurian wallnut
核骨 node bone
案 case
根 root\HALT \NOUN
根芹菜 celeriac [root]
根结 root and knot
根辣 schizomussaenda root and leaf
根盘 base